Healthy Food Recipes - Fasting Mimicking Diet DIY | Full Menu & Demo | Part 2

July 19, 2023

Welcome back! Welcome to your fasting guide 
part two. In this video I'm going to take you   through a fasting mimicking diet DIY style. I'm 
going to include a menu for every single day of   the five days with the total calorie count, the 
measurements for every single ingredient in grams,   and show you exactly how I measure out one meal. 
If you know how to do one meal it's just rinse   and repeat for the rest of the meals. ProLon 
specifically states that the fasting mimicking   diet cannot be recreated at home. This in 
particular is not of course technically   the fasting mimicking diet that belongs to ProLon 
this is the DIY version of what we call a "5 day   reset" that is heavily inspired by the fasting 
mimicking diet by Dr Valter Longo. I'm going to   show you all of the tools that you need. First 
of all you're going to need your food. You are   absolutely going to need a weight scale, so any 
weight scale will do. I will link everything in   the description for you including a link where 
you can go and get the entire menu that we have   devised along with every single day's breakfast, 
lunch, and dinner, and snack.

So we've got our   weight scale - this is going to be our trusty 
friend for all of the five days. You are going to   want to keep this guy on your countertop and just 
have it handy because this is like your sidekick.   I also like to have a fresh clean plate because 
I don't want to get this guy dirty. You can put a   piece of plastic on it to keep it clean or a paper 
towel but I'm just going to keep it super simple   and just do a clean plate.

I also have a regular 
plate. I like to do my best to serve myself nicely   and to treat myself in a queen-like manner so this 
is as enjoyable as possible. In terms of other   equipment besides food this is absolutely not 
necessary but as we go into a fasting state over   the first and second days - because Longo says 
it takes about 24 to 48 hours - what we're going   to do is instead of our bodies burning glucose 
for energy we are going to be burning fat for   energy or ketones. So this is a keto reader 
meter something or other; again I will link it   in the description. So you have all these little 
contraptions. This is the thing that measures it.   You prick yourself with this guy so you've got 
to have clean needles.

You've got to have these   test strips. I have an entire box of test strips 
and this one has a number of glucose ones as well   as keto ones. So there are all these test strips 
that you will input into this little machine. if   you want an actual like real demo of doing that 
let me know in the comments and I will do that   for you. If you want me to show you exactly how 
to prepare every single meal as opposed to just   the first one - which I'm going to show you today 
- please let me know in the comments and I'm happy   to do that.

There's something interesting from 
a psychological perspective when we watch others   do something it's almost as if our brain can't 
decide whether that was actually us doing it or   us watching somebody else do it. What I want you 
to feel and think is that you're doing this. The   fact that you've seen it done now you know that 
you can do it on your own. It's super simple; this   is not the hard part. Lastly we're going to need 
our vegetables, right? All of our plants. All of   the things that we're going to eat - those precious 
1090 calories and even more precious 725 calories.   When you download our menu for the 5 day reset 
you will see breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner,   and all of those ingredients are listed in order 
of either alphabetically but more so in the order   that I like to measure things out. Getting into 
ketosis - that's why I like to use this thing to   measure whether or not I'm actually in ketosis 
only because I want to see exactly what's going   on.

It really is not an exact measurement using 
just one of these contraptions but I like to   see in general, am I in ketosis? I want to know 
for sure so at least that is something that is   going to show me. According to Google blood ketone 
levels of about 0.5 to 3 milligrams per deciliter   is a good indication that oh yeah we got ketones 
in our bloodstream and we are now burning fat for   energy. Specifically a breakdown of excess fat 
stores. So the reason why many of you are probably   going to do this is because you want to drop some 
weight, you want to slim down. If you're focused   on your overall health, great. I just gotta say 
you're a badass for doing this.

Good for you and   really just congratulations because you are going 
to go through a little mini metamorphosis during   this five days. There's just so much to be said 
about that and so much to celebrate about that. First you turn this thing on and you want 
to make sure that you're in grams. See you   can change to milliliters, fluid ounces, 
ounces, we want it set to grams.

Now it's   going to weigh this plate. We're going 
to reset it by simply pressing that. Yay, all right. The first thing I'm going to do 
is do my walnuts and it's 6 grams of walnuts. That's typically   literally two and a half pieces. You'll get 
to know the weights of this stuff really well! You can be really exact   which is exactly what I did in many 
rounds. Okay that's better, 6.1 I'm happy. Next is carrots. So let's do 50 grams. 
Just make sure you reset every time. 50 grams - I gotta shave five grams off. 
49.1, 51.1, 50.2 - I'm happy with that. So cucumber is 80 grams. Alright, 80 and a half.   If you want to get real exact you can absolutely 
go ahead and do that.

That's close enough for me. The more I feel like I have to eat, the more 
abundant it seems so I'm gonna go with that.   Lastly we do our   avocado. I've washed the outside. Typically 
80 grams is about half of an avocado I find. Look how gorgeous that is. This 
one is nice and ripe. Just want   to make sure that the underside is nice and fresh.   Oh that's a fresh one. so 104 grams - we only 
want 80 so let's start taking a bit off at a time. Yes this is what it takes to do the 
FMD (diy) at home with real food.   Okay so 79.8 - pretty good now we're going to 
put this aside. Let's just bring our plate back. What I really enjoy doing is just 
salting my avocado for sure, my cucumber.   I like pepper - lots of pepper. And there is our 
final dish for breakfast.

I've also included a   little bit of onion sprouts or just homemade 
sprouts. These are negligible in terms of   calories but they are so nutrient dense so if by 
chance you do want to include just a little bit,   it could pretty up your salad, it could pretty 
up your dinner soup, I would highly recommend   this. Now that you've seen the breakfast weigh-in 
you will do that for lunch, you will do that for   your snack, you will weigh everything. And 
then of course you will do that for dinner.   Now the lunch is just a salad - after you have 
your salad, you will still be hungry. Maybe you   won't - maybe that's going to be very satiating 
for you and your body is going to be loving all   of those nutrients coursing through its veins and 
you're gonna feel good. But my high recommendation   is once you have your lunch - salad - and you 
are still left with ravenous hunger if that is   the case (especially if this is your first round) 
then please do not dive into eating your snack.   Really do your absolute best to hold off on 
enjoying your snack for as long as possible.   This is going to be a lifesaver because that 
mid-afternoon crash - ohhh.

When you got that   snack to lean on, that snack is going to give you 
life. So much gratitude for calories. When you   are enjoying your snack instead of just inhaling 
it all down, take a piece of a cashew and really   enjoy the flavors. I promise you cashews have 
never tasted so good and blueberries have never   tasted so sweet. Once it's time for dinner you can 
measure everything out, plop it into a little pot,   fill it up with water, put it on the stovetop. 
Once it's boiling then you bring it down to a   simmer and then you just cook it for 10, 15, 20 
minutes - however you want. And then you will   season it with a little bit of salt, with a little 
bit of spices like red chili flakes, or just salt   and pepper. You are allowed to use up to one 
tablespoon of spices every day and one teaspoon   of salt.

I don't exactly measure the spices. The 
DIY version is a little more relaxed however I   urge you and I encourage you to be very specific 
with your weight measurements of all of your food   because you're doing all of this work anyway. 
Just stick with the program and you'll do great!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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