Healthy Food Recipes - KETO BAGELS without FATHEAD DOUGH | Only 3.1 g carbs

July 19, 2023

today i'm going to show you guys how 
to make keto bagels and there's no   fat head dough in this recipe or cheese 
they're very easy to make and they taste   similar and have a similar texture 
to an actual bagel let's get started like i said we're gonna be making keto bagels 
without using fat head dough there's no cheese   in this recipe and they really taste like a bagel 
you can spread cream cheese on them you can toast   them you can even make sandwiches out of them if 
you are really into breakfast sandwiches or lunch   sandwiches in fact i'm going gonna prep up some 
breakfast sandwiches today with these keto bagels   and the help of my sponsor of today's video which 
is crowd cow crowd cow is a marketplace for high   quality meats that creates a meaningful connection 
between the farmer and the customer so people can   know and appreciate exactly where their food comes 
from how it works is that you get to build your   own box you get to explore their selection of high 
quality beef pork chicken seafood and so much more   everything is vacuum sealed shipped at the peak 
of freshness and delivered right to your door   everything i picked out from crowd cow i wanted 
because i wanted to prep up a lot of these   breakfast bagel sandwiches so i got pre-formed 
sausage patties from petterson farms i got bacon   from them too this is sugar-free bacon and i even 
picked up some salmon they sell salmon spread   there too which would be perfect over a bagel 
especially if you like salmon with your bagel   they have a huge selection of high quality 
meats all of them are antibiotic free there's   no hormones and you can choose from pasta raised 
or grass fed as well if you guys are interested   in getting great tasty and high quality meats 
from crowd cow then just click on my link below   new members can get a hundred dollars off free 
meat plus free shipping if you sign up i'll have   that link in the description box below for you 
you can become a new member for free and get   five percent off everything you put in your box 
this is a limited offer so make sure you act fast   now let's make some bagels to get started we're 
going to start with a large mixing bowl and add   in our dry ingredients you're going to need one 
cup of almond flour a quarter cup of unflavored   low carb protein powder i'll have my favorite 
listed down below in the description box   and then to give these bagels like that chewy sort 
of texture i'm going to add in some inulin powder   so this is two tablespoons of inulin powder if you 
don't want to use inulin powder because you don't   want to just go out and get another ingredient or 
maybe it causes digestive problems because i mean   inulin powder is a prebiotic it's good for you 
but sometimes it can upset some people's stomachs   um so if you don't want to use that 
then just go with 100 almond flour   use a one and a half cups of almond flour for 
this recipe and completely omit the inulin powder   i also experimented with adding in lupen flour 
in this recipe so if you're curious and want to   try that i'll have that listed down below in the 
description box you'll also need one and a half   teaspoons of baking powder one teaspoon of xanthan 
gum one teaspoon of brown sugar-free sweetener you   can use whatever sugar-free sweetener you want i'm 
using the golden one just two reasons why well one   they use it in regular bagel recipes but also 
it helps give our bagels that nice brown crust   on the top otherwise they're kind of pale 
looking and then a half a teaspoon of salt   we're gonna whisk that together until it's 
combined and then we're gonna move on to our   wet ingredients for our wet ingredients we're 
gonna add in two tablespoons of melted butter   and two tablespoons of hot water mix this together 
until it's combined and now it's time to form   our bagels so we're gonna use these with our 
hands and this dough is sticky so i recommend   just wetting your hands with some water you 
might have to re-wet them from time to time   to keep the dough from sticking to them you 
could even use like olive oil or spray some   cooking spray on there it'll just keep things 
from sticking to your hands and keep them cleaner   so grab a ball of dough i think this recipe makes 
around four bagels and this is normal-sized bagels   too and roll it in the palm of your hand put it on 
a baking sheet that's lined with parchment paper   and then we're going to form the hole in the 
middle i just wet my finger and then form   a circle in there to make the hole make sure 
you make your hole kind of wider because as   these bake they're going to spread a little bit 
and kind of puff up a bit so if you're one that   absolutely loves to have a hole in their bagel 
then make sure that you make that hole really wide and then we're going to bake these in a 375 
degree oven for around 10 minutes maybe a   little bit longer if you like them pretty 
um crunchy on the on with the crust side   take them out of the oven let them cool 
and now you're done and we can make our   breakfast sandwiches like i said i'm going 
to be using some of those pre-made sausage   patties from petterson farms along with their 
sugar-free bacon these were both delicious   and then another one i'm going to make up 
some salmon bagels with that salmon spread cream cheese works beautiful on this too 
it's really good it spreads really well you   could even toast these in your toaster oven or a 
toaster as well you could spread some butter down   and then put them on a skillet and toast them 
up that way too it's super good super buttery   this is a great recipe to meal prep you 
can make these for breakfast you got a   breakfast for four days out of the week at 
least or just make them and freeze them if   you want too so you can pull them out and have 
them whenever you need to once again thank you   crowd cow for helping me make these delicious 
breakfast bagel sandwiches remember i'll have   that link down below in the description box 
if you guys are interested in trying them

Info: Post images on Social media for $200 per day

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