Healthy Food Recipes - Build Your Own CALORIE DEFICIT DIET Plan For WEIGHT LOSS | Beginners

February 02, 2023

are you on a weight loss or a body recomposition 
journey and you are trying to eat in a calorie   deficit in order to achieve your goals but you're 
having trouble knowing what foods you can eat   while still staying in your calorie deficit don't 
worry in today's video I'm going to show you how   to build your own calorie deficit diet plan for 
weight loss or for body recomposition based around   the foods You Love and Enjoy in order to have 
sustainable fat loss or weight loss results so if   you are a beginner or even if you're someone who's 
been trying to lose weight for quite a while but   you just can't seem to lock in your nutrition and 
stay in your calorie deficit while still eating   the foods you enjoy I'm gonna give you five steps 
on how to not only calculate your calorie deficit   but also how to build your own calorie deficit 
diet plan I hate the word diet let's just call   it diet referring to the foods you were eating 
not diet if you know what I need so watch all   the way to the end watch these five tips and I 
guarantee by the end of this video you are going   to be well on your way to eating and staying 
in your calorie deficit while still enjoying   the foods you love and achieving sustainable 
weight loss before we Dive Right In if you're   new here make sure you subscribe to my channel 
and hit that Bell so you get a notification   when I release a new video just like this one 
every single week my name is Michelle Roots   kinesiologist personal trainer nutrition coach 
and fitness and fat loss motivation specialist   I have over 16 years experience in the industry 
helping people increase lean muscle decrease body   fat and become the strongest healthiest versions 
of themselves and I created this channel to help   you as well so if you find the video helpful 
make sure you give it a like and leave me any   questions in the comments below I'm always happy 
to help okay so how are we going to build our own   calorie deficit diet plan for weight loss and 
just a heads up in this video I'm not going to   go over what a calorie deficit is how do you know 
if you're in a calorie deficit or how to calculate   your own calorie deficit I have videos explaining 
all of this already on my channel and I'll link   those in the description below if you want to 
know more about calorie deficit go watch those   after this one after working with so many women 
both in person and through my online coaching one   thing I've really found is that people struggle 
with learning what to eat they find specific meal   plans on the internet including sweet potatoes 
brown rice egg whites grilled chicken with no   flavoring at all and maybe that's about it and 
really of course if you eat this way for a long   time you are going to lose weight but the problem 
is is that sustainable long term if you've cut   out all of your favorite foods you've cut out all 
of the fun from your life and you are just eating   in this strict specific meal plan which is fine if 
that works for you and you can stick to that for a   long period of time good for you keep going but if 
you are watching this and you're like I just can't   do that I really need to have flavoring on my food 
I really need to have a little bit of variety I   want to be able to still enjoy a little bit of 
my favorite foods but still achieve my weight   loss goals then let's get into my five steps 
on how to create your calorie deficit diet plan   for weight loss step number one and the starting 
point should always be to calculate your calorie   deficit not your best friend's calorie deficit 
not how many calories Sally over here is eating   to lose weight everybody is different so you need 
to do your very own calculations there are a few   different ways to do it and I actually explain it 
all in this video right here again I'll link that   in the description below if you want to go watch 
that next but that is step one you're going to   want to know how to calculate your own calorie 
deficit I also have a free calorie deficit guide   that you can download I'll link that in the 
description below as well if you really want   more details about how to calculate your own 
calorie deficit step number two once we know   our daily calorie intake number that we're going 
to try and hit or stay underneath every single   day then we want to look at our macronutrients 
so your proteins your carbs and your fats if you   are just strictly looking to lose weight say just 
see the number drop on the scale you're not really   worried about changing your body composition or 
building some lean muscle decreasing body fat   macronutrients don't necessarily matter I still 
feel they matter because I feel like quality of   calories you're taking in still plays a big impact 
on the mental part of your weight loss Journey how   your body feels on your weight loss Journey but 
in the end technically if you were just looking   to lose weight eating whatever you want any types 
of foods but staying in that calorie deficit is   probably going to get you there probably not 
the healthiest option probably not the most   sustainable option but again to each their own if 
you are looking to do a body recomposition which   I talk also about a lot on this channel already 
where you are looking to increase lean muscle   and decrease body fat to just appear leaner and 
stronger smaller waist bigger glutes more toned   arms more toned legs that type of deal a body 
recomposition you definitely want to pay attention   to your macronutrients meaning your proteins your 
carbs and your fats I break down a lot more in   details about macros for a body recomposition in 
this video right here I'll link that also in the   description below if you want to go more into 
detail about your macronutrient percentages for   body recomposition and if you don't know what 
a body recomposition is check out this video   I'll also link that in the description below I've 
got everything for you guys so how are we going to   find out how many grams of each macronutrient you 
want to get in that 1800 calories let's just say   you're a beginner you want to start focusing on 
getting a little bit more protein in your diet and   more of a balanced meal plan we are going to start 
with 30 of your calories from protein 40 from   carbs and 30 from fats again this is if you're 
looking for weight loss or body recomposition   and just like in the calories we can adjust things 
as you go based on your results energy levels all   the things but this is a great place to start okay 
and then all you're going to do is pull up your   calculator so let's figure out your protein first 
so we've got 1800 calories times .30 which is 30   right because we're getting 30 of our calories 
from protein equals 540 and then there are four   calories per gram of protein so we're going to 
divide that by four that brings us up to 135 grams   of protein then we're going to look at our carbs 
so we'll go 1800 again time times 0.40 because   we're going to get forty percent of our calories 
from carbs that's 720 again there's four calories   per gram of carbs and we get a number of 180 grams 
so we've got 180 grams of carbs and then we go   fats 1800 times 0.30 again we're doing 30 fats and 
then there are actually nine calories per gram of   fat so we're going to decide that sorry so we're 
going to divide that by nine and that gives us 60   grams so that brings us up to 135 grams of protein 
per day 180 grams of carbs and 60 grams of fat   sorry if I went really fast with that but the main 
breakdown there is four calories per gram of carbs   and protein and nine calories per gram of fats a 
lot of the calorie trackers will probably already   calculate this for you but if you want to get a 
better understanding and calculate it yourself you   can also leave a comment below and I can help you 
calculate your grams of each macronutrient based   on your calorie goal as well as the macronutrient 
split you want to start with okay step three now   that we know how many calories we're gonna eat a 
day we know how many grams of each macronutrient   we're gonna try and shoot for again we're not 
trying to be perfect these are just ballparks   to give us a little framework as we move into 
creating our meal plan next step three what we're   going to do is break down about how many calories 
we want to be getting in each meal or snack and   how many times a day you want to be eating okay 
so say you want to eat five times a day that's   three meals and two snacks whatever works best for 
you or if you prefer to eat six times a day or you   prefer to eat four times a day you're gonna just 
take that 1800 calorie number and you're gonna   split it up amongst how many times you want to 
eat so for example I am someone who likes to do   breakfast snack lunch snack dinner possible snack 
at the end of the day depending on how the rest of   the day went but let's just say we're gonna base 
our calculations around that so most likely you're   gonna want more calories for breakfast lunch and 
dinners so here's what I would do simplest way   and again just a ballpark is 1800 calories divided 
by four so that's 450 calories so now we know we   can do breakfast lunch and dinner at 450 calories 
and then we still have 450 calories left for our   snack so if we want to break that into two snacks 
divided by two that's 225 calories for each snack   so you can go 450 cows at breakfast 225 snack 450 
cows at lunch 225 snack 450 cows at dinner and   you're going to stay within your 1800 calorie 
goal again these are all ballpark members but   we'll help you wrap your head around how to split 
your calories up throughout the day and then once   you know about how many calories you want to be 
getting now we're going to take your protein goal   of 135 grams a day which we calculated earlier and 
we're going to think how many grams of protein do   we want to be getting in each meal so the easiest 
way to do it is of course go 135 grams divided by   five because we're eating five times a day that's 
27 grams of protein each time you eat now let's   be realistic here you might get more protein at 
breakfast less protein in a snack more protein   at dinner less protein at lunch whatever it is but 
just think in your mind ballpark okay then I know   if I'm getting 20 grams of protein with breakfast 
I know I have to get an extra seven grams of   protein somewhere else and again you don't have 
to be perfect even if you think okay I have to   get around 27 grams of protein every time I eat 
today in those five meals it's a great place to   start mentally when we move into the next step of 
of building our meal plan so step number four the   fun part you're gonna sit down and choose all of 
your favorite foods based on those macronutrients   we talked about your proteins your carbs and 
your fats of course from good clean sources I   have a bunch of videos already my channel talking 
about the best carbs the best protein sources the   best good fats you can go watch those videos and 
pick your favorites I also have a high protein   food list which is a free download if you want to 
grab that I'll link that in the description below   for you guys as well and then once you have a list 
of all of your favorite sources of protein you're   gonna do that for your proteins you're going to 
do that for carbs whatever you really enjoy or   you like to eat or if you are just starting your 
journey to being healthier some of the foods that   you wouldn't mind trying or eating and throwing 
in different recipes so you're gonna do that for   proteins carbs and fats okay and then step number 
five we're just gonna take those favorite foods   and things that you like to eat and we're gonna 
log them into a food tracker I'm going to show   you using the calorie track app right inside my 
online coaching app but guess what I also have a   video for you guys already talking about the best 
free calorie tracker apps that you might want to   try out I'll link that in the description below 
as well so what you're going to do is pick which   calorie tracker app you want to use you're going 
to set in your calorie goal and your macronutrient   goal based on what we just calculated do not let 
the calorie tracker app calculate that for you   as sometimes they can be a little bit off so we 
know how to calculate our calorie deficit we know   how to calculate our own grams of protein grams 
of carbs grams of fat so you're going to enter   those all in on your own so once you have your 
nutrition goals set then you're just going to   sit and play around and enter some of the foods 
that you like that you made in the list in step   four and you're going to enter them and see where 
they fall and see where your calories fall okay so   I'm going to start by opening my online coaching 
app or you will open whatever you choose to use   there you guys are check out my set I can take 
a photo but I'm not going to Let's skip photo   and then we're going to add food so one thing 
I really like to have for breakfast is oatmeal   so I'm going to type in oats okay one cup of 
oatmeal perfect I'll add in the portion sizes   later so then I think on the side because again 
I'm trying to get at least 27 grams of protein   so I really like eggs they're easy to make in 
the morning and I'm gonna just look for grade a   large egg that's probably the closest okay another 
thing I like to put in my oatmeal is almond butter   so good so that goes in my almond butter here 
one cup of almond butter I'm definitely not   going to have a cup but we can change that after 
and let's do half a banana because I love bananas   and I also add cinnamon into my oatmeal but I 
don't need to enter that because really that's   like minimal calories so there we go and then on 
to the next step so I usually have about half a   cup of oatmeal we're gonna have two eggs and then 
I'm definitely not having a cup I'm probably gonna   have oops sorry change the the serving size so 
I'm gonna have one tablespoon of almond butter and   then I'm probably gonna have half a banana I was 
put the other path in the freezer and save that   for my smoothie so that's gonna be my breakfast 
that's 374 calories so remember I gave myself   about 450 calories but totally fine again these 
are just ballpark numbers and then that goes in so   I can see now I've eaten 374 calories and about 
19 grams of protein so what you can do here is I   can go back into that breakfast and be like 
hmm how can I add a little bit more protein   and maybe a little bit more calories maybe I'll 
go three quarters of a cup 0.75 let's do that   I'll eat a little bit more oats totally fine 
with that 416.

That's a little bit closer to   my calorie goal for that meal and look I'm at 
20 grams of protein so I'm actually happy with   that for my breakfast so we're gonna leave 
that there then I'm gonna go and add a snack yes I use my kids sandbox to 
prop my camera up Don't Judge Me   okay snack I really like Greek yogurt non-fat 
plain Greek yogurt I like Oikos brand oh gosh there it is okay oh it goes plain Greek yogurt 
and one thing I've been having lately is some   Vector cereal in it so good so Kellogg's Vector 
cereal and then let's throw in some strawberries   because why not because of health of course fruits 
and vegetables I didn't mention that yet but again   you will notice that as you're adding things into 
your day that's a snack so I'm going to do one   cup of plain Greek yogurt yep because protein 
protein protein and then I'm gonna have about   half a cup of the vector cereal it's so good 
when you mix it in with the yogurt and let's   say I have about half a cup of strawberries okay 
so that's about 232 I believe we said about 225   per snack totally fine close enough and I'm Gonna 
Save that so where are we at now so now we click and I can see I'm at 45 grams of protein and 
648 calories and I have 1300 remaining so this   is how you just play around with things 
and now what else will I eat that day so   another thing I like to eat for lunch is I 
really like they're called protein up wraps wrap let's see and I usually just find 
something that's closest to you can also   scan the barcode you see the barcode scanner 
up there I know some apps got rid of those but   this app has it if you can scan barcodes 
go for it and one thing I like to put in   my wraps is oven roasted turkey breast so 
I'll just go ahead and scan the barcode item selected and three slices sometimes I 
have four or I eat one while I'm making my wrap   and then I'm gonna put in some cucumber   because I love cucumbers let's just say half a 
cup of slices sure and then I also put in half an   avocado because good fats and so good how do you 
spell avocado come on Michelle okay let's let's   go one cup pureed I'm probably gonna change that 
portion size and then I also like havarti cheese   we're gonna throw in a slice of havarti cheese 
let's just go one serving 120 that's probably   about right so again now I'm coming in I'm 
definitely not having a cup a pureed so I'm   just gonna put about a quarter of a cup of the 
avocado one slice of cheese one wrap and about   four slices of turkey again that leaves 
us at about 409 calories oh and then one   thing I forgot I usually add some carrots on the 
side because they're yummy and again for health   so I usually definitely don't have a whole cup 
of carrots let's just say I have let's just be   generous say three quarters of a cup that leaves 
us at 448 calories that's in that 450 calorie   window for lunch let's save that so where are we 
at we got 900 calories remaining where are we at   for protein 81 grams so we still have 69 grams of 
protein but I have one snack and one meal left so   let's keep going what's going to be my next snack 
okay now let's add my afternoon protein shake   I use first form protein powder and I like 
the milk chocolate so 24 grams of protein   that's the one again I could scan if I wanted 
to and then I put in some Frozen blueberries let's add frozen blueberries 
spinach because I love spinach half a banana usually again I usually keep frozen 
bananas in my freezer and they're so good and then   unsweetened almond milk because it's also yummy 
and then I also add water to it as well so let's   see half a cup usually of unsweetened almond 
milk one scoop of protein about half a cup of   frozen blueberries probably about two cups 
of spinach I literally shove in as much as I   possibly can because greens and then half a banana 
so that puts us at 272.

Again our snack portion   size was 225 we put it under snack and again 
close enough so let's see where that leaves us   so here I have my nutrition goal on this app 
set is 2000 but for this specific example   we're at 1800 and 135 grams of protein so I'm 
actually at 1300 and 108 calories so I have   about 20 something grams of protein left which 
is perfect because I still have dinner so what's   something I would have for dinner let's say I'm 
having a stir fry so let's go with some grilled   chicken breast again I'm just estimating 
these right now if you want to weigh I   would click on this and know about 25 grams 
of protein in three ounces of chicken that's   probably what I'm having again if you have a 
scale and you're really trying to be perfect   you can obviously weigh your chicken and make 
sure that you get the exact portion size and then   let's say in my stir-fry I'm going to have some 
broccoli because again health and some brown rice let's just say about a cup half a cup 
I'll look at my carb portions and how   much I have left to determine usually in 
advance how much brown rice I'm gonna have and then I'll probably throw some more 
carrots in there because I love carrots   and they're good for you so again sauces 
I haven't added all of that stuff in I'm   just trying to make this fast for you guys so 
serving sizes probably about all of these are   good and then I'll save it oh meal type 
okay sorry dinner and then I'll save it   and then we look at the day so where does that 
leave us total calories so we said our calorie   goal was 1800 calories look we're at 1819 calories 
totally fine if I'm 19 calories over protein we're   at about 142 grams of protein we're over the 135 
and our carbs are at 203 again these goals are   different in my app that I have set up than the 
goals we calculated based on that 1800 calorie we   had 180 grams as our carb goal so what you can do 
here is once you've entered all this stuff in now   this is where you can play around with things okay 
so we want to take away a little bit of carbs I   know exactly where I can do that and this is where 
putting your calories in in advance can help so   let's see if we can go here and go edit I'm going 
to take this down to half a cup of brown rice and see where our numbers lie now so now we're 
hitting our carb goal we're at 178 for our carbs   our carb goal is 180.

We're at 139 for our 
protein so we're still a little bit over our   135 gold which is obviously completely fine and 
our fat goal was 55 grams so we are at 60 grams   as our goal so looks like we pretty much hit 
all of our macros and we're a little bit under   on our calories so here's what you can do in this 
situation is we hit pretty much all of our macros   almost 100 percent but our calories are under 
the 1800 calorie goals so I basically have 100   calories left over you can call it a day or you 
can go in and add an extra snack or you can add   maybe a scoop and a half of protein powder into 
your protein shake I'll show you so I can go back   and be like okay well maybe in my protein 
shake I'll go here and I'm going to add 1.5   so that's going to give us more protein which is 
completely fine right and now we're at 1774 we're   at 181 so we're one gram over on our carbs and 
this looks pretty good I'm not mad if someone's   going that high on their protein but they're 
staying under their calorie gold so sorry if   that was long-winded and very boring to watch but 
I really just want to show you this is the key to   Success is Not only thinking that I can only eat 
these specific Foods it's if you are knowing what   you're going to be eating so for example say it's 
Sunday night right now and I'm doing this on my   phone so I'm just entering the things you could 
be watching TV while you're doing it entering   the foods that I'm going to eat the next day and 
seeing what they do to your Macros seeing what   they do to your calories seeing what it does to 
that and then once you've entered everything in   if you see oh my carbs are a little bit High you 
go back into your meal plan and see where you can   take away some carbs or where you can add some 
protein where you can add some calories whatever   that is and just knowing again that it's ballpark 
but calories are key so the one thing to remember   is you never want to go over on your calories if 
you go over on your protein not a big deal carbs   not a big deal but Focus mainly on stay in that 
calorie deficit and for sure hitting your protein   goal so if you're hitting your protein goal you're 
staying in your calorie deficit you are winning   and if you know you're going out for dinner 
the night before so say tomorrow night I know   I'm going out to dinner we have a restaurant here 
called Cactus Club if I know I'm already gonna go   I can type in what I'm gonna eat already and see 
what that does and see how many calories I have   left over for the rest of the day so if I know I'm 
gonna eat this meal at dinner time then I know I   need to get this much protein for the rest of my 
day to still hit my calories and hit my macros so   you can still plan in advance for that you don't 
have to be doing this every single day but if you   are someone especially who eats very similar foods 
every day like myself my breakfast my snacks my   lunch are very very similar again I didn't enter 
sauces into here I didn't enter you know stir-fry   sauce I would have put something on my stir fry 
and this is where you can get more detailed but   if you are someone who is just starting out and 
you're just looking at learning calories you're   looking at learning macros and looking at hitting 
a protein goal every single day this is a great   place to start and these calorie tracker apps 
are very helpful so don't think that you have   to follow some crazy meal plan that's super strict 
in order to get your results you can still eat the   foods you love with the focus on protein calories 
good carbs good fats vegetables and fruit so a   few basic things to follow and plan ahead do not 
leave yourself playing what we call macro roulette   at the end of the day so if you're entering as 
you're going throughout the day you will get to   the end of the day and kind of how I was like oh 
no I went over on my cards or you're like oh I've   entered all my food but I still have dinner but 
I have a thousand calories to eat and 50 grams   of protein to eat and this much so you're kind 
of scrambling to try and hit your Macros versus   just while you're laying on the couch instead 
of scrolling Instagram which is fine open your   app start typing in what you're going to eat the 
next day play around with it again you don't have   to be perfect but taking that little step to plan 
ahead is going to go a long way and just take the   stress out of the day the next day you just eat 
what you've already written into your app follow   the plan and move on so there you go guys that 
is the simplest way I can explain to you of how   to create a calorie deficit diet meal plan based 
on the foods that you love because in the end if   you are eating what you enjoy all of these Foods 
I entered into that app I enjoy they taste good   I am not on a diet I still know that I can fit in 
one or two cookies there if I really want this is   what's going to make your weight loss and your 
fat loss Journey that much more sustainable and   then eventually you'll get to the point where you 
don't even need to track anymore because you can   eyeball things I've talked about that in quite 
a few videos already is that you shouldn't have   to literally enter everything in an app for the 
rest of your life but if you do it consistently   for the next three four five six months maybe a 
year and you get to learn portion sizes and you   know macro splits and all of these things this is 
where I'm kind of at now I don't need to track my   food anymore I can go off how I feel how hungry 
I feel I can eyeball portion sizes and maybe I'm   not hitting my macros perfectly but I know when 
I feel fueled and I know when I don't feel fueled   and I know what to do to change that and you can 
get there but you just have to put in the work in   advance so that's my Spiel for you guys today I 
really hope this video was helpful as usual I'll   put all the free downloads and guides in the 
description below where you can download those   also all the videos I talked about that are going 
to supplement this video that you might want to   go watch next I'll link those in the description 
below as well and if you want to know more about   my online Fitness and Nutrition coaching where 
I will work with you one-on-one to reach your   Fitness and fat loss goals I'll link that in 
the description below as well have a great day   guys keep working hard keep making yourself a 
priority and remember progress over Perfection   and consistency and Patience are the key to 
success see you guys in the next one [Music] [Music]

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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