Healthy Food Recipes - Carnivore Diet: What I Ate Today: Dairy Free Day 2

February 24, 2023

another quick what I ate today the
second day of winning of not eating dairy which is my goal this week is to
not eat dairy and to try to work into intermittent fasting which I covered in
my last what I ate today video um today I had a scotch egg again in the morning
which I talked about in the last video these are just awesome sources of
protein I had that around 10:00 so I'm getting better at getting to my eating
window which I'm trying to make between 11:00 and 6:00 and then I had my big
pile of meat and so it's not sexy and it's not photogenic but I just stick a
raw steak or two in the instant pot add salt and a cup of water and then just
instant pot that buddy on high for 45 minutes and if you have a steak you
don't know how to cook and you think it might be a little bit tough like
Flatiron steak can be a little bit tough but you put that thing in the instant
pot for 45 minutes and you are good to go and so it's not photogenic it's not
pretty I just cover it with a fried egg and lots of butter and it's beautiful
then and then you can see how easy this is to just mash up with a fork and so I
eat it it's almost like having a carnivore spaghetti and so this is again
dairy-free I am psyched that I am figuring out how to eat and get the food
I need to not be hangry without relying on dairy because I really think that's
gonna be beneficial for me at least to have a temporary break from it and then
for dinner I was experimenting with the airfryer - I'm borrowing and airfryer so
I'm experimenting with it you can definitely bake or broil or pan fry
meatballs in the oven or on the stove but I just made some elk meatballs with
garlic and chives and salt and ground elk meat and put those in the airfryer
for 15 minutes I think at 375 and those were super good at those actually on the
way to a photography class so that's what I ate today go ahead and check out
that video and you can see what you can and cannot eat on the carnivore diet and
also you can see what my progress was and how much I'm loving being on the
carnivore diet I'll see you guys back soon

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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