Healthy Food Recipes - 3 आसान और झटपट लंच रेसिपी | 3 Healthy Indian Lunch Recipes

July 21, 2023

Today, we're going to prepare 3
recipes packed with fresh vegetables which you can prepare for lunch
or dinner whenever you want We'll start with our beautiful and crunchy spinach
cheela, which only takes 10 mins to prepare then we'll prepare some hot tikkis full of vegetables Along with this, we'll also prepare a sweet and
sour date chutney and a tangy green chutney And in the end, we'll prepare a super popular
south Indian dish - our millet upma We prepare these recipes in our home at least once a week So come, let's start with our first recipe, which is our cheela This recipe has 2 parts - the cheela batter and its fillings First we'll prepare our cheelas Can you guess what are they made of? Maybe you'll say - "Gram flour and yoghurt" But to prepare these cheelas, we'll
use moong dal and spinach Take a mixer and add 2.5 cups of spinach, and blend it Now your 2 cups of spinach puree is ready Now add 1 cup split green moong dal to it,
which we had soaked in water for 3 hours 1 tsp rock salt, and a small green chilli And now blend them all together properly You won't need to add more water to it
because spinach is already water-rich Remember one thing - it's very important to get the consistency of the cheela batter right If it's too thick or too thin, then your
cheelas won't turn out properly That's why we should measure all the ingredients.

Do use these measuring cups and spoons Now we'll move onto my favourite part - preparing the crunchy and juicy fillings that fill our cheelas with taste For this, take 4 carrots, which we have thickly grated and lightly steamed. Steaming helps soften the carrots a little Then we'll add 4 tomatoes that we have finely
chopped, 1/2 cup grated coconut kernel For this, take a few coconut pieces and grate it like this Then add 1/2 cup chopped coriander,
and 1 teaspoon rock salt in the end Mix it properly. Now our filling is ready! Now we'll prepare our round-round cheelas Take a cast iron pan. It's a heavy tawa that looks
like this and it needs no oil for cooking Switch on the gas and allow it to heat up properly Once the pan is hot, sprinkle some water on it and wipe it off with a cotton cloth Now take a big spoonful of batter.

Add it to the pan like this and spread it evenly in circular movements so that it cooks evenly from all sides Remember one thing - your first
cheela will definitely stick to the pan, but it will stop sticking by the time you
move onto the second and third cheela Just be a little patient. Cook it on
a medium flame until it turns brown Then remove it and place it on a plate Never use non-stick cookware because non-stick
melts into your food and gives birth to diseases Cast iron pans are the best for preparing cheelas We know what you're thinking - "a cheela made without oil?" Yes! Just try making it once. They're very tasty and crispy You can prepare around 8-10 cheelas from this batter Now we'll add some filling to them It's very important that you fill them
only when you're ready to serve them Otherwise, the water from the
vegetables will make them too soft Now our colourful cheelas packed with carrot-crunch, sourness of tomatoes, sweetness of coconut and the saltiness of coriander, are finally ready Serve these delicious cheelas with green chutney You can also try another variation of these cheelas -
by filling them up with a potato and peas sabzi Even with this filling, they taste amazing If you want, you can also serve coconut
chutney along with green chutney Before we move on, we'd like to quickly remind you of the 4 principles of Satvic food, which we follow in all our recipes And that is LWPW L means living, which means we only
use ingredients that are living, full of life Nothing that comes from a packet, bottle, tin or box W means wholesome, which means we only use
ingredients in the form Mother Nature gave them to us So we use brown rice instead of white rice.

Instead of sugar, we use dates or jaggery. Instead of oil, use coconut kernel And instead of refined flour, we use whole wheat flour Next is P for plant-based, which means all our ingredients come
from plants, not from animals Meat, fish and eggs are out of the question And we use coconut or almond milk instead of milk And finally W for water-rich, which means we
use ingredients that are as water-rich as possible which are full of water because any food that is water-rich
can be digested very easily Even in the Bhagvad Gita, the first identification of Satvic food given by Lord Krishna is that they should be juicy So these are the 4 laws that separate
a Satvic recipe from any other recipe To understand them in more depth, please
watch this video on our channel One diet to cure all diseases Come, let's move onto our next dish -
hot tikkis stuffed with vegetables You can prepare this recipe for lunch or dinner, anytime! To prepare vegetable tikkis, take a mixer
and add 1/2 cup chopped cauliflower If you can't find cauliflowers, you can use potatoes too 1/8 cup fresh carrots, 1/8 cup peas, if peas are not in season, then you can simply skip them, 1 tbsp chopped coriander 1/2 tbsp chopped mint leaves 1.5 teaspoon powdered alsi seeds.

We also call them flax seeds To make this flax powder, you can simply add
some flax seeds to your mixer and blend them We'll need this powder later as well.
So please make some extra powder 1 tsp finely chopped green chilli, 1/2 tsp
cumin, and 1 tsp lemon juice Turn the mixer on and blend them properly. When you get this thick and smooth batter, transfer it into a bowl Now we'll add 2 more things to it 3/4 cup finely grated bottle gourd. Before adding it,
make sure you remove all the water from it by squeezing it like this so that your tikkis turn out crisp when you make them And in the end, add 1/4 tsp rock salt Make sure you add the salt right before you make your tikkis. Otherwise, your batter will release a lot of water Mix it with your hands Now divide this batter into 7 equal halves and make 7 balls Flatten them into the shape of a tikki like this Once they look like a tikki, take the flaxseed powder
that you had blended and prepared earlier and roll the tikki in the powder from all sides properly so that they're fully coated with this powder Usually, tikkis are coated with refined flour or bread crumbs But we found a healthy alternative to it And those are flax seeds Now they're ready to be placed on the pan Take the same cast iron pan and heat the tikkis on it Since we have used flax seeds, you'll see that
these tikkis won't stick to the pan even without oil Press them softly with a spatula and allow them
to cook until they're golden brown in colour like this Then flip them around and cook them the same way Until your tikkis are getting ready,
you can prepare both chutneys To prepare date chutney, take a blender and add 10 dates with their seeds removed, 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp rock salt, 1 small green chilli, and 1/3 cup of water Now mix it all together Now your sweet date chutney is ready! Similarly, to prepare green chutney, take a blender
and add 1 cup coriander leaves, 1/2 cup mint leaves, 1/2 cup raw mangoes, 1 tsp cumin powder,
1 tsp rock salt, and 1 small green chilli Blend it all together.

Now your green chutney is ready too! You can store both chutneys in
your refrigerator for 2-3 days too Come, looks like our hot vegetable tikkis are
ready. Both chutneys are ready too Now comes my favourite part - plating this dish First we'll add tikki and then green
chutney, and then date chutney And finally, some sprouts for some
extra crunch and added nutrition We're adding alfalfa sprouts, but you can
add any sprouts that are available with you And now our oil-free, grain-free, super delicious
and super Satvic vegetable tikkis are ready The sweet and sour flavours of this tikki make it really tasty Come, let's move onto our last recipe - millet upma Many of you have asked us - "Why haven't
we prepared a south Indian dish yet?" For all of you, we bring to you an

But upma with a twist Millet upma First we'll prepare the flavouring for this upma Take a clay pot and add 2 tsp mustard seeds,
1 tsp cumin powder, 2 tsp grated ginger, 2 tbsp raw peanuts, and 2 small finely chopped green chillis Dry roast them for 5-7 mins After 5-7 mins, your whole kitchen
will be filled with their aroma Now add 15-20 curry leaves and
dry roast them for 1 minute as well Then add 2 cups finely chopped green beans to the clay pot, 1 cup finely chopped carrots, and 1 cup peas Cook these recipes with the masalas for 2 mins It will allow all the flavours to blend together well Now add 2 cups of water and
allow it to cook properly for 15 mins Once the vegetables have softened, add 1 cup millet,
which we had soaked in water for 2-3 hours before You can use any millet that you like -
barnyard, proso, or foxtail You can easily find them in any grocery store today Add 1 cup of water and 1/2 tsp
asafoetida powder to the millet Now cover it with a lid and allow it to cook
until the millet has absorbed all the water If you need to, you can add more water as well Switch off the gas and add 2 tsp lemon juice, 2.5 tsp rock salt, and 1/4 cup finely chopped coriander leaves Close the lid and allow all the flavours to
blend together properly for at least 2 mins And now our delicious Satvic millet upma is ready! For toppings, use some roasted peanuts and a bit of coriander leaves.

Serve it with coconut chutney You can use the Satvic Food Book to find the
recipe for this coconut chutney and prepare it Not only is this vegetable-filled upma delicious,
but it keeps your tummy full for a long time too Whenever we cook it at home, from kids
to adults, everyone is left licking their fingers So now our 3 power-packed lunch recipes are ready For all 3 recipes, we've only used ingredients
that come directly from Mother Nature You don't need any oil, sugar,
packaged or bottled ingredient at all When you prepare them, do share their photos
on Instagram.

And don't forget to tag us! so that we can share your photos with many others To find many other recipes like this,
you can order our Satvic Food Book You can find recipes for breakfast, lunch,
dinner, and every special occasion in it To order the Satvic Food Book, click here And to find many more recipe videos
on our channel, click here That's it for now.

We'll see you soon.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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