Healthy Food Recipes - 6 Low Carb Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Are You Eating Them?

January 31, 2023

Cutting carbs is an effective way to lose weight. In this video, I share 6 low carb foods that take weight loss to the next level by targeting belly fat. [intro music] We ll start with one of the most versatile low carb foods, which is the egg. Eggs are the complete package with a great mix of nutrients that help you lose belly fat. One of those nutrients is protein, and when it comes to protein and burning belly fat, quality matters. A study published in Nutrition & Metabolism showed that consuming high-quality protein throughout the day results in less abdominal fat. And, by quality, they were not distinguishing between a hot dog and a grass-fed steak. Instead, they based quality on the amino acid content of the food. Like many animal-based foods, eggs are complete proteins, which means that they contain all of the essential amino acids that your body needs.

And, they are easy to eat throughout the day, from a breakfast of scrambled eggs to a hard-boiled egg snack, to a slice of quiche at dinner. Now, most of the protein in an egg is found in the egg white. The yolk, however, may give you an additional belly fat fighting advantage. That is due to the fact that egg yolks are one of the few - good - natural food sources of vitamin D. A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when healthy overweight and obese men and women had their diets fortified with calcium and vitamin D, they did not lose more weight than the control group but they did have a significantly greater reduction in visceral or belly fat. Another high-protein/low-carb food choice to help you lose belly fat is salmon. Like an egg, salmon is a complete protein, so you are getting all of the essential amino acids. However, it is salmon's exceptionally high omega 3 fatty acid content that gives it an edge for reducing belly fat.

A review study found that much like vitamin D, omega 3s may not reduce overall body weight, but they do reduce belly fat. The reason for this focused fat loss is not clear, but after reviewing 21 previously performed studies, the research team found that waist circumference and waist to hip ratio was significantly reduced in those with omega-3 rich fish oil supplementation. AND, I will add that salmon, in my opinion, is a good entry-level fish. What I mean by that is that it is a hearty fish without a real fishy smell, so it is easy to cook at home. In fact, I shared my typical salmon recipe in a video here on YouTube that I ll point you to in the description area below.

Eggs and salmon are animal-based foods, but there are some great low-carb plant foods that help reduce belly fat. Chief among them is the avocado. If eggs are the perfect food of the animal world, avocados are the perfect food of the plant world. After evaluating more than 17,000 people, a research team found that those who regularly ate avocados had an overall healthier diet and a smaller waist circumference than non-avocado eaters. Now, saying that those health benefits were strictly due to eating more avocados is a bit of a stretch. However, avocados contain a good mix of both soluble and insoluble fiber, which is why they make our list of belly fat fighting foods. Both forms of fiber have been shown to help with weight loss, which may be because fiber fills us up and naturally reduces calorie intake.

BUT, when it comes to belly fat, foods that supply soluble fiber have additional benefits. A study that evaluated lifestyle changes in families over a five-year period found that for each 10-gram increase in soluble fiber, the rate of visceral or belly fat accumulation decreased by 3.7%. Now, I have three additional low carb foods to share with you today, but before I do that, let s make things practical. Hard-boiled eggs, salmon, and avocados are all foods that go great as salad toppers.

If you get in the habit of having a salad as one of your daily meals, you will fill your stomach with volume from the greens and healthy fats. Not only will that keep hunger away, it will also provide the nutrients your body needs to reduce belly fat. A daily salad is one of the 4 daily habits that make up my 0,1,2,3 strategy. I like to say that when you follow those four habits, your body has no choice but to lose weight. If you want to learn all four, you can do so for free by following the links here on the video and below in the description area.

Okay, let's round out the list with a low carb snack food and a couple of supplemental foods that help you lose belly fat. One of my favorite low carb snacks is raw almonds, and as it turns out, having them as a snack may help you lose abdominal fat. A research team fed 48 individuals with high cholesterol identical diets except for one daily snack. Half of the participants ate 1 and a half ounces of unsalted, whole, natural almonds while the other half ate a banana muffin with butter. At the end of the study, the almond eaters showed a significant reduction in abdominal fat and leg fat compared to the muffin eaters. If you are someone who is often on the go, raw almonds are an ideal snack because they are easy to carry with you and quick to consume. In fact, I just pulled this baggie out of my purse before this video. You will also find that the healthy fats and fiber that they provide suppress hunger, making it easy to make it to your next meal.

A great way to supplement your diet for better belly fat burning is to use organic psyllium husk. In one study that lasted for six weeks, 47 healthy teenage boys were given either 6 grams per day of psyllium or a placebo. Those who took the psyllium supplement had a reduction in belly fat. One reason that psyllium husk might be effective at targeting belly fat is because of its soluble fiber content, which I mentioned when we were talking about avocados. If you're not a fan of avocados or you are just looking for a way to supplement your low carb diet with fiber, psyllium husk is a good choice. When you consume soluble fiber, it mixes with water and digestive juices to form a gel-like substance inside of you. In fact, you can see what I mean from this bowl. Before starting the video, I put a teaspoon of psyllium husk powder in some water. You can see how it forms a gel. That is going to give you added weight loss benefits because it slows digestion, keeps you feeling full longer, and feeds the good bacteria of your gut.

Psyllium husk does not have a strong taste and dissolves easily in water, so you can drink it down before it gels or hide it in a recipe. One thing that I do like to mention is I do like to buy organic psyllium husk to avoid the pesticides and additives found in other commercial brands. Sticking with supplemental foods that help you avoid or lose belly fat, we have medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs. Your body handles these fats differently than other fats. Because of their chemical structure, MCTs get absorbed out of the gut and go directly into the liver where they are burned for energy, rather than moving into storage. A study that compared medium-chain triglycerides to long-chain triglycerides found in olive oil, showed that after 16 weeks, those who supplemented their diet with MCTs lost more body weight and fat mass than those taking olive oil. A more comprehensive review study that compared MCTs to long-chain triglycerides like olive oil confirmed that MCTs are more powerful for reducing body weight and waist circumference. You can get MCTs from coconut oil or MCT oil. You can add either oil to coffee.

Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and remains stable when subjected to heat, making it good for cooking. And, since MCT oil is a liquid, you can use it to make homemade salad dressing. It's no secret that low carb diets are effective for weight loss. And with just a bit of planning, you can finetune your diet to target belly fat. Start your day with MCT oil stirred into your coffee. Top a lunchtime salad with hard-boiled egg, salmon, and avocado slices. Enjoy a handful of raw almonds in the afternoon and drink a cup of water with psyllium husk before dinner, and you've covered your bases.

There is an art to putting together a well-formulated low carb diet. If you want a place to start, I encourage you to download and learn the four daily habits of my 0,1,2,3 strategy that comes with a free video series that is not available here on YouTube. Follow the links to get those resources, and please click the subscribe button before you go. Thanks for watching!

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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