Healthy Food Recipes - which foods 🥗🍏cure and reverse fatty liver ䷧ - diet plan🥬 by dr karthikeyan

August 11, 2023

Greetings everybody! I am Dr. Karthikeyan! In today's video, we are going to see about fatty liver. Fat is something which will get deposited in our liver normally. Eg. we have money with us, where do we save it? If we have little money, we are keeping it in our pocket. If we have little more than that, we are keeping it in our wallet. If we have more than that, we are keeping in our cupboard at home. How we have cupboard for our home, same way, is this liver.

Out of 100%, 90% of people this fat is simply not going to disturb them When we go for some other check up, we will also be given report saying 'fatty liver' We need not be worried about it. Balance 10% of people can have some symptoms. We have our liver on the right side of our stomach. There could be a mild pain on the right abdomen a slight discomfort. But they will feel tired. We call this grade 1. Because it is grade one, this slight symptom can be felt. If they have more fat in the liver, ie. fat is spread everywhere in the liver, The colour itself has changed so much this is grade 2. If it goes beyond this, the liver shrinks.

Liver gets swollen and then shrinks, this condition is called sclerosis. What symptoms can be seen now? Stomach would have swollen a lot. Because of the accumulation of fluid stomach would be swollen. We can see some blood vessels has expanded which can be seen on the skin. All of you know liver and it is present on the right side. There is one more organ called Spleen Even the spleen would be swollen. Palm will be reddish in colour. Our eyes and skin would have become yellow in colour. This is what is called jaundice. But this is a very rare condition and hardly 1 out of 100 persons only will get it. Why is fat getting deposited in liver? Eg. We are having dosas or idlis for breakfast We are eating around 4 to 6 of them. We are eating rice in the afternoon. Atleast if we have 4 cups of rice only we are getting satisfied. a cup of rice for sambar, another cup for rasam and another one for curd..and so on..

Only if we eat all these, we are getting satiated by eating enough rice. We add vegetables if at all it is available, like how we eat a pickle, only a spoonful. But pickle, we will have two spoonful. Fruits will be there, but we wont eat it as it is because there is no taste. We will only make it as a juice and have. We cant be without eating snacks in the evening. Along with tea and coffee, we will surely want to eat bajjis and bondas. To complete the day well, we will drink liquor, a quarter. After the liquor, we will sleep well. We will not check if we have diabetes or we will not worry if we are overweight. This is the kind of a life style we follow, Adding to it, the unattended diabetes which we have, being over weight, are the things that increases the problem of fatty liver.

The quarter (alcohol) which I mentioned will do a big damage to your liver. Alcohol helps the fat to deposit easily in the liver. So the things which we do not pay attention, like dosas, idlis, rice, snacks or the alcohol Finally, all these gets converted to fat only. That is why the fat gets naturally deposited in the liver. So you must have understood by now, too much eating will deposit as fat in liver. If we reduce the intake of the food, we we can avoid fat getting deposited, we need not fear getting sclerosis or jaundice in future.

The lifestyle changes that we can do immediately is, dosas count of 5 or 6 can be reduced to 1 and add a boiled egg to it. You can take dal sambar as a side dish. Dal sambar of chutney both are made from pulses. Pulses and egg has proteins in it. Dosas has starch in it. So, you have made some corrections here. Convert those 4 cups rice to 1 cup rice, You will have to add sambar, rasam and curd to this one cup rice itself. This is definitely not enough, that's why you should add more vegetables. Cabbage, Radish, Carrot, Beet Root, all types of greens, (different varieties) like Amaranthus, Tropical Amaranthus, Drumstick leaves, Spinach, Black night shade, all these greens should be added in rotation everyday.

Everyday you should make sure you eat different vegetables. Lets avoid fruit juices as we add sugar to taste. We should add seasonal fruits to our diet regularly. Snacks such as bajji, bonda, ice creams pizza, burger, bakery things all these are going to get converted to fat only. So, let us remove all these food items. Please avoid going to tea shops. It is not for tea I am mentioning this, but for the snacks sold over there like bajjis and bondas. You should avoid bakery shops. An important shop which you should avoid going is Tasmac. If we avoid all these itself, we can prevent fat from getting deposited in the liver. We have another special thing to be mentioned. Neem leaves are very good for our liver. Weekly once or monthly once you can take neem juice. Garlic has a component called Allicin is very good for health. I have already told in my videos that eating two garlics in the night is going to be very beneficial. Then comes turmeric, curcumin component present in turmeric is really good.

We can add turmeric in milk and drink it regularly. Or you can mix honey and turmeric powder and eat it too. So adding turmeric compulsorily in our food is important. These herbs are very good for the health of our liver. Eating fenugreek seeds in our diet is very good because it is rich in fibre and has many vitamins and minerals. Here, you see these spoons, we can take these herbs half teaspoons every day. One teaspoon will weight around 5 to 6 grams. We can consume half a teaspoon of these herbs. We shouldn't consume too much of these herbs, so recommendation is this half teaspoon only, such spoons are available in the shops. These herbs to be taken separately other than adding it in your food. Separately, you can add these and eat it raw. Even, sugarcane juice very beneficial too weekly once for our liver health.

Next is oils, oils we cannot avoid adding it in our food, so 5 ml to 10 ml oil can be added to our food every day. 5 ml we can add it to our food when we cook When we eat nuts and pulses, oil is present in these food items also, these are natural oils. So, the oils from cooking 5 ml and oils from nuts and pulses 5 ml is the portion. As far as possible you should reduce the oil intake and if the oils are cold-pressed, it will be better. Is it enough if we just follow these foods for reducing fat? Definitely not enough. Only if we go cycling or walk for half an hour a day, our excess body weight will reduce. Automatically, the fat deposits will reduce in the liver too. Another important thing is if you are diabetic, you have to keep your sugar level in check. Even for that, food control and exercise is the best advice, then only comes medicines.

We have covered everything about fatty liver, Please share this video with your friends and relatives. Please give a like if you are liking this video. Our channel is Dr. Karthikeyan! Don't forget to subscribe. See you all in the next video. Thank you!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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