Healthy Food Recipes - GAPS Diet Introduction phase day 1 to 7 How-To

November 15, 2022

hi it's Cara here and I wanted to put
together a video to encourage you as you do the gaps intro diet so I know it can
look a little daunting to start but I think once you get started and you see
how to make the different recipes that are in the gaps
intro books you'll be pleasantly surprised at how well you do and how
much better you feel so quickly as we're preparing to do the gasps introduction
diet you're going to want to sort of clean out your cupboards get rid of any
tempting food that's not on the gas intro diet or at least box it up so it's
not tempting for you as we do our gas prep I'm going to show you how make
sauerkraut because our kraut is one of the least expensive and easiest ferments
that we have and we're going to start adding our sauerkraut juice in to get
those probiotics pretty early in the intro diet so here we go as we learn how
to make sauerkraut it's so fast you'll be surprised so here's our cabbage for
our sauerkraut and I'm only going to make half a cabbage worth today we're
going to remove the stem cut it in half and I'm only making half of a cabbage
worth of sauerkraut today because we already have some in our fridge I just
wanted to show us at the show it to you so we're going to remove it look for by
cutting the stem out of the middle so we're just going to slice up our cabbage
and if you use a combination of red and green cabbage it will make bution
sauerkraut which is beautiful we're just going to put it as we cut it into school
so now we have our shredded cabbage in here and that's all that's in our bowl
we're going to add why and keep our wet tablespoon to half a cabbage we'll add
one tablespoon of sea salt and this is unrefined sea salt so it has those trace
minerals we're just going to sprinkle it over and this will wilt our cabbage so
that it's easier for it to release the juice which we need to create an
air-free environment to so we're just going to leave this like
that you can cover it with a dishcloth if you're concerned about dust or
something getting in it we're just going to leave it like this for an hour and
these the core from the cabbage is you can add this to your chicken stock to
give it a little bit of flavor and a little bit of nutrition a lot of us just
keep a bag of scraps that we add to our sock as we cook it as we go along now
our cabbage has just been wilting for about an hour if you go like this you
can see that it's releasing some of its juice and that'll make it easier to
pound so we have our wide mouth jar and these are just called wide mouth mason
jars you can use any jar that has a tight-fitting airtight lid and we're
just going to pack it in here it already has some salt on it just use clean hands put it in your jar if you did a whole
cabbage you're going to have twice as much cabbage as I do obviously we're
just going to top it off with half a teaspoon of salt the salt is what
inhibit the bad bacteria from growing until the good bacteria can take over
and if you have a successful start already successful culture already
whether it's bubbies brand or another brand from the store or sauerkraut that
you've made previously you can add just about a teaspoon of the juice from that
it doesn't have to be sauerkraut juice it can be pickle juice like bubbies
pickles so if you add a just a teaspoon of that juice then that'll get the good
bacteria starting already so they can take over and the bad bacteria don't
have a chance to grow but I'm just going to assume that you don't have anything
other than cabbage and water today and I'm going to show you how we just makes
our route with cabbage and water so here I have a small mason jar you can use
anything that will fit in there and we're just going to town this down and it should release cues if you're not
really getting a ton of juice out of it go ahead and just add water filtered
water until it gets to the top you don't want to use tap water and you don't want
to use fluoridated water and we're avoiding fluoride while we're on the
gaps diet and so if you have a water filter then use that if you don't have a
water filter and you're on city water that has chlorine in it you're going to
want to go ahead and buy some spring water for your permits
so we're just going to add a little bit of water in here until it comes to the
top it's well over the top there and that creates an anaerobic environment
that also helps prevent the bad stuff from growing and here is your lid and we
are just going to let this sit it's airtight we did we did it's just finger
tight it doesn't have to be super tight we definitely don't boil it we let it
sit on the counter or in a dark place like in a cupboard for five days now and
it will continue to ferment and then it'll be ready too so here we have our
sauerkraut and this is after about five days you can see how the green has
turned kind of a yellow color and it's nice and soft there's the liquid in
there then when you smell it it should still kind of sour and a little bit
salty but it shouldn't smell like bad like sorry to be graphic but it
shouldn't smell like poop or puke so either of those smells means that it's
gone bad but if it smells just a little bit sour and it's this color it's not
mouldy then that means it's good and so you can just use this first we use just
the juice and you can just kind of press the back of a spoon into the sauerkraut
to get the juice out and you'll end up using you can if you need to get more
juice you can go ahead and reformat this just add some filtered water to it and
just maybe half a teaspoon of sea salt just a little bit of sea salt and then
let this permit on the counter to get more of that juice if you get stuck on
this day where you're not actually eating the
sauerkraut but you're having the juice in your soups or probiotics then that's
a great way to make more sauerkraut juice and it has those good probiotics
in it that we want to nourish our gut flora and with sauerkraut and I'll talk
about this a little bit more in the die-off reaction video and if you're
feeling like you're having die-off reactions go ahead and just take the
sauerkraut back out you might not be ready for probiotics yet even the
sauerkraut juice has a bunch of billions of probiotics in each nymphal so if your
body is not ready to handle those yet and you're killing off too much of the
bad stuff then by slowing down how much is killed by taking out the
probiotics that are going to eat the bad bacteria and then you can kind of manage
that die-off reaction a little bit better I'm just following right along in
this book which you should have received in the mail or you will be receiving
shortly and so we are just going to start on stage one where we are
essentially eating we're eating meat which is boiled vegetables which are
boiled sea salt and then we add in sauerkraut juice for the probiotics so
first I'm going to start by showing you how to do intro chicken stock which is
very simple but sometimes just seeing it and video help you to realize exactly
how simple it is and you'll find that on the first day or two of gas you'll
probably be pleasantly surprised at how good it tastes even though it should
spoiled meat and boiled but cheese veggies that were able to add the sea
salt to it really helps the flavor and it really is the first day of gap you'll
probably be surprised at how easy it is so here I'm going to show you how to
make our gap chicken stock so the first thing that we're going to
start with is chicken stock because it's such a good gut healing amino acid rich
food we're just going to put our chicken thighs in the bottom of our stock 5 most
guys draw your package if you have some herbs that you would like to use you can
put those in as well we are going to be straining them out if you have ginger
ginger adds a nice flavor this is just a little bit of ginger from a knob and
these are available in pretty much every produce section of the grocery store
fresh ginger and that just gives it a nice flavor and here's some onion scraps
and this will give it a nice rich color so just scraps from onions or scraps
from any vegetable that are gaps people no potatoes no starchy vegetables then
we're going to fill the pot with filtered water and that's really all
there is to it and then we will simmer it for one hour
intro chicken stock isn't simmered for very long so we're just going to use
medium heat for about an hour and a half and it'll take about half an hour to
bring it up to a simmer and then we want to simmer it covered for another hour so
here here we have our chicken stock I like to let it cool down until it's just
warm to touch just so that you're not pouring boiling liquid which is kind of
dangerous to do in the kitchen it won't go bad especially with a lid on it
you're not going to get a bunch of bacteria from the air in it in just an
hour so that it takes to cool down until it's not super hot and so we're just
going to strain it by pouring it through a colander so I just have a large bowl
look at my colander right inside and pour it through and then you can smell the ginger in
there if you put ginger it smells delicious either way it's most my kids
but it smelled like pizza while it was cooking today I'm just going to let the
drips go and I like to put that back there
and we're going to I'll show you what to do with the chicken that we just took
out that we've had boiling for an hour so this is our stock the intro stock is
more blonde its it's lighter in color than the sauce if we brown the meat a
lot beforehand and then I like to pour this into just mason jars to easily add
to soup and to heat up and then I do that over the the sink so that if any
spills that doesn't make a huge mess on the counter and it's just kind of a
trick like you'll learn how fast to pour based on what what bull you're using to
pour from so it doesn't spill all over so this will probably be about 4 quarts
and lots of mason jars so mason jars thankfully are inexpensive Simon tabatin
have my sink there and pour hopefully without spilling some of it is going to
spill sometimes pouring faster helps it to spill lift and you might be a lot
better at not filling this than I am I just lost probably about a quart of
chicken stock and then we're just going to put lids on this and put it in the
fridge so I like these these aren't watertight so if you're going to travel
with these make sure you put other lids on but these are great for the fridge
and they're easy to clean then I'm just going to rinse it off because I did make
such a mess with that now after our chicken stock has chilled you can see
the fat on top depending on your credit of meat
and there'll be more fat some other really fatty chicken it'll be like a
quarter inch or half an inch on the top of a jar of chicken stock so you can use
your spoon to remove it and then you can use this to cook in on later stages of
intro it'll say cook and chicken fat and that's what I mean is it's the stuff
that rises to the top of the jar so from the chicken that we just made stock with
this is still good and you can eat all this you can eat the fat I would
actually encourage you to blend that into your soups so I'm going to put the
fat in One Bowl or sorry the skin in One Bowl then we're going to take off the
meat and this is all me this is thigh meat and you can just eat this you can
add salt to it or you can boil it so just kind of feel anything that's tough is going to be too hard to chew but the
soft skin you want to blend into soups when we're not an intro and we're
boiling these for longer and we're boiling the chicken stock for longer you
can snap those bones in half and then you can put them in stock a second time
through and the Merrill will come out and into the stock so I'm going to reuse
these bones and I'll just simmer I'll take the vegetables and there herbs out
add any more that we have in the fridge and ríos these bones again for stock
again here somewhere meat on here okay so here's this is the
tendon on the end and if you boil these longer so an intro we're only supposed
to boil the stock it's meat stock and we only boil it for an hour if you boil it
for longer these will get soft and so you want to put those if they're soft in
with the in with the skin and some people intro do boil their bones longer
so that they can break them open and they can get the collagen out
but if you're following exactly what it says in the caps book it's only supposed
to be for an hour so we have all of this meat and you can cube this up and put it
in your there's some hard stuff in there we're going to take out you can cube
this app just ice it with a large chef's knife and then here's this that we can
use the immersion blender or the regular blender to puree in some soups welcome
to take you on the gas introduction diet I hope that yesterday went really well
for you and you didn't forget your Epsom salt back last night if you follow along
in our book there are checklist I put this together actually for myself and
then I cleaned it up a little bit for you I found that as we were going
through the gaps introduction diet there were so many things to remember and with
having to cook and having a child with autism I definitely couldn't do it
without a checklist and based on the feedback I've gotten for you from you
this is the same for you as well so today for day two we're going to make
meat patties and i'ma show you how I puree some carrot or cauliflower or any
veggie that you can have on gap and put it into ground beef and this is what I
did for my son who he's now eight but I did this when he was two and he wouldn't
eat vegetables voluntarily but he would eat them if I sort of hid them in some
meat so this is introduction day two and I'm going to show you how to do the meat
patties so for day two I'm going to show you how to make simple meat patties and
to start we are going to put a skillet and we're going to start simmering in
some chicken stock because we cook all of our mates and vegetables till they're
very very soft in chicken stock on intro because it makes it very easy for us to
digest easy on our digestive system and we want our digestive system to have an
easy time so that it can heal and rest so I guess I'm in the intro book it says
three pounds of hamburger so I'm just doing one pound of hamburger so I'm
gonna use one carrot and just a little bit of cauliflower
I have you make a lot because you're pretty much eating the same thing all
day on intro there aren't really specific breakfast foods lunch foods
your dinner foods so we just go ahead and eat the same thing and realize that
you can branch out later when you're digesting this better but right now we
need to be eating something simple and if you're tired and have brain fog you
probably don't want to make a whole bunch of different recipes so I'm going
to shred our carrot and some people like you know you have trouble digesting
carrots I'm going to get the carrot part you know you have trouble with any of
the veggies that I'm calling for especially in these early days before
your gut has had a chance to heal and then go ahead and just switch them with
a veggie that you know you can handle carrots are good because kids a lot of
times kids will accept your it's their bright orange and sweet but they don't
have that high sugar however correct you can you just do this
in a food processor you could just pulse the whole thing and it would be easy
so we're skinny needs a little crumbles here is what we're going for with the
cauliflower and we put the veggies in here because a lot of kids that won't
accept any vegetables will if you hide them a neat cauliflower is high and
sulfur which your body needs to process phenol phenol are in all most all foods
they're higher in some foods than others insult and a lot of kids on the spectrum
and a lot of people with debt problems react to phenols and high soul for foods
which cauliflower leaks garlic broccoli egg yolk once we introduce that
are all higher in sulfur and they can help us to process that so we're just
chopping this up a little bit as our chicken stock is heating over there this
is organic local grass-fed meat and beef is easier for me to find a really good
quality in Montana so we end up eating a lot more beef than chicken and our
family and that will just kind of depend on what's easiest for you to find
locally we're going to add some sea salt this is the unrefined sea salt has those
trace minerals that we want thankfully we can have sea salt on dress intro
because it adds really boost the flavor of the meat and the veggies complements
it well so we're not doing pepper we're not doing any spices yet we're doing
pretty bland but it's going to taste good we're going to form this into
patties and simmer it we don't want it to brown because that's harder on our
digestion digestion so we can just put that right and and repeat for the rest of the patties repeat with the rest of the meat when
those are done there are meat patties you can see that
they've been simmering here and they're starting to be there about half cooked
they're not going to brown we don't want them to brown I think you're told you
this a few times it's just kind of common to want our meat to brown but we
don't here so we're just going to turn them over and let them simmer for
another ten minutes or so on the other side and yours will cook faster or
slower depending on how fat or how thick you made them I made these pretty sick we're just going to let those keep
simmering there secure our boiled meat patties and you can see the orange in
there is the carrots we just thrown them at all you can kind of cut into them
with a side of a spatula if you want to make sure they're cooked through we'll
just remove these from sauce it's not really good and then this stock here we
don't want to throw it away of course I want you to drink it so
we're just going to pour it we're just going to pour it into a mug enjoy that and then just like our soups
we want to add fresh garlic to our stock so just get one clove of garlic crush it
this is how I like to crush it just on the counter like that or you can just
base that up a little bit more finely with a knife crush that in there the
girl cast is good that good sulfur and has antimicrobial properties that will
help your gut kill off the bad bacteria and again if you're having die-off I
would also cut the garlic oh it can be a little bit too powerful taste this if
you want to add more sea salt you're welcome to add more sea salt we'll add
our sauerkraut juice as well so the sauerkraut remember like we talked about
when we were making this you're running low on juice we'll just throw that in
you can add a little bit of filtered water and with some sea salt and let
this culture on the counter and it also gives an all those good probiotics the
sauerkraut the cabbage is supposed to have special benefits for nurturing the
specific probiotics that are good for our debt so here's our stock in our meat
patties welcome to day three I'm glad to have
you here today is the day that you might be a little bit irritated with me that's
it okay I can take it day three to five are usually the hardest days and this is
where people either switch to full naps because they're not handling it well
or they will just push through and deal with the kind of blood sugar especially
if you ate a high carb diet before we aren't eating grain many carbs on yeah
your body has to learn how to adjust and use the fat for I need fat for energy
today while you're not feeling so awesome we're just going to put some
onions in the crock pot with our chicken stock that hopefully you still have some
and this is a super easy recipe and the onions kind of give us that sweet flavor
that we might like and it's a really easy recipe to do so I'm going to show
you how to do crock pot onions for day three so now we're going to make
crock-pot onions this is really simple I remember this on the first time we did
intro on day two I put butternut squash soup that there's risk there's a recipe
in the intro book but we haven't made that in video yet but I said butternut
squash soup and a thermos took me put this in the crock-pot took my kids to
the zoo so we went to the do with our thermos of butternut squash soup we came
home and we had these onions and my two-year-old who we weren't doing gaps
for but he was on gap that makes sense because I felt like it was a good thing
for all of us to be on for a while and my two-year-old ate like three whole
onions and it surprised me because he normally was more of a meat person than
a veggie person so anyway if you can see that all you're doing is peeling these
smaller onions you could have them it's their big ones cut them in half you can
save the skins especially if you bought organic to make stocks website er
you would like if you want to throw them away because it's too overwhelming right
now to bag up skins and put them in the fridge which I completely understand and
I totally understand that also your chicken stock will work just fine
without the veggie scraps we're just going to put those in there for our for
our chicken stock over it and about a teaspoon of sea salt turn it on either
low for eight hours or high for four to six hours put your lid on and then they
will be ready you can you can fill the whole thing with onions putting on how
hungry you are or you can do for you do want to make sure that your you do want
to make sure that your slow-cooker is about half full or a little over half
full or else it they could burn on the bottom so that should be good to go and hopefully you'll be pleasantly
surprised like I was it how much my kid liked them you hi and welcome to day four you're doing
great I just really want to encourage you that it should start getting a lot
better either by this afternoon or by tomorrow evening if you want to skip
ahead if you're feeling like this is not working for you I encourage you to skip
to stage two and I brought a yolk into your soup and today we're going to make
beef and broccoli soup which you can stir in a raw egg yolk and see how you
feel after that if day four is not working for you just
go ahead and skip to day six where we allow the right yoga
there we go is our beef and broccoli soup welcome to day 5 for day five we
are making some summer squash soups that we will stir an egg yolk into tomorrow
or if you're doing it yolks already then the summer squash soup is good with eggs
today we're going to make summer squash soup very easy just chicken stock water
summer squash sea salt and then tomorrow I know you're going to be excited about
this we get to a dry and yolk to it so I will show you how to do that tomorrow we
just remove our ends we want to keep the peel on you can peel it if you're having
really hard digestive troubles even well you might want to peel your veggies but
most people will be able to keep the peel on especially from summer squash
winter squash you definitely want to take the peel off but summer squash it's
nice and soft and it should we're going to boil it for a while so I like to set
my veggies in first and then add my chicken stock because then it doesn't
splash as you add them and I cut them up so they can cook
easily we are going to boil these veggies very well so they are very fast
and easy to digest so normally we would probably only simmer this for 15 minutes
and it'd be soft but we're going to simmer it for guess we're going to
simmer it for an hour till it's very soft so here's that we're gonna turn our
burner on add our chicken stock you can if this isn't covering your summer
squash it'll just depend on how much you made I'm if it doesn't cover it and you
can go ahead and add another quart of water we're going to add some sea salt
you can add sea salt at the end as well we'll just do it now so we're going and
let that simmer since we're going to pureed this soup if you have some of
that chicken skin you can go ahead and just drop that in and it will add it
looks gross it'll be fine when you puree it it will continue absorbing that stock
as we simmer it and it will add in healthy fats and healthy amino acids so
we're just going to cover that and let that simmer for an hour also you'll see
that I'm using stainless steel in here and you don't want to be using nonstick
so even if you need to go to Walmart and buy a Walmart I some of my stuff is from
Walmart one of my soft hands or one of my skillets is from Walmart and it's
great quality but it was inexpensive you want to be buying stainless steel
because the nonstick the black coated pans can put toxins into your soup and
that's the last thing you want to do right now we want to be minimizing our
toxins as much as possible so even if you just need to buy I think when I
started out I still hadn't even bought a stockpot I had a crock-pot one of these
and a large skillet and that's plenty to do intro on and it will help reduce your
toxic load which is so important so here's our squash soup and you can see
that the chicken skin has absorbed some of the stock
start and softer and the squash is all soft and we're just going to puree it so
it makes a nice creamy soup without obviously any dairy so there we just
have a nice creamy soup now we're going to do creamy cauliflower and this is
kind of like a mashed potatoes it's just a little change of pace from soups but
of course just like everything else on intro we are boiling this buddy remove
the leaves and like I said before these recipes are all variable so depending on
how many people you are cooking for and how much you guys are eating by day six
which we're on sometimes everyone is absolutely starving and you will go
through like four heads of cauliflower and sometimes people are like tired and
lethargic and not interested in eating much and in that case you will want to
make a lot less so that just depends on your individual situation we're going to
cut these off take the stem out and just put them right in here we will boil them
and then we will drain them serve we'll save the stock that we drained and serve
that as soup or like in a little mug on the side and we will add tallow and sea
salt to the cauliflower after mashing it up a little bit like mashed potatoes
it's delicious it's actually if you think you don't like cauliflower this
might change your mind I was surprised that the by simmering it we really take
a lot of the taste out but it's still we're still getting all the nutrients in
there so that kind of harsh bite that cauliflower has that a lot of people
don't like when we simmer that seems to read
quite a bit so I'm just going to add some water to cover and we'll bring this
up to a boil and we'll add our salt later after mashing there we go we'll
just boil out there so now our cauliflower has cooked and you'd use a
slotted spoon if you had a slotted spoon to do this I apparently don't own a
slotted spoon and so we're just going to put our cauliflower that is you can see
how soft it is as well boiled and that stock in here we're going to make our
mashed cauliflower we're just going to match it up you can
use a potato masher if you want but this will because it's well boiled it will
mash really easily with just a fork or a spoon you can even puree it with an
immersion blender if you want to get all the lumps out this is kind of like our
pretend mashed potatoes it's really delicious with the fat either from your
chicken stock or today I'm using duck fat and this is epic brand which they
really meticulously source their animal products if something I like you can buy
a case of three different fats there's beef tallow duck fat and pork lard I'm
just going to add some of that duck fat in like we would add butter just a
little bit sprinkle some sea salt then I think you'll really like this and
it can be as smooth or as lumpy as you would like it to be there you go give it
a taste it's see if I need some more salt let's prank them it's good like
that this is one of my favorite we do this even when we're not on intro just
the boiled cauliflower and the stock add some healthy fats and some sea salt and
it's a delicious side dish and something that you'll enjoy while you're on intro
and then for the stock that we picked it and we want to go ahead and enjoy that
on the side make sure we are getting those amino acids you can go ahead and
add your garlic in your sauerkraut juice just right to that stock to make sure
you're getting those probiotics and that's all for containing antibacterial
garlic welcome to day 7 where we're going to
introduce Ryu egg-yolk something that you are going to absolutely love it'll
make your yellow squash soup really nice and creamy I'm going to show you how to
do that recipe now and you're going to be surprised at how much you love having
that right you'll stir it into your cup of soup so now I'm going to take that
summer squash soup that we made the other day and I'm going to show you how
to add an egg yolk to it so we're just going to pour the hot soup in here and
when we introduce egg yolks we're going to separate the eggs and just pop that
you're great in there and stir it up a little bit so this is a good farm-fresh
egg and I did rinse it off it was from the farm and it hadn't been washed yet
and so when we're using raw egg if you want to store eggs for most of your
stuff and that's fine I do that too I try to buy organic from the store but
when we're eating them raw to reduce our risk of salmonella to pretty much
nothing healthy chickens have like one one-hundredth of the incidences of
Salmonella as factory farm chickens do it's really not a risk at all so anyways
this is what we are doing we're going to separate the yolk and then you can see
it I broke my yolk I broke my oh if you didn't and it's still in yolk forms just
use a fork and break it up a little bit and it'll go into the soup better so
here I just like to whisk it and kind of pour it in as I'm left being with a fork
and it just it really makes a creamy delicious soup as I like to do this in
that yellow summer squash soup because if you're a little bit squeamish about
eating raw egg yolk like I used to be you can kind of just tell yourself it's
not yellow from the egg it's yellow from the summer squash and so just
mix that in there try to get the rest of that out mix it up and you can taste it
in on salt if you want to but here is your summer squash soup with your egg
and if you are just introducing egg yolk after a few days of not having it after
you days on intro you're going to think it's the best-tasting thing ever so go
ahead and do check with one yoke today and then tomorrow if you tolerated that
yolk well adding a egg yolk to each cup of soup along with your sauerkraut juice
that you're still doing and your crushed garlic that you're still doing that's a
great way to get really easily absorb nutrition for your body our body's a
source that yoke the protein and amino acids in the egg yolks they absorb it
absorbs a lot better than in the white which is why we do the yolk first

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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