Healthy Food Recipes - 3 Simple Habits for Faster Weight Loss | वज़न घटाने के लिए 3 आसान आदतें

February 25, 2023

Tried everything, but you're still not losing any weight? Waking up early in the morning to exercise, following all kinds of strict diets getting expensive gym memberships or working out twice as hard after every cheat day Even after doing all this, when you climb onto the weighing scale, you find that your weight remains exactly the same Does it happen to you too? Do you know there's an enemy in your life who won't let you lose any weight? and that enemy is hiding in this photo Take a look at this photo carefully. What do you think? Which one of these things is stopping you from losing weight the most? Alcohol? No! Sugar? No!
Oil? No! Refined flour? Not even that! Your biggest enemy is this chair! In this video, we'll learn why this chair has become the biggest reason for you not losing any weight Along with this, you'll learn 3 simple habits that you can start from today If you really want to lose weight, then it's very important for you to watch this video till the end Before moving onto the 3 habits, let's quickly understand what happens when you spend most of your day sitting Due to a lack of movement, your digestive fire starts weakening So the food you eat, its digestion slows down and it starts accumulating as toxins in different parts of your body Come, let's learn 3 habits that will help you reach your ideal weight The chair is our enemy.

But we can't remove it from our lives So why not turn that chair into our friend? How? Habit 1 - Chair Exercises We'll show you 3 exercises that you can do at any time of the day If possible, do these exercises along with me while watching this video Come, stand up and come in front of the chair that's near you First we'll do chair squats Keep your legs shoulder width apart Keep your arms straight out in front of you and now slowly squat until your hips touch the chair You don't have to sit completely. Just lightly touch it then stand up again. Then squat, then stand up You have to do this 10 times Within 10 rounds, the circulation in your thighs, stomach, arms, will increase The 2nd exercise we'll do is Chair Crunches. Sit on a chair Slide to the front part of it and hold it from the side like this Now tighten your core and stretch out both your legs in front of you and keep your knees as straight as possible for you Now fold your knees and bring them to your chest and back down again.

Bring them to your chest again and down again Do this 10 times as well This exercise will help reduce the fat in your stomach, thighs, legs, every part Just keep one thing in mind If you have back pain, you don't have to do this exercise. Skip this and do all the other exercises The last exercise is jumping jacks To increase the blood circulation in our body, we'll do 50 jumping jacks First stand up straight hands by your side and feet together Then jump and open your hands and legs outside and straight back again You have to do this 50 times You can even take breaks and do it if you want Chair squats, chair crunches and jumping jacks These are our 3 exercises To do these 3 exercises will only take you 5 mins maximum When do we have to do them? Twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening Maybe you're thinking - "How will I lose weight by doing this?" But this little habit will help increase your digestive fire and your food will start digesting properly, nothing will get stuck inside as waste and your weight will slowly start decreasing Habit 2 - instead of the lift, take the stairs If you're using the metro, take the stairs instead of using the elevator If you live in an apartment, take the stairs instead of taking the lift Whenever you go to the mall, instead of using the escalator, find the stairs next to the fire exit and when you park your car, get used to taking the stairs instead of the lift too What we want to tell you is that whenever you get the chance, find the stairs "Oh, but I stay on the 9th floor! I can't climb so much every day!" Oh! But it isn't necessary to climb all 9 floors every day Climb at least 3 floors and take the lift for the rest of them Maybe you can climb 3 floors in the 1st week 5 floors in the next week by the 4th week, maybe all 7 floors will feel comfortable to you Slowly, slowly, increase the number and eventually, settle with what you can comfortably manage every day Did you know many studies show that stair climbing is better than both walking and jogging when it comes to losing weight? When you climb stairs, your whole stomach - all core muscles are engaged How many phone calls do we do in a day? Some with family, some for work Some of them go on for 15 mins, sometimes 30 mins, and some for an hour Now just stand up and take all those calls As soon as someone calls, get up from your chair Whether you're at home or office, roam around and talk If your room is too small, no problem.

Find an open lobby and talk there There are 2 benefits of walk and talk phone calls 1st - if you walk around and talk, you won't even realize when an hour passed by It's like effortless exercise 2nd - when you keep taking breaks from sitting then you'll have more energy throughout the day Laziness won't happen. Your creativity and productivity both will increase You'll be able to work more efficiently and yes, another special tip - whenever you talk on the phone, don't keep the phone pressed to your ear your phone emits dangerous EMF waves and speaking like this sends these waves straight to your brain Instead, use earphones to speak instead So these are 3 new habits that you can start from tomorrow itself and watch yourself losing weight So I don't need to exercise in the morning anymore? Exercising for an hour every day is very important What we've told you in this video is what you need to do apart from that one hour of exercise Don't think - "Oh, I'm climbing stairs now so why exercise in the morning?" Do whatever you enjoy for your morning exercise Walking, yoga, running, jogging, jumping, dancing, swimming, tennis, badminton or any other sport Whichever sport you love, do that You know what's our problem? We look at exercise and movement as a punishment When we eat too much, we think - "Oh we'll have to exercise now" But movement should not be a punishment for what you ate but a celebration of what your body is capable of Today you can move, jump, run, dance, go wherever you want to go Celebrate this.

Everyday when you move, it should be a time to celebrate what Mother Nature has given you not a punishment If you want to know more about weight loss in-depth what should be the correct diet plan, when should you eat when not to eat, then do attend our Health Transformation Workshop which we host every Saturday It's a 4-hour workshop that you can attend sitting at home To register for the workshop, click here And if you want to lose your weight more quickly then watch these 2 videos for sure That's it for now. We'll see you soon.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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