Healthy Food Recipes - KETO Recipes for Dinner | LOW CARB Meal Ideas | Suz and The Crew

February 16, 2023

hey everybody Suz here back with another one of 
our weekly keto recipes for dinner these are low   carb meal ideas to help you stick to your 
keto diet if you're new here we make these   every single week well we just took 
a little vacation for the holidays   happy new year to you all if you're not 
already a subscriber i'd love to have   you hit that subscribe button and join the 
crew let's go ahead and get into the video   first up we made this awesome keto chicken biryani 
this was so delicious this was definitely my   favorite recipe of the week so to start with in a 
large pot over medium heat add a teaspoon of ghee   to that i'm adding a half a cup of chopped up 
red onion now the original recipe i will link   down below added a whole onion but i'm always 
trying to decrease the net carbs as much as i   can without sacrificing taste so after i cooked 
those up for just a couple of minutes i'm adding   a combo of a half a teaspoon minced garlic and 
half a teaspoon of grated ginger stirring that   and i'm adding the equivalent of one jalapeno 
that i just ran through a mini chopper now i   usually don't use fresh jalapeno i just take 
about eight to ten little slices out of the   jarred jalapeno and run those through after i 
stir those in and cook it for probably about a   minute i'm adding a pound of ground chicken 
and using my handy dandy meat chopper upper   that's always linked to my amazon store and in the 
description box to break this apart and i'm just   continuing to cook it until it's cooked through 
adding a half a teaspoon sea salt half a teaspoon   ground turmeric a teaspoon of garam masala half a 
teaspoon ground coriander 1/ 4 teaspoon ground cumin   add one teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a 
half a teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper   and then i am just mixing that all in really 
well now the recipe called for a half a cup   of water i opted to do chicken broth here 
instead and i am just scraping the bottom of   the pot to make sure we get any little bits up 
cooking in a non-stick you don't really have many   to this i am adding half a cup of chopped cilantro 
as well as a fourth of a cup of chopped mint   leaves as well as about two cups of cauliflower 
rice now this is just frozen cauliflower rice   i did thaw it a little but it's mostly still 
frozen putting that in and just stirring it in   really well for a couple of minutes until it all 
starts breaking apart some and then i'm going to   turn the heat down to medium-low i guess and pop 
the lid on and let it simmer for about 20 minutes   this is what it looks like when it's done my 
entire house smells so phenomenal from cooking   this recipe as i said it was my favorite of the 
week i highly recommend you trying it here it   is plated up i mean the cayenne pepper definitely 
gives it a little kick and the cinnamon gives it   just that unique awesome flavor profile you could 
definitely adjust the level of heat to this recipe   next up i made these awesome keto stuffed 
burgers this is a carolyn ketchum recipe   i will link it down below so to start with over 
medium heat in a large skillet i'm adding a couple   tablespoons of avocado oil and then to that i'm 
adding about a medium onion sliced up put on   about a half a teaspoon sea salt on top of that 
we're going to cook these down and i'm actually   going to hop over to my audio on the actual video 
here and uh go into my little caramelized onion   rant for a second and while we're doing this i 
just want to take a second and mention that a lot   of people are scared of eating caramelized onions 
if they're following a keto or a low-carb diet   they're under the misconception that somehow it 
adds sugar to the onions and that's just not true   so it does do a lot of interesting things um the 
chemical process so i you know i encourage you to   look that up if you're interested in that sort 
of thing i find it very interesting to see what   happens on a molecular level with onions and other 
foods when you caramelize them but what i will say   is if you're already able to tolerate onions on a 
ketogenic diet and they fit into your macros then   caramelizing them is not going to impact that in a 
different way as far as carb intake it's basically   just freeing up the simple sugars that are already 
present in onions naturally and breaking them down   in a way that makes them easier to digest it makes 
them taste sweeter when you eat them but it's not   adding anything extra that's not already there 
it is changing it quite a bit and again you know   look that up i just want to mention that because 
whenever i do cook with onions caramelized onions   people are inevitably are going to come after 
me this is actually a carolyn ketchum recipe   and she is a ketogenic cooking genius as far as 
i'm concerned and of course i'll link her original   recipe down below but the most important thing i 
think when you're cooking with caramelized onions   is to know that they shrink down quite a bit after 
they cook and so if you don't pre-measure you know   when you're going into it you could inadvertently 
consume too many so if you are cooking up   like some steak with some caramelized onions or 
something you don't want to you know accidentally   consume too much and hopefully this sound clip 
will come through well in this video as i'm just   kind of recording this on actual camera you can 
hear some babies crying in the background probably   while i'm filming instead of including it in the 
voiceover part so back to the cooking we're just   gonna keep cooking these down low and slow about 
20 minutes we don't want them to burn we just want   them to get nice and dark in color we don't want 
them to burn or to get crispy and once we have   our onions to the color and texture that we want 
we're just gonna cut the heat off on those and   stick them to a separate dish to the side now 
i'm taking eight ounces of brie cheese and just   cutting it in half we need four ounces for this 
recipe i am leaving the moldy casing on it even   though i have a weird thing about eating that part 
of the brie comment down below if you do too or if   i'm just strange now i'm chopping all that up into 
about one inch little pieces we are going to be   making six burgers in this recipe so just want to 
make it easy to stuff into the burgers now getting   a large bowl i'm adding two pounds of ground beef 
to that along with a half a teaspoon of sea salt   half a teaspoon of ground black pepper and then 
getting in with my hands i'm just going to mix   this together really well i don't want to overwork 
the meat though because that will make our burgers   not as tender and i did go ahead and take a baking 
sheet and i just lined it with some foil here and   separated that meat mixture out into six balls 
then i have our caramelized onions you can see how   they kind of shrink up there and our brie cheese 
and one at a time i'm gonna take each ball split   it in half and i'm just gonna make kind of a thin 
patty on the bottom get it about to the size and   shape i want and then i'm gonna add a sixth of the 
caramelized onions straight onto that patty as   well as about a sixth of the brie cheese and then 
i'm just gonna take the other half of that meat   and kind of mash it down in the middle to start 
with and then flatten it out on top and i'm just   going to seal the edges make sure all the little 
nooks and crannies are full so that our brie   doesn't come oozing out of our burger and it's 
it's really pretty simple i actually have one of   those little gadgets to make stuffed burgers but 
this it comes together so quickly and easily so   there you go and just repeat that process for all 
six of your burgers and once i have them all done   i am gonna go through and just take my knuckle 
and put kind of a shallow indentation into each   burger because i just find that helps them retain 
their size and shape more when you fry them up and   they don't shrink up as much now oh my gosh my 
dad bought this as one of my birthday presents   this awesome electric skillet i will try to find 
a link for it and link it down below it's even   dishwasher safe oh my gosh anyway i'm going to 
be cooking my burgers in this because i can do   all six at one time so i have it set on 350.

can do yours on top of your stovetop over medium   heat you can even do a good sear on each of your 
burgers and then put them in a baking dish and   finish them off in the oven whichever method you 
prefer but oh my gosh this was a great cooking   experience making these in this skillet so 350 
heat adding all of these in and i'm cooking mine   about five to six minutes on each side to reach a 
medium temperature and then using this awesome new   flipper he also got me look how easily that flips 
i'm just gonna turn all of these burgers over   to the other side and cook them for five to six 
minutes as well and while i'm doing this i went   ahead and steamed some broccoli in the microwave 
with a little bit of butter and here they are   plated up together now i did go ahead and cut 
this burger in half so you can see the ooey goosey   goodness of the brie and caramelized onions in the 
middle this was excellent my husband really really   loved this recipe and i did too i mean you can 
never go wrong with one of carolyn's recipes and   you can never go wrong with burgers right next 
up i have this awesome cheesy zucchini chicken   casserole i will link the original recipe down 
below to start with in a large mixing bowl i took   eight ounces of softened cream cheese added three 
eggs to it a fourth of a teaspoon sea salt fourth   of a teaspoon ground black pepper and i'm using 
this large spoon to try to cream this all together   about 10 seconds into this i was like why didn't i 
grab a hand mixer obviously depending on how soft   your cream cheese is is how easy or hard this is 
going to be now after i have that mixed together   mostly how i like it i'm adding in a half of a 
cup extra sharp shredded cheddar cheese as well   as half of a cup shredded mozzarella i'm gonna mix 
that in a bit before adding in a fourth of a cup   of chopped onion as well as i think i did two cups 
of shredded chicken the recipe called for a cup   and a half but i figured you can never go wrong 
with extra chicken um always just cook mine in the   instant pot you could do yours in the crock pot or 
the oven and i use a hand mixer to shred it nice   and fine mixing that all together really really 
well now taking about a two quart casserole dish   another gift from my Dad i'm spraying that with a 
little cooking spray and i have about two cups of   sliced zucchini here that i just cut into 
half moons and i actually steamed these in   the microwave about three minutes to just release 
a lot of the extra liquid so it wouldn't make my   casserole all liquidy and i am pouring those out 
into an even layer in the bottom of this dish now   two cups of sliced zucchini for this dish worked 
out perfectly as far as getting a nice even layer   on the bottom but as far as for this recipe i 
would add at least another cup of zucchini to   this recipe if i make it in the future or even 
double it because zucchini is so low carb and   so delicious so i probably make this recipe in a 
bigger dish next time with more zucchini but for   now i just spread that out into an even layer and 
i am going to plop our chicken and cheese mixture   right on top of this and spreading that out 
with a spatula i am going to top it with another   half a cup of sharp shredded cheddar cheese and 
another half a cup of shredded mozzarella cheese   and i'm gonna pop this whole thing into a 350 
degree oven for about 40 minutes and here it is   when it comes out look at this nice brown crust 
top here just plated it up with just a tiny bit   of parsley on top for effects sakes this was 
absolutely delicious and again just double the   zucchini just double the zucchini steam it get the 
excess moisture out of it and it'll be even better   the zucchini held its texture really well even 
storing in the refrigerator and reheating for   keto lunches all week i highly recommend making 
this very simple recipe with few ingredients quick   to throw together now last up this week we have 
the smoky mac and cheese bites recipe was what i   was inspired by but i made it into a casserole i 
probably should rewrite that recipe but i'll just   link the original down below so over in a saucepan 
pot i added two tablespoons of butter and a half   a cup of heavy cream and over medium heat and 
whisking those together until they are melted   and combined after they're hot but before they're 
boiling i am adding about 3/4 cup of extra sharp   shredded cheddar cheese and also whisking that in 
until it thickens and forms a nice cheese sauce   then i'm just gonna remove that off of the heat 
now over into a large mixing bowl i'm adding 14   ounces of smoked sausage that i just chopped into 
half moons and then i'm adding three to four cups   of cauliflower rice now i did thaw this so that 
it wouldn't have too much excess liquid in it   fourth of a teaspoon sea salt fourth of a teaspoon 
ground black pepper just gonna pour that cheese   sauce straight over the top of this now this 
wasn't as thick of a mixture as i would like   so in the future i would steer away from this uh 
recipe that she wrote and probably add more cheese   to make it a little thicker but anyhow mixing 
that all together with my spoon adding in a couple   large eggs and mixing those in really well now i'm 
taking about a three three and a half quart oval   casserole dish spraying it with some nonstick 
spray and then i'm just gonna pour this whole   mixture into the dish and i am topping it with 
about a half a cup of extra sharp shredded cheese   and i'm gonna pop this whole thing into a 350 
degree oven for 45 minutes here's what it looks   like when it comes out you can see it is still 
bubbling away this was so tasty here it is plated   up great flavor but you can see there's a lot more 
liquid on my plate than you would normally see   with the recipes that i cook should have maybe 
steamed the cauliflower rice a little bit more   to get some more of the excess moisture out of 
it as well as i said before just more cheese to   the sauce to just make a thicker cheese sauce the 
recipe still tasted delicious as always i think i   forgot to mention you know with your sausage make 
sure you double triple check it to get the lowest   carb sausage that you can they like to throw all 
kinds of excess junk in there that you just don't   want or need there you go guys i hope you enjoyed 
this week's keto dinner recipes and low-carb meal   ideas that get you through your ketogenic diet 
now that we're in the new year we're planning   some new content you know some bonus cooking 
videos here and there other than our weekly   keto dinner recipe videos so if you have any 
suggestions for those if there are any type of   videos that you would like to see from us specific 
topics questions about the ketogenic diet or keto   cooking that you have recommendations you name 
it put those down below in the comment section   vacation was great but now we're trying to get 
into the planning mode for the upcoming year hope   you all had a great new year hope 2021 is gonna 
be great to all of us and until next week bye

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