Healthy Food Recipes - The 10 Best Zero Carb Foods (that make keto easy)

February 26, 2023

- Most foods contain some carbs, knowing which contain the least will help make your low
carb journey very easy. In this video, you will learn
the 10 lowest carb foods which will help to keep you full and satisfied rather
than feeling starving. (upbeat music) Hi, Carb Dodgers. My name is Dr. Dan mags. I'm so glad you've landed on my channel. Which is all about achieving
lasting weight loss through low carb, real food nutrition and if you are new here, and that sounds good to you then why not subscribe to my channel? So you get notified when
I release a new video. It can be a bit of a learning curve to understand what foods to
eat on a low carbohydrate diet. Particularly if you are aiming for ketosis when you need to keep
the carbs really low. The ketogenic diet suggests
your daily carbs intake should be no more than 20 or
30 grams of net carbs per day.

This equates to approximately 5% of your caloric intake
from carbs so very low. So let's have a look at the foods with the lowest amount of carbs. All the foods in this video
have less than one gram of carbs per 100 grams and if you
base your meals around these then you can't go far wrong. So let's get into them. Number one is meat. Meat contains zero carbs. You can choose any type to
suit your own preference beef, lamb, chicken, turkey, pork, duck and if you choose fattier cuts of meat that's going to help you
with your macros as well. Fat will help to keep
you full and satisfied and because of the low fat advice that we've all been given
over the last 40 years you'll often find that
the fattier cuts of meat are cheaper than their
leaner counterparts.

So it's a win-win. Avoid highly processed flavored meats as these can often have
added sugars or additives and if you're not a meat eater then there are very low carb
protein substitutes available but they tend to be very highly processed. Just something we are not really a fan of here at carb dodging. Number two is seafood. Again, this fabulous protein source will keep your carbs at zero. Take your pick from salmon,
tuna, macro, sardines and other oily fish types
that are rich in a Omega-3. Cod, plate, halibut,
other whitefish sources depending on where you are in the world, also excellent prawns, crab. Just about any other
seafood you have available. Just be careful to avoid
processed such as crab or seafood sticks and obviously breaded
versions of these products and a note that scallops and muscles are slightly higher in their carb content at two to three grams
of carb per 100 grams. So just be a little bit
mindful of portion sizes when you are eating those. Number three is organ meats or offal. These can be enjoyed on their own or added to other meat-based dishes.

They're very nutrient dense food, which will keep the carbs
at less than one grams. With the exception of liver, which due to some stored
glycogen within it may provide up to two grams
per 100 grams of carbohydrates but 100 grams of liver is still
quite a lot of this stuff. So you're probably absolutely fine. Number four is eggs eggs on their own are zero
carbs and can be eaten freely. They are a powerhouse of nutrition. However, some people argue
that there is one gram of carbs per large egg, but given the
balance of fat and protein this is not a concern even if it is true. Just be careful if you start
to add in other ingredients when you're cooking such
as milk for scrambled eggs, which will up the carb
content a little bit.

Number five is fats. Now the most key to friendly
fats are the unprocessed sort and can be used for cooking
drizzling over salads and stuff, or for added flavor and there
are no carbs in any of these. Choose from olive oil,
extra Virgin where possible, coconut oil, ghee, avocado,
butter and you're good to go. Number six is dairy. Now it be zero carbs or
less than one gram of carbs. Dairy needs to have no lactose in it and it's the lactose content
that increase the carbs such as in milk. Now I've heard this in
the comments a lot before. Can't I just make my latte
out of lactose-free milk and lactose-free products, they're great for those
who are lactose intolerant but aren't necessarily carb free because lactose-free products
just means that the lactose which is a sugar has been broken down into more simple sugars.

And if you've ever tried lactose-free milk you'll notice that it's actually
sweeter than normal milk. Cheese is a great source of fat and also a great source of protein. Most cheese has zero carbs with the exception of
cottage and cream cheese which has about four grams per 100 grams. Feta cheese, ricotta
cheese and goat cheese aren't quite zero carb, they have about two grams per 100 grams and processed cheeses such
as your square cheeses, those cheese slices you
get have between four and six grams per 100 grams.

Obviously, if you're
going to go for cheeses with those kind of dried fruits added in, you can go way up 12 grams of
carbs per 100 grams or more but cheese can and generally
be eaten fairly freely. And there are loads that
are pretty much carb free. Halloumi, Brie, yes, Parmesan, Gruyere, Mozzarella, Cheddar and Stilton. Stilton is another favorite of mine. So many great options to choose from. Do let me know in the comments down below there's a question for you. Let me know in the comments down below which is your favorite cheese. Little bit of a word
of warning with cheese. Cheese does have a very high
ratio of fat for the quantity and so it can be really easy to overeat. I certainly know that I can
easily eat too much cheese because it can be quite
an addictive food for some and eating too much can
hinder your weight loss goals if that is what you are aiming for. Next we come to cream. Single, double, heavy, whipping, whatever you want to call it, where you, will provide approximately
0.5 grams per tablespoon.

So enjoy it, but go easy on the volume. One or two coffees with
cream a day is okay but certainly not six or seven that might bump your carb
content up really quite high. What about Greek yogurt I hear you ask. Now, while as much as this is a staple of people who are on low carb diets it typically provides about
five grams per hundred grams. It's about six grams for
a normal size portion.

So if you're on a strict ketogenic diet where you're really
keeping those numbers low, it may not be a
particularly useful addition say for breakfast, especially
when you start adding berries and things on top, but one table spoon on top of a protein based
meal will definitely be okay. Number seven is vegetables. Now, depending on where you choose to get your references from. The carb quantities in vegetables varies quite significantly and I guess this isn't surprising as these are natural products
with many different varieties.

Growing conditions around the world naturally will lead to
different carb counts. So you could argue about this
all you want in the comments down below but generally
non-starchy vegetables, particularly your leafy greens can pretty much be eaten freely. No one ever cause themselves any issue by eating too much spinach and Popeye absolutely
thrived on this stuff. Any small amount of carbohydrate in that is pretty much going to be fiber. Anyway, if you would like a detailed guide to the carb contents in a
wide range of vegetables and indeed lots of
different foods in general not just the ones that are zero carb and there is a free
guide that we've produced that is available on my website.

And you can find that guide by clicking the link in the
description of this video. Number eight is fruit. Sadly, there are no fruits that are considered truly zero carb. Avocado, despite the high fiber content will still provide you about
two grams per 100 grams. Another option would be olives. If you only eat five of them then you will stay under
one gram of carbohydrates. So yeah, you can absolutely
have this on a ketogenic diet. You can have small amounts
in a nice big salad but just remember too much
will push up your carb intake. Number nine is nuts and seeds. Much like what I
mentioned with vegetables, there are a lot of variations
in the quoted carb contents of nuts and seeds but you do
need to be a little bit mindful about your choices.

Almonds, Brazil nuts and Walnuts are very close to being zero carb and also have very high fiber
contents as do hazelnuts macadamia nets and Sesame seeds. Just watch out for and I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but cashew nuts,
pistachio nuts and peanuts are all surprisingly high in carbohydrates and despite tasting absolutely lovely. Do catch a lot of people out
when they're getting started. Number 10 is condiments. You might be surprised that yes, there are still some condiments that you can enjoy with your meals. Not the obviously sugar
Laden, ketchup's and sauces but you can use things like mustard, obviously not the honey version. Mayonnaise but preferably a homemade one or those made without seed oils. Hollandaise sauce, if you're
fancy getting in the kitchen. Barney sauce is one of my favorite of the classical French sauce,
absolutely amazing with steak but is a little bit tricky
to cook if I'm honest.

Vinegars, lots of people
take apple cider vinegar to help with blood sugar control and yes, vinegars have a positive effect on your insulin sensitivity. So in some respects can be
considered a bit of a low carb, super food and of course
you can make vinegars out with a bit of olive oil
absolutely fantastic on a salad. But I should warn you
about Balsamic vinegar which has two grams of
carbs per tablespoon and I was told once that the dark color
actually comes from molasses and this is why it has
the higher carb count but I only found this out after I'd been eating Balsamic
vinegar dressing on my salad back in 2016 when I started
my own low carb journey and it didn't stop me
losing nearly 70 pounds in just over six months.

So there you have it, the 10 lowest carb foods
to include in your diet. These will help keep you on track and they will enable you
to feel full, satisfied and have great success with
your low carb or ketogenic diet. Like all things with food, the portion size can have a massive effect on your end results. There will be some
slightly higher carb foods that you can enjoy but
in smaller quantities and you need to find the right balance for you and your own goals. So that's it for this video. Thank you so much for watching it. If you've enjoyed it,
if you found it useful please give it a thumbs up and if you're not
subscribed to this channel then I'd love it if you would subscribe and then you'll get notified
whenever I release new videos. Hopefully I'll see you in the next one..

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