Healthy Food Recipes - How to Make FLUFFY SANDWICH BREAD KETO (vegan, high protein, and TASTES like BREAD)

July 19, 2023

Hello friends and not-yet-friends, Today we’re making a deliciously 
fluffy high protein bread loaf   for all your keto-friendly sandwich 
needs thanks to your lovely requests. I’ll get in-depth on each 
ingredient, the macros, and more. But first, let’s get this bread dough made, risen,   and in the oven ‘cause not everyone 
wants to get into the weeds with me. Into my pre-warmed stand mixer bowl, I’ll 
combine warm water at 110°F with the enemy. I mean, in this case,
actually maple syrup. The trick is, you’re not really going to eat the sugar. The yeast is going to get to it first. Let that yeast bloom for about 5 minutes. These bubbles let you know: 
it’s passed the gas test.

Then in go freshly ground golden flax seeds, ground up oat fiber, vital wheat gluten which is the 
isolated protein part of wheat, and salt. Stir slowly at first until the dough is formed. Then ramp up the speed to 3 and let 
the machine do the work for 8 minutes. While technically possible, don’t do this 
manually if you want to hang on to your sanity. But then again, there are no rules.

Except afterwards, don’t let this proof like 
you would a regular batch of bread dough. Get it out right away and let it rest a few 
minutes while you prepare your loaf pan. Those few minutes should let this dough relax a 
bit so you can go ahead and roll it up tightly. Then place it in the pan to rise to triple 
in size; it takes about 90 minutes. You could cover with a damp,   lint-free kitchen towel but these days I 
have to use plastic because of these guys. No textile in my home can be trusted 
to be completely lint-free now. After only 15 minutes, here’s the progress. Looks like we might not need the full 90 minutes but we still have plenty of time 
to thank today’s sponsor, AG1. While our bread will provide 
plenty of protein and fiber, getting enough of everything else can 
be a challenge on any modern diet, let alone low carb diets.

So AG1 makes it easy. One vegan-friendly, keto-friendly 
scoop, into water and you have this   refreshingly tasty drink to get the 
vitamins and minerals crucial for a   well-functioning nervous system and 
to support a strong immune system. It has the B12 we all need. 
Along with other B vitamins. Antioxidants to help with 
recovery and healthy aging. Adaptogens which help with stress. Dairy-free probiotics, prebiotics,   and digestive enzymes to support your gut 
health and promote nutrient absorption. It actually all works together 
and from personal experience,   it really makes a difference I could feel. That 
and the fact that it’s easy and tastes good,   makes this a healthy habit I’ve 
easily kept up with for over a year.

It’s like tropical pineapple with a 
hint of vanilla but not too sweet. Just lightly so it’s not 
kicking off any sweet cravings. In fact, it’s sugar-free. Doing this one healthy thing 
first thing in the morning   helps me make good decisions throughout the day. AG1 has been a key nutritional part of my journey 
recovering from chronic pain for the past year after over seven years of a lot of 
pain and hopelessness to be honest.

You might not be in such dire straits 
as I was but I still recommend trying   AG1 for the nutrition coverage and other benefits   that a lot of us just aren’t getting 
with our modern lifestyles and food. I’ve noticed my energy levels are better,   I have more motivation to be active, and 
more focus when it’s time to get to work. You can try it just one time or, like me, get 
refill pouches monthly that go in this tin in my fridge. But if you’re more on the go, you 
might prefer the travel pouches that   are specially made so you don’t 
have to keep them refrigerated. They gave me a special link to share 
in the description and if you use it   for your first purchase, you can get 
this bottle of vitamin D3 and K2 for   free.

It’s a year’s supply! The D3 
is of course super important for the   immune system and this particular kind is 
made from lichen, a vegan-friendly source. And they’re not done with the 
free gifts. You’ll get 5 free   travel packs so you can take them along with you. My friends, click that link and check it out if   you haven’t already. Thanks again 
to AG1 for sponsoring the video today.

It’s only been 45 minutes and this dough 
has already tripled in size so I’ll need   to preheat my oven right away. I guess 
the studio was a bit warmer than usual. Before you turn that oven on though, make sure 
you take out anything that shouldn’t be in there. And also adjust the racks if you need to. It takes my oven 15 minutes to come to temperature   and now my keto loaf is looking 
way bigger than it needs to be. I was aiming for something a bit bigger 
than normal to impress you guys but now… I have regrets.

You can see it’s a little uneven and I 
debated slashing it to compensate but… I made an executive decision. This loaf goes in the 400 
degree oven for 40 minutes. Afterwards, it’s a monster! This is actually a brand new bread pan 
that I bought after my old ones rusted out. It’s a little bigger than they were so 
I multiplied my original recipe by 1.5. Looks like we didn’t need the 0.5.

It’s still soft and springy. 
And looks pretty nice. Until you turn it around and 
see how it’s busted up here. Don’t worry. The final recipe 
that I will have linked in the   description will have normal sized measurements. Not this monstrosity. But otherwise, it smells heavenly 
thanks to the toasty aroma of oat fiber. Which is not to be confused with 
oatmeal, whole oats, or oat bran.

Oat fiber is made from the 
outside husk of oats which   are completely indigestible 
so it doesn’t add net carbs. Or shouldn’t anyway. I only buy the Anthony’s brand because it is   zero net carb and the quality 
has been good and consistent. What it does add is bulk to our dough. Too 
much, however, would make this too dense. And that’s where the flax seed comes in. It adds bulk without getting too dense. And that’s partly due to its 
moisture attracting quality. It’s going to help keep the bread moist and 
fresh tasting for longer than regular bread. I always use golden flax seed rather 
than brown because it looks nicer in   the final product. And grind fresh 
from whole seeds to avoid rancidity. The fact that it’s so springy and acts like 
wheat bread is because of the vital wheat gluten.

It lets the bread rise and not fall. The dough is strong and flexible 
enough to trap the gas that the   yeast made when the fungi ate all the sugar 
and generated carbon dioxide and ethanol. The ethanol evaporates during baking 
leaving us with a very very low carb bread. How many net carbs per slice 
will depend on how we slice it. And we can’t do that, until 
this cools down completely. It’s now completely cooled 
down and ready to slice. “How’s that?” It looks   just like normal bread. Normal monster-sized bread with an 
oversized mushroom top. But I digress. The texture is squishy but springy. It 
smells like regular brown bread too. The pull apart? Look at that! How beautiful.

And the taste is like hearty brown bread. Because of the flax and oat aroma it does have   that healthy kind of taste 
if you know what I mean. However, fairly plain because compared to breads   that have a longer fermentation time 
it doesn’t have that fermented tang. But this is for sandwiches. The filling is 
where a lot of the flavor is going to come. You can make the slices as 
thin or thick as you like. I’m impressed by how thin I can slice 
them and it holds together nicely. Finally, sandwich time! These slices are actually a ridiculous size so I’m   cutting off the bottoms for 
another mini sandwich later. I mean just look at this. My hand for scale. 
And fyi, I have huge hands for a woman. You   can’t usually tell unless I see you in 
person and we compare hands side-by-side,   but just trust me on this. 
Huge hands, huge bread slices.

Today, we get to enjoy half an avocado,  with fresh home-grown sprouts,
ground red chilies,  cherry tomatoes (which are the only 
tomatoes to bother with this time of year),  a sprinkle of salt,
red onion,  and then fragrant pecans.
Finish with mustard. And that looks like a regular sandwich, right? A regular sandwich with a lot less carbs. This way, I can have a normal looking and tasting 
sandwich without causing my chronic tendonitis   to flare-up. Right now, with the nutritional 
support of AG1 and the anti-inflammatory effect   of my plant-based keto diet, I have gone from 
constant low grade pain, limited working hours,   and frequent debilitating flare-ups which 
feel like I have glass in my hands and arms To now, absolutely no symptoms whatsoever. I feel like a normal person again 
and this is why I keep it keto. I know a lot of you who eat keto 
are doing for other reasons.

Maybe to manage weight,   manage appetite, and other health conditions 
so you want the specific nutrition information. That is coming up right now so if you’re one of   my friends who doesn’t want to 
know that, thanks for watching! Please don’t forget to check out AG1 and get 
your two free gifts and I’ll see ya next time. For the rest of us, it’s time for the 
nitty-gritty. I’m going to base this   on one loaf according to the final 
recipe. Which is smaller than this   monster because I don’t expect you 
to make this monstrosity at home. One regular-sized loaf makes 16 decently large 
slices and I’ll say two slices make a serving. According to Cronometer, two slices has 
about 163 calories, 7.4 grams of fat,   17.7 grams of total carbs but only 3.7 
are digestible, AKA your net carbs. The rest is fiber. This number is actually inflated however because 
the sugar in this recipe will have been digested   by the yeast and turned into ethanol and 
carbon dioxide. The ethanol, of course,   is evaporated by the baking process, and 
carbon dioxide is what makes the bread puff up. But I always just leave the sugar in 
the calculation because, in my opinion,   it’s better to overestimate 
than underestimate net carbs.

There’s a whopping 20 grams of 
protein and a nice bit of iron too. Personally, I do view this as 
a processed food however so I   don’t like to have it all the time. 
Just when the sandwich craving hits. Remember to drink plenty of water with all this 
fiber to keep things running along smoothly. Speaking of running along smoothly,   don’t forget to check out AG1 by Athletic Greens. It’s seriously so helpful for that purpose but also to get ton of nutrition with only 4 net carbs. And 
the bonus free gifts are nice to have too.

Thank you so much for watching my friends. Please 
give this video a thumbs up if you liked it. Leave   a recipe request with the “#reciperequest” 
if you are so inclined and bye for now!..

Info: Post images on Social media for $200 per day

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