Healthy Food Recipes - How to make 1carb keto pizza & tortilla chips | 1carb keto flatbread Q&A | Keto vegan

August 14, 2023

Hi so many of you have been making
flatbread with carbs it makes me so happy the comments just read through the
comments there's a lot of recurring questions you've been asking
and things you're not clear about so I thought I'd take the opportunity today
to clarify all the questions and answer On it so hopefully
this can help you successfully create flatbread and on top of that a lot of
you are also wondering if you could turn the recipe into other things
like pizza or tortilla chips I think that's exactly what we're going to do
today we 're going to turn flatbread into a really tasty pizza
and no Delicious tortilla chips exist so stay with me so you don't see the
carbs Flatbread video please by all means jump to that first then come back it
wouldn't make more sense now you already know how to make it
I want to go to the cooking section please do this here.
So if you see my eyes this is great because I'm looking at my iPad to make sure
I'm catching all the questions so the first question is how are
carbs counted as a lot of you have asked that question so low carbs are net carbs
first and foremost So if you don't know what the net carbs are it's basically a
carb miner so when you look at the full label a lot of times
under it will list that it has this amount of sugar or that amount of
fiber and because of the body's inability to absorb The fiber minus the fiber you get the
real cup now your body absorbs it so now i flower i used in the recipe
and fine almond flour and i'll talk a little bit about that
later it has six grams of
carbs each.

One hundred grams so for a recipe of four flatbreads I used about
68 grams to be exact so that works about three point five three eight
grams of carbs and the psyllium husks languished for a long time
it's basically all fiber so I count it as a zero because ours can't Body assimilate
it it's carb free and the rest of the ingredients are water oil salt it
has almost no card so if you break it down into four fat breaths it
actually works under one card per flatbread so I come along I hope it makes
sense full of number Cup I'd say the best policy is to
actually check the actual label of the product you're buying it's a lot more accurate so if you go
online and check the online database it's not quite accurate because they
take the average on the ballpark rather than a special product
based on the type Almond flour used in cop better just
check the label so the next question is can you use coarse on the flour
and the answer is unfortunately no and the reason I tried it didn't work
that's why I came to the conclusion using extra foraging flour if you watch the
pro video I've already dedicated a section to explaining the different types
of flour and which one is right for flatbread I've
tried various types in terms of coarseness and extra fine is just one that
works really well anything causal very likely the
dough will fall apart if it doesn't say extra fine or something What's on that line it
probably won't work well for this recipe so it's critical that you get
the best almond flour you can get you were asking what brand of
almond flour and psyllium husks I use and I'm pulling the links to the actual products
I use for the recipe for your references , I'm not affiliated but
I think it would be helpful if you could find exactly the same product it would
make your life a lot easier and one more question and this is what was
traded quite is baking powder or baking soda so I have it I
sincerely apologize I made a mistake at the beginning of the video when I went to the
ingredients instead of baking soda it said baking powder which caused
a lot of confusion apologies for my honesty it was the baking soda I
used and even though baking soda and bicarbonate are the same thing the
exact same thing I think in America it's called bicarbonate of soda Here in the UK and it
's called bike center but they're identical exactly the same and
some of you have also asked what you need for a recipe at all because some flatware
recipes don't have baking soda powder and you're absolutely right
so the way this recipe came out is through an experiment Of all
flatbreads and I kind of evolved, you know, swap ingredients and change
proportions and get a recipe the way it is and I'm really a school of ideas
there if it ain't broke don't fix it baking so that's there for
me because it works perfectly As is if you want to try experiment and take
you see now if it still works and what Bowman did and you know come back
and share but personally I keep it so the next question has been asked
by many and I'm scratching my head trying to figure out why that
is why didn't It works for me a lot of you have tried and it didn't work and I'm
trying to read the comments trying to get clues as to
why a lot of you said they have a lot of water so it turns into some
sticky mess so this is water in general I think the best way to do this is to
add little by little My required amount of water depends very much on
the flour and almonds I use so for something I would have explained
in my video unless you use the same precision products I am but still because
when we measure things even using a scale it's not always quite accurate so
I say the best Policy is when you add water just add little by little
you know fill it in with your hand to see how stable it is for those of you that
haven't worked I think there might be a couple of possibilities one is what
kind of almond flour you're using by the general it's not always clear what
kind of flower you're Already using it some of you may have skip
forward with the very naughty flatbread video and skip the part where I am
explaining the different types of almond flour which is an important one
for this recipe some of you said you use thin lemon flour so I'm not
familiar with that label I'm not sure Than if it's fluffy good like extra soft
and I also remember some of you from the stage using Costco one Costco ultrafine almond flour and that
worked so maybe there's
something you can look for to buy it so I want to make it very clear that using
superfine almond flour is crucial For this recipe
and when I say very fluffy I mean if you look at the texture of the flour
as good as ax regular wheat flour again I will put a link below
to the actual product I use so you can use it as a benchmark as a reference standard
and look for the same or similar batter and another note on the almond flour
And the other one that I use is blanched almond flour and that simply means it doesn't
have a shell leave the skin on the almonds so it's just as pale as I can show you here it's
a little bit of a yellow tone but it's almost as pale as regular flour
so if you use one that has skin your bread might It comes out a little bit
darker so if you want to produce the same result as the video
then look for flour that's bleached okay
Another possible reason it didn't work is how to reduce the psyllium husk as far
as I'm concerned the psyllium I've ever used is in a fine powder
almost like flour but I I would recommend that some of you use some
sort of variety of psyllium husk I've never seen this type of psyllium husk before
so I can't comment but what you're looking for is something
really good in powder form so psyllium husk isn't good enough it
could be spoil the texture because we don't use gluten flour
it's really important that all the ingredients are so fine that they can
bind together so tightly just keep that in mind
until the last I have a question regarding flower I was wondering if you can
produce your supplement good almond flour if not You manage to get it
or you think it's too expensive the answer is I really don't know
because I haven't tried it myself but what I do know is that it probably won't
work normally food processor something like a magic blend
it's really good for processing and mixing many things but it's not
powerful Enough to make flour but feel lucky enough to have something like
vitamix you might have a chance because it's very strong so if any
of you try that and it works please let me know and please share so the
next question is can you replace the almond flour with other flour Like
coconut flour and some of you switch to almond or don't like it or
chickpea flour I think someone asked for it I say on
principle yes and the reason I say guys is because the recipes really evolved
for me using coconut flour and flaxseed flour it should work fine Good with
coconut flour and again with water definitely a
small amount at a time and then o on top when they start to set because you can
always add more you can't remove so coconut flour or chickpea flour should work
but obviously the board The cup will be different but if
your cup comes now you just want to make gluten free flatbread yeah
by all means try chickpea flour or other types of flour
so the next question is my favorite question is can you use a
tortilla press the answer is yes Overwhelming and I know that because I bought one and I
tried it and it worked great so I learned this from you
guys thanks so much so wrestle with the comments and a lot
of you mentioned the all-around press and to be honest I had no idea what this was
not uncommon in the UK I've never seen one before and I don't know anyone who
owes one well unless he tells us a secret without telling me I
had to look it up and lo and behold you know Amazon there's anything
you can't discover Amazon I don't know that's what I was ignorant of when
I saw it on Amazon It's made of cast iron so I'll show you which one I bought
this is cast iron it's so beautiful really really heavy I
think you can cook with it I thought you could press and then
cook at the same time and I thought why that is and it was like that until I realized this
Just to literally press is still perfect, so for those of you who didn't
sound like I'm going to show you later on how to create
loaves of bread in seconds using total [ __ ] that's another thing on the salt person mentioned
half a teaspoon in the recipe to make a really salty brownie, I think
this is probably because the salt I use in the recipe is more salts and more
salt is really flaky so 1/2 teaspoon maybe the equivalent of a
quarter teaspoon if you use really
finely ground salt so that's something I oversaw when creating the recipe so
apologize for me if I You use really finely ground salt and then use half a full
amount or even just a little pinch okay one last little question how do you
refrigerate flatbread can you refrigerate or freeze it so the answer is yes so
I explained a little bit in the flatbread video as you can if
You plan to eat it in the next couple of days, then you can
put it in an airtight baggie and put it in the fridge, but if you make a
larger batch and intend to eat it gradually, you can freeze it but make sure to
separate it.

Flatbread with a piece of cling paper or baking sheets whatever so that they
don't stick together and once you are ready to eat them just take them out
of the freezer and let them come back to room temperature and you can
just warm them up on a rim tray with no oil and just lightly toast them
on both sides and they are ready to go For those of you who haven't
followed me on Instagram now it's time to do so you know
many of you have asked what I eat on a regular basis so I post pics
of it not just recipes for the channel but also food like I eat on a regular basis and
I post pics of that if you're interested Please follow me on
Instagram and let me know if you recreate any of my tunnel recipes and
would like to share them with the world.

By all means
hashtag heavenly fan I'd like to see your work so this is all housekeeping
down let's make pizza so what I did was double the amount of the
recipe to create a flatbread but you only see seven of them here
because I lost one on the floor at a time Previous to what's going on and that's seven
loaves of bread you can make the cake any size you want but I thought it was
easier for your account just slice them
into exactly the same portion as the flatbreads and now we're going to
dress them up with a full funnel so this is all a full funnel here and before we can go
on Ahead what you want to do is take a whole plastic bag like this just big
enough to cover the whole oppression so take a pair of scissors what you want to
do is cut the z lock ip it's going to happen somehow so I'm going to peel it off
so you want a perfectly flat bag on what Okay and what you do is cut
those edges just open it up so you end up with a bag that you can open like
this and that's to protect the flatbread so now open up this
magic device and take them plastic sheets here and line them up just to cover the base
and then open up the center and take the flatbread dough and kind of pull it
roughly in the middle.

We're going to reset as we do that so
cover it with the plastic sheeting on the top [__] and then press the top cover down
with a knob I mean I had to do that a few times before I figured out
the best way to do it you kind of want to slide it in
rather than push On it down all at once it doesn't go perfect just press little by little I mean this is a
lot faster than using a rolling pin and it probably comes out more circular as
ok ok I think I'm happy with this this looks perfect I like my
thin crust pizza but I if I You like your thickness you can use
two portions of flatbread to create this and here is the best part you can just pull the
top layer off gradually, I mean the great thing about this dough is that
it is not sticky at all as you can see.

Just as thin as it is
I can just pin it that way now we take a lined baking tray we're going to
drizzle a little oil to brush a little bit of oil on it just so your
bread stick now takes the base and then
we put it in the middle we'll pre bake it in a 220 sucia preheat oven for
five About minutes, so with the chips total we'll do the same
thing we flattened for baking. re- guardianship press lift the bread and take a
sharp knife we're going to cut it into wedges
[music] ok that's it totall out our wedges, and
just line them up on the griddle i'm gonna make this first batch ok
here we go this piece of bass in five
minutes In the oven so it's still a bit soft and that's
one way to go.

en We're still making toppings for the pizza so what I have here
is tomato sauce which I made very easy all you have to do is
cook the chopped tomatoes until they thicken and I season them with some salt and
that's it. "Were going to use it as a pizza sauce oh it's so pretty and I'm
trying really hard not to overburden it I don't want I don't want a pizza to be
soggy but it's so tempting so that's an okay base that I
should do that what I'm going to do is make a classic tomato and basil pizza so
I'm going to put some Tomatoes here, okay so, and then I'll tear
some basil on top of it buzz oh now so good I'm trying to do as
elegantly as possible okay tear just is it's so pretty and
it's not over yet I'm going to top it off with some
vegan cheese just make it authentic oh It's gonna be so good alright This goes back to Leuven
for about five to ten minutes where you go There you go like this Pizza I pulled it out
after about ten minutes It's perfect Now I'm going to try to slice it
[music] Great look at that Tortilla chips
also came out nice Perfect it's
so beautiful so here's the pizza way sorry the
oven still works but I can't wait to
taste it while it's so hot and that's the slice of pizza you can actually pick it up so just like a proper pizza so yeah guys MMM now so good really good I
mean I I don't need to convince you just look at this they're crunchy on the sides they
're crunchy and that's not all I have
these pottery chips to try and there they are crunchy and very nice and fragrant so I
baked them in a 200°C oven for about five to ten minutes like a pizza
but with This chip really wants to go and check every three four minutes
and flip it a few times until it's golden brown and then you take it out and it
leaves a little bit of a wonderful crispness and look at this it's just great and I
have salsa and guacamole that I made so this is salsa and guacamole I made
earlier and I'll dip a tortilla chi note in it So
here's the guacamole oh my god why can't you be so good I'm so proud of that can you have a crunch I
'll try the salsa I'm so
overwhelmed by the deliciousness I'm speechless oops ok oh my god ok guys Please try I'm sorry I'm
talking mouth full again but I 'll put all the details in the description
for you and the mouse was thrown in the recipes For the guacamole and salsa for
you too it's very good and easy to make so you go there on a
busy afternoon for me but I really enjoy making pizza and tortilla chips
for you and as you can see it's so easy make follow me on Instagram and hashtag
heavenly fan if you want to share any recipes I made from my channel
and thanks for watching I'll see you next time
[music] you

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