Healthy Food Recipes - Best Carnivore Recipes To MELT FAT

December 19, 2022

five cheap Carnival recipes under five 
dollars can I do this I think I can now this is for one of my club members Linda 
this one is for you let's get the ingredients grocery is done fridges full and it's fifty 
dollars for eight items let's go into making   the first recipe we are making a bacon cheesy 
omelet with a Twist and this is 3.60 per   omelette so let me take you to the ingredients so 
we can get started I have streaky bacon here and   I've just taken one of these rashes and cut it up 
into large bits I do like these larger bits in my   omelette I have four eggs these are free range 
eggs and I've got some goat's cheese and this   is really good Dairy to use this is what's 
going to give it a bit of a Twist and this   has a two proteins so you guys that want to 
lower inflammation on the Carnival diet choose   goat's cheese or even sheep's cheese I've just 
got a large base Skillet here that I'm heating   up on medium heat and we're going to fry up this 
beautiful bacon I actually don't add any extra   butter to this because the fat in the bacon is 
what's going to help it cook and I'm going to   use that to also cook The Omelette so I was just 
cooking the bacon and then I was just cutting up   the goat's cheese it is so delicious I've never 
tried goat's cheese before have you tried goat's   cheese or sheep's cheese it's actually nicer than 
any other cheese that I've tasted so I'm excited   to include it in more Carnival recipes bacon is 
nice and crispy I'm going to take this out pop   in the eggs if you can see there's so much bacon 
grease just left over from cooking the bacon so   I'm going to use that to cook the eggs whisked 
eggs goes in adding in the bacon on one side I'm   so excited this is going to be so yum and then 
I've got some cheese I'm just going to sprinkle   that over the thing about goat's cheese is that 
it's really soft so you almost have to just put   it into little crumbles and I'm just going to put 
that all over now I know some of you are going to   say oh that's not much cheese but especially 
when you're on Carnivore take it really slow   with dairy because you don't want to do too 
much we just want to have it just for Taste   okay I want to give it a bit of a flipperoo this 
is what the Omelette is looking like it looks so   delicious now I'm going to take a bite right from 
the middle so I can taste the goat's cheese this   has got the egg the bacon and there's a bit of 
goat cheese in there this is going to be so good I promise you I'm not lying this is divine 
the thing is about with this recipe don't   add any salt because the goat's cheese 
and the bacon is so salty I'm gonna get   to eating this delicious recipe then get to 
some prep which I'll show you for the next   recipe there are hundreds of cheap Carnival 
recipes at the five minute body club we also   have monthly Carnival challenges this month 
coming up in November we have Coach Raymond   Nason he will teach you the 90 day fat 
loss program we also have Dr Elizabeth   bright and Dr Kevin stock I'll leave a link 
in the description I hope to see you there   the next recipe that we're making is parmesan 
dipped chicken wings now I'm making one pound   of chicken wings and it's four dollars four 
dollars for a pound of chicken wings what I   have here is some chicken wing nibbles now the 
important step with this is to wash all of these   and dry them really well so you can see here 
I've washed them all it just takes away all that   kind of residual chicken juice and it's going 
to make sure that what we add to it which are   these things they're going to coat them really 
really well and get nice and crispy so I'm just   going to let these dry off I'm also going to Pat 
them dry as well pop them in the fridge just for   an hour and then we'll get to the next step okay 
I did say an hour I just waited about 30 minutes   because I'm a bit lazy so what I'm going to do is 
I'm going to get these chicken wings and then I'm   going to coat it in some melted butter and some 
Parmesan so let me show you what we're doing I   have some grated Parmesan cheese right here 
and this is about two ounces and Parmesan is   actually a good cheese to have on a Carnival 
lifestyle because it's a hard cheese so it's   going to be less inflammatory than your other 
type of cheeses also I have half a teaspoon of   Redmond's Real Salt and you can also get 10 off 
I'll leave a link in the description now I also   have melted butter here and this is about two 
ounces or so this is the butter that I'm using   it is all grass-fed Dairy what I'm going to do 
is I'm going to coat these chicken wings in this   deliciousness and then pop it in the oven you want 
to get a tray and line it with some foil and let's   start coating These Wings so grab a wing put it in 
some melted butter and then with your other hand   just put some Parmesan on top this is what it 
looks like I probably went a bit over the top   with the parmesan but I do like my parmesan so I'm 
going to pop this in the oven for about I think   it's about 30 minutes to one hour the temperature 
is 150 degrees Celsius which is about 350   Fahrenheit so I'm going to do that and we're going 
to see how it turns out this is what the wings are   looking like coming out of the oven it was in the 
oven for exactly 45 minutes I shouldn't say Wings   because they are Wing nibbles so let me just give 
them a try now I do want to know do you like it   when I taste food and tell you guys what I think 
because I want you guys to know that it is really   really delicious but let me know should I eat 
it should I not eat it but I want to try anyway   look at the wing look how crispy 
this is going to be delicious these are divine now for the next 
recipe I actually think it's going   to be cheaper than these wings so fingers crossed   this cheap recipe is pork belly wraps and yes 
I beat the last recipe 3.40 per wrap so let me   show you how we actually make Carnival approved 
wraps for the carnival approved wraps I've got   three free range eggs here with some Parmesan 
cheese and a little bit of Redmond's Real Salt   I'm gonna fry this up in butter and can you see 
from yesterday I had this whole stick of butter   and I've eaten probably about a third to a half 
of it I'm actually trying to do the one stick of   butter a day just to see the health benefits of 
increasing my butter for the actual pork belly I   do have these pork belly slices now you can save 
money by just purchasing a Whole pork belly but   this one is quick pork belly slices which I'm 
just going to fry up this is about it's about   three ounces of pork belly slices so let's get 
on to making the wraps in the skillet I'm just   cleaning up the skillet on medium heat I'm 
going to pop in some butter butter is like one   of my most favorite snacks but if you're just 
starting out with a kind of a lifestyle just   slowly increase your butter because that can make 
you feel really nauseous I've just whisked up the   three eggs and the parmesan and the salt now if 
you have a little bit of sensitivities around the   kind of a lifestyle take out the whites because I 
do find a lot of people have a negative response   to eating egg white so you can just include the 
yolks with this one and it's going to be extra   delicious while the egg wraps are just cooking 
away in the background I did want to let you know   that this morning I was starving and I think it's 
because the chicken wings that we made yesterday   for some reason chicken just does not make me 
feel full and I think that a lot of you would   feel the same way what does make me feel full 
is beef butter bacon and eggs just those four   things I Feel So Satisfied so the chicken wings 
they're delicious us but this morning I did snack   on well not snack I had the whole thing I did have 
this Carnival bar and this is really a lifesaver   if you need something quick high fat with clean 
ingredients the bar only has beef Tallow and I   would recommend to get the one with salt because 
it absolutely delicious and you can get 10 off   I'll leave the code in the description so you can 
try the carnivore bar but I know that when you go   look at this you'll probably think geez Rina that 
is so expensive and I would have it from time to   time not every day it's only a treat but to help 
you guys out I am doing a giveaway I'm giving away   two of these carnivore boxes two boxes is valued 
at 270 Australian dollars so to enter all you have   to do is do two things subscribe to the channel 
and comment what you love about carnivore once   you do that I will randomly select two lucky 
subscribers to give away two of these Carnival   boxes the egg wrap is done and you can see that 
the parmesan it just makes it a lot more stiff   so it's going to be like a proper wrap now what 
I'm going to do here is on a skillet I'm going   to get the pork belly slices and fry them up with 
the pork belly slices you want to be super quick   because these are thin and they're going to cook 
really fast look at that look at that crispiness   and just place it in the middle now to this you 
could add sour cream you could also add some extra   butter because I am doing the one stick of day 
of butter just be careful of trying to increase   your fat intake too quickly because that's going 
to make you feel nauseous and I'm going to give   you diarrhea so I've already added butter to 
this and I'm going to add a lot of butter to   my other meal so I think I'm going to keep it as 
it is now the next thing that you want to do is   just to wrap it like that and that is your egg 
wrap let's give it a try so you can see this is   so portable even if you want to make this and 
take it out so I want to try it I want to add   a little bit of butter I just want to add like 
just a bit here and just see what it tastes like so much better I'm gonna have this and then show 
you the next recipe which is cheap but it's also   portable and on the go the next budget recipe 
is cheesy meatballs with a Twist these meatballs   oh my God I keep saying it but they are so good 
they're three dollars three dollars for a seven   ounce portion so let me show you what we're 
gonna do to get started to get started making   these delicious cheesy meatballs I have two 
portions of ground beef these are about three   ounces each it's about seven ounces in total then 
I've also got here an ounce of goat cheese so do   you remember this goat's cheese it's really really 
good if you want to have some Dairy on a Carnival   lifestyle now this is the game changer I did use 
this in my previous Carnival meal plan recipe to   melt fat and there were so many comments around 
what is this little burger patty mold now this   is something that's going to be available on 
the five minute Body website very very soon so   you can purchase it because I haven't found one 
that is as good as this it doesn't stick so when   you actually put the B beef in here it does 
not stick it this one is amazing so I'm going   to come out with this one on my website but let 
me show you what you have to do so first of all   like before you grab one of these meatballs you 
just push it in the middle and then I just push   the burger patty around well it's not a burger 
party we're making meatballs and then push this   down kind of push it like this making sure that 
it is all nicely distributed and then lift it up   okay so can you see this if you just want to make 
that as a burger party you absolutely can look how   perfect that is but look how easy this lifts up 
no sticking perfect sorry I just yelled perfect   burger putty so I'm going to put this here now 
this is just for the meatballs I'm going to do the   other one once we have our two burger patties here 
all we're going to do is grab the cheese and then   put it in the center I wouldn't actually add any 
salt to this the goats cheese is quite salty now   the next step quite simple you just want to fold 
everything in half and then wrap it into a bowl   squeezing just make sure because this is going in 
the airfryer so make sure that there are no holes   because that cheese is going to seep out you know 
you could even coat this with some Parmesan but I   don't want to overdo the cheese because I don't 
want any inflammatory reaction because usually   if I overdo cheese I will get pimples I will get 
bloating I will get terrible side effects usually   sometimes I can't even sleep at night I'll start 
sweating so just bear in mind that the cheese it   is a condiment on the side and you can see how 
much meat we have versus how much cheese we have   it's not that much I've got my meatballs here and 
I'm just gonna pop them in the airfryer I have a   smaller air fryer so they're going to be in there 
for about nine or ten minutes while the meatballs   are cooking in the airfryer usually if I put 
anything in the airfry it's about 10 minutes this   is the time where I'll do my exercise or I will do 
some meditation I did show you in a previous video   it was my Carnival diet meal plan video I showed 
you how I get some exercise or some movement into   my day so now I do want to show you how I can 
get in some meditation so the airfryer is on   it's probably on now for about an nine minutes 
and all I do is I just take some time to sit up   I like to sit up straight just anywhere where 
you have space and I'll just close my eyes and   put the timer on for five minutes and I'll just 
notice my thoughts I will breathe a little bit   deeper I will just have some or run through some 
gratitude and this is really the time where you   have these little moments in your day to actually 
retrain your thoughts to actually slow down and   do some meditation because when initially when I 
started doing this type of meditation I could not   sit for longer than actually I couldn't sit for 
longer than five minutes but I just find that when   I just do the five minutes of deep breathing of 
meditation of just controlling my thoughts it kind   of pushes a reset button on your day it resets the 
moment in time that you're at so if you're feeling   overwhelmed filmed if you're feeling stressed if 
you have lack of sleep just taking the time just   to breathe just doing it even for a minute if 
you can't do five minutes so that's what I do   and that's what I'm gonna do now just five minutes 
of meditation re-centering and then we're going to   get to eating the food my meatballs are out of 
the airfry and I just cut up one in half so that   you can see can you see how like Oozy and gooey 
look at that look at that it's a bit hot it's   so good now this actually was in the airfryer for 
12 minutes because I found that when you have the   cheese inside it takes a little bit longer for the 
beef to cook so I think 12 minutes in the airfry   if you want to make it in the airfry is good so 
let me have a taste test so this is the meat this   is the cheese and listen I'm just gonna add some 
butter on top and give it a go in other words except to say that it's delicious   this next Carnival recipe is one of my favorites 
because it's my dad's favorite now my dad has a   frontal temporal dementia so I try to give him 
high fat Carnival meals because it really really   helps with his symptoms so what we're making 
today is a bacon crusted beef meatloaf and this   one comes in at 3.60 per serve to make this recipe 
we just need very simple ingredients we have two   pounds of 80 20 ground beef here and we have one 
cracked free range egg it's just hiding in there   somewhere I also put in some Redmond's Real Salt 
in the background here I do have some streaky   bacon what I've done is I have just cut it in 
half and that's really going to be used to crust   the outside of the meatloaf now the beauty about 
this meatloaf is that I'm actually not even using   a meatloaf pad because you don't actually need to 
with these recipes I try to make it really really   simple the fewer ingredients I can use the better 
my meat is well combined I didn't over mix it   because then the ground beef is going to get a bit 
tough so then I'm going to grab my cutting board   put it scoot over the mints and then just 
transfer the mints to The Cutting Board and   then all we're going to do here is just start 
creating a meatloaf shape it doesn't have to   be perfect this is home cooking okay it's 
delicious carnivore home cooking but look   we don't even need a meatloaf pan can you 
see I just did that with my hands and that   has just come out absolutely perfectly have a 
look at that just with my hands perfect then   I'm going to transfer this to a tray that I have 
just lined with foil now what we want to do is   to grab our bacon and then just cover it nicely 
over the meatloaf just an update with the bacon   I've just cut it again lengthways I think this 
is going to be a nice size to actually wrap the   beef meatloaf grab one piece of bacon and then 
wrap it over the beef and then tuck it in under like so and I also overlap the bacon just to make 
sure that I get that nice crust now you can see   here there's a little bit left over I'm going 
to cover that by just gently putting it over   here and then tucking it in underneath pop this 
into a preheated oven this is preheated at about   150 degrees Celsius 350 degrees Fahrenheit 
while the meatloaf is just cooking away in   the oven I wanted to share with you a complete 
cheap carnivore grocery list I made this list   with Coach Christina we had a one-hour meeting 
sitting down going through everything that is   delicious and cheap now coach Christina she's one 
of the coaches on my monthly carnivore challenges   and you can meet her live I'll leave a link 
in the description because she's running a   meeting discussing every single thing from this 
list but just to give you a bit of a highlight   the first tip is to choose fattier cheap cuts 
of meat because not all fatty meat is cheap   so what you want to do is choose chuck steak 
or roast so Christina said that was very very   cheap also pork belly pork belly is amazing I 
recently introduced that into my carnivore diet   amazing and also try to use pork shoulder as well 
that's some cheap fatty cuts of meat that's going   to help you now I would say the number one tip 
that we discussed in this meeting was to buy the   whole chicken or to buy the whole turkey whatever 
meat you're buying buy the whole thing so for   example when it comes to chicken instead of just 
buying drumstick thighs breasts and wings don't   buy the individual pieces buy the whole thing 
together because that's going to help you save   more money also you can make it more versatile you 
can cook it and it's going to last you and your   family for days and you can put it into different 
types of meals also make sure that you buy the   chicken especially if it's poultry buy it with the 
skin because you need that fat now honestly this   list if I'm just showing you how to do carnival 
on a budget we did a full-on comprehensive list to   save you some good money so this list Christina is 
going to go through the entire thing on our live   meeting happening next week so I'm going to leave 
a link right here so you guys can join because   you can seriously save a lot of money by following 
these tips because not everybody is going to tell   you how to save money on Carnivore especially 
with the meat prices increasing everything is   getting more expensive anything that we can do to 
save money anything that we can do to help you we   will so this is the ultimate Carnival food list 
that you need the meatloaf was in the oven for   exactly 60 minutes so it does take quite a while 
to cook because I wanted to make sure that the   bacon is nice and crispy and you can see the ends 
there they're nicely folded in so when you cut it   up it's going to be absolutely delicious my dad 
is going to love this I cannot wait for them to   try it again so that turned out absolutely 
amazing now I'm not going to actually try   because I am taking this to my dad's house and 
you can add different things to the meatloaf   so definitely pork rides but my dad for some 
reason he has a sensitivity to Pork grind so I   don't really add it in but if I was just making 
this for myself I would be adding in some pork   rinds you can also add in different things like 
sausages you can mix up the meat so you can try   beef with lamb you can try to add in some turkey 
so there's so many different variations that you   can use to make it a little bit more tasty there 
is also Kelly Hogan's Tangy barbecue sauce so   if you want some sauce over the top again for 
my dad I just want to keep it very very plain   and simple but if you wanted to add some sauce on 
top that's also a carnival approved option now do   not go anywhere because next week I'm coming out 
with a high fat carnivore meal plan so this meal   plan is really increasing the fat and what I've 
found with working with hundreds of women starting   Carnival and staying on Carnival and getting 
amazing results it's the high fat that gets them   the results but initially there's going to be 
an adaptation process so you don't want to just   increase the fat straight away so with that meal 
plan I'm going to show you exactly what you need   to be eating how much fat and how to incorporate 
it into your meals so that you're not feeling sick   you're not feeling nauseous you're not getting 
diarrhea so that's going to come up next week   so if you want to see that meal plan make sure 
that you subscribe but I hope that you enjoyed   all of these recipes you can see that carnivore 
can be extremely affordable and I want to hear   about your recipes what's your favorite cheap 
recipes you know under five dollars if you can   make it under five dollars but I hope you enjoy 
the video and I'm gonna see you really soon bye

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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