Healthy Food Recipes - TOP 0 Calorie Foods For Fast Weight Loss | 20 Low Calorie Foods For Weight loss | Lose Weight Fast

February 26, 2023

Today I’ll tell you 20 Zero-Calorie foods for fast weight loss , Low-Calorie Foods for Weight Loss. Friends, if we see last 1-2 years, all our lives have been changed due to virus. We have started living in an obesogenic environment. These days, whoever we ask has gained weight because everyone is habitual of unhealthy eating habits. Moreover, our eating and drinking timings are also not set at all. And, we aren’t able to do any physical activities at all.

Then, the weight will increase only right! As a dietician, I can give you guarantee that if you consume these 20 zero calorie foods for weight loss in your daily food, soon you’ll get weight loss results. With this, not only your metabolism will get stronger but, it’ll be a detox for your body as all the toxins will flush out from body. Now you guys will say, what are Calorie foods?? Every low calorie foods for weight loss which contains calories, then what are these zero calories? Well, every food contains some calories, but if you digest the calories you are consuming and burn them in the energy form more, Than the calories you've consumed in actual form, then calculate it, it gets negative.

In fact, our calories get burned in digesting that food. So, this means the calories of that food don’t count. That’s why we call it Zero-calorie foods that means very low-calories food for weight loss Today, I’ll tell you about such 20 top foods which you can easily consume & include in your daily diet & get great results soon. Number 20 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for weight loss / low calorie foods for weight fast list is Greek yogurt or regular yogurt. Yogurt, plain curd that we make at our homes. You all know that curd is made of healthy bacteria which, is good for our gut health. That’s why it's also called as Probiotics. When we eat food & have curd with our meals daily is considered very good for our gut health. Because our gut bacteria gets food with it and it also helps in the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. So, you think about it, if your body, digestive system, and gut health will work perfectly, So, you’ll get all the nutrients from the food you are having.

So if your body is having nutrients dense food and is absorbing it as well, it won’t crave anything useless. You won’t overeat, and you won’t have hunger pangs also. So, this is the advantage of a healthy gut. And the secret to it is hidden in your homemade curd. So definitely include it daily in any form, be it curd or in buttermilk form. It’s very healthy. Number 19 on the top 20 list of zero-calorie foods / low calorie foods is Watermelon. It has water in its name. Because 80-90% water is found inside it. Think about it, how many calories will a thing made with water have. Only 30 calories are found in 100 grams. It’s very healthy food. Moreover, it contains a secret amino acid in it named arginine which helps to burn your belly fat a lot.

So, whenever you feel hungry, eat watermelon because it’s that zero-calorie food that will help you a lot in your weight loss. Number 18 on the top 20 list of zero calorie foods / low calorie foods is Tomatoes. Yes, our all desi tomato, which we consume in a salad or a soup form. It’s loaded with antioxidants content that detoxifies your body. Moreover, phytochemicals are found inside it that work as scrubbing as soon as they reach our body. It’s rich in a lot of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. And it’s great for those who have the problem of water retention or those who have the problem of pain or inflammation. It’s anti-inflammatory too so, use it daily in your diet. Number 17 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods / low calorie foods for weight loss list is Spinach.

It’s very healthy. It is rich in iron content as well as potassium is also found in it. And all these vitamins and minerals are beneficial, especially for women. If you take it daily, you’ll get a lot of benefits. And, people who have constipation problems due to their overweight because their digestive system is not very well, Then, spinach will work great for them. Spinach contains insoluble fibre that bulks up your stool and helps to pass it away easily. If you eat spinach, daily then think so many vitamins, nutrients, and minerals are going inside you that too with so few calories. So, what else you need? Number 16 on the top 20 zero calorie foods / low calorie food for weight loss list is Berries. Yes, friends, whether you choose strawberries, berries, blueberries, or raspberries, if you wish, you can have cherries. These are very healthy. If you eat a handful of it, then also they are less than 100 calories that easily get burned in a day.

Plus, they make for a healthy snack. Whenever you don’t think of any snack option, fruits are the best option, But there’s no better option than berries. Because the calories are also less in them, fibre content is good, And antioxidants are also found in great content. So, it is great for overall health. Whether you’re going through diabetes or any other problems, it is good for your heart health and insulin resistance too. It’s a very good snack or mini-meal option. So, surely use this and then see how soon you’ll reduce your weight. Number 15 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods /low calorie foods for weight loss list is Cabbage. It will work very well for you if you want to lose weight because it’s rich in dietary fibre and doesn’t let you feel hungry for long.

So obviously, if you’ll eat cabbage, you won’t feel hungry for long and you won’t crave anything useless. So, it’s a great option. Plus a lot of vitamins and minerals are also found inside it which are very beneficial for you. Number 14 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods list for weight loss is Papaya. Because I achieved my weight loss results by eating papaya. It’s a nutrient-dense food which I am eating. Maybe that’s why I didn’t feel hungry for long.

It also contains dietary fibre. My old constipation problem got solved in a jiffy. So, if you consume papaya in your first meal, it will get you a lot of benefits. Your body will get nutrient-rich in the morning only. You’ll feel fresh and all your day will pass very smoothly. Because together with dietary fibre in papaya, It contains vitamins also, vitamin A, C, potassium. Fibre content is also rich. So, if you include this, you’ll get great results! Number 13 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods / low calorie foods for weight loss list to lose weight fast is Cinnamon. It works as appetite suppression that suppresses your appetite, you won’t feel hungry for long, and it controls your sugar level too. Not just this, it fastens your metabolism too, its fat burning capacity. So, take cinnamon in tea form. Drink a cupful of it at night or in the day as a mid-meal option. You’ll get a lot of benefits. Number 12 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods list for weight loss is Onions.

Firstly, it’s nutrient-dense, a lot of vitamins are found in it like vitamin B6, B9, and potassium. It’s very beneficial. And it works as a prebiotic that helps in improving your gut health a lot. Curd is probiotic that helps in digesting food, but onion is prebiotic. If you take it with food, many people like to take it. It works great for them. It helps in digesting the food easily. So, consume onions and look at the miracles of this zero-calorie for weight loss food. Number 11 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods list to lose your belly fat fast is Mushrooms. It’s loaded with vitamin D, which is not present in any other vegetable. So, if you have joint pains, bone pains, and vitamin D deficiency, then it will work amazing for you.

Moreover, fibre and protein content is also found in mushrooms. It can help a lot in reducing your belly fat, and it contains so few calories that don’t ask. So, if you’ll include mushrooms in any form, like if you’re making an omelette in the morning, add mushrooms in it. Or, if you’re taking Pulao or any other vegetable, mushrooms peas, for example, it’s very beneficial for you. Yes, our all favourite coriander. It’s rich in trace minerals.

Number 10 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for weight loss list is Coriander. Manganese, magnesium, iron all these minerals are all found in it. So, it’s a great option to improve your digestive system. If you take this with food in the form of green sauce, Then it’s very healthy. Because the enzymes that coriander has will make your digestion even stronger, Will boost your metabolism, and will get a lot of help in reducing belly fat too. Number 9 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods /low calorie foods for weight loss list to lose your belly fat fast is Fennel seeds. When we chew fennel seeds properly, our digestive enzymes get activated which helps a lot in our digestion. And the food we already had, helps in the absorption of its nutrients too. So, it’s a great trick, if you eat fennel seeds after having your dinner, so firstly you won’t have sugar cravings, The taste of your mouth palette will also change, and you’ll get a lot of benefits because it’s fibre rich.

And together with antioxidants content, a great number of vitamins and minerals are also found in it. That makes your digestion stronger and helps in your fat burn. Number 8 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods list to lose your belly fat fast is Carrots. Very less in calories, helps a lot in digestion, and is loaded with antioxidants. Moreover, it increases fat-burning capacity in your body and helps lose weight soon. And its crunchiness gives your palette a different kind of signal that provides you satiety and fulness feeling. And with chewing it, you get your jawline muscles to exercise that also benefits you a lot. So, if you’ll eat carrots daily, there’s a chance that you’ll reduce your weight very soon. And if you want, you can also take it in the soup form, salad form, or smoothie form. Take it any form, carrot is very beneficial for you.

Number 7 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods / low calorie foods for weight loss list is Broccoli. It is very beneficial not only for reducing belly fat but for reducing your overall body fat too. It’s a very nutrient-dense vegetable and calories very less. It’s a cruciferous vegetable. So, people who are going through thyroid problems can take it 1- 2 times a week. And you are going to eat it after getting it cooked.

If goitrogens are cooked, then thyroid patients can also take it. There’s no problem with it. Broccoli helps you from overeating, improves your digestion, and relieves you from constipation. Number 6 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for weight loss list is Beetroot. If you’ll include this in your diet, then definitely you’ll get good results. Often after dieting, people feel very tired. Try eating beetroot, you’ll get instant energy. It has a great nutrient intake with which your body will get full nutrition. So, if your body is getting all the nutrition and energy, then what’s the better option than this. Surely include beetroot in your diet, and look, this zero-calorie, low-calorie food will do wonders for you.

Number 5 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods list is Radish. Our favourite radish, many people like to eat it, and many avoid it too. Radish is loaded with Vitamin C, which is very capable of improving your gut health. So, if your gut will be healthy, your overall body health will also improve. So, radish is a very good zero-calorie, low-calorie food option. Number 4 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for fast weight loss list is Lemon.

Yes, lemon. Do you guys know that lemons are capable of doing metabolism stronger, is the powerhouse of vitamin C, And has anti-inflammatory properties too. So, for those who have joint pain, consume lemon daily. For those who have inflammation problems in their bodies, lemon is a great option for them. But try to take it with its peel. You can also soak it in the water for a night and drink that water only on an empty stomach the next morning.

Because all the characteristics have come in that water, that will be very beneficial for you. And yes, don’t add lemon to very hot water because it kills its nutrients with this. Number 3 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for fast weight loss list is Apples. Apple contains flavonoids, it’s rich in fibre amount too. It has elements like vitamins & minerals that are loaded with fibres too. So, apple is a great option. You should eat it daily and with its skin only. Properly wash and eat it, due to the increase in adulteration these days. People add colour and wax. To remove all these things, wash your apple properly and then eat it with its skin. Number 2 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods / low calorie foods for weight loss list is Cucumber. Very great option because it’s filled with 96% water. Now, think about it, it has so fewer calories and the quantity is great, So, eat your stomach full, you won’t gain weight, in fact, you’ll lose weight. And eat with its skin, you’ll get more benefits. Number 1 on the top 20 zero-calorie foods for fast weight loss list is Water.

Our body is made of 70-80% water, if we don’t give water in this amount, that means a minimum of 3 litres, Our body functioning will get slow. We’ll have hunger pangs, there are more chances of overeating, And we’ll have sugar cravings too. So, if you want to be safe from these problems, Then consume this number 1 zero-calorie, low-calorie food. You can drink 3-4 litres in a day, there’s no problem with it. You won’t crave anything useless, and the weight will also reduce very quickly. So, keep all these tips in mind and adopt this top 20 foods list in your daily life. I hope you guys must have liked today’s video a lot, and if you like it, quickly like my video and, Subscribe to my channel, and yes, don’t forget to press the notification bell. I’ll meet you with many new exciting videos, till then, Take Care!

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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