Healthy Food Recipes - 10 MUST HAVE KETO SNACKS TO HAVE IN YOUR PANTRY + 4 Easy Keto Snack Recipes for on the go

January 04, 2023

Keto snacks are especially important
when you're first starting out on the keto diet you might get hungry in
between meals and you need to have keto foods on hand you can grab when you're
starving and you don't really have a lot of time to make a meal so I put together
my list of 10 must-have keto foods that you should always have in your pantry
plus I'm going to share some easy keto recipes that you can make to go along
with these snacks I did a video earlier this year on the 10 must have keto foods
to have in your refrigerator make sure you guys check out that video I'll have
it up here for you or listed down below in the description box it's a very
popular video and give some great tips there too so let's go see what's in my
pantry the number-one snack that I always have
in my pantry is bone broth and I know that probably sounds a little weird that
it actually is something that I like to consume daily it's a great snack to have
in between meals because it's low-calorie and depending on what kind
you get there's virtually no carbs in them has just a little bit of protein
and sometimes a little bit of fat and it's completely satisfying bone broth is
filled with muscle building and gut repairing amino acids has collagen in it
and lots of minerals too so I know my body is getting additional nutrition
with every single sip and like I mentioned before it's satisfying it
tastes like chicken noodle soup but without the noodles you can get brought
that shelf stable in the cartons or the bags or you can get them in little
convenient pouches see these are great for on-the-go
look I like to just grab a pouch and bring it with me into work and then I
can have bone broth just in between my lunch and when I leave for work
my favorite packaged bone broth is by bare bones broth
their broth is made from organic pasture-raised
animals without use of any antibiotics so you're always gonna get high quality
broth from them they have the best flavors and they come in different
varieties too like there's chicken and beef turkey they have different flavors
like a rosemary lemon that's really really good and I'll have their
information link down below if you're interested in bare bones broth and one
of my tips for when you're feeling a little under the weather it's just to
make some bone broth that's why I love having these convenient pouches on hand
so when I don't feel very good I could just heat them up with a little bit of
butter like a tablespoon or two of butter add some salt in there even a
splash of heavy cream and it tastes like creamy chicken noodle soup without the
chicken and the noodles it's just a great option when you're not feeling
good and you don't have time or don't really have the energy to make much of
anything this is something that you you can sip on it keeps you warm and
gives you that extra nutrition to help you feel unless you hate seafood you
probably already have the snack in your pantry and that's tuna fish and tuna
fish is an excellent snack and lunch option too it's filled with lots of
protein omega-3 fatty acids and plus some vitamins and minerals you want to
look for brands that say that the fish was caught with a pull in line and
trolling method those are actually ones that are sustainably caught where
they're not catching a bunch of dolphins or other fish turtles and things like
that so if you're really conscious about that make sure you try and find brands
that that use these methods like wild planet is a really good brand or there's
some other ones that say on the label that it was sustainably caught and I
want to share with you one of my favorite recipes for making tuna salad
this is really easy it's something that I like to either snack on with some pork
rinds or celery or just take it pork with me I take one canned tuna fish
that's drained add a tablespoon of minced up celery a tablespoon of minced
red onion and if you want to get some of that crunch and onion flavor out of the
onions you can soak your onions and water for five minutes one teaspoon of
minced up parsley 2 tablespoons of mayo and I went to use the mail that's off a
kado base like primal kitchens makes this one I got this one from Costco if
you use traditional Mayo you can but it's just made with some oils that
aren't necessarily healthy for you one teaspoon of mustard sprinkle in some
ground pepper and a little squeeze of lemon mix it all together and it's the
perfect easy tuna salad the next feat of snack that you should
always have in your pantry is sardines now before you turn up your nose or just
throw up a little bit in your mouth hear me out sardines are packed full of
nutrition they have lots of protein and lots of omega-3 fatty acids in fact
they're one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids out there they have
up to one point eight grams of omega-3s and a four ounce serving of sardines
they also have vitamin D B vitamins calcium and selenium in them too and if
you're worried about mercury levels in fish well this is one option that you
could have that has the lowest amounts of mercury out there they're very
convenient you can pack them in your lunch you can pack them on the go if
you're traveling because they didn't require any refrigeration and it's
really easy just to open up a can and just eat it straight from the can there
are lots of different searching manufacturers out there the ones that I
get are the ones that were caught and using sustainable practices just because
I want to make sure that no other sea legs were harmed while these were
captured I like to get the ones that are preserved and olive oil they make smoked
ones the mustard ones are really good too they even make some spicy ones so
there's different flavors that you can check out I'll often times just grab a
can of peas when I'm on my way to work running out the door don't have time to
pack a lunch so they're really nice for that sometimes too if I have some pork
rinds on hand I'll just bring some of those to work and just put a little bit
of a fillet of a sardine on top of a pork rind and eat it like that and
hearing the title of this video you probably already guessed that I was
going to talk about jerky as a must-have snack item to have in your pantry well
you're right and a lot of you guys are gonna agree with me because jerky is
delicious but here's the deal with jerky you have to be careful in selecting the
type of jerky that you get because a lot of them have a lot of hidden unnecessary
carbohydrates in them like stay away from anything that says teriyaki and
definitely read the back of the nutrition label because it will say how
many carbs are in each piece of jerky of beef
and I tend to get the ones that have no sugar in it because I just think it's
unnecessary for them to put any sort of sugar product into beef jerkey the brand
that i like is by chomps so I usually always have some of these on hand I get
mine from Amazon but thright market has them as well so I'll have them linked
down below of where you can purchase them and they come from different animal
sources - so there's beef there's turkey venison
they have different flavors like Hal opinio one there's spicy ones they're
delicious and they're made from grass-fed animals they don't have any
additional sugar in them the macros are really good on it I highly recommend the
chops jerky and I bet you're gonna see this one coming too I'm going to tell
you that pork rinds are a necessary snack item to have in your pantry you
guys know how much I love pork rinds in fact I just did a video on ways that you
can use pork rinds in the keto diet but I'll have that linked up here that you
can click on or down below in the description box but pork rinds are great
there's something that you should always have on hand not only do they make a
good snack option like it's a chip substitute but they're also super
versatile you can grind them up and use them as breading to coat your chicken if
you're making fried chicken or throw them in as breadcrumbs if you're making
a meatloaf there's many different ways that you can use pork rinds I also like
to use them if I'm making like a sweet treat so you can make keto puppy chow or
rice krispies treats and in that video I show you how to make those they also
come in a variety of flavors and there's many brands out there that are really
nutrition it's like they're not made using unhealthy oils they use pasture
raised animals without any antibiotics so some of my favorite brands are like
epic pork rinds 45005 there's a pork cloud all of those brands are really
good pork rinds you guys know how much I love chalks here oh yes I develop
recipes for them I'm their food photographer I film videos for them but
I truly truly love their products in fact you should check out their channel
if you want some more keto sweet styled recipes I'll have that linked up here
for you or down below in the description box but their products are
it's seriously the best pedo chocolate I've ever had and I would not endorse it
if I did not love it they also have pancake syrups and align the chocolate
chips out now and they're coming out with really cool products in the future
but I always have some of their chocolate on hand inside my pantry
they're portion controlled they come in a little portion control packet just a
tiny square if you buy it an entire bark of one of their competitors you're not
tempted to eat the entire thing because really you're just only allowed like a
small square of chocolate it's a great option when you're craving some
chocolate or just need a little bit of a sweet treat another keto snack option I
always have on hand is some variety of nuts I always have macadamia nuts
almonds pecans I'll occasionally have pili nuts on hand too I like to use nuts
to make my Quito trail mix and I'll have that recipe linked down below for you
it's just a wide variety of different nuts and seeds and coconut chips and
Quito chocolate chips and then plus I make these delicious pork clusters that
are just amazing and just add a little tiny bit of crunchy sweetness it's super
delicious and a great snack option to have on hand for the kids for lunches or
if you're gonna go hyeme during the day my next keto snack option to have on
hand is pepperoni slices now I know it's not the cleanest of keto and you might
want to avoid them if you're trying to not have any nitrates or nitrites which
is a lot of times found in processed meats but I love pepperoni slices they
make a good snack just to have right out of the bag or you can make pepperoni
chips with them pepperoni chips are like having the top pieces of pepper
brownie on a piece of pizza that get extra crispy it's like that so it's like
a it's a good option for like a snack or cracker replacement when you're on the
keto diet to make pepperoni chips you can make these in the oven or your air
fryer you want to lay down the pepperoni slices into a single layer onto a
parchment-lined baking tray and bake it in a 450 degree oven for around eight to
ten minutes remove the pan gently blot it down with some paper towel to get up
the excess grease pop them back into the oven for another two to three minutes
and they'll get extra crispy and like I said if you want to cook these in an air
fryer it's similar temperature to make it's just not gonna take quite as long
to make but again you're only gonna depend on how big your air fryer is
you're gonna probably get the less pepperoni chips made compared to if you
put them on a large baking tray into the oven
another ketose snack option that you should have on hand in your pantry is
nut butters now I know you can get carried away with nut butters it's
really hard just to have one or two tablespoons at a time and they tend to
be higher in carbohydrates especially if you kind of go overboard and have like a
quarter of a cup or half a jar the whole jar although there is an option out
there it's macadamia nut butter and it's lower in carbs and higher and fat it's
super creamy very delicious although I don't always buy it because it's around
$20 a jar so it really kind of just saved that for special occasions the
reason why I recommend having that butters on hand is so that you can use
it to make other snacks so you can use it just the traditional putting the nut
butter on top of a piece of celery or even a pork rind and having it like that
it just gives a little bit of extra fat and protein to keep you satisfied until
your next meal or one of my favorite things to do this is when I'm creating
chocolate and peanut butter I'll take some a choc sea Rose bark like I like
fair almond bark and just spread a little small layer of almond butter on
top and then put another piece of the chocolate bar on top and there you have
a chocolate peanut butter sandwich or almond butter sandwich it's delicious so
if you love Reese's peanut butter cups you're gonna love this
another keto snack that I usually have on my pantry is some sort of dehydrated
cheese like a cheese whisk or moon cheese I just like these I don't eat
them all the time just because I try not to have too much dairy and I kind of see
this as more of like a cheat keto food but I love to have these because they're
perfect when I'm hungry and need something crunchy I like to have them in
salads too adds a little bit of crunch almost like a crouton to a salad so I
think it's a good option to have on hand I hope you guys enjoyed this video make
sure you subscribe to my channel and hit that notification bell because I'm gonna
have more videos like this coming out I'm sure you guys want to know what's in
my freezer plus I'm going to have additional keto pantry must have videos
coming out

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