December 01, 2022

we're a busy family of four my husband
and I both work full time we have two growing boys that are both active in
sports so we can be a struggle sometimes to put a healthy home-cooked low-carb
dinner on the table so I've created seven different recipes for you guys
that you can go to for your dinners and this doesn't involve pulling cheese off
of a pizza or having a fast-food bunless burger these are all easy very delicious
recipes that you can make I'm going to show you how to meal prep today we have
some freezer friendly recipes one that's in the instant pot these are all recipes
that you can make in 30 minutes or less and they're delicious
- your family's gonna love them so let's get started the recipes that we're gonna make below
are all very simple and they're family favorites of ours - they're my go-to
recipes when we have a busy night and I'm not quite sure what to cook I'm
going to show you how to make chicken schnitzel a fajita bowl chili in the instant
pot along with some keto cornbread to go with it keto enchiladas keto lasagna
pesto chicken and keto pizza these are all very easy recipes and the best part
is is that they're only gonna involved buying two different types of protein at
the grocery store we're only buying ground beef and chicken thighs and a
couple of these recipes use leftover meat that we had made the night before
I'm gonna have the full recipe links down below they can all be found on my
website to start with the meal prep I like to do
my meal prepping on Sundays because it's my day off and it will set me up for the
rest of the week but of course you can meal prep on any day that's more
convenient for you on this day I like to prepare all of my vegetables for the
week so we're gonna chop them up get them ready to go I'm gonna roast some of
them I'm also gonna prepare a lot of my proteins too for the week there's a
couple of different freezer meals that we're gonna make and we're gonna make up
a batch of fat head dough to make things easier throughout the week I like to
prep up all of my vegetables that we're gonna have throughout the week on Sunday
so that involves all of the washing the chopping the roasting or grilling
whatever I'm doing it's gonna be prepared and I'm gonna prepare these
vegetables if I am cooking them today they're gonna be / cooked so just
slightly undercooked so that when I do reheat them on the day that we're gonna
have them they don't become overcooked and soggy so today we're roasting up
onion and bell pepper after I've sliced up all of my onion and bell pepper we're
gonna mix it together with some olive oil and some salt and pepper and place
it on a parchment lined baking tray and we're gonna roast these in the oven at
350 degrees for about 10 minutes later on in the week I'm gonna be making
a chili so I want to make sure I have my vegetables for the chili all prepped up
chopped and ready to go so in that recipe I'm gonna need 1 full bell pepper
1 jalapeno and a half of an onion so I'm gonna have all of those ingredients
chopped up and ready to go and just store them in an airtight container in
the refrigerator until I need them I also want to have some asparagus tonight
for dinner so I'm gonna go ahead and roast that up now as I'm roasting the
other vegetables while my vegetables are roasting it's time to make up my Spanish
cauliflower rice I'm gonna use this as a side dish
for one of the meals on one night and it's also gonna be the base for our
fajita Bowl that we're gonna have tomorrow I'm doubling the batch of this
cauliflower recipe because like I said we're gonna be having it on two separate
nights once my cauliflower rice is done I'm
going to move on to making some ground beef so this is ground beef that's going
to go in my lasagna and my enchiladas for the week I'm going to use two pounds
of ground beef and brown it in a skillet along with one onion once my ground beef
is cooked I'm going to separate them out evenly and add a marinara sauce to one
portion and an enchilada sauce to the other next I'm gonna assemble both of these
casseroles so for one I'm making Akita lasagna and then the other one is going
to be a keto enchiladas these both can be stored either in the
refrigerator if you're gonna have them soon and over the next couple of days or
you can store them in the freezer too next I'm going to start preparing what
we're gonna have for dinner tonight which is my chicken schnitzel recipe
this is a crusted chicken it's delicious it's made with ground pork rinds and
almond flour you guys have to check out this recipe because it's one of our
favorites once again I'll have it linked down
below for you to follow we're making up a double batch of this chicken schnitzel
because we're gonna have it tonight for dinner but we're also gonna have it the
next day and our fajita Bowl while my chicken schnitzel is cooking in
the frying pan I'm going to move on to making some fat head dough this fat head
dough is going to be used to make a keto Pizza on Friday Fridays we like to make
pizza in our house and also some breadsticks to go along with the lasagna
when we have that on one of the nights I love making up fat head dough ahead of
time because you can store it in the refrigerator and it's freezer safe too
so you could pop it in the freezer if you're not sure if you're gonna eat it
over the next couple of days my chicken stencil is almost done so now it's time
to make the other side dishes that we're gonna have tonight for dinner first up
I'm gonna be making a buttery keto pasta and the pasta that I'm going to use is
this one it's pi0 noodle and it's a shirt off your noodle but it also has
some oat fiber in it it only has one that gram of carbs per serving and it's
really good they're not rubbery they actually taste good too once they're
mixed with other things so I'm gonna make these up I'm just gonna be adding
butter and some parsley and salt earlier I roasted up some asparagus we're gonna
be having that for dinner tonight too it's Monday night and like I said we're
going to be using that leftover chicken stencil that we made last night to make
a fajita bowl now chicken schnitzel can get a little soggy once that's
refrigerated no problem we're just gonna crisp that outer crust back up in the
airfryer if you don't have an air fryer you can just pop them back in the oven
and heat them for about 10 to 12 minutes until it's cooked through and crispy on
the outside and with the air fryer we're gonna do the same I'm gonna heat these
up at about 360 390 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes next we're just gonna portion out our
Spanish cauliflower rice I top it with some of those roasted vegetables the
chicken schnitzel that's sliced up I love putting avocado sour cream you
could add guacamole or salsa to this too and a little sprinkling of cheese it's
delicious and a super simple easy meal for you meal number three we're gonna be
having enchiladas know if you decided to freeze these you can either take them
out of the freezer the morning of and just let them thaw throughout the day or
you can cook them from frozen along with our enchiladas we're gonna
have more of those rested vegetables that we made the other night tonight we're making my instant pot
chili and cornbread this recipe is delicious and I get a lot of positive
reviews about it but it's okay if you don't have an instant pot you can still
make it just throw it on a stovetop to make or you can put it in your slow
cooker too once again the full recipe is down below in the description box and we
already prepped out our veggies that are gonna go in this chili on Sunday so it's
gonna make it even easier because we're gonna just throw everything into the pot
let it sauté and then pressure cook it for a few minutes while my chili is
cooking an instant pot it's time to make that keto cornbread and this is the
easiest keto cornbread that you can make it basically you can make it at one pot
if you wanted to and we're gonna cook it in the microwave
for six to ten minutes or you can pop it in the oven too I have instructions on
how to cook it in the oven on my website tonight we're having my chicken pesto
for dinner and this is one recipe that I actually like to prep in the morning
just to make the marinade so the chicken is coated and it has all that delicious
pesto flavor so I mix everything up first thing in the morning keep it in a
ziplock bag ready to go to bake when I get home from work all we do is just dump my ingredients
from the ziplock bag into a baking dish and bake it in the oven along with the pesto chicken I'm also
gonna just pop into the microwave a freezer bag of cauliflower rice and some
broccolini Friday night is usually pizza night at
our house so I'm going to take that Fathead dough that I prepped up the
other day and we're gonna use it to make keto pizza I'm also going to be taking
any leftover chicken I have from that pesto chicken and it's going to be a
pesto chicken pizza we're gonna add a little bit of cherry tomatoes some
leftover roasted vegetables along with some leftover pesto and it's pizza the last meal for this week is an easy
one and it's that lasagna that we froze up so once again you can thaw this out
in the morning or just pop it right in the oven I'm also gonna make up some
breadsticks out of that leftover Fathead dough that we have for these breadsticks
it's super simple you're just gonna roll them out into little logs or snake
shapes brush with some butter and some garlic powder or garlic salt and bake
them in the oven I hope you guys enjoyed today's video
don't forget to give me a thumbs up if you liked it and want to see more videos
like this also subscribe to my channel have a good one bye

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