Healthy Food Recipes - CARNIVORE DIET Menu for Lunch! | 7 PACKED LUNCHES FOR WORK

July 14, 2023

are you currently eating a carnivore
diet but struggling it to find foods to pack for lunch in this video I'm gonna
give you seven carnivore diet lunch ideas that are easy to pack easy to
transport while still tasting great hey guys welcome back to my channel if
you're new here my name is Kait I'm a health coach and I post videos on a high
fat nutrient-dense way of eating if you like this video please give it a thumbs
up feel free to share and make sure to subscribe and make sure to follow me on
Instagram Twitter and Facebook where I share a new post every single day before
we get into today's video I just wanted to thank Squarespace for sponsoring this
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run your business if you need a website for personal or business reasons
Squarespace they've got you head over to forward slash health
coach capes to start your free trial today today's question is on a topic
that I get asked a lot about what can I pack for lunch when I'm on a carnivore
diet the simplest and most convenient answer is to just not eat anything fast
throughout the day and wait until you are home to eat but I know I know this
won't work for everyone yes it might work with some people and some
lifestyles but not others and if that doesn't work for you there is absolutely
nothing wrong with that do not feel guilty about the length of your fasting
window I know some people feel very passionately about fasting and I know
that even myself if I plan to do a fast for 24 hours and I break early I feel
guilty about it when I shouldn't I know sometimes either here or on Instagram
I've made comments about foods to eat on the go or carnivore diet snacks and I
get comments about people saying oh should be snacking just fast yeah this
really isn't an option for everyone and that's okay I'm going off on a little
bit of a tangent here I'll get to the food ideas in a second but I just wanted
to bring this up wanted to put it out there I did a video on intermittent
fasting a couple weeks ago but seriously if you can fast for even 16 14 12 hours
a day you are still getting benefits yeah I think that sometimes some people
just get a little bit competitive about it when the goal should be health if
fasting throughout the day doesn't work for you then that's totally fine anyways
that is enough blabbing let's actually get into the video
first off we have egg cups these are great because they can either be eaten
cold or you can reheat them at work if that's an option for you you can prepare
a large batch of them at the start of the week and yeah I just have them for
days and days the base is usually made from egg and cream and then you can add
in bacon sausage or any other type of meat if you include condiments in your
carnivore diet you can top them with some low sugar ketchup or even some pate
and woo they go down a treat I've said this before but eggs are literally my
favorite food honestly why are they so good granted depending on how many of
these egg cups you eat at once this might be a pretty small meal so if you
don't want to have too many of them you can always pair them with some of the
other ideas I talked about today next up we have cold sausages
okay hear me out I really like the taste of cold sausages there are just some
foods cold Pizza anyone have not had that in ages but cold pizza oh that was
my jam especially when you were hungover oh my
god that is so far behind me I'm just having major nostalgia I bet if I was
hungover and ate cold pizza today it wouldn't taste as good as I remember but
anyways I am getting so off topic today anyway back to the sausages left over
cooked sausages that you put in the fridge and just have cold hate me all
you want but I have a fan now the one thing with sausages is you when you're
buying them you just want to make sure that they don't have any fillers a lot
of times they're filled with wheat or rice flour even some nasty oils like
canola oil make sure you're buying ones that are gluten free or paleo those are
usually pretty good you can also make your own at home again if you have the
option to reheat them at work you can do that as well and even pair them with the
egg cups that we just talked about I think that's a pretty good meal next up
we have tinned fish and mayo I know I know both of these things have a very
strong smell so you do need a little bit of confidence when you're eating them in
public but if that doesn't bother you then this is an amazing option tin
sardines salmon anchovies herring mackerel these are all fish that are
really really high in omega-3s so so good for you
and these are usually accessible no matter where you are in the world tuna
is also alright it's just not as good as the ones I previously mentioned and if
you mix this fish in with a bit of mayo salt and pepper so good of course again
as I said with the sausages when you're buying mayo and the tin fish you want to
watch out for vegetable oils get your fish in spring water and
the Mayo make sure there's no vegetable oil no canola oil if you want to know
more about vegetable oil I have a whole video on my channel that you can watch
there are some brands that make Mayo with all of an avocado oil primal
kitchen is one really really high quality good ingredients taste delicious
that is a North American company if you're in Australia undivided food Co is
a similar brand they have a similar product any brands and products I
mentioned today I'm gonna link in the description box down below so make sure
to check those out afterwards if anything interests you the other really
great thing about this option is that it requires zero prep you literally just
grab the tin grab the mayo call add a number four is egg drop soup now this is
one recipe I actually forgot about until recently this isn't especially good
option for winter basically all you need to do is have some bone broth bring it
to a simmer and crack a couple eggs in and just mix them around they cook
pretty much instantly in the hot liquid you can add some already cooked chicken
or beef as well I like to throw in pretty much any meat leftovers that I
have now this is one recipe that I think does need to be eaten hot so whether you
cook it at home put it in the thermos or just reheat it at work either or works
number five is a burrito bowl I have the full recipe for this overall my recipe
Channel so I'll link that above you can check it out but pretty much all it is
is ground beef mixed with bacon and then topped with shredded cheese and sour
cream if you include dairy this recipe will taste better heated but you can eat
it cold as well and if you're not super strict with your carnivore diet and do
include a few plants then some smash Avvo and a little bit of salsa or really
really good with this as well number six is egg salad this one brings back a lot
of nostalgia for me as well because out of kid I
egg salad sandwiches but like with the tin fish that we talked about earlier
egg salad does have a pretty strong smell but if that doesn't bother you
then this is delicious go for it protip also pack some pork
rinds and you can use them to dip into the egg salad which is delicious as well
and finally number seven is a grazing platter your grazing platter it can
include different cheeses cold cuts maybe some beef jerky or biltong pork
rinds hard-boiled eggs you can pretty much just mix and match any of these
foods whatever you have and this is a really good option if you are someone
who needs a little bit of variety and those are seven carnivore diet food
ideas you can use - steak carnivore well at work or out worst-case scenario you
can always go to a fast-food joint and buy a bunless burger buy a couple
bunless burgers McDonald's and Wendy's are actually really I don't want to say
really great McDonald's and Wendy's are actually pretty good options and I'll
tell you why these two places only have three ingredients in their burger
patties beef salt and pepper they also do not cooked up in any oil they just
use the tallow that renders off the beef so I mean in a pinch this is not a bad
option and it's not just McDonald's and Wendy's I know these two for sure only
have three ingredients but there are some other options as well anyways guys
that is all I have for you today thank you so much for watching let me know in
the comments down below if you have any other food ideas for
lunches for at work why was that such a struggle to put that sentence together
and before we wrap up I just wanted to tell you a little bit more of a today's
sponsor Squarespace I use Squarespace for all of my online needs I designed my
website bought my domain manage my email list manage my online store all through
Squarespace their platform is super easy to use you don't need any experience
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and more head to forward slash health coach Kate to start your
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for watching I will see you next time

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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