Healthy Food Recipes - 20 Top Foods to Eat on a Ketogenic Diet

July 19, 2023

what are the best foods to eat 
on a ketogenic diet today we're   going to be talking about the top 
20. just because a food is high   in fat and low in carbohydrates does not 
necessarily mean it's good for Keto [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new 
here my name is Kait I'm a certified health and   nutrition coach I post videos twice a week here 
on YouTube talking all things insulin resistance   weight loss sleep and more so if you're ready to 
take control of your metabolic kelp make sure to   click that subscribe button and you can also find 
me on Tick Tock and Instagram or if you're new   posts every single day now if you're new to the 
keto diet it can feel overwhelming you might feel   like you have to give up a lot of your favorite 
foods but I promise you it's not as difficult and   not as restrictive as it might seem once you get 
over that initial learning curve of figuring out   what foods you can eat it becomes really easy 
to stick to and this is partially because the   foods you eat on keto are so satiating feelings 
of intense hunger are often unheard of and this   is because restricting carbo hydrates in the diet 
changes the way your body Burns energy instead of   using mainly carbohydrates for energy which are a 
quick energy source but our bodies can only store   a limited amount our bodies burn fat for energy 
instead even someone who is very lean has over 100   000 calories worth of energy stored in fat that 
they're carrying around now this metabolic state   where you're burning mainly fat for energy 
is known as ketosis and yes low carb diets   are great for weight loss but the benefits don't 
end there they increase your mental focus they   decrease inflammation and they can also help with 
regulating blood sugar and insulin and these are   benefits that can help a lot of people but with 
that let's get into the top 20 foods you can eat   on a ketogenic diet number 20 chicken thigh now 
we're starting off the list today with chicken   thigh and thighs specifically because when 
you're eating keto you really need to make   sure you're eating enough and not just lean 
protein on its own now if you've watched any   of my other videos I'm sure you will have heard me 
talk about how important protein is how it is the   most important macronutrient most people are under 
consuming protein and this leads to side effects   including muscle loss which is extremely 
concerning especially as we age and a lot   of people who eat keto they tend to fear eating 
too much protein because they think that it will   automatically be turned to glucose if they eat too 
much well this is and isn't the case the body will   only turn excess protein that you consume into 
glucose and cause a blood sugar rise if number   one you are very insulin resistant and number two 
you're not eating that protein with enough fat   someone metabolically healthy can eat lean protein 
and not have any issue with it raising their blood   sugar but someone with type 2 diabetes if they 
eat the exact same thing so a lean source of   protein with not enough fat this can cause 
that person's blood sugar to rise and this   is because the second person's body is not used 
to burning fat for energy it's reliant on carbs   so when it doesn't get them instead of using body 
fat for energy it turns some of the excess protein   to glucose but if you eat enough fat with that 
protein this doesn't happen you won't have the   blood sugar issue anyways all of that is to say 
that eating fatty meat is better than eating lean   meat and when it comes to chicken thigh with 
the skin on is one of the best options number   19 coconut milk coconut milk both tinned and in 
a carton is great for keto the tinned ones will   be thicker and higher in fat you can use these 
in cooking or even add a spoonful to a smoothie   or coffee again fat is important on keto the 
carton version is good if you're looking for   a milk alternative because when it comes to almond 
milk and other nut milks most of these have added   vegetable oil which is extremely inflammatory and 
can lessen the benefits of Keto not to mention a   lot have added sugar which again obviously not 
great for keto but coconut milk has a lot of fat   that occurs naturally so usually it doesn't have 
these added oils and sugars on top of that one of   the main types of fat that's found in coconuts 
known as MCTS can actually boost ketosis it can   boost fat burning and it is fantastic for keto 
number 18 macadamia nuts these are my favorite   nuts to recommend for keto number one they are the 
best tasting in my opinion but number two the type   of fat they contain is a bit better than other 
types of nuts so almonds for example are pretty   high in polyunsaturated fat which itself isn't bad 
but in high quantities it can cause inflammation   which is why some people who use a lot of almond 
flour on keto sometimes don't get the best results   but macadamia nuts are higher in monounsaturated 
fat Which is less inflammatory not saying that   almonds are bad they're not but out of all 
the nuts macadamias are the best option   number 17 cauliflower this one I feel like is 
self-explanatory if you've seen any keto shopping   list or a lot of Keto recipes cauliflower is 
almost always included it's low in carbs and   super versatile you can make cauliflower rice 
mashed cauliflower or of course stir fry it or   roast it number 16 berries a great option for 
keto because they are lower in sugar and carbs   than other types of fruit blueberries raspberries 
strawberries blackberries all are good options for   Keta number 14 Greek yogurt I love Greek yogurt 
because it's high in fat and protein and usually   pretty low in carbohydrates other yogurts tend to 
be lower in protein which doesn't make them bad   but once again fat and protein are very important 
on keto so if you have the option a plain Greek   yogurt is going to be my top recommendation next 
in line would be any plain yogurt but avoid ones   that are flavored because these usually have a ton 
of added sugar number 13 zucchinis another great   low carb vegetable again super versatile low in 
carbs some people like to make noodles out of them   which I honestly really enjoy as a replacement to 
spaghetti I think they taste absolutely great when   they've been sauteed with a little bit of olive 
oil so good number 12 oysters now I wanted to   throw oysters in here because they are super super 
nutritious they do contain a few carbs per oyster   which is a lot higher than most other Seafood 
which has no carbs or next to no carbs but I think   for the extra nutritional value including the 
extremely high amount of zinc in them it's worth   the trade-off number 11 olives now olives are 
actually a fruit which surprises a lot of people   they are great for keto because they are a fatty 
fruit that is also low in carbs and they're a   great addition to almost any meal at any time 
of day you can have them with breakfast lunch   or dinner or you can have them just on their own 
they are so good for keto number 10 olive oil and   continuing that thought olive oil is also great 
for keto now we spoke about monounsaturated fat   earlier when we were talking about macadamia 
nuts and olive oil is mainly comprised of   monounsaturated fat now I will say that it is 
best to be used at room temperature so putting   it on a salad or on cooked meat or if you're 
cooking something at a low temperature such   as eggs if you heat it too much it's going 
to oxidize and consuming oxidized oils is   extremely inflammatory I won't talk too much 
about this today I have a whole video on why   consuming oxidized oils is bad and how to avoid 
them which I'm going to link up above so check   that out if you want to know a little bit more 
number nine grass-fed butter grass-fed butter   is great for keto we spoke about MCTS before when 
we were talking about coconut milk and butter and   dairy products actually contain some MCTS as 
well although not as much as coconut coconut   really is King when it comes to MCTS grass-fed 
butter is great for low temperature cooking or   adding to any vegetables or cooked meat after it's 
been cooked but it does also have another really   great use which comes as a surprise to some 
people it's really good if you put it in your   coffee if you've ever put butter in your coffee 
let me know in the comment section down below   number eight is broccoli this is another low carb 
vegetable that's super versatile if you're looking   for a way to bulk up your meals then broccoli is a 
great option number seven cheese cheese is another   great keto food most types of cheese are very 
low in carbs and higher in protein and fat with   a few exceptions some softer cheeses are a bit 
higher in carbs so those might not be the best   option if you're consuming a lot of them but in 
general cheese is great cheese also contains some   nutrients like calcium vitamin K2 and D3 which 
can be really hard to get from other types of   food calcium especially if you don't eat dairy but 
it is really really important even more so when   we're on low carb ketogenic diets it's important 
to get enough electrolytes because we lose more of   them when we're in ketosis and calcium of course 
is an electrolyte and while we're on this topic   I just really want to highlight the importance of 
electrolytes a lot of the symptoms of the keto flu   are actually caused by an electrolyte imbalance 
so it's a pretty easy fix if you can get more   electrolytes in then most people won't experience 
most of the symptoms of the keto flu I always   recommend supplementing electrolytes especially 
when you're first starting a keto diet sodi is   one brand which I personally use and absolutely 
love their everyday hydration salts are formulated   specifically for low carb diets and they contain 
no sugar or artificial ingredients you can buy   them in the tub or in individual packets trust me 
if you are experiencing low energy and fatigue and   headaches when you're first starting keto or even 
if you've been doing it for a while supplement   electrolytes this could very likely be the problem 
and adding them in it can make such a difference   I will put the link to check out Saudi in the 
description box down below along with the promo   code to save 15 number six is ghee so ghee is 
butter that has had all of the protein removed it   has a lot of the same benefits of butter but also 
a higher smoke point so if you're doing any high   temperature cooking ghee is a great option number 
five mushrooms again these are super versatile   but they're also very high in potassium which like 
calcium is an electrolyte that is important to get   on a keto diet number four avocados so on the note 
of potassium avocados are another really great   source usually bananas get praised for being high 
in potassium but avocados actually have more gram   for gram like olives avocados are a fatty fruit 
they are low in carbs high in fat and great for   keto number three wild caught salmon salmon is a 
type of fish that is higher in fat than a lot of   other fish and it is particularly great because 
it's high in omega-3 which is anti-inflammatory   and again it also has a lot of potassium number 
two red meat Now red meat gets a bad rep but   unfairly so it is super nutritious and so good 
to have on keto consuming it does not increase   your cholesterol it does not increase your risk 
of heart disease the studies that have made this   connection and made this claim are very weak and 
more and more we are seeing mainstream thinking   shifting red meat is actually very very healthy 
and women especially should be eating more of   it because a lot of us are low in iron number 
one is eggs eggs are the top food on my list   they have the perfect ratio of protein and fat 
they are rich in fat soluble vitamins and they are   extremely versatile just an all-around great food 
that could be included in any meal and those are   the 20 best foods you can eat on a ketogenic diet 
let me know in the comment section down below what   your favorite keto food is was it on this list or 
did I miss something let me know down below I love   chatting with you guys in the comment section and 
I'm also going to put the link to check out sodi's   everyday hydration salts in the description box 
down below if you did enjoy this video you might   also enjoy my video on how to get into ketosis 
in 12 hours three simple steps you can check   that out here if you want to catch up on my most 
recent upload you can find that here and if you   want to check out my coaching programs including 
my seven day insulin resistance master class and   also my seven day keto crash course you can find 
those here thanks guys I'll see you next time bye

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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