Healthy Food Recipes - Eat Chia Seeds The Correct Way To Lose 10 Kgs in 1 Month | Magical Chia Seeds For Weight Loss

February 24, 2023

Friends, often you might have heard chia seed is a kind of food
that can help you a lot in weight loss. Well, it’s true. Because chia seed is a superfood and it has a lot
of weight loss benefits too. But often people don’t know the right way and time of eating it. Moreover, people buy it with full enthusiasm that we will eat and
lose weight with this. But it’s always left decorated at our home. That is why today I’ll give all the information related to chia
seeds that will help you lose weight and improve health too. Friends, chia seeds are seeds of a special category plant that
belongs to the mint family. And its origin is Mexican.

These are black and grey coloured
seeds in which small white and black spots are found. And the advantages are so much that you will be tired of
counting them on your fingers, Your fingers will finish but, the advantages won’t. In short, a
small packet, great benefits. Now, I'll quickly tell you its benefits, And then will tell when, how, and how much quantity you should
consume for maximum health benefits. Friends, the biggest advantage of chia seeds is it is a nutrient-
dense food that’s why it is given the position of superfood.

It’s loaded with essential nutrients like magnesium, phosphorus,
and calcium. Calcium is great for your bone health. The second benefit of chia seeds is that it’s loaded with
quercetin which is an antioxidant. It reduces the oxidative stress in your body and stops
degeneration and helps a lot in building new cells. It means that is why it is called a superfood. The third biggest important benefit of chia seeds is that Omega
3 and 6 fatty acids are found inside them. They are considered great for our skin health. Often, vegetarians
aren’t able to get great sources of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

So if you are a vegetarian, then be sure to include chia seeds in
your daily life. The fourth biggest advantage of chia seeds is that it contains a good
amount of fibre, due to which you don’t feel hungry for long. It also acts as appetite suppression and maintains a steady flow in
your body, due to which the digestion in your body gets boosted. And if your digestion is strong, no one can stop you from losing
weight. The fifth biggest advantage is a great amount of protein is also
found in it. Often for vegetarians, it gets tough to complete their protein
source. So chia seed is a safe way to strengthens your digestion, Keeps you full for longer, and for those who have PCOS, thyroid,
bp, cholesterol, or any skin allergy problem, They should also include chia seeds in daily diet.

Because they
are beneficial especially, for people with metabolic syndrome. Whose digestion has gotten slow and sluggish, due to which
their food remains undigested. For those, who have constipation problems and a lot of toxins
have built-in their body, it will help in their bowel movement, And with that, you will lose weight. So this superfood is the right
choice. So this was all about benefits, now quickly get to know how you
have to eat it. There 2 ways to eat chia seeds, either you take them in raw form
or by soaking them. If you take them by soaking, if you soak them for at least 2-3
hours, they get swelled 10 times. The water in you soak them, they absorb it and make a gel-like
structure that is very beneficial for you.

Because it saves your body from dehydration. Now think if you eat them in raw form, when it goes inside your
body it will soak and use the water inside and get swollen, And you know our body needs a lot of water, and hydration
is the key to weight loss. That’s why if you want to take chia seeds for weight loss, eat
them in the soaked form and not in the raw form. There are various methods of eating and making chia seeds. You
will get a lot of recipes on my Instagram page. Like, smoothies, juices, you can add them in yogurt or make
oatmeal or porridge and add it on the top. I use it as a desi tempering, without any oil.

I add soaked chia
seeds to everything that I eat. It tastes great! And if you want to try a new method then you can add them in
buttermilk, lemonade, or any other thing. Now you have learned a lot of ways to take it, but do you when
to take it? Come, I’ll tell you. The right time to consume chia seeds according to me is early in
the morning on an empty stomach. When your system is fresh and empty that is the right time when
you guys should take chia seeds. You can soak in the whole night. I usually keep a glass of soaked chia seeds near my bedside in
room temperature water and also add 2 slices of lemon in it. After waking in the morning, I drink it without brushing my teeth. The biggest advantage is that it speeds your metabolism and
strengthens your digestion.

With that, your body will feel very energetic, and you’ll feel full
the whole day. Moreover, you will get help in nutrient absorption from all
the healthy food you are eating. You can take the help of a superfood like chia seeds and
increase your nutrient absorption at this time. Now you have taken most of the information but, how much
quantity of chia seeds you have to eat, you haven’t learned that. Come, I’ll tell you. You can take approximately 2 tbsp chia seeds in a day. But, here
we are not talking about raw chia seeds, but soaked ones. That includes a total of 16 calories. And out of these 16 calories,
1.4 grams is the number of carbohydrates. And out of that carbohydrates, 1.15 grams is fibre only. So think
about it, if you are taking this fibre-loaded drink, Then you will get so many benefits. It contains 0.5 grams of
protein and 1 gram of fat content which is nothing.

Because this fat is a healthy fat that your body requires a lot.
Because all the fat-soluble vitamins like, Vitamin A, D, E, and K have to take support of this healthy fat to
get absorbed in your body. So these healthy fats are great. The food that you eat full of saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, or
any other fat is very different from this fat. So now I have given all the information related to chia seeds.
From tomorrow open the packet, eat it and will get thin soon.

It’s nothing like that. Chia seeds can help you with weight loss
but can’t burn your fat alone. If you don’t eat it with healthy meals, then it will slow down your
weight loss process even more. Because it can be consumed as a healthy addition option only. If
you think that it will burn weight in one night, it’s nothing like that. But yes, if you will eat healthy food, decrease your fat intake, and
eat chia seeds with it, then soon you will get results. To watch such more informative videos, quickly comment and
tell me what other topic you want full information on. And if you liked today’s video, then quickly like this video,
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I will see you soon with many many more exciting videos until
then, take care! .

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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