Healthy Food Recipes - KETO CHEESECAKE: 5g net carbs + just like the real thing!

January 30, 2023

Hi, everyone. It's Maya from And, today, I'm showing you
how to make keto cheesecake. Guys, this has been the most
popular keto dessert recipe on Wholesome Yum for the past four years. And, for good reason, this low carb cheesecake tastes
just like the real thing. It's sweet. It's rich. It's creamy. People tell me they can't even tell that this is a sugar-free cheesecake. I use Wholesome Yum Almond Flour to make the keto cheesecake crust. It's super fine. So, it's gonna give us
a really nice texture that tastes just like shortbread. But, if you need a nut-free version, I'll link another keto
cheesecake recipe down below. That one uses a coconut flour crust, so you can use that crust
with this filling if you want. And, this filling is the number one reason to love this cake. This isn't just the best keto
cheesecake I've ever had, it's the best one I've had period. Making low carb versions
of traditional cakes and making them taste like
regular ones is tough, because the flours are just so different, but with the cheesecake, it's super easy.

All you need is the right
sweetener for the filling. Now, any powdered sweetener
will work in the filling for this keto cheesecake recipe, but after years of testing, I've found that the best result comes from using Besti sweetener. The reason is it dissolves perfectly. There's no grit. It tastes just like sugar. It doesn't crystallize when you store it. And, there's no cooling effect, like you get from
erythritol based sweeteners. In fact, Besti dissolves so well that if you don't have
powdered Besti on hand, you can use crystallized
for the filling as well, and it works perfectly.

It dissolves really easily. If you use a different sweetener, only a powdered one will work. I've gotten such positive feedback for this low carb cheesecake recipe, that I even included it
in my easy keto cookbook. I'll link down below where you can get it, and if you like easy keto baking recipes that use just a few ingredients, be sure you subscribe to my channel. I'll be posting more of those soon. Okay, I'm ready to make
this keto cheesecake. Let's do this. (upbeat music plays) We're going to start by lining a nine inch spring form pan with parchment paper.

This is how I do this. Flip the pan over and then fold the parchment
paper into fourths, just like this. Then, you're going to align the corner at the center of the pan and then just cut around a semi-circle just like this. And, basically, we're forming
like a quarter circle. And, once we unfold this, it's going to fit into the pan perfectly. I highly recommend a spring
form pan for keto cheesecake, because otherwise it's going
to be extremely difficult to get the cheesecake out of the pan. Set the pan aside, and now we're going to make our almond flour cheesecake crust. We're going to start with two cups of Wholesome
Yum Blanched Almond Flour. And, then we're going
to add three tablespoons of Besti sweetener. Now, if you like your
crest a little less sweet, you could use a little less of this, but it doesn't come up super sweet.

It's just a few tablespoons here. And, we're gonna mix that altogether until it's super smooth. If you like, you can use a whisk here to get rid of any lumps. I had a spatula on hand, so
that's what I'm going with. Next, we're going to melt
a third of a cup of butter. That is the same as five
tablespoons plus one teaspoon, if you're using the
notches on your butter. And, once that's melted, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and I like to use this little whisk to whisk it all together, the vanilla blends into the butter better than if we were just to add it to the almond flour mixture directly.

And, after that, you can go ahead and pour it in, and we're going to mix up the crust. It's going to be really dry at first, but just keep mixing and
kind of pressing your spatula until it's a little crumbly, and it should stick
together when you press it between your fingers, just like this. Now, we're going to press the
crust into our prepared pan. You can just go ahead and
pour this crumbly mixture into the bottom, and then use your hands
to kind of spread it out, and then press it so that it's
nice and compact in there. If you'd like, you can use a bottom of a glass for this to make it extra smooth, but I just use my finger, and we're gonna bake
it for about 10 minutes until it's golden. After it's done, you do want it to cool, but we can go ahead and make
our filling while we wait. The keto cheesecake
filling is the best part, and it's just like a regular cheesecake.

We're going to start with
four packages of cream cheese, that's 32 ounces total, and make sure it's softened
at room temperature, otherwise you're going to
end up with a lumpy filling, and we're going to add
one and a quarter cups of Besti powdered Monk
Fruit Allulose Blend. Now, like I mentioned before, if all you have is the crystallized Besti, you can go ahead and use that, because it's going to dissolve so easily, but if you're using any other sweetener, it has to be powdered. Beat the cream cheese and
Besti at medium to low speed until fluffy.

You don't want the speed too high, otherwise you're going to
introduce too many air bubbles, and we don't want that in the cheesecake. Once your cream cheese and
sweetener are nice and smooth, go ahead and add the eggs. We're adding three large eggs and add those one at a time, beating after each addition. Now, I'm going to add a
tablespoon of lemon juice. I love the flavor from fresh lemon juice, but if you like, you can use bottles for
convenience as well.

And, keep in mind, this
is not a lemon cheesecake. You're not actually going to
taste that much lemon in there. It's just to balance out the flavors. I also don't add sour cream
to my basic keto cheesecake, but if you'd like that in there, feel free to add a
quarter cup of sour cream at this step as well. And, finally, we're adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract and beat this all together, until the filling is nice and smooth. Our keto cheesecake filling is ready, our crust has cooled, so we can go ahead and combine them.

Pour the filling over the crust, and then after this,
you can smooth the top. I like to use just a general,
regular spatula first, and then if you'd like it extra smooth, use a pastry spatula to smooth the top. If you have any tricks for
how to do this really well, let me know. I do my best here. My low carb cheesecake is ready to bake. This is going to take
about 45 to 55 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, until the center is almost
set, but still jiggly.

You don't want it fully set, or it's going to be dry and overcooked. Once you remove the
cheesecake from the oven, it won't be fully set yet, but we do want to run a knife
along the edges to prevent it from sticking to the sides, and causing cracks as it
shrinks when it cools. So, I'm just gonna dip the knife in water and then kind of go
around the edge, slowly, do the best you can, and this is going to help
prevent cracks later as well. Cool the cheesecake in
the pan on the counter at room temperature, and then once it comes
to room temperature, refrigerate for at least four
hours, preferably overnight, until completely set. Do not try to remove the cake
from the pan before chilling, or it is going to fall apart. Now, that the cheesecake
has cooled and fully set, I like to use the knife trick again, just to be extra sure that the cheesecake is not stuck to the edges of the pan. So, go ahead and run all the way around, and then after that, you can slowly and carefully remove the edges of the spring form pan.

Now, you can just serve the
cheesecake directly in the pan so that you don't have
to worry about moving it, but I like to transfer it to a cake stand. I just think it looks more beautiful. So, I use this giant Turner. I'll link it down below. I think it's really convenient
for transferring cakes, and so many other things in the kitchen, and hopefully this turns out, and it doesn't crack on me. Yes, it worked. This keto cheesecake
is my absolute favorite for serving at get togethers, because nobody can tell it's low carb. Let's cut a slice, and let me show you what the
inside of this looks like. That's just so creamy, gonna cut so smoothly. Make sure you've cut through
the crust on the bottom. Trick to cutting cheesecake
is a straight down motion.

Don't seesaw back and forth, otherwise it's going to kind of crumble. Once you've cut to the bottom, then you can just slide the
knife out just like that. Now, you can tap your keto
cheesecake however you want, but my favorite way is
this easy raspberry sauce. It's sugar-free. It's in my easy keto cookbook as well. So, let's put some of this on.

And, a couple raspberries, I like to scatter those
on the plate as well, and some blueberries, this is my favorite way
to decorate a cheesecake. It's so fun. Oh, that one went rolling. And a sprig of mint. I'm so excited to try this. Ah, that was so good. It definitely tastes like
there's real sugar in there. If you've tried this recipe before, I know many of my readers
have over the years, I'd love to hear from you. Leave me a comment. Let me know what you thought of it.

And, if you haven't, I
hope you'll make it soon. Don't forget to snap a photo and post it with #WHOLESOMEYUM, so that I can see it. See you next time on Wholesome Yum, where I share easy,
healthy, and keto recipes all with 10 ingredients or less..

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