Healthy Food Recipes - What I Eat In A Day (HIGH FAT Carnivore Diet 80/20, BBBE)

March 18, 2023

today I'm sharing what I eat in a day on 
a high fat carnivore diet I'm just using   three ingredients beef eggs and butter today 
I'll be making an egg in a hole for breakfast   then I'll be doing a carnival quiche making 
some brown butter bites and of course having   a fatty latte let's just get into it let's 
see what we have in the fridge it's pretty   empty now my partner does have some low sugar 
yogurt every single day we also have chicken   but unfortunately I don't eat chicken so 
when your fridge is bare there's no meat   or eggs or butter it's time to go grocery 
shopping so I'm very fortunate we have our   grocery store just downstairs in the mall and 
this was really funny my partner was actually   filming me while he was filming me he actually 
bumped into a pole so just check this out oh okay what did you do why are you gonna film me during our grocery 
shop we just did the usual beef butter and   eggs but we got busted for filming I don't 
know what it is we can't film in public okay   so that is about 32 US Dollars that's 
so cheap I got a whole tray of butter   eggs one kilo of ground beef and I've got 
some sparkling water for my little gift   so you can see doing this kind of die it's not 
expensive it's super cheap so let me go buy a   pie crust for the carnival quiche this was my 
very first time making a carnival quiche in a   pie cross mold so we are here just trying to find 
what is the right size for the pie crust mold it   was about 26 centimeters so I'm hoping it's the 
right size just to make sure it's enough for the   10 eggs and the one pound of ground beef so I've 
got my pie crust that I'm going to use to make the   carnival cash I was always making in a baking dish 
but I want to try this for something different   we have everything for what I eat in a day beef 
butter and eggs and as you can see here I've   dropped my receipt for some reason I am very 
clumsy when I am filming I promise you I'm not   that clumsy in real life but let me just show you 
what we bought I have some 80 20 ground beef here   now this is really good because it's a one-to-one 
protein to Fat ratio really good if you want to do   a high fat carnivore diet I then have some eggs 
such a staple you want to make sure that you eat   the yolks if you have an allergy to egg whites you 
can take those away now this is a star all of this   butter when it comes to butter I probably have 
around about half of this this is about 250 grams   of butter or about two sticks so I'll probably 
have half of this every day now in terms of how   much this cost this is about 32 US dollars so this 
is going to last me for a couple of days so you   can see using these staple ingredients on your 
a high fat carnivore diet is super super cheap okay the first thing you want to do is to do a 
fatty latte I've showed this so many times but I   do want to show you how much butter I have because 
especially if you're doing a high fat carnivore   diet I do it by increasing my butter content so I 
do measure it so this is something that you can do   let me just quickly open this up this is 
what I do every day I measure things you   might not want to measure things and you 
might want to eyeball it so I get the mug   put on the scale now if you want to 
eyeball it I would say it's about this much   butter I'm guessing but I'll 
just measure it just to make sure   oh that's about that's about that that's okay 
that's close to an ounce I'm going to have that   in my fatty latte the next thing is my coffee now 
one thing I've done is to not have any takeaway   coffee because coffee is so expensive what I have 
here is Nespresso so I just go for one flavor   that I like today I'm gonna choose the caramel 
creme brulee and then we're going to make the   coffee now this is so easy all you do is turn 
on the coffee machine pop in the mug and then   let your hot water run I do have a pro tip let 
your hot water melt the butter before frothing   it with a Whizzer this is my Pro tip to have 
the most delicious fatty latte every day I was   also having two of these but I cut it back to one 
because I am doing a one coffee a day challenge on   my Instagram but look at that delicious this 
is perfect way to start every single morning oh my God okay so I've got a large pan here and 
I've measured out about three ounces of   ground beef so what I'm going to do now 
is to make them into little beef Donuts   the way that I do this is okay I can either 
roll it like this and then put it into a ring   I think oh crap that doesn't work uh I think 
I might do burger patties and make a hole in   the middle so as you can see it is so much 
easier just to use this little burger patty   device all you do is get three and a half ounces 
or 100 grams of 80 20 ground beef as you can see   I'm just smooshing it down making sure that 
the surface is nice and even and that's going   to create really really good burger patties then 
all I do is grab the lid give it a nice press all   around just to make sure that it's nice and 
uniform pressing it around and look at that   how perfect is that burger patty there is no fuss 
there is no stickiness to the actual burger patty   device and then all I do is pop it on a plate use 
my finger then to mold a beef burger patty donut   now the art is to put it on the pan without 
breaking but I'm going to use an egg flipper   is it called an egg flipper this thing where is it this one is that an egg that's 
an extra fur yes I'm going to use this one   and carefully carefully put it on the pan so with 
your large pan I'm probably going to put it onto   medium high heat let's just wait for that to come   to temperature but I'm going to 
add some butter so we can fry it 'll be about this much pop that in usually I 
would do an egg in a hole with a whole egg but   I do want to try it just with egg yolks because 
I think that's going to be very delicious so   I need to separate my eggs let me just do that 
I would suggest that with the eggs make sure   that they're room temperature that's going to 
make sure it's easier to cook and I think it   separates the egg yolks and the whites better 
get two bowls one for the egg yolks foreign one for the whites what this is a real chicken we could have never had I literally I've 
never seen that in my whole life the is   that like an actual feather of a chicken I 
feel a bit grossed out but like what the hell   I've now separated three egg yolks from the 
whites you can use the whites or you can just   completely discard them now it's time to fry 
up the beef donut so I'm doing that one at a   time just using the egg flipper just to make sure 
that each of the beef Donuts don't break that's   the last thing that you want with this egg in 
a hole the beef donut patties have now been   cooking on one side for about five minutes and 
now it's time to give them a bit of a flip-aroo   just make sure that they don't break when you're 
flipping them and now they're cooking on that one   side for five minutes I'm just gonna flip them 
again and look at that golden brown color it   looks so delicious now it's time to add in the 
egg yolks with the egg yolks I'm really careful   the last thing that you want is to break each 
yolk so I just use my finger just to allow the   egg yolk to slowly come onto the burger patty 
look at that it is perfect no breakage no fuss okay I got all of their three eggs right and none 
of the yolks crack so yay for me so this is the   final egg in a hole so I did make this before with 
a whole egg but I did find that when I cracked the   whole egg that it was just going everywhere so 
as you can see here this one is not perfect but   you can see here these are beautiful and you can 
see it just sits there nicely the egg yolk is not   completely cooked but that's what you want that's 
where you get all of the nutrients when the egg   yolk is not completely cooked so I'm also going 
to have this with some butter on the side and I'm   gonna give it a taste test so I'm just breaking up 
the yolk and look at that it is so delicious and   runny sometimes you can just use an egg yolk and 
some butter to create a Hollandaise sauce it is   so much better than just having plain old meat 
it is so good it's for some variation to your   carnivore diet and it holds so well you can even 
make a Hollandaise sauce ahead of time and have   it on hand now I'm just giving it a taste test 
and it is as I always say it is super delicious now it's always important to get in a little 
bit of movement every single day and that's   exactly what I'm doing right about now let's go 
do a quick workout now we are really fortunate   that we have a gym just downstairs from where 
we live and I like to focus on progress not   Perfection any movement counts so I'd love 
to focus on yoga moves as you can see here I   am doing a cat Cow stretch followed by a child's 
pose position this is really good for stretching   your back and stretching your whole body I also 
love to do other variations of yoga poses like   downward facing dog I like to do Warrior poses 
I like to stretch out my hip flexors this is   really important especially as we age to get 
increased mobility and flexibility sometimes   we just focus on doing weight training workouts 
which is great for strength but also having the   opposing side which is flexibility and Mobility 
for overall health so that was a 15 minute yoga   stretch I'm just going to go do some interval 
training now for my interval training I'll either   use a treadmill or I'll use a cross trainer 
and I simply just do 30 seconds walking and   then 30 seconds running just for five minutes 
it doesn't have to be that intense but it can   give you a good sweat and a good workout to get 
your heart rate increasing so try that every day yeah that's a good thing about a short workout 
it doesn't make you tired it makes you more   energized especially doing yoga interval 
training I don't feel tired at all I used   to feel exhausted when I was doing like hour 
hour and a half workout with this one I don't after my workout is done I just had a quick 
shower I feel nice and fresh I just did some   simple makeup and was brushing my hair just to get 
ready for the day okay let's get some work done   these days I have been super busy creating new 
courses including this one which is the 30-day fat   loss Master Class it's using a carnival diet to 
help you lose stubborn body fat and also gain lean   muscle there are over 60 lessons over four weeks 
we have meal plans every single week featured   recipes all available at 
and you can get 20 off as an early discount and I also work with my partner ARA 
she is a CTO basically on five minute   body he just helps me with all the tech 
stuff because I'm really not good at that okay I'm kind of hungry now I want to go make 
the carnival quiche to make the carnival quiche   it is a really simple recipe I'm also adding 
some parsley because my partner does like some   Greenery in it and some variation I just have 
10 eggs that I just crack in a bowl I'm also   preheating my oven to 180 degrees Celsius or 
350 degrees Fahrenheit also adding in some   good quality salt you know I love my Redmond's 
Real Salt then I'm just going to give it a whisk   and then it's now onto the ground beef 
I'm using 80 20 ground beef and there   is about three quarters of a pound here or 
about 300 grams and I'm just going to cook   I'm also going to add some seasoning 
to the ground beef you don't have to   be worried about seasoning and herbs I'm not 
a perfect carnivore so I add seasoning I add   herbs we're also adding in some parsley as 
well to the quiche so this one just has some   I think it's like cumin paprika turmeric 
red pepper flakes it just gives a lot of   flavor to the ground beef so I'm going to 
add a little bit of that in probably about after cooking the ground beef for a bit I realized 
I should probably add a little bit more seasoning   so I just added a bit more I think the seasoning 
does help for extra flavor and I know if you're   on Carnivore you might be worried about the 
extra seasoning or spices or herbs but just   don't be worried about it because it does 
keep you consistent on a Carnival lifestyle   I just then cooked it for about five to ten 
minutes and now I'm just taking it off the heat the ground beef is done now I'm just going 
to wait for that to cool before I put it in   the egg because I feel like if that's too 
hot and I put it in the egg it's going to   cook the egg so I'm waiting for that but 
we're also going to make some brown butter   bites because let me just show you what 
I have I always keep it in the freezer let me show you these jams oh sorry okay I 
always have these on hand I'm gonna have this   fat bomb after having the carnival cage but 
I need to make more because I'm running them   running out of these I'm going to show you how to 
make that as well after I get the carnival quiche   together so look at that so good I'm so tempted 
to have one now but I'm gonna wait for my meal so after the ground has nicely cooled down 
I'm just adding it to the egg mixture now   you might be wondering if I cooked the ground 
beef in any fat and the answer is no because   the ground beef obviously has a lot of fat in 
it as you can see from the pan so I did feel   the need to add any extra butter or Tallow 
I just gave it a mix and then transferred it   to this pie crust mold and then I'm going to 
pop it into the oven oh before that sorry I   added obviously I added in The Parsley you can 
add as much or as little as you want I really   wanted that nice green color so I just added 
a whole lot in gave it a little bit of a mush   around just to make sure the parsley is nicely 
incorporated into the carnival quiche and then I   noticed there were some bits where there was no 
parsley so I just added in more of the parsley get this one oh my God foreign hey Google put the timer on for 30 minutes yeah let's start the brown butter bites to get started on the brown butter bites I 
have 112 grams of butter or one stick the   butter is unsalted you can use any brand that 
you want so I just pop it in a pan the pan is   on medium-ish heat and you just want to melt it 
all around the pan it might be also easier if you   want to cut it up into little bits and that's 
going to help it just melt a little bit faster   I'm also adding in some cinnamon for some extra 
flavor you can do different things you can add   some bacon you can add some ground beef there's 
so many different ways to make your brown butter   bites extra delicious this has been about a 
few minutes just melting the butter on the   fry pan and you can see those little Bubbles and 
that's how I know that it's starting to kind of   caramelize and get really nice and nutty flavor 
I just added in some cinnamon to the brown butter   bite if you want me to show you an A to Z recipe 
of how to make the brown butter bites just let   me know in the comments it's really simple but 
there are a few little things that you need to   know just to make sure that the butter doesn't 
overcook and then you get a burnt mess see like   when it gets to this like this white stuff on top 
I think that's kind of when it's like nearly done I think I can smell the nuttiness so uh and I 
don't really like to take it all the way see it's   getting like brown see here that means it's nearly 
done yeah I think I want to like take it off now   so right about now I know that the brown butter 
bites are probably done you can see me pointing   at the bottom of the pan because there's some 
brown specks that are forming and they are so   delicious that's what you want in your brown 
butter bites so I'm taking it off the heat   now and transferring it to some little cute 
molds you can choose any shape that you want   I like these little heart shapes once I 
actually freeze them and eat them they   are about a teaspoon so I know how much fat 
I'm eating I am using a little jar just to   transfer it just to make sure there's no 
mess and look at that doesn't look great okay I'm putting it in the fridge 
first to chill and then in the freezer I have no room in the fridge here now that the 
brown butter bites are done and in the fridge   it's time to get back to the carnival quiche now 
that was in the oven for about 30 minutes so I'm   just taking it out very carefully and you can see 
I am surprised how good the carnival quiche looks   it's going to kind of puff up and once you take 
it out it's going to deflate slightly but look   at that doesn't that look like a professional 
quiche it doesn't even look like it's Carnival   based so I really think that you should give 
it a try looks fantastic I was surprised okay this is what my pie crust not pie 
crust this is what the carnival   quiche is looking like and as you can see 
can you see this room on the end I love   that shape so I want to give it a taste 
test and oh by the way I'm also having   the brown butter bites I'm just having three of 
them so I'm gonna give it a taste some people say   in the comments that I always say that my recipes 
are delicious because they are but if you want to   see how they are maybe just give it a try and let 
me know in the comments so let me just try foreign now the other thing to make this even more 
delicious is that you can add some heavy cream   but if your goal is fat loss I don't have any 
dairy I did make this last year with the ground   beef and the eggs and I added heavy cream but I 
ate the whole Carnival quiche in one day because   for me Dairy is very very addictive so I'm gonna 
eat this I'm gonna have my brown butter bites and   I want to thank you for joining me on what I 
eat in a day if you want more videos like this   make sure that you subscribe but just a few tips 
make sure that for each meal add the right amount   of fat that is right for you for me I would add 
about one to two tablespoons per meal right now   I'm having about two meals per day and that is 
what works for me I also have one fatty latte in   the morning so if you need help with your fat loss 
goals if you can't lose weight no matter what you   do on a high fat carnivore diet or a carnivore 
diet I would love to help you with our fat loss   and master class but I hope you enjoyed the what 
I eat in a day and I'll catch you next week bye

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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