December 02, 2022

you guys have been asking for this forever 
and finally i came out with it super simple   easy keto ice cream recipe this is vanilla and 
there's no eggs and it's really easy there's   just a few minimal ingredients just like five 
ingredients in this little cone oh and this cone's   sugar-free too i'll tell you how to get it later 
on in this video today we're making keto ice cream   i've been holding off on doing this recipe for 
a while just because i want to make sure it's   going to be easy that everybody can do it i like 
making ice cream but a lot of times there's a lot   of recipes that involve eggs in it and for one 
some people are allergic to eggs two you have to   make like a custard out of it and it can be hard 
to do like to get that at the right temperature   and involves a thermometer or if you 
cook your eggs too long and they curdle   they all can be done but i just wanted something 
super simple and so that's what this recipe is for   you guys today i am going to be using an ice cream 
maker to turn my ice cream but if you didn't have   that just put it in your ice cream container like 
this pop it in the freezer and let it freeze and   then you're left with delicious ice cream to get 
started on our ice cream or recipe you're gonna   start with two cups of heavy whipping cream 
so we're gonna pour that into our mixing bowl   and then for sweetness i'm gonna be 
using a powdered sugar-free sweetener   you can use erythritol or monk fruit blend 
allulose whatever kind you want to use   and it's one-third cup going in there and then we're going to add in an eighth of a 
teaspoon of salt and you might think that's a   weird ingredient but i always like to add salt 
to my sweet or dessert style recipes because salt   brings it's a natural like sweetness enhancer so 
it's just gonna bring out like a little sweetness   without having to add too much sweetener 
and since we are making vanilla ice cream   we gotta add some vanilla flavor so i'm gonna use 
a teaspoon of vanilla extract along with a little   bit of vanilla paste too now if you actually 
had a vanilla bean you could use that instead   but i don't really want to mess with a vanilla 
bean and cutting them open so i do a teaspoon of   vanilla extract and then a couple teaspoons 
of vanilla paste like one or two will work   depends on like how much of that those little bean   things that you want you know like those little 
specks of brown in a real vanilla ice cream   that that's why you use the paste is to get those 
specks and then our next ingredient is really what   makes this like a softer ice cream because if i 
was just gonna freeze this right now it gets super   super hard in the freezer so the ingredient 
that we're gonna use is alcohol now if you   are alcohol free or you're worried about giving 
this to your kids then i'll have some substitutes   listed down below for you guys that you guys can 
use you could use liquid allulose you could use   um chalk zero syrups that could be used in this 
too it actually gives that similar effect where   it gives a softer texture for your ice cream but 
we're really not going to be adding that much   alcohol in and it doesn't really matter what kind 
you use just kind of want to use a neutral alcohol   a lot of recipes will call for vodka i don't 
really have a lot of alcohol on hand because we're   not much of a booze drinking couple except for if 
it's like a dirty martini or a strawberry daiquiri   i'll have one of those so i didn't have any 
vodka but i do have some white rum and that works   as well so just a like a white neutral alcohol 
will work and you just need two teaspoons of it and that's it that's all of our ingredients 
going into this gorgeous ice cream   and we're just gonna whisk it until everything's 
combined the whole purpose of using a powdered   sweetener i should add is that it makes it 
easy to dissolve and combine so if you did   a more of a granulated one it might be a little 
gritty or grainy but the powdered one is nicely   finely milled if you don't have powdered 
sweetener you can actually make your own by   just putting it in a blender or food processor 
and grinding it that way until it's powdery the next step is to cover this with plastic wrap 
and we're going to refrigerate it for at least   two hours this is totally key because it really 
helps with all those flavors to get them to   meld together plus it actually helps with the 
consistency too so don't skip out on your chilling   step while our ice cream is chilling i wanted to 
take time to thank today's sponsor which is keto   crisp bars i love these bars they're low in carbs 
low in sugar and they are gluten free and they're   so good they have different types of flavors this 
one is an almond butter kind they have a almond   butter and blackberry jelly flavor too that they 
sent me that is really good their website has a   wide range of different flavors to me any sort 
of taste preference if you guys are interested   in the keto crisp bars and want to try them i'll 
have a link down below on where you can get them   once your vanilla ice cream mixture has 
chilled you can remove it from the refrigerator   and it's a good to start turning so i'm going to 
be using an ice cream maker but once again you   could pour this into a container and just put 
it in your freezer if you are really going for   just a simple simple ice cream and don't have 
a turner this is the ice cream maker that i'm   using i'll have it linked down below for you guys 
if you're interested it's just an electric one and   it's super simple you do have to freeze this base 
ahead of time so overnight um even if you make   your ice cream mixture maybe do this the night 
before put it in the fridge overnight freeze your   base so that it's ready to go and then you 
assemble it and once your ice cream maker is   all assembled and ready to go we hit the on button 
and then we just pour our ice cream mixture inside   and let the ice cream maker do its thing and 
i always like to get there's all of these like   leftover flakes of vanilla in there just scrape 
that out because you want that in your ice cream   so this will take around 20-25 minutes to 
turn to get that perfect ice cream texture   okay so my ice cream is done and turn that off 
it has stopped turning around and it looks like   it's hard enough so i'm just gonna sample it 
look how that's like super smooth and creamy   oh man it's like the perfect ice cream 
consistency right now not overly hard it's perfect and it tastes so good it's 
so soft it's like soft serve if you take it out you see that 
look at how beautiful that is now you have an option of serving this just in 
a bowl with your favorite keto toppings like   some sugar-free syrups some nuts chocolate chips 
sugar-free sprinkles i'll have all of my favorite   toppings listed down below in the description box 
for you guys or you can use cones too there's a   company that just came out with some cones 
i'll have them linked down below they're not   gluten free but they are very low in carbs i 
believe it's like two net carbs per cone so if   you are just craving an ice cream cone then this 
recipe is for you and you gotta get those cones   another great topping is these keto crisp bars 
they are the perfect chunk combination to go with   your vanilla ice cream now i'll usually store this 
in a ice cream container you can use a plastic   container glass container whatever you want to use 
in the freezer when you first take it out after   it's been frozen for a while i do recommend just 
zapping it in the microwave just for a few seconds   just to get it nice and soft again just because 
you know ice creams always rock solid hard when   it comes right out and before you know it it will 
be this texture again now it's time to scoop away i always like to do a double scoop 
there we go how beautiful that's so cute the perfect summertime treat to be able to enjoy   some keto ice cream along with the rest of your 
friends and family and not be tempted to cheat

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