Healthy Food Recipes - Mediterranean Healthy Diet Meal Recipes To Lose Weight Fast For Beginners / Bestie Health

June 25, 2023

Hey Bestie Health, welcome to the Health Is Matter YouTube channel. In this video we will explain what is the Mediterranean diet? Recipe guide plan for managing a Mediterranean diet and tips on easy steps to managing a Mediterranean diet. Before we move on to the discussion topic, please click on the subscribe button and the bell ring button. Let's get into the topic of discussion.

The Mediterranean style of consumption is very popular thanks to its healthy diet methods. This is driven by findings that regions around the Mediterranean, such as Italy and Greece, have a distribution of cardiovascular disease that tends to be lower. One of the drivers behind this fact is the consumption pattern of the people there, known as the Mediterranean diet. What is the Mediterranean diet? The Mediterranean diet is a diet created based on the consumption of various traditional foods from the Italian and Greek countries known since the 1960s.

This diet prioritizes plant-based foods rich in complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A variety of rich sources of proteins and fats, such as red meat. Fish. White meat (poultry). Eggs are also included in the Mediterranean consumption pattern. It's just that it is consumed less frequently. Here is the Mediterranean diet plan: 1. Daily intake. The daily intake can be given daily at different frequencies. Kinds of food can be offered daily, such as different vegetables and fruits. olive oil. legumes. beans. As well as spices used as seasoning. The daily intake also includes various sources of carbohydrates that are beneficial to the diet. Like the carbohydrates in whole grains. tubers. cereal. legumes. rice. and pasta. 2. Daily consumption in moderation. Moderate consumption is a type of food that can be eaten daily or weekly in small amounts and frequency.

For example, once a day or several days. The types of foods included in this frequency group include various white meat products. egg. Milk. and dairy products such as cheese. And yogurt. 3. Weekly consumption. In weekly consumption, the food groups should be offered and consumed about two to three times per week. Among the various types of fish and different seafood.

4. Monthly consumption. Foods that include monthly consumption are food groups that should be limited, for example, consumed one to three times in one month. One of them is red meat. In addition, various sweet foods that contain sugar or sweeteners are also reduced to only once or twice a month. Or advised to avoid sweet foods. 5. Another important thing you should know about the Mediterranean diet. In addition to adjusting the frequency of the types of food that were mentioned previously. Here are some other things to consider when applying the Mediterranean diet consumption pattern. Reduce sugar consumption from soft drinks and ice cream. And granulated sugar. Reducing the consumption of refined flour from white bread. and pasta made from refined flour. Avoid trans fats from margarine and various processed foods.

Avoid consuming different types of processed meat. Avoid eating processed foods labeled "low-fat" or "diet." Reduce alcohol consumption. Replace it with the consumption of red wine in a maximum dose of 148 ml for women. and 296 ml for men and only consume twice a week. Mediterranean consumption patterns can be used for many natural food sources, with restriction of consumption based on some-time frequency and choice of healthy nutrient sources.

These are the food sources used in the Mediterranean diet. 1. Vegetables. Take broccoli, for example. tomatoes. spinach. cauliflower. carrot. option. and turnip. 2. Fruit. For example, apples. banana. orange. melon. Strawberry. pear fruit grapes. dates. And watermelon. 3. Nuts and seeds. For example, peanuts. almonds. green beans. cashews. Sunflower seeds. and pumpkin seeds. 4. Tubers. potato. or sweet potatoes. and turnip. 5. Whole grains. For example, whole wheat. Brown rice. Whole oats. corn. bread. and pasta. 6. Fish and seafood. Take salmon, for example.

Mackerel fish. tuna fish. Sardines. crab. And shrimp. 7. White meat. For example, chicken meat. duck meat. and pigeon meat. 8. Eggs. For example, chicken eggs. Quail eggs. and duck eggs. 9. Milk and its derivatives. For example, cheese. And yogurt. 10. Spices. For example, red onion. garlic. Mint leaves. cinnamon. Chili pepper. and pepper. 11. Sources of oils and fats. For example, olive oil. and avocado oil. Interested in trying the Mediterranean diet? Here is an example of a Mediterranean diet menu in four days. Menu for the first day of the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet breakfast menu. Milk. and oatmeal. Mediterranean diet lunch menu. Egg sandwich with vegetables. Mediterranean diet dinner menu. Tuna fried in olive oil. Menu for the second day of the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet breakfast menu. Yogurt without sugar. With cut fruits. Mediterranean diet lunch menu. Red bean soup. With brown rice. Mediterranean diet dinner menu. Omelette with vegetables, menu for the third day of the Mediterranean diet. Mediterranean diet breakfast menu. Oatmeal with banana. Mediterranean diet lunch menu. Chicken fillet with soy sauce. with onions. And red rice. Mediterranean diet dinner menu. Vegetable salad with olive oil. Menu for the fourth day of the Mediterranean diet.

Mediterranean diet breakfast menu. Omelette. with vegetables. And tomato juice. Mediterranean diet lunch menu. Roast beef. Baked potatoes mediterranean diet dinner menu. Strawberry Yoghurt with Fruit Slices Make sure to have vegetables and fruits in your daily consumption list. Types of food such as fish. Chicken and eggs. It can be taken in turns, and try not to consume red meat more than once a week. Here are 8 easy steps to implementing the Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet is easy to follow because it does not completely restrict a person from consuming specific food sources. If you want to switch your normal diet to a Mediterranean diet, it should be done gradually and without rushing. Here are 8 easy steps to implementing the Mediterranean diet. Make it a habit to eat fruits and vegetables as part of your daily food ingredients, and slowly add or replace portions of food with vegetables and fruits.

Replace snacks that contain a lot of flour and sugar with fruits. or different types of beans. Start getting used to using herbs or spices while reducing salt and MSG or (vetsin). In addition to being healthy, they can make your dishes richer in flavour. If you want to be healthier, make it a habit to eat whole grains as they contain complex carbohydrates that are better for digestion. Reduce your intake of trans fats and saturated fats from oil by substituting margarine. Or replace it with other oils such as olive oil. If you are used to eating red meat, start replacing it by consuming fish. and consumption of white meat. Reduce the consumption of fats from dairy products. Choose milk cream. or low-fat cheese. When eating at a restaurant, choose fish-based foods and foods that are not fried or fried using olive oil. The Mediterranean diet isn't just about food choice. In addition to regulating the type and frequency of meals, the Mediterranean diet recommends eating together and sharing meals with family or friends.

and regular physical activity. The physical fitness and social aspects also lead to the Mediterranean people enjoying a happier and healthier life. Regular physical activity should be observed and is part of the Mediterranean consumption pattern. Keep in mind that this consumption pattern does not completely limit calorie and fat intake. There is a replacement of frequency of consumption and food sources with healthy sources. In addition to maintaining weight. In addition to regular physical activity, healthy consumption patterns are essential to prevent various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases.

Diabetic. and cancer prevention. If you want more information about health tips, please click on the video playlist at the end of this video. Well, best health, this is the Mediterranean Diet Explained, Recipe Guide Plan for Running a Mediterranean Diet. and tips on easy steps to managing the Mediterranean diet. We hope the information will be useful to you. If you care about health and like the topic of health videos, please click the subscribe button and turn on the bell ringing button, so you can get notified if there is a new video from this channel.

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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