Healthy Food Recipes - I ate this to speed weight loss, AND 😮 ... | 60lbs in 60 days |Kisharose | the starch solution #1-4

December 11, 2022

you're telling me I can eat this every single day and 
lose weight the pound's falling off   how they've been falling off this is crazy my job people's welcome back to my channel and welcome 
to my channel if you already know if you are new   hello my name is Keisha make sure you hit that 
subscribe button if you want to join us on our   weight loss challenge for the month of December 
it's a 60 day challenge absolutely free you'll   get everything you need here on this channel so 
hit that subscribe button follow me on my socials   at Keisha Rose too so you can keep up with me what 
my workouts and all of that stuff you guys Welcome   to our challenge why did I just get foolishly 
happy like that and start jumping around that's   crazy super excited and for all of you who've 
joined in with me on this challenge thank you   so much I appreciate it I got an overwhelming 
response from you guys as far as want to join this   challenge want to lose weight all of us having 
the same goals in mind just to get healthier   to get better moving into the new year I really 
appreciate it you guys and I'm super excited I'm   gonna to give you guys a lot in these videos 
you're going to walk away from this challenge   feeling like a weight loss Pro feeling motivated 
losing your weight and all of that stuff I'm super   duper excited I want to go over a few things with 
you guys really quick but first I need some tea   I'm about to show you guys how I make my morning 
tea while I'm still fast and I intermittent fast   for those of you who don't know I do 20 and four 
sometimes I'll even still do 16 8 depending on how   I'm feeling but let me make my tea and then I'm 
going to get into some things first tea like I   can't even reach the cabinets in my house it's 
crazy so I'm just gonna go with a simple mug   and then let me see my pants is falling 
down then as a lemon these Ginger   um cubes in my refrigerator so a cup lemon ginger yep they're right here it's so simple normally 
I make this on the stove but today I'm going to   do it in the microwave so I have my water and then 
I'm going to cut up this lemon squeeze it put some   of the lemon inside of my cup put ginger one of 
these cubes of Ginger and then that's it I'm gonna   put two actually two of these cubes of Ginger and 
it's just really good it's refreshing Bon Appetit   got my tea is so good oh by now hopefully you 
guys have gotten the starch solution already this   um I'll put it right here so you guys can see it 
I know it's kind of like washed out right now but   this plan that I'm on is based on the starch 
lotion the meals that you guys are going to be   getting um a lot of the information that you 
guys are going to be getting is just for diet   period but um it has a lot to do with the starch 
solution let me tell you guys something I'm going   to make a meal today that's going to last me for 
a couple of days I'm going to give you guys some   ideas in case you want some meals for this week 
literally let me tell you guys something if you   are tired of just rat racing around with your 
diet this is the diet that you want to be on if   you don't want to count calories if you are tired 
of gaining and losing weight you guys have seen   my struggle you have seen what I went through 
you have seen my ups and downs I've been very   um I feel like I've been transparent enough to 
show you guys what I've been through and stuff   like that and to finally find something that I 
can stick to and I'm not gaining any weight and   the weight is just constantly on a decline my 
body feel good I feel confident I feel like I   just found literally just the Holy Grail of just 
how to eat you ever think to yourself how come   an animal could eat all that it wants to in the 
animal kingdom and not gain gain weight weight   in the wild it's because they don't have all of 
the choices that us human beings have we have too   many choices we have lost focus on what we are 
designed to eat throughout the years all of our   ancestors ate how we were supposed to eat how we 
were designed to eat they were thin trim healthy   working doing labor all of that type of stuff 
throughout the years we have lost focus on what we   are designed to eat too many um too many options 
McDonald's here Taco Bell on the corner this   and that the keto diet that high fat diet high 
protein diet all of this stuff just came in and   over complicated a lot of different things right 
so we have gotten away from that and it's caused   us to be big and overweight and just just like I 
said we are designed perfectly as human beings you   think God stopped at designing animals perfectly 
they can eat in the wild as much as they want to   all of the grass and the vegetation whatever they 
want to and not gain weight he didn't stop up at   them he still was going when it came down to us 
you just have to figure out what it is that we   are designed to eat and I got the answer for 
you here let me tell you guys something so if   you haven't seen the vacation Vlog that me and my 
husband we went to um Puerto Vallarta Puerto by   whatever we went there to that place you guys was 
trying to tell me how to pronounce it but I forgot   um Mexico basically and on vacation I was 
thinking to myself like I'm probably gonna   gain a pound or two because I'm used to like the 
rat race of dieting right so I was like I'm gonna   gain like a pound or two maybe even three or 
four I'm gonna have some wine I'm gonna have   the food whatever they got I'm going to just 
have it I'm gonna stick to the starch solution   style though right High starches and stuff like 
that y'all I ate I ate I ate I ate didn't worry   about nothing had a good time when my husband came 
back and guessed what happened to me I lost weight   literally if you stick to this you will keep 
losing weight it's no it's no doubt about it so   um I really recommend you guys just adopting 
this if you have not already this is something   that will change your life when it comes down to 
losing your weight when it comes down to losing   body fat burning belly fat all of that stuff 
this is your this is your um answer to all of   your burning questions all of your diet questions 
we are designed perfectly as human beings I know   how it changed my life my husband is even 
going on it starting in the new year so if   you are tired of all of that all of that weight 
gain and stuff like that y'all this is it and   I'm going to be giving y'all so much information 
in these videos but we are going to make a meal   today about to make one of these fat burning 
recipes I'm super excited to try this recipe   and it's off of I was telling you guys earlier the 
McDougall app and I'll show you guys right here on   the screen let me start screen recording it's so 
funny because earlier I'll put it up right here   um the screen recording but earlier well last 
night I'm sorry me and my husband was talking   and I was like I feel like I'm carrying them on 
my back I feel so much pressure and not in a bad   way it's just so funny because all the time when I 
make my videos I'm like welcome back to my channel   the place where you can find all type of weight 
loss on the weight loss go here on YouTube yada   yada yada yassing myself up there in the minute 
that we started challenging y'all like Keisha we   cannot wait to see what you got you are going to 
help us yes you're the goat I'm like I'm scared no   you could gas yourself up but then when people 
hold you kind of like accountable for what you   set the tone for it's like no I'm scared now 
but anyway um it's so funny good pressure is   always good I'll definitely put that on me and I 
appreciate that but anyway the app is right here   um for you guys to see and it has all type of 
meals on here all type of just like weight loss   meals everything on here you see you are going 
to lose weight for sorry you guys my microwave   just went off I'm making my kids some food but 
anyway um you guys see here the max first of   all they have courses that you guys can take here 
I'm scrolling up showing you guys everything the   courses do cost money they have like testimonials 
here for people that lost weight and everything   and then um the courses is not for what you 
get I personally think it's a bang for your   buck I haven't taken any because I'm very good 
at retaining things and just doing it on my own   but if you want someone to hold your hand if you 
suffer from like any health issues they can help   you and literally become your doctor for like 12 
days in the course it depends which course you   choose of course and then they have like health 
tips right here kitchen tips right here for you   guys to see so many different things and then you 
can I don't have a shopping list as you guys can   see right here but you can have a shopping list on 
here so let's get back to the meal so I'm on the   um maximum weight loss plan as I told you 
guys earlier so I'm choosing a meal from   the maximum weight loss menu recipe menu and 
as you guys can see I'm choosing the first   meal that you guys see here the ogobi and it's 
just um potato and cauliflower Curry and this   is the recipe right here you have the onion 
um water cumin Ginger turmeric chili powder   cauliflower potatoes soy sauce and fresh cilantro 
and I'm going to be making me a huge batch that's   going to last me for the next couple of days 
each each um each video you guys are going to   get a recipe that's going to maximize your 
weight loss that's what this is going to   be about every Monday and Wednesday you guys 
are going to get like weight loss motivation   um weight loss tips all type of different things I 
might be answering some questions that's that was   in the comments this is going to be jam-packed 
with stuff workout information all of that and   then on Fridays I'll be waiting and showing 
you guys my weight and stuff like that and how   much weight I drop so that's just suggest of our 
challenge which you're going to be seeing and a   lot of you guys was asking me what workout should 
you do I recommend like a one hour indoor walk per   day or outdoor walk per day you don't have to do 
too much especially if you are on the McDougall   plan your weight is going to fall off without 
you even working out but I recommend you work   out for your heart health that's what I recommend 
you work out for so um choose to do whatever you   want to do I'm trying to turn up my life choose 
to do whatever you want to do but um I recommend   getting some movement in I personally am going 
to be doing my Peloton and it's probably some   walking as well so I'll be letting you guys know 
what I'm doing along the way I'm Gonna Leave You   out at all we are going to be here motivated 
together pushing forward together propelling   forward together so let's get to this weight 
loss um recipe that we have here so I know I have   cauliflower in my refrigerator however I'm about 
to show y'all the cauliflower that the stores has   been selling lately has been so just like sketchy 
and shaky it's crazy I'm going to show you guys super small I think I'm gonna have to use two   yeah I'm gonna use two of them I think I'll let 
you guys know everything here all of my spices   and all of that only thing I'm doing differently 
is I'm putting in some mushroom seasoning if   you guys don't know what this stuff is it's so 
good and the ingredients is so simple it's only   um mushroom powder salt mushroom extract and 
vitamin B this stuff the ingredients is so simple   it gives that Umami flavor I talked about that 
before it's so good so I'm going to add some of   that in and um see how it make it taste I cannot 
wait to try it and let you guys know I'll let you   know whether you should leave it in or take it out 
because I know like I said it's an Indian dish and   I know their dishes you know have a certain taste 
just like any other culture dish have a certain   taste and if you put the wrong thing in there 
it can throw the whole meal off you know what   I mean so I'll let you guys know let me chop up 
everything I have my cauliflower chopped up but   what I did was only used I only use one head of 
cauliflower so let me chop this up and then I will   um show you guys what I do next and I'm using 
water for my um for sauteing everything I'm not   using any oil this way of eating this style of 
eating is no oil so throughout this whole time   I'm going to be showing you guys how to cook 
with no oil with none of that added stuff in   there so you can lose your weight effortlessly 
and peacefully without having to think about what   um you know how much oil to put or this or that 
you don't need that stuff I'm telling you guys and   the weight will just start to fall off you guys 
will see it so let's finish chopping up this stuff   I'm just going to give it a rough chop the whole 
onion I'm going to speed this up for you guys let me tell y'all something if y'all ain't on 
Sparkling Waters y'all need to especially if   you are weaning yourself off of shoulders I'm 
not personally like a soda drinker or anything   like that these are zero calories straight water 
just sparkling and it's so good I love these me   and my husband be tearing them up we have a whole 
bunch of them they're so good get on them I get   these from Costco but I'm I don't know if you 
can find them anywhere else but Costco has these   sorry Mom we might have walked into your videos 
and then I'm just taking this pot and about to   add some water to it I have my stove on right 
now add some water to it and then I'm going to   um I'm gonna um I was talking to Melania my 
daughter for those of you who are new who don't   know but um yeah add some water to it saute this 
down and then add in everything else so I'm doing   it step by step so you guys will know exactly 
how to do this I don't want anybody to be in   the dark when it comes down to cooking their meal 
for the week if this is what you choose to cook   I am really a garlic fan I'm like I love garlic 
and inside deep inside I really want to put some   garlic in here but I don't want to deviate Too 
Much from the recipe and then if it tastes often   people can be like well Keisha that's because 
you added this that's because you added that I   do want to stay authentic to the recipe as much 
as I possibly can I'm going to let these onions   sweat down and then I'll show you guys what I do 
next I don't know who may or may not know how to   like peel a potato but I'm just showing you guys 
really quick cop peel my potatoes so I'm peeling   them and then I'm gonna dice them into square 
pieces that's what the recipe calls for really   you should have a potato peeler honestly don't 
follow my um my rules the way that I do it you   really oh I dropped that piece of potato on the 
floor but you really should have a potato peeler   to be honest with you so that's just how I do it 
and then I dice them up after I wash them off and   clean them and stuff and see how the onions are 
in here getting caramelized is if you made made   it with some oil you guys don't eat that oil throw 
that stuff in the trash but don't throw it in the   trash don't throw your food away don't listen 
to that but just use it only when you need to   which is never I guess that do mean throw it in 
the trash just add a little bit more water to my   pot and then now I'm about to add in the diced 
tomatoes right here I'm adding in the whole can   and then I'm going to add in the spices now 
um I am what was I about to tell you guys   I am adding in the salt I mean the the mushroom 
seasoning last absolutely last because the key to   not getting in just the sodium and get the flavor 
and the sodium because if you cook with the salt   sometimes it'll be is salted but 
it tastes better when you cook with   um with the Sodium at the end you get the 
sodium and you get that flavor well you get   more of the flavor you get the sodium regardless 
so I'm putting in the turmeric let me look at   um and I just I bought mine I'm not I don't I'm 
going by the recipe but then not as well let   me look at something because did it say 
ginger in the recipe let me look on the um McDougal thing ground ginger cumin turmeric 
yes okay so Ginger ground ginger as well   so I'm adding that in and it's gonna be real good 
you know what I think it'll be good with as well   some um some sweet peas I think it'll be real 
good with some sweet peas just because I'm like   this flavor is like familiar to me when it comes 
down to it because it reminds me of like a curry   I think it is a curry oh it is a curry um yeah so 
it'll be good with that I put probably a little   bit too much of that and then what I'm putting 
in mine is some pepper flakes because I want it   to be nice and hot mmm I smell that smell I smell 
real curryish my husband hate the smell of Curry   I don't know why I love it let me know if 
you like the smell of Curry down below so   this is what I'm adding together you guys can see 
I hope y'all can see it real good let me see okay   yeah I think y'all can see it real good and then 
my pot this little pan is not big enough for the   amount of food that I want to make so what I think 
I'm going to do is make me another batch tomorrow um you know so I don't know but I like to what I 
like to do the thing I like to do to keep my meals   simple is I like to eat the same thing I'm like a 
monotonous person I'm very monotonous I like the   same stuff over and over again and I think that's 
the key to a successful weight loss Journey as   well because when you switch it up you're giving 
yourself a whole bunch of options a whole bunch   of different foods to eat a whole bunch of 
different flavors and that could cause you to   either get burnt out or just to start getting 
bright ideas to incorporate other stuff too I   am going to add in like one and a half cup of 
waters into this and then I'll cover it and then   I will let it simmer for a good 15 minutes or so 
probably even 16 minutes and then I'll come back   and show you guys what they look like and mine 
is done it turned out so so perfectly I haven't   tasted it yet but I'm talking about this stuff 
smells so good and how you can tell when it's done   for those of you who are not familiar with cooking 
potatoes and stuff look at this the fork how it   goes straight through that's how you know it's 
done the potatoes are very tender and um not fall   apart because you don't want this to become like 
mashed potatoes or anything like that you want   it to be authentic to the dish but yeah so let me 
now at this point is when I'm going to add in this   mushroom seasoning and then you guys can just do 
it to taste I'm going to do it to taste and then   after that I will be adding in some cilantro to 
mine as well and then we are about to taste test   this and see how it tastes okay so the plate is 
done this is what it looks like it smells so good   and I am going to even though I put the mushroom 
seasoning on there I'm going to Salt the top   with a little bit of sea salt pink Himalayan sea 
salt and Bon Appetit we're about to eat everyone   um let's see how it tastes hold on it's 
hot it's smoking look at that smoking baby [Applause] you're telling me I can eat this every single day and lose 
weight the pound's falling off how they've   been falling off this is crazy eye drops this 
is so good and when I say you guys can eat this   literally every day potatoes and all of that 
stuff do your research potatoes is something   did you know you can live off of potatoes alone 
potatoes and water for the rest of your life   I don't recommend it the studies are out there I 
don't recommend it if you don't want to because   it's too many good plant foods that you 
can just eat but you can literally live   off of this for the rest of your life if you 
wanted to this yeah this is next level this   is so good why haven't I found out about this 
before meal number one a hit y'all gotta try it you've gotta try it this is good I kid you not salt the top of your 
potatoes too put the salt on the   top so you can taste that seasoning next 
level I'm about to do something real crazy   I have been so busy and I need to work out and 
I haven't got all my steps in and I want to hold   myself accountable and show you guys on social 
media so I'm about to do an indoor walk but then   I got so much energy from those potatoes that I'm 
gonna run after through my house that's literally   some tweaker stuff I'm ashy I need some lotion 
but I'm about to do that I'ma let y'all know how   I go y'all always be like Keisha how you be losing 
weight and stuff like that girl I'll be dedicated   when it comes down time to losing weight I'll be 
dedicated but I'm about to um and you guys should   too like if you in the house busy I know a lot of 
us work from home and stuff now be on our computer   sitting down doing all of that stuff me personally 
I was um replying to Thomas I posted a video today   the kickoff to our challenge today and I just was 
busy all day but I was like sedative sedentary how   you say that sedentary yeah whatever just sitting 
and to get up and just move move move when I'm   working stand up and work when I'm doing whatever 
stand up and do it and take steps that is how you   cheat getting your steps in but Meanwhile your 
body is still moving moving moving so I'm about to   do an indoor walk to my own video if you guys have 
not checked it out check it out down below and   then I'm going to do a jog that is so embarrassing 
I'm gonna do a jog um upstairs in my house for my   gym through the hallway back and forth back and 
forth for about a good 10 minutes I don't know   I'll let you guys know how everything go okay 
period 15 000 steps done workout done I walked   did an indoor walk like I said knocked it out and 
then I ran through my house for six minutes like   a crazy person upstairs it was so funny it was 
my husband was like what are you doing I don't   care I'm just trying to build up endurance um my 
my endurance has built up so much since I lost   like almost 30 pounds it's crazy I feel so much 
lighter on my feet I feel so good if you guys   are going through what I'm going through when you 
lose that weight and that extra weight just come   off your body I know I still have my 60 pounds to 
lose but when you lose that way it feels so good   that's why if you are on a weight loss Journey 
don't give up on yourself keep going keep pushing   I don't care how many times you fall continue to 
get up looking up pushing up look at these videos   watch these videos read these comments there's 
so many people who is going through what you're   going through I am just so excited like I said 
earlier that I'm breaking ground that I found   something that worked for me I cannot tell you 
guys how just free I feel when it comes down to   just my way of eating style of eating I don't 
feel like I gotta watch out for nothing watch   out for this I feel like I could just eat freely 
and enjoy my food you guys see me cook that meal   that's food that will burn fat that will help you 
to lose weight you eat like that you are going to   lose weight no matter what you're going to heal 
your body Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Type 1 and a   half diabetes it'll help you come off a majority 
of your medication or a lot of your medication   um fibromyalgia all of these sickness uh it helps 
reverse cancer I'm telling you guys it's so many   different things that eating this way can do for 
your body it's just beyond weight loss and it's   beyond me it's beyond you this is something 
else this is like a diet Miracle literally   I kid you not anyway it's day two December 2nd 
I am about to get my workout in on my Peloton   I don't know I always wear this thing 
on my head because I'll be sweating yeah   well I say sweating like that I'll be sweating 
so crazy um yeah I'm about to hop on a Peloton   and get it right in and meet my 
numbers and do what I need to do   my workout gear for today this thing is 
getting um big in the back can go on us   2010s ride with someday she just posted this 
eight hours ago let's see what it's given [Music] foreign today is Saturday I wanted to go on a let me turn 
on my porch light I wanted to go on a walk but   it's super wet outside so I 
think today what I'm gonna do is   just do an indoor walk I'm not sure I'm right here 
y'all doing some editing for um the video for this   actual video that I'm doing this is day one and 
day two got my candles lit cozy in the house   the family over there relaxing Dallas upstairs 
my oldest just went to work but anyway yeah   we chilling but I'm about to find a workout to 
do I got up and just started randomly walking   because I like to um just get steps in regardless 
so I did that a little bit but I'm gonna see what   workout I'm gonna do indoor walking like I said 
possibly and you guys tonight I'm making the same   exact thing that I made last night I'm not doing 
anything oh yeah I am doing something different   you guys this time I'm putting the peas in here I 
think that'll be really good and then also what I   wanted to tell you guys is the recipe didn't cost 
for tomatoes diced tomatoes roasted tomatoes none   of that stuff I put it in there because I know 
that the authentic recipe the authentic Indian   recipe have that in there that's why I did that 
you can choose to do it you can choose not to do   it it's totally up to you in another another thing 
I wanted to clarify is that when I eat of course   you guys know I do 20 and 4 right but when I eat 
I make this big meal and I consume it in my four   hours whatever I make I don't eat a whole bunch of 
stuff throughout the day whatever I make I consume   that in my four hours I don't make a whole bunch 
of different foods or anything like that what I   make I make a big batch of it and I just eat it 
if I can't finish it because I'm too full because   a lot of times you'll notice with starches you'll 
be super full but if I can't finish it I just save   it maybe eat it the next day give it to my family 
whatever I want to do but I make it as simple as   I possibly can simple is the key to a successful 
long-term weight loss with this you're going to   have a successful long-term weight loss anyway but 
Simplicity is key and monotonous as well is very   much key hey y'all so today has been tough I'm 
putting my pants on my pajama pants on so today   was tough a little bit but listen Saturdays is so 
hard and I know I'm not the only ones I mean only   one oh I say ones like a multiple people but I 
know I'm not the only one that feels like this   when it comes down to somebody wanting to stop 
like eating meat or eating this or eating candy   or drinking or doing whatever it's like Monday 
through Friday you good as soon as Saturday hits   something is just like I need to do something I 
need to do something right stay focused it's just   another day and then most likely once you get 
through that first hump you'll get through the   next couple of humps so it'll it'll just basically 
become easier and easier that's what I'm noticing   when it comes down to weight loss but that's what 
everything that you do honestly I don't work out   on Saturdays Saturdays and Sundays is like my off 
days but I chose to pick a pick Saturdays to work   out one with this challenge so it was like all 
right what am I gonna do what I picked was a walk   and because it was raining my mind automatically 
wanted to think like of an excuse so I had to give   myself up do an indoor walk and it's so funny 
Monday through Friday I have no problems with   doing this all of a sudden Saturday now my 
mind have a problem which lets you guys know   it's all mental your mind is your strongest muscle 
period so once you get it going once you get in a   routine you have no excuse to set for yourself 
anymore so I did it I'm excited about that and   I hope you guys are too so I'm about to relax 
now this is going sweet I'm excited all y'all   been hitting me up DM's comments everything just 
excited about this challenge I'm excited too and   like I said before I'm gonna let y'all know my 
UPS and my Downs highs lows all of that stuff   we are in this together we are going through this 
together you are not alone I'm with you we Lincoln   arms hand in hand this challenge is a 60 day 
challenge is us together all right [Music]

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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