Healthy Food Recipes - My Client had This Weight Loss Drink For 30 Days | 110% Shocking Results | 3 Ingredient Fat Cutter

February 18, 2023

I’m dietitian Natasha Mohan and today, I have brought you all a very special Fat-cutter drink recipe. Because it will not only strengthen your metabolism but, Will provide you with energy that will help you work whole day. And it contains only 3 such ingredients, That are available in every home. They are not expensive at all. So come quickly, let’s watch this video. Come, I’ll show you right way of making this fat cutter drink. Because if you’ll have this drink right way, at right time, and, By making it in the right quantity then, only you’ll get benefits. Because it has few elements that have sensitive compounds. If you have to take full advantage of it, Then you’ll have to watch carefully and understand, When, how, and in what quantity you have to take it, So that you get its full benefits. But many of you people don’t get the time to exercise, For them also, this fat cutter drink is very effective.

Because, When you can't exercise or think about household chores, Like standing or cooking food in the kitchen is enough. You don’t need to exercise. So, maybe your metabolism, Slowly-slowly, over the years, has become slow. And your food does okay get digested properly, Due to this, a lot of toxins have built up in your body. That your weight, your fat has become stubborn. At that time, taking support of this drink will be very beneficial.

I talk with a lot of people daily, and often I get to know, That they are working very hard but, The weight is so stubborn that is not losing at all. I’m sure you all watching this video will agree with this point. Because when you have to lose weight, you’re motivated too. But if the weight doesn't lose, it causes a lot of frustration, That you get on the verge of giving up. Then, I’d like to suggest you this weight loss fat cutter drink. Because when you’re working so hard, You know when you’ll eat healthy food, exercise properly, Then only you’ll lose weight. But due to any reason, If your metabolism isn’t able to support you, So definitely this drink will help you alot.

Because it will strengthen your metabolism and, Will help you a lot in digestion too. It contains few such ingredients that are, Completely natural and are available in every home easily. If you take it once a day, you’ll get a lot of help. Whether, You have any hormonal imbalance like, Pcos, thyroid, And your metabolism has turned so slow, That whether you do anything, the weight does not lose. Then, you must definitely try this drink. But there’s a rule to take everything. So when you have you take this drink, How to take it, and in how much quantity to make? I’ll tell you all in this video. Come, let me take you to my kitchen, To make this great, potent fat cutter drink. To make this drink we will first take a saucepan, And add 1 glass full of water. Then, We’ll use a magical spice that is available in every kitchen. Look at this, we’ll take 1 or 1.5 inches of cinnamon stick. Just like this in the raw form and we have to use it. It’s a very important spice, That people often aren’t able to use properly.

It contains an element named cinnamaldehyde, That helps a lot in glycogen synthesis. Especially diabetes patients with type 2 diabetes, It’s very beneficial for them. It speeds up your digestion and your metabolism too. Moreover, it’s loaded with antioxidants. Such magical elements are found in it, That your fat burning capacity, all the fat cells in your body, It helps them go into fat-burning mode a lot. It contains fibre too which helps you reduce food cravings. Now we have added this 1-1.5 inches stick in the water. We’ll cover it and let it boil for 2-3 minutes on a low flame, Till all the advantages of the cinnamon stick comes in water. You can use cinnamon powder instead of whole stick too. But make sure the powdered cinnamon is of your home only, And not store-bought. Come let’s add second ingredient. Here I’m taking the coffee powder. I have taken 1/2-1 spoon of it, and this is plain coffee powder. It has no added flavour in it that comes these days. Coffee contains such magical element, That speeds up your metabolism a lot and, Provides you with instant energy. It contains niacin, potassium, And it’s a very good source of magnesium also.

All these minerals are very beneficial for you all to lose weight. But these are water-soluble. Means you have to take it daily. These are such vitamins and minerals that you consume daily, Then metabolism will strengthen, and your digestive tract, Will also get clean completely. It will detoxify. Now after adding coffee, we let it boil for 1-1/2 minutes. Now time has come to strain it. So look, your fat cutter drink is now ready but, One more very important ingredient is left. Often you might have heard, when people do dieting, Then thigh pain and joint pain increase.

Maybe, Due to the reduction of vitamin C in their diet. Vitamin C is very important for iron absorption in your body too. And what better source than lemon? Here I’m adding half lemon and it’s a great source of vitamin C That will boost your metabolism too. You have to make this drink as it is. And in the early morning, On an empty stomach, you have to take this. Because it is that right time, In which we’ll give our metabolism an instant boost, So that our whole day’s food gets digested properly.

And if you want, you can take this drink in the evening too. The minimum you can have it once a day, Early in the morning on an empty stomach. And in the evening if you want, You can take it between 4-5 after eating food. But you have to take it at least after 45 minutes of eating. Because the coffee in it can hinder nutrient absorption. Now our drink is ready. Come quickly, let’s try it! It tastes amazing and is very refreshing. It feels rejuvenated. I have had only one sip till now. So if you’ll also make it as it is, And drink it and follow all my rules, Then very soon you’ll also lose weight. This was about this fat cutter drink recipe, That you have to make daily and take it. But if you’ll do clean eating with this then, Wow! Even soon, you have a full chance of weight loss. So if you’re on your weight loss journey, Definitely you must do clean eating. Eat your 3 square meels. Eat clean homemade food. Take roti, vegetables, pulses, and a plate full of salad too. And with that, take support of this drink.

Very soon you’ll lose weight. And yes, those who can’t exercise, no problem. You can walk into your house. No excuse will work, Because with that only your calories will burn and, Your body will remain calorie deficit, Which is very important for weight loss. And in a whole day, apart from this drink, You have to drink at least 2-3 litres of water. It’s very important because now the weather is changed, Summer is here. So definitely, if you’ll be hydrated, Soon you’ll get weight loss results. Take less stress and try to have 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

I’ll see you soon with many more exciting such videos. And if you have to ask any questions related to this video, Then quickly ask in the comment section below..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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