Healthy Food Recipes - The BEST KETO PANCAKES Recipe: Easy & Super Fluffy!

December 17, 2022

Hi everyone, it's Maya from and today I'm showing you how to make keto pancakes. But not just any keto pancakes, these are the best keto pancakes I have ever had. I love eggs, they're
actually my favorite food, but if you're bored with eggs for breakfast everyday, I get it. And these pancakes, they're going to be such a game changer. They're everything pancakes should be. They're light and fluffy and sweet. This is the closest you're going to get to real pancakes on keto. I think you're really going to love these. Did you know? This is the most popular breakfast recipe on Wholesome Yum for the past four years. And there's a good reason for that. These are so, so good. I hope I'm not hyping
this up to much for you, but I really want you to try these. They are my favorite sweet breakfast.

Real quick though, there is one shortcut you can use to make these. Wholesome Yum Pancake Mix! That's right! This recipe has been so popular that I made it into a pre-made mix. All you have to do is add avocado oil or your favorite oil, almond milk or your
favorite milk, and eggs. Super easy. You make them just like regular pancakes. But if not, you can
totally make these pancakes from scratch as well. I'll link this mix down below if you want to try it. You can order it online on my website or on Amazon, but if you don't want to get the mix and you just want to
make low carb pancakes, like right now, I get it.

I'm going to show you how to make these from scratch as well. The recipe is
very similar to the mix. The mix was based on this recipe. So, let's do this! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) If you've been following a low carb lifestyle for some time you probably know that the main flours that we use in baking are almond four and coconut flour. And maybe you've made keto pancakes with just one of these. But, let me tell you,
pancakes made with both of these flours are just BETTER.

So, that's what we're going to do here. We're going to use a mix of Wholesome Yum Almond Flour and Wholesome Yum Coconut Flour. The mixture of these
flours is going to make a big difference in your pancakes. So much better than pancakes made with just one of them. And, what you're going to find is, these flours have the
perfect fine consistency. They have the right moisture level. They're going to make the best baked goods for you, and the best keto pancakes. If you're making low carb
pancakes from scratch, you're going to want to pick up a bag of each of these.
Now, before you ask, no, you cannot just use
just one of these flours.

They are not interchangeable. If you can't have coconut,
or you can't have almonds I do have recipes for
just almond flour pancakes or just coconut. I'll
link those down below if you need them. So please, PLEASE don't make the mistake of just replacing them. Because you're going
to end up with a batter that's either too runny, or too dry, and your pancakes are
not going to turn out. The next ingredient we're going to use is Besti Monk Fruit Allulose Blend. This is the sweetener I
use in all my recipes, but it is particularly useful in pancakes because it makes them
really moist not dry. So, this is my sweetener of choice. If you prefer to use
a different sweetener, it will work, but your pancakes do have a tendency to be more dry if you use something else. The rest of the ingredients
we're going to use in our pancakes are really simple. They're the same ingredients you'd use for any pancake recipe, whether it's keto or regular pancakes.

Nothing special here. Let's get started. We're going to mix up our pancake batter in a large bowl. Add one cup of Wholesome Yum Almond Flour, a 1/4 cup of Wholesome Yum Coconut Flour, and two tablespoons of Besti. Our pancakes won't be too sweet. But just sweet enough. We'll add one teaspoon of baking powder. Make sure your baking powder is fresh, and if you need it to be gluten free, watch for that as well.

And we'll add a 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt. Next we'll add our wet ingredients. We'll add a 1/3 cup of almond milk. Make sure your almond milk is unsweetened. Add a 1/4 cup of avocado oil, or any other neutral tasting oil that you like, and 1 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla extract. That's the same as 1/2 a tablespoon. Next, we're going to add five large eggs. You can crack them directly into the bowl because once we whisk this batter it's all going to mix together anyway. Five eggs might seem like a lot, but you do need this many
because coconut flour is very drying, and this
will get you the right consistency in your batter. Grab a whisk and whisk it all together. At first it's going to
seem a little lumpy, but just keep whisking until
it's completely smooth.

We're going for a
consistency that is the same as a typical pancake
batter. If it's too thick, you might need to add a little more milk. But don't add too much, or the pancakes will be too wet. You can see the consistency
that I have here, this is what we're going for. Also keep in mind, because
this batter contains coconut flour, it will thicken a little bit as it sits.

So I do like to let it sit for a couple of minutes to thicken up a little bit before we use it. Now it's time to fry up our pancakes. Grab a large, heavy bottom skillet. I really like this one because it has a nice heavy bottom. It's going to heat
really evenly, and we're going to add some avocado
oil to the bottom.

Now, we don't want this
thick layer of oil. So I actually like to
wipe it down a little bit with a paper towel, so we end up with this really thin layer. That
makes it nice and even, and it's going to help you get a nice, even surface on the top of your pancakes. I like to use this little
spatula for flipping my keto pancakes. They're
a little bit harder to flip than traditional
pancakes because they don't have the gluten
to hold them together. This one is really nice
and thin, so you can get it underneath the pancakes. And it's really nice for flipping. Make sure your pan is
nice and hot, and check your batter to make sure it's thickened. Like I said before, as
it sits for a couple of minutes it'll thicken. This will usually happen naturally anyway while your pan is heating.

Grab a small measuring cup, and scoop up your batter. I actually used this
quarter cup measuring cup to start and later on I
switch to one that I have that's an eighth of a cup. It's from the same set, so I'll link both down below. The amount of batter you need is somewhere between and eighth to a quarter cup. An eighth is actually really nice, because larger keto
pancakes are harder to flip. Here I'm doing a quarter cup. I recommend you start
with an eighth of a cup if you haven't made these before. And one thing that's different from regular pancakes is we are going to cover these with a lid while these are cooking on the first side.

This is going to help them cook through a little bit better.
You want these bubbles to form on the top. That's how you know that they're ready to flip. Grab that little spatula. Slide it gently underneath and flip. These are so beautiful. You'll notice one of
these has some white spots on it that didn't get as golden. These are the areas that had more oil. This is why we don't want too much oil in our pan. In fact I
don't add any more oil when I make the rest of the batch. As you're pouring the batter out of the measuring cup, notice how I'm circling it around a little bit to form a nice, perfectly round circle.
And it really just helps to spread it around, because this batter is a little bit thicker.

Once you've flipped the pancakes to the second side, you don't need to cover it with the lid anymore. So on the second side, they're just fine cooking without the lid. On the first side, you do want the lid. You can see on the second side here, I didn't add any additional oil. And they have much better browning than my first batch. (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) - Breakfast is ready. We're going to build a nice tall stack of these pancakes. These are going to be so good. I'm so excited to try these. (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) Now, you can serve your pancakes however you like. If you want, you can even add some add-ins to the batter like
blueberries, chocolate chips, nuts. I like to keep it
simple with this basic recipe and just add garnishes on top. So, we're going to add some raspberries. And some blueberries.
Preferably without them going all over the place (laughs). A few more here. And, the most important
part, my favorite way to serve these pancakes
is with Keto Maple Syrup.

I developed this syrup myself, and I spent over six months on it because I wanted it to
taste like real maple. And, try this you guys,
it does not disappoint. It's naturally sweetened. It's naturally flavored. It taste just like maple syrup. My kids don't believe me that this is not real maple syrup. Let's pour this on. (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) - All right, let's try these. (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) (upbeat background music) So good. I hope I've convinced you to try these keto pancakes. I cannot say enough
good things about them. These are seriously my favorite. Try them out. If you do, be sure to leave me a comment, tell me what you think. I hope you love them as much as I do. And snap a photo as well, post it with hashtag #wholesomeyum so that I can see it too.

See you next time on Wholesome Yum, where I share easy,
healthy and keto recipes all with ten ingredients or less. (upbeat background music).

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