Healthy Food Recipes - Flourless Egg White Keto Pasta | 0.7g Carbs | Ketovore Noodles

July 16, 2023

We're making flourless egg white pasta. Let's go! Hi guys, welcome back to my channel. I am really 
excited about this video that I'm presenting to   you today. If you are new here however, we do 
keto recipes and all things around keto food.   I do hope you will take a look around at our other 
recipes and I hope you subscribe and if you do...   thank you so much. So I have a weird accent 
and I know that some people have difficulty   understanding me. If you're one of those 
people please click on the CC button because   we have subtitles available in most languages.

personally think this is a really good recipe and   I want you to have it. This is a long video, as 
there was a lot to pack in and it's because this   is a very unique recipe. I wouldn't skip this part 
because I've got lots and lots of tips prior to   the recipe that I'm going to give you but when you 
have decided what methods you're going to choose,   do go to our description box, we've got timestamps 
so you can skip ahead to whichever chapter you   prefer and one of the things I'm most excited 
about is the nutritional information.

It's   low calorie just 185, 15 grams fat and 14 grams 
protein and the total and net carbs are the same   because there is no fiber and it's just 0.7 grams. 
If you're vegan you would replace the gelatin with   agar agar and if you're allergic to nuts, do note 
this is a nut free recipe. We don't use any flour   at all. The main ingredient is actually powdered 
cheese. When shopping for your powdered cheese   it's important that you check the ingredients 
list and it doesn't have any hidden traces of   flour or anything that's non-keto.

You also want 
to check the carb count and make sure that you can   find the lowest carb count as possible. For this 
recipe I'm using matured pecorino and in the past   I've also used powdered parmesan. Some questions 
you might have is does it extrude through a pasta   machine? I would say no. Here you see me trying it 
and I don't think it works I wouldn't advise it.   I must say I didn't try any oat fiber over it or 
any powdered cheese so you may want to do that and   give it a go, but for me it didn't work just with 
the pasta on its own. I also tried making pasta   shapes aka macaroni with it and the dough is a 
little bit too thin. It does work but I found some   holes in it. If you really want to make macaroni 
with this recipe click on this link now. There   are a whole other five pasta shapes that will work 
with this recipe.

The sauces that you see me make   in this video will be coming up in our next 
set of videos so do stay tuned for that.   at any point during this video you will 
not see me separating out the noodles.   It's because you don't have to. You would separate 
the noodles out just before you cook it and for me   that is such a huge time saver and I was super 
stoked to find that I could get away with that.   With my other pasta recipes some people have asked 
do they have to dehydrate. Here I'm showing you   lasagna noodles before and after dehydration 
you will see the dried lasagna noodles are   much better, they are firmer and they are 
actually dry whereas the non-dehydrated is   still quite flexible and still like dough and 
I'm not sure if you want to work with that or   not but it's your choice.

Well that's all my 
tips and tricks that I have for this recipe   and I hope you get to make it and let me know 
what you think. Let's get into the recipe now. Add 180 grams of powdered cheese to a bowl, 
then one teaspoon of gelatin powder and two   teaspoons of xanthan gum. You may wish to add a 
half a teaspoon of salt at this point depending   on how you plan to use the pasta because you 
can add it in the sauce or boiling water too.   Then I added a quarter teaspoon of turmeric 
and if you think mine turns out too yellow   just go with a pinch or you can leave it out 
altogether. You want to use gloves when you mix   your pasta because the turmeric will stain in 
your hands and try to get rid of all the lumps   and make sure everything is fully combined and one 
color. And the last ingredient to add is two egg   whites at room temperature. Now give it a good 
mix and here you can see I kneaded it as well,   and form your dough into a ball. The dough 
will have lots of cracks in it but because   it's soft all those cracks will disappear 
when you roll it out so don't worry about it.

To the bowl of your machine add 180 grams of 
powdered cheese, one teaspoon of gelatin powder   or agar agar if you're doing vegan, two teaspoons 
of xanthan gum, a pinch to a quarter teaspoon   of turmeric powder. Using a paddle attachment mix 
until you have no lumps, then add two egg whites   then mix again. Your dough won't come 
together as such but you will get big   clumps. However when you squeeze it and form it 
into a dough ball it will come together nicely.   This recipe is enough for four servings but that's 
really only if you want to follow my macros.   You can have a larger portion if you wish. Your dough should weigh about 255 grams 
and next separate out the dough so it's   easy to work with. I shaped it a little and 
then between two sheets of baking paper,   you will see the edges crack as you roll 
and if that bothers you just pinch the crack   so the dough comes together. Once fixed 
keep rolling and you will find this dough   very easy to work with and do try 
to get it as thin as possible.

For fettuccine it's so easy right... 
using a pizza or pasta cutter   cut ribbons through the dough and here 
you see I'm trimming the edges because   I have lots of dough left and will add the 
offcuts to that so there will be no wastage.   And just like that place it on a baking sheet 
with the baking paper and it's ready to dehydrate. For lasagna noodles grab your favorite 
lasagna dish and measure the bottom...   and you make your noodles to match the 
size, so that's what I'm doing here.   You can even just cut out one sheet if 
that's what you prefer and when you're   done lay the lasagna with the baking paper 
on a baking sheet ready for dehydration.

To make spaghetti you will start by making a small 
cut hitting reverse a few times and then making a   line through the dough. I found that the dough 
sticks to the cutter at the edge of the dough   and if you don't go back and forth at the start 
you might end up with a hot mess. And when all   your spaghetti is cut lay it out on a baking 
sheet with the baking paper ready for dehydration.

To make ravioli trim one side, then add your 
filling. My filling is just ricotta with garlic   powder and you want to leave about two inches 
on all sides between each ball of filling.   Add another sheet of pasta on top and 
you will see that I trimmed off one edge   and lined it up with the other straight side of 
the other pasta sheet.

Now I'm just patting the   pasta down to minimize air pockets and my pasta 
can surround my filling if that makes sense.   Trim down the edges and middle, making sure 
you have plenty of pasta around the filling.   Do note you will have lots of trimmings 
when you make ravioli, so it's a good idea   if you're making this shape first. Then you 
can add your offcuts to the other dough ball. Now we're going to seal the edges and 
first you want to grease a fork with   either avocado or olive oil or even cooking 
spray because the dough is sticky when wet   and if you press into it with the fork it's just 
going to stick to the fork. Now just press the   bottom of your fork into the pasta going around 
the filling and because I can't cut a straight   line to save my life I trimmed it again. But 
also my ravioli ended up looking very neat and   tidy. Place on a baking sheet or tray with your 
parchment paper and it's ready for dehydration.

To make orecchiette quite simply cut circles into 
the rolled out dough. Place one circle into your   hand and gently press into the middle with the 
finger, at the same time closing the palm of your   other hand and then you can tidy up the sides if 
you need to. Then place on a baking sheet with the   parchment paper and it's ready for
dehydration.  To store your pasta your best way to do that 
would be in the freezer. I tried it in the   fridge and it only stayed fresh for a few days. 
To defrost your pasta I wouldn't use the microwave   because essentially you have a cheese product. 
Leave it on your bench top overnight or you can   even take it straight from the freezer to the 
fridge if you're going to use it in some hours.

After adding your pasta to a casserole dish 
and adding the cheese on top you will simply   bake at 320 degrees fahrenheit for 15 minutes 
depending on how crispy you like your cheese. Bring some water to a boil, add 
your pasta and let it cook for   1 minute total. Remember your pasta is already 
cooked so essentially you're just heating it up.   The other thing is add a pinch of salt if you 
haven't salted your pasta when you made it.   Alright strain your pasta and do be gentle it 
will be very soft and here is my cooked ravioli.   Tt's soft and has not melted or split apart. You 
would then simply just add it to your pasta sauce. To cook the pasta in sauce you would 
make your sauce first and when you have   one minute left of cooking time, add 
the pasta and then just toss it around.   You will see the pasta get 
soft and then it's ready. Now you guys can see why we took days 
and days and days to make this video...   it was long, and a lot of information.

you get to make this pasta please pretty   please can you send me pictures on facebook 
or instagram, I would really appreciate it.   Thank you so much for watching. Get 
pasta making! Stay safe and be well..

Info: Post images on Social media for $200 per day

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