Healthy Food Recipes - DIETVLOG#11 🍱 Making Healthy Lunchbox for work| Simple Diet Recipes to Lose Weight

December 27, 2022

Hi guys, it's me again! How are you guys this week? I still work hard and regularly. Because there are many commenters who want me to make the simple diets that are easy to buy. So I decided to record video of a few days when I prepared lunch boxes to take to work. Firstly I make a protein shake to drink before breakfast. Actually, you don't have to buy protein at all, It's just a dietary supplement. If you can't afford to buy protein, you can replace it by eating nuts as a snack such as peanuts, cashews. These two types nuts are also not too expensive but contain a lot of protein.

Of course, you shouldn't eat too much, it is easy to cause bloating and it also contains a lot of calories. After that, I steam sweet potatoes for breakfast and prepare for lunch to take away. Lunch will have boiled kohlrabi and sauteed chicken breast I usually prepare food the evening before, because I have to get up early in the morning to go to work, so I don't have time to prepare anything.

I wake up, drink a cup of protein and already carry a lunch box to work. Like this meal, I cook from Wednesday evening to Thursday morning and noon. Chicken breast cut into small pieces, then marinated with spices. Most of the time I cook, I always add spices to my dishes. If I only eat boiled chicken breast, I'm not sure, I can eat more 2-3 meals, I'll give up. I still like to marinate meat with honey, when sautéed the meat will be slightly browned and look more attractive. This time, I also added hoisin sauce to make the chicken color richer. Here is 600g chicken breast, I always make it one time divided into 3 meals, each time about 150-200grams. Just put the chicken in the pan and let's cook! I have finished cooking, divided the food into each box, the first is the breakfast box.

There are a few pieces of chicken breast that almost turned into a night chicken. I ran downstairs to pick up my delivery, forgot to turn off the stove, but luckily ran up in time. If not, it will be black Next is the lunch box, I also eat sauteed chicken breast, don't have to cook many dishes, saving time and being quick. I've loaded up a lot of calories all day, so dinner is light. Still the same strawberry and cinnamon flavored cereal as in the previous video. I eat it with unsweetened oat milk. This is always my favorite! I'm going to soak wood-ear mushrooms to make meatballs in tomato sauce While waiting for the wood-ear mushrooms to bloom, I cut the broccoli. Cut into small pieces to cook quickly. Wood-ear mushrooms is soft, I cut it into small pieces then grind it. I mix wood-ear mushrooms with 400g ground chicken. I just season with a little salt and a little fish sauce to taste. I don't have any food prep gloves. Don't worry, I've washed my hands I make it into small balls, about 50 grams each.

I'll sauté the meatballs and then cook it with tomato sauce While waiting for the meatballs to cook, I prepare the tomatoes Just grind it like this. But if you don't grind it before, you can cut it into small pieces, stir-fry with a little water and then puree it. The meatballs don't need to be cooked well, take it out and use the same pan make tomato sauce. I add a little fish sauce to the tomatoes. Cooking with the smell of fish sauce is also different. Now, cover the lid, turn on the heat to let the meatballs absorb the sauce. A few months ago, my mother sent me shrimp soup powder. This is an extremely old divine spice, it will turn bland boiled vegetables into a delicious bowl of soup. The meatballs is almost ready, I add a little green onion to the dish for color. Today I still eat white rice. I know that brown rice brown and rice is high in fiber and helps to keep you full for longer. But that's why when eating brown rice, it needs to be chewed thoroughly and the stomach also needs a longer time to digest.

And I only have about 10-15 minutes to take a break. If I eat brown rice, I can't chew it properly, my stomach hasn't finished digesting it, I have to immediately continue working, which makes my stomach full, very uncomfortable. So every time I go to work, I will eat bread or white rice, easily digestible starches. For breakfast, I eat the leftover sauteed chicken breast yesterday, add sliced cucumber and 1 slice of whole wheat bread. Included with today's lunch box will be a juice bottle (apple, dragon fruit and passion fruit). Tonight, I'm too lazy, so I make mixed rice quickly. Tomorrow is Saturday, I only work until about 8 am, so I don't need to prepare lunch box to take away.

I've already cooked brown rice and just need to heat it again. There's a can of salmon and a can of sweet corn in the fridge. I use diet mayo and add a bit of sriracha chili sauce. I've run out of Korean chili sauce, but I haven't had time to go to the market in the nearby city to buy it. I fried broken eggs, so it doesn't look good. But supplement by adding dried seaweed and a little sesame, then it look so tasty. I should have come home from work at 3pm, but I forgot my keys at the store, had to catch the train back. Wait 1 hour for a train, then get the key and wait another hour. It's goldfish brain!!!! Because I haven't Korean chili sauce, the color of the rice bowl is not good. But it's okay to eat delicious, right guys? I'm eating but I'm thirsty, I drink honey tea again, sweet and cool, good to drink.

It's starting to get cold these days, this morning I didn't want to wake up, the alarm went off but I thought I was dreaming. It's already dark at 3 a.m. and it's still foggy. It's only 2 degrees cold. My path to work is very dark. When I come home from work, I have to hide under the blanket and lie down for a while to relieve fatigue before getting up to cook. Breakfast today will have scrambled eggs + spinach, Serve with 1 whole wheat bagel. Preparation is extremely simple and fast. Of course, chili sauce is indispensable, I will have a delicious breakfast. I just bought a box of Icelandic strawberry yogurt. In terms of texture, this yogurt is similar to Greek yogurt, also low in fat and high in protein. But unlike Greek yogurt made from whole milk, Icelandic yogurt is actually a cheese made by brewing skim milk with live bacteria.

That said, I can't distinguish these two when I eat them, because they have a lot of protein and low fat, so I just buy them. I go to the market to buy some more food. Vegetables and fruits in Germany are not very diverse, there are only a few of these types around. I just ate kohlrabi the other day, but now I don't know what vegetables to buy, so I have to get more one. Before going to the market, I baked two sweet potatoes Now boil more eggs and dinner is done. I still have 1 jar of Greek yogurt due to expire tomorrow, so I have to eat it up today. If you can't buy Greek yogurt, you can make it yourself. I showed you how in the video Dietvlog 9, I'll put the link in the right corner of the screen.

Otherwise, you can use unsweetened yogurt. My criteria is: eat what you have! My dishes are for reference only, so change them to suit you. Baked sweet potatoes are always fragrant, more delicious than boiled potatoes. Although sweet potatoes contain more sugar than regular sweet potatoes, they have more fiber and less starch. Since I can only buy this one here, I don't have any other choice. Oh my gosh, there's nothing wrong, when said: I'm goldfish brain!!!! I put the camera and forgot to press the record button.

So I'll put the ingredients for the oat pancakes on the screen. After putting all the ingredients into the blender, I will have a smooth pancake mix. I will let the mixture rest for about 5-10 minutes for the oats to expand, the pancake will be more spongy. I will layer a layer of pancakes and then use half of the banana earlier to decorate. One layer of cake and one layer of sliced ​​banana.

I add honey, if you like sweet food, you can add honey when grinding the pancake mix. Soft fluffy pancake, adding cocoa flavor mixed with honey. So yummyyyy This afternoon I went to my friend for dinner, so the video will end here. Have a nice weekend everyone. Byeeeeeeeee.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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