Healthy Food Recipes - 2-Day CHEAP Carnivore Diet Meal Plan | 2 Sticks Of Butter To Melt Fat

February 25, 2023

I'm cooking up a two-day Carnival meal plan with 
two sticks of butter to help you lose stubborn fat I'm making the world's easiest meals with 
two tablespoons four tablespoons and the   ultimate one stick of butter without 
making you feel sick and so much more   and I'm gonna taste all of them starting off 
with this meal with two teaspoons of butter we're making crispy salmon with some buttery 
prawns I just have five ounces of salmon here   which I've just salted with some Redmond's Real 
Salt that's going to make sure that the skin is   nice and crispy I've also got here two teaspoons 
of butter now can you see how little that is   that's really important when you're just starting 
carnival start slow with the fats so we're going   to cook all this up in the skillet right here and 
get started butter goes in pop in the salmon skin   side down to make sure the skin is nice and crispy 
look how crispy that skin is now I'm going to pop   in the prawns to cook at the same time now this is 
just the beginning we have all these meals and it   gets crazy high fat towards the end of the video 
salmon and prawns are done now I want to know do   you call it prawns or shrimp because I think 
prawns is an Aussie term shrimp is an American   term but this is done and it's crispy and you 
know I want to give it a try I have my favorite   part which is the crispy side of the salmon and 
I've got one shrimp prawn I'm gonna give it a go this is so delicious sometimes it's good to 
change it up because I can just do beef day   in day out beef butter bacon and eggs but trying 
some seafood is amazing and I'm so excited for the   next meal because I'm doubling up the fat and 
I'm trying something I've never tried before next up we have some pork spare ribs now can you 
see how fatty this meat is I'm probably just gonna   have half of this portion but I am going to make 
the whole thing because it's easy meal prep and   this is loaded with iron and zinc then I do have 
the butter here now can you see it's double what   we made for the previous meal so that's a pro tip 
when you're increasing your fat increase it slowly   so we have a tablespoon of butter here now in case 
you're wondering what butter am I using for all   these meals this is it this is unsalted grass-fed 
butter and especially when you're upping your fat   I am choosing to use unsalted because I like to 
control how much salt I'm putting in and where   it's coming from so as you know I love myself the 
Redmond's Real Salt so that's what I'm using for   all these meals I've got a tray here lined with 
foil and I get it don't use foil use parchment   paper I saw a comment in one of my YouTube videos 
I know this but I am moving over sea so I'm just   using what I have for now and I've got the spare 
ribs I'm just going to put that on the tray here   and then once I do that I'm just going to get a 
smidge of this butter melt it all on top pop it   in the oven for about an hour on 200 degrees 
Celsius now I do want to let you know this is   just the beginning of the meal plan we have meals 
with two tablespoons four tablespoons and the one   stick of butter a day coming up pork ribs are out 
of the oven they were there for 45 minutes look   how golden brown they look they're going to be 
so good and this is the tablespoon of butter that   we're serving on the side with those pork ribs now 
I do want to give you some Pro tips so that when   you eat all this butter it does not make you feel 
sick and terrible now the biggest tip by far can   give you when you want to increase your fat is 
make sure eating chilled butter this is chilled   this is also cut up into little bits that's going 
to help you digest the fats never ever ever eat   rendered fat rendered fat is when you make a meat 
in a skillet or you have that juice that's left   over the fat and you eat that that's going to make 
you feel so sick and I can't tell you how many   times I've heard people say to me Rina I'm trying 
to increase my fat but I just can't increase it   to the point that you can eat it because now 
I'm eating one stick of butter a day sometimes   even more because I've done these Pro tips cold 
butter no hot fat that's really going to help you   increase your fats and also help you lose fat and 
also their hormonal healing I've got my pork spare   ribs okay let's try that again I've got my pork 
spare ribs right here that just fell before so   I'm being careful that it doesn't fall and then 
I've also got my butter here so let's give this   both a try a little piece here of the pork just 
adding on that little bit of butter carefully   oh my goodness the only thing I'll add is just 
a little bit of salt because I forgot but this   is amazing I feel I say that over and over if 
you haven't tried pork spare ribs you have to   try it and the funny thing is with this meal 
plan I'm not making any beef because if you've   seen my other recipes and meal plan all I 
do is make ground beef and all these beef   recipes so the next recipe is another delicious 
meal more fat but there's no beef so excited next up we have some lamb mints here this is a 
great alternative if you don't want to do beef   really really fatty I've got four ounces here so 
as you can see as we're increasing the fat we're   decreasing that protein I just made the Lamb with 
this little burger patty little mold here this is   so easy to make the perfect burger patties I'm 
also going to add in an egg yolk sauce these are   my eggs free range eggs these are happy eggs 
they're so good if you can get free range or   pasture raised if you can go to your local farm 
and get some eggs really really really good now   look at this this is two tablespoons of butter Do 
Not freak out we're going to eat all of this and   you're not going to feel sick so as you can see 
here this is the meal that we're going to cook up   on the skillet let's get going lamb goes in I'm 
not adding any extra fat because the lamb has   some fat in it already give it a bit of a flip 
I had such a good idea for the egg sauce I was   going to make a Hollandaise sauce which you can 
do with egg yolks and butter but I know that's a   lot of butter because it's a quarter of a stick 
of butter so we're not going to melt the butter   we're going to have it chilled and just increase 
our fat slowly but later on I want to show you how   to make that sauce if you want to add it to any 
of your Meats lime is cooked now I do have one   egg yolk here that I'm just going to put on top 
carefully that's going to be what we're going to   eat now I've got the butter here of course when 
I can eat it like that I'm going to cut it off   and then just finally add some Redmond's Real 
Salt now this is what my lamb is looking like   as you can see it's a bit of a failure I should 
have put the egg yolk on a cold piece of meat so   it's run a little bit but that's okay but you're 
probably wondering why on Earth are we eating a   third of a stick of butter or even one stick of 
butter a day well that's because of Dr Elizabeth   bright she wrote a fantastic book good fat is 
good for women and it's really really important   especially if us women are going through things 
like menopause if we can't sleep if we have a   problem with our hormones increasing our fats 
to one stick of butter a day even two sticks   of butter a day is really really going to help 
and Dr Elizabeth bright is going to join us for   the December Carnival challenge she's going to 
tell you everything that you need to know about   hormonal health and menopause and why we should 
be eating one stick of butter a day but enough   ranting I'm want to get into this meal I've got 
a really really good bite here I've got the lamb   the butter and that Oozy gooey egg yolk which 
is such a delicious sauce let's give it a go again it's so good now that was the most 
delicious meal along with everything else   that we had today and today we did half a 
stick of butter but tomorrow we're doing   another half a stick for one meal and then 
we're doing what you've been waiting for one   stick of butter in a whole entire meal I cannot 
wait this is where it gets very interesting up next we're doing half a stick of butter look 
at that we're also doing a simple egg and chorizo   salad so I'm going to get to softly boiling these 
eggs in some boiling water and then doing these   chorizos in the airfryer while the eggs are just 
boiling away I want to talk about how much fat you   need to eat personally do you need half a stick 
of butter do you need a quarter of a stick of   butter well that really depends on you it depends 
on where you're at in your carnivore Journey are   you a long-term healer are you somebody that just 
starting out on a carnivore diet but I do have   a way that you can figure out exactly how much 
fat you should be eating my eggs are perfectly   boiled chorizo which was just in the airfryer for 
three minutes half a stick of butter let's get   to the assembly while I'm just chopping away the 
ingredients if you want to know how much fat you   should be eating you can join the 60 day fat loss 
program that's starting January 1st with Coach   Bronson Dent Bronson will teach you everything 
you need to know how to deal with cravings   how much fat and protein and how to lose 
stubborn fat when you've tried everything   else we also have monthly challenges every 
single month there is 30 off if you join it   today I'll leave a link in the description 
have a look at all that butter now you can   see I've got the butter I've got all the eggs 
and the delicious chorizo I'm going to give it   a taste test okay the perfect bite don't be 
scared of this much butter when you increase   the fat you're going to get adjusted to it it's 
not going to make you feel sick but I'm excited so good and I didn't add any 
salt the chorizo is so salty   this is insane it is delicious I do 
not know how I can get any better and now what you've been waiting for the fattiest 
meal with a whole stick of butter in this entire   meal and the world's best carnivore dessert 
getting started with a fatty latte with a third   of a stick of butter first pop the kettle on grab 
a mug pop in your egg yolk a third of a stick of   butter a little bit of water halfway blend this 
up carefully I've dropped this so many times you   cannot imagine so frothy this is what the fatty 
latte is looking like and I am using this to   quit coffee yes I've been doing that every single 
day having this fatty latte and no coffee and I'm   also pairing this very nicely with the carnival 
bar and if you remember from my last video I   announced a giveaway so the two winners are on the 
screen you guys are getting 270 dollars worth of   Carnival bars thank you so much for subscribing 
and commenting it really helps get our Carnival   message out to the world now I'm going to sip on 
this fatty latte very slowly and get to the main   course which is crispy stuffed chicken thighs 
I've got nearly a pound of chicken thighs here   that I have just cut in half and I'm going to 
stuff those with some diced chorizo right here   and we've got the third of a stick of butter which 
we're going to use a little bit later this is so   simple just grab your chicken thigh grab some of 
these chorizo little bites in the middle foreign cheese to this you can add some Parmesan just to 
make it a little bit crispy and more cheesy put   this away grab a tray with some foil carefully 
lay the chicken thighs pop them in the oven for   about 30 minutes at 170 degrees Celsius just 
to recap we've got our fatty latte a third   of a stick of butter I'm still sipping on this 
slowly we've got our chicken thighs which we're   going to have with another third of a stick of 
butter and now we're doing the best Carnival   dessert with another third of a stick of butter 
but to make it we're going to actually use half   a stick so can you see this half of that is half 
a stick of butter so we're going to make the whole   thing with one stick of butter but we're only 
going to have a third so let me show you how   we make it I have one stick of butter just cut 
up this is just going to help to actually melt   it more evenly if you've never tried brown butter 
bites they're just like caramel toffee it is such   a game changer so you can see that the brown 
butter it's just foaming up so what happens is   it's going to get nice and brown there's going 
to be some brown specks at the bottom that's   when you know that it's done and when you're 
making the brown butter bites you'll start to   smell this nutty Aroma that's a sign that it's 
starting to get done but you've got to be quick   because it might burn just grab a bowl and then 
carefully pour the butter mixture into the bowl   so that it can cool my brown butter mixture 
has completely cooled you can see those little   specks at the bottom that's going to give you 
a nice caramel toffee flavor so now I'm going   to transfer this into this little what's Macaulay 
what do you call this um a pouring a pouring jar   then I've just got these little molds here 
that we're just going to fill with the mixture once this is filled pop it into the freezer 
for a few hours let's check how the chicken   thighs are going chicken thighs are 
out of the oven I'm going to go for   an hour walk just to let the chicken 
thighs cool and my brown butter bites   chill and then we're going to tuck 
into some dinner and some dessert that was so crazy windy outside but I do find 
that doing the one hour walks it really helps   especially when you're quitting coffee just to 
get more energy back and I got the idea from   coach cherish and I did an interview with 
her which is coming out next week she's 100   pure Carnival and has had amazing results now 
I'm hungry I'm going to tuck into some dinner   and there's brown butter bites I've got my 
chicken thighs here stuffed with chorizo the   third of a stick of butter this is chicken 
and butter Heaven I can't wait to try it my   mouth is watering okay I've got the chorizo 
the chicken and a whole big piece of butter hands down this is my new favorite 
now I have been a bit sneaky   I've got my brown butter bits to the side 
I want to show you that now although I do   love this dinner I'm just so excited to try 
this dessert this is the brown butter bits if   you've never tried it it is like caramel toffee 
now this one you can see is really really Brown   that's because it's got those brown little 
specks that have just gone on top it's like   um it looks like chocolate but it's delicious 
and then you've got like this one here so I'm   just gonna have two of these so two of these is 
a third of a stick of butter can you imagine look   how tiny can you see how tiny they are that is a 
third of a stick of butter so I'm gonna try this if you ever have cravings this is what's going to 
help you the brown butter bits are phenomenal so   let me know what was your favorite meal I would 
say that this chicken and the brown butter bites   it is so good but I want to know your favorite 
and thank you so much for watching for all you new   carnivores even my long-term healers I hope these 
meals help you along the way and don't forget to   subscribe if you want to see more high fat meal 
plan deliciousness I'll see you next time bye and then just whisk away and then just whisk away then blend this up

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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