Healthy Food Recipes - 2 Lunch Recipe|High Protein Diet|Raita|Makhana Bowl|How To Lose Weight Fast In Hindi|Dr.Shikha Singh

September 27, 2023

We do fasting and we had Makhana a lots of time But do you know that Makhana are very nutrition dense and also give you amazing health benefits Welcome back to my channel guys, I'm Dr Shikha and today I've bought for you 2 tasty amazing makhane recipe So firstly we'll move to my kitchen and see how I make 2 tasty amazing Makhane recipe Here I've kept a pan on gas and kept it on sim to medium flame In this I'll add 1 tablespoon Desi ghee and will roast some makhane in it Flame will be sim to medium and will mix it with the help of ladle So that it don't get burn and get properly roast Now we'll see that whether makhane are properly roasted or not We've to test one makhane We'll press it with both our hands if it broke properly So it mean it got roast properly Now we've taken 1/2 cup roasted Makhane, will transfer to a bowl 1 cup low fat homemade curd is also adding in it Adding little salt in it Little cumin seed powder Mix everything properly so that all spices and curd coat makhane properly Now will leave Makhane to be soaked in curd 10-15 minutes After 15-20 minutes Makhane are properly soaked in Curd Now in this we'll add finely chopped tomatoes around spoon Now I'm adding finely chopped onions around 2 spoons If you don't eat onions you can skip it Here I'm adding cucumber I've chopped it also Around 2 spoons Now will mix everything very well So that Makhane and curd get properly mix with all the veggies Makhane are rich in protein and fiber and good source of Iron and protein and curd it also good source of protein and it is also full of calcium So this dish is very nutritious So here is roasted peanuts which give very crunchy flavor to our recipe It taste very tasty in it, I'm adding around 2 spoons and this is also protein rich Here I've kept a pan on sim to medium flame In this I'm adding 1 spoon desi ghee and will roast some makhane in this Flame will be sim to medium and will mix it well with the help of ladle So that it don't get burn and get properly roasted Will check whether makhane are properly roasted or not We've to test one makhane Will press it but keeping in between both the hands and see if it breaks properly it means it got properly roasted I've taken 1/2 cup roasted Makhane will transfer in a bowl and now I'm taking 1 cup low fat homemade curd Will add this in curd Will mix makhane and properly and will let it soak for around 15 minutes Will keep it aside for 15 minutes and let it soak So 15 minutes are over Makhane are properly soaked in curd Now we've to add fruits in it, here I've kept chopped apple will add this in bowl adding black grapes add this also in bowl Here I've taken green grapes adding this also in bowl Here I've kept chopped banana, will add this also in it You can use any fruits that are available at your home it is not necessary to use this fruits only Now we only have to mic all these things and that's it our whole meal is ready What else can be simple, easy and quick recipe than this it tastes also very tasty and keep you full for longer and if you've sweet craving so it is very useful thing for you So we've mixed this and our makhana raita is ready Now I'm adding some mixed seeds melon, pumpkin, sunflower and chia seeds and flax seeds it is ready to be serve See how yummy it is looking and very quick and simple to make will keep you full for longer and will give you amazing weight loss and combination of curd,makhana and curd is All three are very nutritious and curd that we used is a good pro-biotic prevent you from acidity Makhane are protein, fiber, Calcium and iron rich Fruits that we've used in full of antioxidants and vitamins and seeds that we've used is rich in healthy fat like omega 3 and omega 6 So in all it very nutritious meal, very quick, tasty and amazing for weight loss So these are tasty 2 recipes of Makhane Which get ready very quickly and very tasty also and it is very amazing for weight loss Keep you full for longer and it has many health benefits So firstly let's talk why Makhana are very healthy If we talk about Makhane it has good amount of fiber in it So it is very good for your gut health Keep you full for longer Prevent you from constipation Rich in Protein If we talk about 100 gms Makhana then it has 10gms of protein So it is amazing for patient of Diabetes If you're diabetic then do include Makhane in your diet Rich in calcium so that's why if you problem of Osteoporosis so it is very beneficial for you Specially it is very good for females As it balance hormones very well If you've problem on Arthritis then also it is very good for you as it is anti-inflammatory so any inflammation in your body, reduces is very nicely It has many antioxidants so whatever oxidation stress in our body prevent us from it Help us to fight with free radical and it is anti-aging so if you want your skin young, beautiful and glowing always Then must include this in your diet So these 2 dishes that I've prepared for you They are very healthy and amazing for weight loss You should try this you'll really like its taste and you'll get all health benefit of Makhane and curd So guys if you liked today's video found it helpful and beneficial then do like this Share it with your friends and family For them also it will be very beneficial if you haven't subscribe my channel yet Then do is fast as there are many people who are taking health benefit from my videos doing weight loss and even tell us in comment box also that how good weight they're losing and many health benefits they are getting So you also be part of our family and subscribe my channel if you're on instagram Then do follow me there also Will meet you in my next video still then stay tuned to my channel guys bye for now

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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