Healthy Food Recipes - Overnight Oats - How To Make Oats Recipes For Weight Loss - Thyroid/PCOS Weight Loss - Vegan Recipes

July 20, 2023

Hey Guys! I am Nisa Homey, today I'm sharing 
an overnight oats recipe. No cooking needed,   no dairy milk, no refined sugar. Super healthy 
and easy to make on those busy mornings. This   chocolate overnight oats can be enjoyed as a 
quick healthy breakfast in your weight loss   journey. So let's get started with the recipe. 
Into a bowl I'm adding in 1 4 cup old-fashioned   rolled oats. I'm adding in some water, and 
I'm allowing the oats to soak for about five   to ten minutes.

The reason why you need to soak 
oats is to help release the phytic acid content   in oats. Phytates are nutrient Inhibitors which 
may cause digestive issues to some people. Now,   if you have noticed having digestive issues like 
gas, bloating, or indigestion when consuming oats   you may need to soak it a little bit longer; 
like say, for about 15 minutes to half an hour   you can even soak it overnight if you prefer. 
Remember that phytates are nutrient Inhibitors   they also prevent nutrient absorption. So, if 
you are using raw oats in your diet always try   to soak the them or roast them before using 
so that the phytates are released. If you're   planning to make this for breakfast you can 
do this process at night if you're planning   to make this as a dinner you can do this process 
in the morning. And now I'm going to get the other   ingredients ready while the oats are soaking 
so I'm going to keep it aside. I have overnight   soaked seven to eight almonds and I'm peeling the 
skin of the almonds.

Now, it's necessary that you   soak the almonds and peel the skin so that the 
phytates in almonds are released the almonds are   now peeled!. Into my blender jar I'm adding 
in the overnight soaked and peeled almonds.   I have measured 1 cup of water and from that I'm 
adding in 1 4 cup water and I'm blending this   to make an almond puree. Okay now I have blended 
the almonds. Pour the blended almonds into a cup.   Pour the rest of the water into the small chutney 
grinder and wash down the residue onto the cup.   This way there is no wastage, I'm going to keep 
this aside. Okay now it's about 10 minutes and   the oats are nicely soaked, so I'm going to rinse 
it under running water and keep it on a strainer.   The oats are rinsed under running water and I've 
kept it on a strainer.

I'm using one ripe banana,   this is a local variety Kerala banana which is 
relatively small in size. Slicing the banana   and adding it into the bowl and with a 
potato masher I'm mashing the banana. Into this I'm adding in one tablespoon kaakvi 
also known as liquid jaggery. Instead of kaakvi   you can also use jaggery powder as per your 
taste. Increase or decrease sweetener as per   your taste you can also use maple syrup if 
you don't have liquid jaggery at hand. One   third teaspoon freshly ground cinnamon powder 
for flavor, instead of cinnamon powder you can   use vanilla extract, or even cardamom powder 
and with a spoon give this all a good mix Pour in the prepared homemade almond milk.

1 tbsp chia seeds for that extra healthy fats 
Omega-3s and fiber. One tablespoon sunflower   seeds, instead of sunflower seeds you can use 
pumpkin seeds. One tablespoon raw cacao powder,   and give it all a good mix. At this stage you can check sweetness if you 
feel you need most sweetness you can add in   some extra kaakvi, instead of kaakvi, you can also 
use date syrup, or chopped dates, or date paste or   even maple syrup.

Once mixed I'm adding in the 
rinsed and strained oats, give it a good mix. And lastly I am sprinkling in about a tablespoon 
of raw cacao nibs for added flavor. Close it with   the lid. Keep it in the refrigerator overnight, 
so I'm going to transfer it into the refrigerator.   And the next day morning my healthy dairy 
free overnight oats is ready to serve,   and lastly just for garnish I'm sprinkling in some 
sliced overnight soaked and peeled almonds. This   will give a subtle crunch to the overnight 
oats if you would like more added crunch you   can sprinkle in little bit of raw cacao nibs it's 
entirely optional and my super healthy overnight   oats is ready to serve. So guys do try this 
healthy overnight oats recipe and let me know   in the comments how it turned out thank you for 
watching! and until next time! take care bye! bye!.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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