Healthy Food Recipes - MY Weight Loss Transformation Journey : How I lost 12KG in 2 Month | NO GYM NO DIETING

August 15, 2023

is a difference of 2 months and 12 kgs in both of these MEs. I have lost 12 kgs of weight in 2 months of time span without any severe dieting, without any extreme exercise And also without any supplements
I have not taken any tablets or medicines to loose my weight I lost my weight naturally amd in healthy way Many deficiencies occur in the body during weight loss which results into hair fall, skin related issues I won't let any of these things happen to you In today's video I will be sowing a seed into your mind which if nurtured, weight loss is not far.

Am sharing how to loose weight in a healthy way so that you do not face any problems This is my journey which I have followed and results have been wonderful for me So I thought, I have to bring it for all of you Let's check out what needs to be done. Hello to my beautiful people
Welcome back to the channel I hope you are taking good care of yourself and very happy Thank you so much for the lovely comments on the previous video I can't thank you guys enough
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am extremely sorry for being late I shared this survey with you in which you guys have participated in large numbers that I should talk about my weight loss journey But it is very bad of me that I am late
And that's not done Better late than never ....

I will compensate by sharing amazing things with all of you which will surely help you loose your weight In today's video I will be sharing my weight loss journey which is very inspirational I am inspired by myself that I have lost the weight so beautifully I am sharing today with all of you Even if I inspire minimum of 10 people to loose their weight then this video is a hit If you have a medical history or any other issues so I would suggest you to consult the doctor once And then bring the lifestyle changes in you But if you are overweight because of lifestyle, because of overeating, because of some bad habits Then today's video could be the magic for you. The very first thing is to understand, why do weight loss plans fail? We plan so much to follow but we fail to do so in 2-4 days Why so? It is just because your mind is not coordinating with your body Mind becomes very enthusiastically ready faster to follow everything But the body does not support it.

The co-ordination between these two is very important.
But how to achieve that? Avoid taamsik food throughout In my entire weight loss journey, I avoided lethargic food, consumed only home food No packaged and processed food
I ate chocolate for sure I will brief you about everything Have this in written that the way your food is, same is the way your brain Your body will be in lethargic position which we do not want And that's why avoid processed food and outside food as well We will just have home food and loose weight in a very healthy way I am dividing my day routine into 4 parts: morning, afternoon, evening and night hours I will be discussing what all I have done in every portion You can also change the way I have followed things
You can also have substitute of them.

Increase or decrease the proportion as well according to your weight but do not stress yourself.
Not at all Until your brain and body is relaxed, you will not lose weight Morning hours are my favorite time period
I am a powerhouse at that point of time I am so energetic that I feel I can do everything contemplation, think about yourself, bless yourself Dusro ki jay se pehle, khud ko jay kare We keep blessing the whole world, before that bless yourself positive way Believe me, all these affirmations will give very positive results to you. The first thing that I do is to have warm water
3 glasses of warm water We can't do so much efforts Do one thing. Buy an electric kettle for yourself. They are very handy and affordable Water will be heated in 10 seconds Add lemon and honey to the very first glass and consume it This is one of the remedies for natural weight loss This is a medicine that cuts out excessive fats in the body without exercise 3 glasses of water flushes out all the toxins from the body and cleans your gut You will feel the pressure very early as your gut gets cleaned Those who have constipation issues will notice the changes gradually but this will work for sure Did I do this everyday? Yes I have added honey and lemon to the water almost everyday If you happen to miss sometimes, then just warm water is also fine
You can be absolutely sure Do not be negative about anything even if you do not have the lemon If you do not have lemon, then you can drink only warm water
The effect will be as equal as that Consumption of food items that will provide warmth to body is very important for weight loss So that the body heat is not required to warm the food that you intake If you consume heat consisting food items then it will be processed faster That needs to be taken into consideration Immediately clearing my gut, I exercise Those who will be doing for the very first time, let me point out one thing very very clearly For first 4-5 days you will not have the stamina, you will not even feel like exercising I would say, just walk 1000 steps Those who are energetic, they will exercise That doesn't mean, you have to go for dance classes or zumba, nothing of that sort You can do simple stretching exercises in yoga.

You can also do P.T. which you learned in the school You have to do very simple exercises
I am sharing here what all exercises I do Just to give you the idea about what all things are possible I also don't jump a lot but has to be done gradually Gradually you will have more and more stamina to do heavier exercises You will notice these things gradually After exercising, I used to do my daily chores such as bathing, praying, etc After that I used to have my breakfast which is nothing special , macroni, suji, suji macroni, grams I also had bread someday but in a very small quantity
A bowl of everything is sufficient for you in the starting It is said that have your breakfast like a king
If you have heavy breakfast then I would suggest you to skip your lunch Do not eat just because its 2 p.m., eat because you are hungry Hunger is a mechanism to indicate that the fuel in your body is about to end and it requires more fuel You have to take your lunch just because it's 2 p.m.

is not okay Because we have stopped listening to our body I had lunch only when the body asked for it
Not anytime before And that is why light breakfast is suggested for the body so that it is energized I am hungry by 2 p.m. and I can eat something I had absolutely proper meal during lunch including dal, rice, sabji, raita, salads, sometimes papad and pickles also All these 6 things used to be there on the table in my plate And I have consumed it There is no need to quit rice
You have to eat everything If you will suddenly discontinue the food items that your body used to have then you will have some deficiency or any other issues Body will not understand this and will result into hair loss and skin issues Change things gradually We have only lunch for afternoon hours Coming to the evening hours You can have any snack and tea
Do not mistaken to have a packet full of lays I did not do that
Take a small bowl and have that bowl full of snack only You can have 2 biscuits, a handful of chips
You can have anything which is healthy Even if it's not then the quantity should be very less So have some snack with a cup of tea
No problem I compulsively used to have a fruit before tea I consume two different variety of fruits in a day
One after the breakfast and the other one before tea in the evening If you are not consuming two different varieties of fruits in a day then there are chances that your body will be deficient because fruits have all the vitamins and minerals I consume Green tea, regardless of the variety
Green tea and snack and a fruit before that After the evening tea, I used to take a break for an hour or a half and exercise for an hour after that Now listen to me, in the beginning do some easy exercises, P.T., you can do leg exercises Leg exercises are the most important of everything for weight loss Hand exercises, shoulder exercises, sides exercises can be done very easily But leg exercises used to be a major task because my entire weight was on my waist and thighs On stomach also, obviously
which was accumulated fat But it was much heavier on thighs and waist which is why leg exercises proved to be very important for me I did 1 hour of exercise including jumping jacks, rope skipping, crunches, squats and so many other exercises as shown here Exercising is a beautiful way to connect with yourself I practiced 15 minutes of yoga after exercising which is must Doing yoga in the morning hours or not is up to you But yoga after evening exercising is very relaxing for the body You understand your body that what all body parts are painful You can feel at what all places it is working or not working So practice this for yourself
Evening exercise and yoga is must After the exercise and yoga, I used to take bath There was a regularity to take bath in the morning and evening hours as well This experience was very rejuvenating and relaxing I was really surprised that everything is so easy There was no tension, no issues, no pain and nothing And gradually I lost the weight
At times I have lost 1 kg in a day Because diet was in control Most of the times I used to keep searching for chips, coldrinks, chocolates after having food I have eaten chocolates during weight loss journey as well but in very less proportions Earlier I used to have entire cadbury crackle but now I used to be happy with two pieces only Then comes the amazing dinner time Have your dinner as early as you can 7 O' Clock is the best time or in between 7:30 to 8:00 PM I have it at the same time At that time I have 1 bowl of Daliya and 1 spoon of desi ghee Ghee does not make you fat rather it helps in breaking down the accumulated natural fats in the body Have daliya in dinner especially the Pushtahar Daliya
It is very very tasty Just prepare it once and it will change the definition of Daliya in your mind.

It's that simple. Add ghee, roast daliya, then add water and close the lid of the cooker. Your porridge is ready. It is very tasty and healthy as well. It has carom, cumin and also other ingredients. It is very amazing and filling. You feel your stomach full and it is also very light. After an hour or so it feels like you have not eaten anything. And this is where I stop eating. I do not have anything after this, directly breakfast in the morning It feels relaxed also Weight is not lost when we exercise but when we relax And that's why it is very important to complete the sleep irrespective of at what time you are sleeping You should know how much sleep your body needs and necessarily sleep for that much time Then only your body will function properly I have lost weight very positively and enjoyed the process I did not face any difficulty or any deficiency because I continued everything that I used to eat I just reduced their proportion.

I also maintained the discipline of time so that I follow things on time If you are taking supplements then the best time is early in the morning When you intake honey and lemon water, you can take the supplements just after exercising That's the right window to intake supplements Also drink ample amount of water It doesn't mean to drink only water everytime, otherwise you will be urinating all the time Listen to your body. Drink water when you are thirsty. Drink water sip by sip and don't just gulp it at once This was all about my routine to achieve this beautiful 58 kgs of myself I was 70 kgs back then and I reduced it to 58 kgs And it was really really empowering
I enjoyed the complete journey I did not feel any kind of stress such as I cannot eat chocolate and all Not at all, because my mind was focused on loosing weight and I have to keep going I have tried to share the outline of what all I have done to loose my weight If you want me to talk in detail about the options of morning drinks Options for breakfast What all exercises did I do What all extra curricular things I did for myself during the period I will be posting a poll today in the community tab where you can share your stand and let us know if you want me to share a series then I will be there with it So I hope this video was very informative for you You will take good care of yourself and loose your excess weight And be the best version of yourself very beautifully

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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