Healthy Food Recipes - 50 TIPS ON HOW TO START A KETO DIET | Weight Loss, Decreased Inflammation & Health

July 21, 2023

i know keto can seem confusing and complicated 
so i wanted this video to be your secret to   reaching your goals on the keto diet today 
i'm ditching my apron and i'm putting on   my white coat to share with you a mega list of 
the top 50 tips on how to start a keto diet i'm   a wife i'm a mom and i have a doctorate degree 
in pharmacy so with the combination of my years   of experience with the keto diet and my medical 
background i've created the ultimate list of tips   on starting the keto diet and reaching 
your goals so let's get into it first you got to understand what a ketogenic 
diet is before you can eat this way so a keto   diet is a very low carb high fat diet where 
the body starts to use ketones for energy in   the absence of glucose and insulin and ketones are 
just a different energy source compared to glucose   i think it's better energy source especially 
for weight loss and if you're trying to decrease   inflammation and overall health glucose is a 
source of energy but when you consume too much   of it or you just have these carb heavy foods you 
spike up your insulin way too much and way too   often which can cause weight gain and lead to 
health conditions over time on a ketone diet   we're not consuming large amounts of carbs so 
the body doesn't see a lot of glucose therefore   it doesn't get an insulin spike the liver 
starts producing ketones for fuel instead   which is derived from fat and then we go 
into fat burning mode number two eat the   right foods so focus on meats and natural sources 
of fats and oils green leafy vegetables avocados   berries you can have those in moderation high 
fat dairy you could eat that in moderation too   and nuts and seeds also in moderation look for 
sources of high quality protein so like grass-fed   meats and wild-caught seafood and try to get most 
of your foods from whole foods sources instead of   processed foods this is true even when it comes 
to keto this will give you the most nutrition i've   done a video before where i shared with you guys 
the top 10 foods that you should always have in   your refrigerator and i'll have that link listed 
down below or just click up here to watch it it's   a very popular video and it runs down all the 
necessary keto foods to keep in your refrigerator   avoid grains you don't want to have any rice 
pasta wheat corn barley oats any of that starchy   vegetables too like potatoes or sweet potatoes 
and i guess corn is considered a vegetable   and sugars and processed foods and certain oils 
you want to avoid trans fats and vegetable oils   these are refined processed unnatural oils they 
increase inflammation and they undergo oxidation   easily when heated so it can cause free radical 
damage and dna damage try to get your fat from   natural sources like animal fats plant-based 
fats like avocado oil olive oil or coconut oil   you're going to get full faster high fat foods 
are caloric dense there's nine calories and   one gram of fat compared to four calories for 
carbs or protein so it might seem like you're   not eating very much but you actually are because 
you're gonna fill up faster so just eat until you   get full and you're going to be surprised at how 
quickly you get full especially when you're eating   foods from like whole food sources like meats 
and fats and veggies and because of this you're   going to naturally eat less calories so people on 
the keto diet actually eat less calories per day   without even counting calories compared to those 
on a low fat diet that are counting calories   or that are conscious of it just because that fat 
is so satiating so on a high carb diet it's easy   to just eat like a whole bag of candy or a whole 
bag of chips but on a keto diet to eat like that   same amount of calories you would have to eat 
like a ton of just whole food sources like like   if you're eating like steak and broccoli you 
would have to eat a lot of it to meet the same   caloric intake as that as if you were eating like 
an entire bag of chips fat is a limit so some of   you guys might have heard that before but if 
you haven't i'll explain so on the keto diet   if you get your macros calculated around 70 to 
75 percent of your calories are going to be from   fat but remember fat is caloric dense and it's 
very very satiating so if you aren't hungry then   don't push it like don't eat more fat just to meet 
your macro goal because then you're gonna end up   overeating when you probably didn't need that many 
calories to begin with so just listen to your body   because there's no point in eating excess fat if 
you don't need to because remember we want to burn   our body fat for fuel instead of the fat that we 
get from our diet so don't overeat fat and it's   pretty hard to do so because fat is so satiating 
but don't overeat it just to try and get the   exact macro goal eat fat and protein to help keep 
you full longer so just make sure each meal has   protein and fat in it on the keto diet you want 
to eat a moderate amount of protein so you're just   kind of eating enough to replace muscle turnover 
to keep the body going and to help build muscle   if you're working out most experts recommend 
that you consume point eight to e all the way   up to like 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean 
body weight that you have so obviously the higher   amount of protein that you eat that'd be more for 
somebody that's working out all the time keep your   net carbs under 20 grams some can get away with 
some more but ideally less than 20 grams also   only track net carbs i don't think it's necessary 
to track total carbs unless you find that you're   stalling or if you're so insulin resistant that 
really any sort of carbohydrate is increasing your   insulin levels but at this point you should 
really consult a doctor anyway and when it   comes to consuming carbs try to only get them from 
natural food sources so like fruits and vegetables   or whole nuts it's okay to have some carbs from 
other sources like if you're having keto treats   and maybe some processed keto foods but just have 
those in moderation not all carbs are created   equal even when it comes to keto foods some keto 
processed foods might say that they're low in carb   or that they're keto approved but because of their 
high level of refinement it's easy to go overboard   with them on the keto diet do your research watch 
videos read books find out all the information you   can before starting the keto diet this is going 
to help you transition and make it so that you're   not making mistakes or messing up and maybe eating 
something that you shouldn't be eating being well   researched and understanding what the keto diet 
is is also going to help you avoid the keto flu   so if you haven't heard that before keto flu is 
just where you just you're transitioning between   burning ketones and burning glucose and your 
electrolytes can tend to get low too so you're   fatigued and you have headaches you might be dizzy 
you might be moody so there's ways that you can   avoid that and that's by keeping your hydration 
up and supplementing with electrolytes most of the   keto flu is caused by a lack of insulin signals 
to the kidney since we're not consuming glucose   anymore and normally those signals tell the 
kidneys to hold onto salt or reabsorb salt but   when you're on the keto diet it actually flushes 
out so that's why you have to make sure that   you're getting adequate amounts of all of your 
electrolytes like sodium potassium and magnesium   take supplements i think on any diet you 
should really be taking supplements just   to make sure that you're getting the 
proper vitamins and mineral replacement   especially if you're not eating organic or 
consuming grass-fed or wild-caught meats   as a pharmacist i like recommending the right kind 
of high quality supplements to meet individual   needs i discovered a supplement company around a 
month ago that does all that for you that company   is called care of and they kindly sponsored this 
video carob's products are formulated with good   for you clean ingredients that are backed by 
science when you visit their website you take   an online quiz that asks you questions about your 
diet lifestyle health concerns to help you address   your specific wellness goals carob will give 
you a custom recommended a supplement regimen   based on your specific needs and ship it to you 
once a month whether you're looking for more   energy immune system support help with adapting to 
stress in a helpful way maybe better digestion or   muscle recovery care of will design vitamins and 
supplements to help you suit whatever your body   needs for my order i told carob that i needed more 
energy and i needed help with relieving stress   because i'm a mom and i work full time so care of 
recommended a b complex to help support energy and   rhodiola to help with energy and stress support 
they also recommended a d vitamin supplement based   off of where i lived in the world because i don't 
have enough sun exposure hence i'm not getting   enough vitamin d made and don't worry about all of 
this plastic the personalized daily packs are made   with an eco-friendly film that you can find out 
how to properly compost it at take care of dot com   slash p slash eco i also got five packs of extra 
batteries which is a sugar-free on-the-go energy   supplement that contains b12 and caffeine carob 
takes the guessing game out of figuring out what   supplements to take and it's a great way to 
start off your day and the new year by getting   on a healthy supplement regimen take the quiz 
using the link down below to see what vitamins   and supplements care of recommends for you and 
get 50 off your first order with my promo code   keto50.

Watch for hidden carbs and food some foods 
can contain around one or two extra grams of sugar   in them it might be okay if you're just consuming 
a little bit but it's easy to go overboard with it   and plus you never know it could be triggering 
a sugar craving especially with somebody just   starting out or if you're severely insulin 
resistant don't go overboard on sauces either   so like ketchup barbecue sauce soy sauce some 
salad dressings they all tend to have like one   or two grams of carbs of sugar per serving so once 
again it's easy to go overboard on it and we'll   use a little bit too much look for ones that are 
low sugar varieties i have some of my favorites   i'll have them listed down below for you guys 
limit the keto desserts because they might lead   to more cravings and they just are unnecessary 
calories it's okay to have them every once in   a while especially if you're starting out or 
if there's certain social social situations   where you're missing a keto treat then have it 
then but just don't have them all the time also if   you're gonna have a keto dessert try and just find 
single serve keto desserts or keto dessert recipes   i have some of them i've made some of them before 
on my channel i'll have them listed down below   for you guys these are great because you're not 
gonna have a bunch of keto desserts lying around   track your macros this will help keep your carbs 
under your 20 gram limit per day and will also   make sure that you're meeting your protein goal 
you're gonna be less hungry throughout the day   so that's okay so if you skip breakfast don't 
worry about it because you're actually using your   body fat for fuel limit your snacking you really 
only want to have around two to three meals a day   because if you're snacking throughout the day even 
if you're just having keto or very low carb fuels   you're still producing a little tiny bit of an 
insulin response any time insulin is released   you're halting your fat burning production commit 
to the keto diet for at least three to four weeks   it takes this long for your body to switch from 
burning glucose for fuel to burning ketones   you need to give your body time to adjust so that 
you're not having all of those moods and cravings   once you get through that hurdle things 
will be a lot smoother and easier for you   find an accountability partner so there's 
tons of facebook groups out there i have one   myself it's called the best keto recipes it's 
a great community on there you can just pop on   there and tell people that you're looking for an 
accountability partner and somebody will help you   and you guys can work together just to meet your 
goals it's also good if your spouse eats keto too   because that'll make it a lot easier too so you 
won't have temptations speaking of temptations   get rid of them all of your favorite foods that 
are not keto don't have them in the house at all clean out your cupboards too just remove items 
that are not keto replace them with keto versions   of that like in my cupboards i don't have any 
sugar or flour lying around it's all replaced   with alternative sweeteners like monk fruit or 
erythritol and keto flowers like almond flour   and coconut flour have a bunch of keto recipes 
handy that you love whether that's in cookbook   form or websites i do have a bunch on my website i'll have it linked down below for   you and find recipes that your family loves 
too even if they don't eat keto it's just so   much easier so you don't have to cook two meals 
like a non-keto meal and a keto meal find keto   versions of your favorite foods luckily on this 
channel that's really what i like to do i like to   find keto versions of our favorite foods that we 
used to eat those favorite comfort foods so check   out the rest of my channel to find some of your 
favorites meal prep i've done tons of keto meal   prep videos i'll have one linked up here for you 
but there's others down below that you can check   out they just make your life easier it's great to 
have always have keto meals prepped up especially   when you work full time and you have a family you 
don't want to resort to having like fast food or   falling off your diet batch cooking too is key 
so make up a bunch of stuff so make up a bunch   of chicken thighs or a bunch of ground beef some 
taco meat so that you always have it on hand so   if moments notice you're starving and you haven't 
prepared anything you know you've got those   chicken thighs in the fridge that you could heat 
up mix it in with some vegetables and you have a   complete meal if you're going out to eat at a 
restaurant scan the menu ahead of time just to   make sure that you can figure out what items that 
you want to have it's safe to stick with like a   bunless burger or steak chicken fish those are 
all good items to have at a restaurant if you're   going out for mexican food you could just have a 
taco salad but then tell them no beans and no rice   and no tostada and if there's absolutely nothing 
to eat at your house well then just order it in   especially this year with a lot of people 
restaurants are closed and people aren't going out   to eat there's a lot of those companies that are 
in full effect delivering food from restaurants to   your door and it's easy so you don't have to get 
contempted which are when you're at the restaurant   you can pick it out and order exactly what you 
want just make sure it's keto friendly and guess   what you don't have to drink fatty coffee just to 
be on the keto diet you don't even have to drink   coffee at all if you don't like it fatty coffees 
if you drink them too much it's just once again   it's just these added calories that you might not 
necessarily need it's a good meal replacement if   you want to have like a bulletproof coffee or 
a fatty coffee and i do have a video on how to   make some of them i'll have it linked up here but 
it's really it's not necessary to get into ketosis   and speaking of things that are not necessary to 
get into ketosis you don't have to have keto pills   or ketone supplement drinks in order to keep your 
ketones up and be in ketosis it's absolutely not   necessary i don't consume them myself the majority 
of people on the keto diet don't so don't feel   like you have to waste your money on that and you 
also can't get away with eating a bunch of carbs   and then drinking one of those ketone supplements 
just so that it reads that you're still in ketosis   it doesn't work that way you're still going to 
spike your insulin because you ate some carbs   testing ketones is recommended but it's not 
necessary i usually recommend it if you're   first starting out or if every once in a while 
you eat something and you're like i just don't   feel right i kind of feel kind of tired then you 
can test them there's multiple ways to test from   the urine the blood and a breathalyzer too they 
all measure different types of ketone bodies the   most reliable one of course is a blood test but if 
you're just starting out and want something cheap   just do a urine test they're called keto sticks 
or ketone test strips in case you're wondering and   they're available at the majority of pharmacies 
try not to cheat because you will be miserable   once you do you'll be physically ill and if you do 
cheat one meal really isn't gonna make you gain up   all your weight back but if you have like seven 
cheat meals in between trying to go back on the   keto diet you will gain back your weight exercise 
a lot of people say that it's not necessary to   lose weight on the keto diet but it doesn't mean 
that you should completely not do it exercise has   so many benefits from cardiovascular endurance 
to just like muscle and and bone health too so   don't forgo exercise i recommend that 
you should be moving every single day   whether that's just walking or doing resistance 
training get sleep especially in the beginning   when you're trying to keto adapt your body 
needs that extra rest in order to switch over   once you're fully keto adapted you probably 
will notice that you don't need as much sleep   as you used to limit alcohol every time you drink 
alcohol your body stops from burning fat for fuel   into processing that alcohol trying to get rid 
of it immediately because it sees it as a toxin   so if you are going to drink it's probably best 
not to drink alcohol along with eating food   because it's going to process that alcohol and 
then store that fat all those calories that you   ate from your food as body fat if you stall look 
at your diet see what you're eating maybe you're   eating too much dairy too much creamer in your 
coffee maybe it's too much chicken too much cheese   really get strict count your carbs see what you're 
eating if anything maybe to go back to counting   total carbs and the final and probably the most 
important tip on how you can start a keto diet is   to change your mindset you need to realize that 
the food that you eat that you're putting into   your body helps determine the health of your body 
and for overall optimum performance so if you want   to put in the best fuel source that is going to be 
eating a high-fat low-carb diet so you're getting   those ketones because with this you're going to 
have optimum energy mental ability and decreased   inflammation as well as disease prevention 
i hope you guys found these tips helpful on   how to get started on a keto diet and how to get 
into ketosis if i left anything out please leave   it down below in the comments don't forget to 
subscribe to my channel and hit the notification   bell so you get notified every time i post a 
new video and a new recipe see you later bye

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