Healthy Food Recipes - 10 Recipes that use Avocado ON THE KETO DIET

September 27, 2023

one of the most popular fruits on the
keto diet is the avocado and it's popular because
it's filled with fat so it's going to keep you full when you eat it
and it's also lower in carbs i mean sure the total carbs are kind of higher but
it's filled with lots of fiber so the net carbs i think in one avocado
a medium sized avocado there's like two and a half grams of net carbs
so it's the ideal keto food now the way that most of us use avocado on the keto
diet is either by making guacamole or just having a couple
slices of this on the side of our meal but there's actually a ton of different
ways that you can have avocado on the keto diet
and that's what i'm going to show you how to do today now before we get started on the ways
that i like to use avocado on the keto diet
make sure you guys subscribe to my channel just hit that button down below
and hit the notification bell so you guys get notified every time i upload a
new video and i also wanted to go over how you can
tell if an avocado is ripe so we've all seen those funny memes
about an avocado is ripe and perfect one minute and then
like a minute later it turns brown and ugly
and it's no joke this is real so when you're at the supermarket the best way
to find a ripe avocado is by three ways the first way is the color so you want
an avocado to be like a dark green almost blackish color that
usually says that it's ripe if it's green it's
usually not ripe yet it's under ripe and then a total black color is usually
over ripe another way you can tell if the avocado
is ripe is by giving it a good squeeze so if you squish it
together and it just kind of springs back a little bit usually that's ripe if
it's too squishy it's overripe if it's rock hard
then it's underripe and the last way is by
peeling off the stem so when you peel off the stem if it's this beautiful
green avocado color then it's ripe and ready to pick
if it's if you peel it off and it's brown underneath that usually means it's
over ripe so those three ways together will help
you in selecting the perfect avocado now the first way that i like to have an
avocado on the keto diet is just slicing it in half and putting on my favorite
topping so i traditionally like to use salt this
is something i like to do for lunch just sprinkle a little bit of salt on top
and that'll be my lunch for the day or you could use everything but the bagel
seasoning that you can pick up at a lot of different grocery
stores will have that seasoning and it's delicious on top of an avocado another way to have avocado on the keto
diet is to make pudding out of it so avocado the flesh of an avocado is
very very thick so you can use it as like a thickener or
a base for puddings a lot of the times so i'm going to show
you how to make a chocolate protein pudding
to make keto chocolate pudding you're going to need a blender or food
processor and two avocados so add two avocados to our blender and
next we're gonna add our chocolate flavoring and some protein powder
and the protein powder it's a great way to sneak in extra protein especially if
you're making this for kids and the protein powder i'm going to use
today is this one it's by love good fats i love this stuff they
have keto approved protein powder they have a chocolate and vanilla one
they also make bars too i love their salted caramel chewy bars it's
really really good it's a great snack option or a meal when you're on the go
and you don't have time they make all sorts of chocolate bars so
definitely check them out i'll have their information
linked down below for you guys they sponsored this video
and i just thought what a better way to showcase their delicious protein
than to add it to this chocolate pudding recipe so you're going to need
one scoop of their protein powder if you didn't want to use their protein powder
you could substitute with cocoa powder i'll have that listed down below for you
guys you'll need 1 3 cup of macadamia nut milk or heavy cream
or you could use the nut milk of your choice it doesn't have to be macadamia
nut milk 2 teaspoons of vanilla and a pinch of
cinnamon we're going to blend this together until
it's smooth add it to your bowl and then chill it for about 30 minutes
and then when you're done it's delicious and ready to eat
you could top it with some whipped cream for an added extra treat
my kids love this stuff it's super super creamy thanks to the avocado
and packed with lots of protein thanks for the love good fats another way that you could use avocado
as a thickener is to add it to your smoothie
so a lot of times smoothies would traditionally have banana in it it would
serve as the sweetener and the thickener in a smoothie
and obviously we can't have bananas on the keto diet because they're full of
carbs and sugar so an avocado actually will replace that
as a thickener i have a recipe on my website it's how
to make a creamy raspberry avocado smoothie thing is delicious it
makes the perfect keto breakfast i'll have it linked down below for you
guys on where you can find the recipe also click up here because i show you
how to make it in this video too another way to use avocado on the keto
diet is to use it as a fat substitute i like to use it in baking so i'm going
to show you how to make avocado chocolate brownies
to a food processor we're going to add one avocado
1 3 cup of cocoa powder 2 eggs 1 3 cup of sweetener of your choice i'm
going to be using a monk fruit blend but you could use straight erythritol if you
want to a quarter cup of butter one teaspoon of
baking powder one teaspoon of vanilla half a teaspoon
of salt we're gonna blend this together in the food processor until it's smooth
and creamy then we're gonna add it to a parchment
lined baking dish and we're gonna bake it in a 325 degree oven for around
35-45 minutes you know your brownies are ready when they come out of the oven and
it's not jiggly at all when you give it a good shake
these brownies are super moist and fudgy thanks to the avocado and i designed
this recipe to be nut-free and sugar-free too you could
even make it dairy-free if you wanted to just
substitute some ghee for or some coconut oil for the butter
another sweet way to enjoy an avocado is in a popsicle and i have a recipe on my
website for keto avocado popsicles these
popsicles are dairy free creamy and just ever so slightly sweet
they're delicious to make the popsicles all you need is
two avocados a half a cup of macadamia nut milk two
to three tablespoons of erythritol or a monk fruit blend
plus one teaspoon of vanilla extract blend it together and then pour it into
your popsicle molds freeze them and then you have popsicles i know this sounds weird but it trust me
it actually they're very very good popsicles now i want to show you some more savory
recipes that use avocado first up is a condiment so i want to
show you how to make avocado mayo now i'm not going to actually use the
flesh of the avocado in here although a lot of people do that to make an avocado
based mayonnaise i'm going to show you how to
use avocado oil to make mayonnaise the first thing
you're going to need is a food processor now there's other ways that you can
make mayonnaise besides using a food processor you could actually do it by
hand using a wire whisk and i've done that
before it just takes up a little bit longer but
you're just gonna be whisking up the egg yolks with some lemon juice and
then slowly drizzling in your oil whatever method you use the key
is to slowly drizzle in the oil otherwise if you add it in too quickly
your emulsion is going to break and you're left with
separated fat with liquid and it's just like it's a big liquidy mess it's more
of like you could actually make an aioli like that too
but it's not mayonnaise so the key is to ever so slowly add in your oil so to
our food processor we have two egg yolks i'm going to add two
tablespoons of lemon juice this is actually just going to help
stabilize that emulsion one and a half teaspoons of salt and two
tablespoons of water you want to start by mixing that
together and then now we're gonna slowly drizzle in
two cups of avocado oil and as it mixes it starts to thicken up and just
continue to slowly drizzling it in throughout the whole
process to get that oil all mixed up into tiny little bubbles
and into form and emulsion however an emulsion is
formed i don't remember that from physics or chemistry class but
i know what happens once all of your avocado oil has been added now your
mayonnaise is done and you can store it in a mason jar
or some sort of a container it'll stay fresh in the refrigerator for
about a week maybe two weeks it depends on how fresh your egg yolks were
but safely in the refrigerator for about a week or two
and now i know i told you that we weren't going to be talking about
guacamole but i do want to talk about it because
i'm going to use guacamole to make my next dish which is a guacamole taco
dip and this is delicious if you guys remember those seven layer
bean dips that used to be around super popular around party times and
plucks well this is like a keto version of it and it starts by layering down
guacamole onto a dish and then you can add the rest of your toppings
like red onions green olives you can do green onions
cheese pico de gallo sour cream and on topping that i'm pouring down
some cooked taco meat topped with some shredded lettuce and
some more cheese and it's delicious serve it with some pork rinds maybe some
celery there's even some keto tortilla chips out there
whatever you want to use this makes the perfect party dish and it replaces
that seven layer bean dip my next way to use avocado on the keto diet is to make
french fries from avocado now i have this recipe on my website i
make french fries in the airfryer using
avocados so to start you want to slice up your avocados into little
strips and i have three bowls here the first bowl is gonna have some almond
flour with one teaspoon of cajun seasoning and
a half a teaspoon of salt the middle bowl is gonna have some eggs
mixed up with some water and the third bowl is ground pork rinds
mixed up with some garlic powder and cayenne pepper and i'm gonna have
the full recipe listed for you guys down below so you don't have to worry about
jotting all this stuff down but basically we're gonna take our
sliced avocado dip it in the almond flour layer first
then the egg wash and then the pork rinds
put it on your tray and pop it into the air fryer and we're gonna air fry this
at 400 degrees for around six minutes so you can easily have fries on nights that
you make up burgers because this really only takes
maybe like 10 minutes to make it's an easy keto side dish
another way that you can have avocado is to have a stuffed avocado and there's
many different things that you can stuff inside of an avocado i've showed you
guys how to make an egg in the hole before we're egging an avocado
and bake that i've seen it where some people will put like sushi toppings and
put it on side inside an avocado that's delicious but
today i want to show you how to make a buffalo chicken stuffed avocado this recipe starts in the skillet so
we're going to add in some pre-cooked chicken this is around two
cups of cooked shredded chicken and then we're gonna add a half a cup of
buffalo sauce we're going to simmer this until it's
thickened and the mixture has reduced remove it from the heat stir in some
lemon juice for a little bit of bite and then you're going to add a quarter
cup of sour cream and four ounces of cream cheese
stir it together until all the cheese is melted and there's your topping it's all
ready to stuff into your avocado do sprinkle with some additional cheese and
pop it in a 375 degree oven for 10 minutes
now since we've made buffalo chicken i like to garnish it with a little bit of
blue cheese now up next is a way that you might have
never had thought to have avocado and that's to make avocado
crackers or chips this recipe is easy kids love it too it
reminds me of those wisp crackers that you can get but
they're made with avocado we're also going to be using a food
processor for this recipe so in here i have one
avocado we're going to add three quarter cups of grated parmesan cheese
one teaspoon of lime juice one half teaspoon of garlic powder
some cayenne pepper and a little bit of salt blend that together
until it's smooth and then you're gonna scoop out a little bit
and put it on a parchment lined baking tray
and smash it down with the back of your spoon we're gonna bake these in a 325
degree oven for 30 minutes and now you have some chips it's a great
snack and kids love them too plus this recipe is actually customizable
play around with different cheeses or flavor combinations
there's so many different things that you can try well i think that was
10 ways that you guys can use avocado on the keto diet if you guys have any more
suggestions or more ways to use avocado make sure you comment them down below
because we'd love to hear your ideas don't forget to subscribe to my channel
and hit the notification bell so you guys never miss any of my videos
have a good one bye

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