Healthy Food Recipes - How to make 1carb keto flatbreads - Vegan | Keto

July 14, 2023

Hello everyone today I'm going to show you
how to make the best vegan keto bread on the planet which
has been scrumptious since I mentioned in the last video that I've been on a killer jenny die
for a while now probably almost three months and so far I feel
great so if you know any Something about the absolutely killer geno diet
it's basically you cut the sugar and the carbs that's the main thing and
then you take a moderate amount of protein and you increase the fat so that's it my body
doesn't crave sugar or starch per se I mean sugar it Relatively easy for me
I've never had a sweet tooth so I don't feel particularly specific but the carbs are on hand
it's not a starch physical fat it's kind of more in the
context of what the texture of baking biscuits and generally just
recipes you can make with them so I've come My job is to experiment and find
recipes that not only can be substituted but taste better so I've been
trying a few recipes with keto no bread recipes that I see most often
are the ones that might be with flaxseed oh my coconut flour so my spiced bread is
good but the shine It has a very pronounced taste and flavor, so it's
something you either really enjoy or don't enjoy as much.

For me I'm not
much of a side though so making flaxseed bread for me is
a bit tricky because the dough is very sticky and not easy to work with
I note I'm going to use coconut flour flatbread yeah it actually turned out
very good And it tastes pretty good, but the problem is the conditional count for me is still
pretty high if you look at the nutritional value of coconut flour and depending on
where you get the flour I've seen the conditional counts from four hundred twenty
thousand up to fifty something, so for me , This is so high I want to be able
to enjoy this flatbread without telling King I'm actually on a diet
so I've been experimenting with almond flour and lo and behold it turns out
beautifully the texture it's great it tastes
great so today I'm going to show you how to make ottoman flatbread
Ultima keto or vegan and gluten free ingredients you need so the first thing
we need is I'm a flower so this is really important to you I want to find
the finest flower I can have in terms of how soft its ground and I'll go
into more detail with a flower later And why it's important
and the next thing we need is psyllium husk powder if you're not familiar with that
it's basically a pure fiber that comes from the seeds of plants and you can look it up
if you're interested in knowing what kind of plant here it's
often used for vegan baking and also Keto bread well what the
bread does is it replaces the gluten from the regular flour if you mix it with water
it turns into quite a sticky goo so it kind of functions very much like
the gluten in regular flour I mean you should be able to get This is fairly
easy nowadays from health food stores and we need some olive oil
and some baking powder and some salt and these are all the ingredients you need so
I want to explain a little bit about almond flour because a lot of people
get confused that they are using wrong type of flour for cooking no Turns out
nicely so this is actually ground almonds and very similar to our milk
I think it's probably the same just this one you can see the colors are pale so
this almond doesn't have the rind so much almond meal a
little bit darker because it's basically whole almonds It's milled into a powder
and it's quite kose and that's a great heart of many recipes
before flatbread causes that so we don't want to use this and the next almond I want to
show you what they've been described as almond flour and so you can see that
the color is a little paler not even Its finer i think this one could work ok
we have today's recipe but it might be a little too coarse you can try but
what you really want is extra fine almond flour and this is important
for this recipe because if the flour is going to cause the dough may start to
fall apart so So what you want is an extra fine I'm a flower I got it from amazon if we can
find that extra pretty it will work fantastic so let's make the
dough I'm going to take a big mixing bowl and the first thing we want to add is
almond flour so we want a half cup of this almond flour Should make you
flatbread so I'm vegan and then we need three tablespoons of
psyllium husk but we're only going to add two tablespoons for now and then we're going to
save one tablespoon for later to adjust the moisture in the dollop so
I'm going to add in two tablespoons of and then we'll add Half a
teaspoon of baking soda not that much and then a teaspoon of salt so
I have a half teaspoon here so I 'm going to add two teaspoons so that means a teaspoon of
salt and then we go to add a tablespoon of olive oil about that much
and before we start mixing it we want To add it in one cup of war.

m water
and warm water simply a way let me show you you
basically add in half a cup of freshly boiled water from the kettle add
in it and then you add in half a cup of room temperature water okay
so warm water here and now make you wake up warm water In the
mixing bowl okay so now you have a cup of options you can either start mixing it up
with a pewter or a spoon like this and mix it well or if you're lazy
like me and you have a food processor or a full blender you can use to mix it up for you and
that's what I'm going to do so I have my food mixer here and I'm going to pop
This mixing bowl over here and start mixing since then in the mixer for about
2 minutes now I want to turn off and check the consistency so at
this point the dough will look very wet and a bit sticky
this is normal so if it feels really wet this is it Point we want to add in
more psyllium husk it feels a little soft so I'll go sprinkle
a little more psyllium husk so do it carefully you don't want to overdo it
you don't want it to foam up too much so take a tablespoon and then Sprinkle
half a tablespoon in there now and I'm going to mix it again so here's the dollop so in the process of
mixing I checked a cup a couple of times and then added a little more psyllium husk so I
ended up adding less than three tablespoons in total so you can
see the dollop Here it's still very sticky but it's not really sticky to
my hands so the texture is very damp we're going to quickly just turn it
into a ball okay now so now we're going to wrap it with cling film and leave
it to rest for about 10 minutes so I have a piece of sticky film Here and just pop it
here and wrap it up and I'll be back in ten minutes so it's
really important to let it rest for at least 10 minutes and what it
gives all the ingredients some time to come together and you'll find that
after the rest time the dollop will be less sticky and it's
easier to handle and you'll get better results much so let's take a look it's been
resting for about ten minutes and you 'll find that the texture has become less
sticky and if that's really easy to deal with that what we want to do now is
cut it in four equal sizes let me try to do that so you take a knife or Cutter
and just cut it in fours and you can measure it out and make sure that equals if you want to
make sure the cup number is accurate and now you just roll each one
of them into a little ball I mean the texture is very floppy so you might
find they don't quite blend together Exactly but that's
totally fine your best and roll it into a lousy shape okay now
you want to take two pieces of baking sheet so here's a baking sheet
smooth side up I'm going to put my dough here in the middle and press it
a little bit then take another sheet with the smooth side down Hello sandwich
okay then you take a rolling pin and we start rolling it out until the dough is
completely solid so you're going to have to practice that a few times and then
roll it 90 degrees and then all the way on the other side until you aim
for that pancake shape and keep doing this I mean it's going to take
Some time to get used to it because the texture is a bit more crunchy and I say
normal dough bounces but you get used to it pretty quickly I guess so be patient and roll it out evenly
what I find is it helps in between if you
pull the paper up a few times and flip it around and do the same thing it will result This
frees the doll from sticking to the paper a lot and those are the
wrinkles as well.

And if you have that kind of unevenness you can just take
bits of it and then stick it somewhere a little bit lower and
then roll it back up I think the temptation is to go
really thin but I recommend it to keep a reasonable thickness
to start with I mean you'll still be amazing that you Just make a
little smaller flatbread as you get better at it you can roll
close to thinner let's take a look so this is flatbread number one I just
made it and set it aside and covered it with clean cling film and to keep it
moist we're going to keep rolling out the rest of the flatbread and then we're going to cut it
Okay so this flatbread number two I mean if you're a
pro whatever and cut it but to be honest I'm this home cook and I embrace
imperfection so I prefer my bread because let's grow rustic it's
totally fine with me okay so we're ready to cook the bread and we know What to
do is take a medium frying pan and we 're going to drizzle
a little bit of olive oil so just a little bit and we're going to turn the heat on
probably around medium not too strong we don't want the bread to burn and
just give it a little roll like this then take a piece of kitchen paper
So are you going to use it almost like a brush and we're going to get the oil out
a little bit so what you want is to train a skillet with oil there's a
nice coating of oil in there and we 'll take a flap here and put it
in the center of the skillet and let me cook so it depends on the
heat and your skillet it's probably It takes a few minutes before
you want to stir, so have your spoon ready and you'll know it's
ready to be stirred when it starts to bubble.

So be patient
and let me cook slowly okay let me do a little bit of selection on the side so our last one is
perfect so I'll flip it over and cook the other side it's a
perfect golden brown and that's when it's important to keep it on low heat if
you start and go straight to Inside with a strong heat it'll turn black
I think I'm happy with this so make a plate and put it on
the plate we can cook the next plate well I think that's cooked too so
I'll pop aside I'll cook the rest of the bread I'll see you
in a bit [music ] So here's the Cheeto Flatbread I just want
to quickly show you how soft and pliable this bread is, it's a
proper, warm, wonderful popper and has a slight almond smell and you can
roll it up and do whatever you want with it the perfect texture so what I'm going to do
is put some filling in there and then make The flat gets worse, so
I got some salad leaves, tomatoes, and avocados here.

I've also got my
favorite vegan mayonnaise so I'm going to take a dollop
here and I'm going to spread some mayonnaise on top of it I think a little messy but that's fine
now I'm going to put a little avocado in some tomato and if the salad leaves a little salt and here I'm going to sprinkle
a little of MCT oil if you 're not familiar with it it's
kind of purified coconut oil it's very good for you
especially when you're on keto so I'm going to drizzle just a little bit of it just a few
drops with some black Jessie's patches and finally some sliced ​​almonds I mean if it's not Well, I don't
know what he's going to do, so the challenger
now is actually one of those guys who put
a lot of padding in the lids. my downfall but hey let's give it a go so
I'm going to roll it up and you're actually not too bad the look it's totally fine yeah that's
perfect if you weren't sure you could
always stick to a cocktail stick but I think we'd probably be okay okay now we'll Now
cutting them up and I'm trying to make them
naturally pretty if I made them myself I cut them right in the middle
because you know it's a YouTube video let's get a little fancy about it my
flat rolls are done [music] so here
's my keto flat roll , it was so lovely now it's time to eat I'm
really hungry so I miss the bites of this soft and wet this is so good
if it's great and goes really well it goes really well with avocado
mmmmmmm very good so with bread you can either Make them fresh h and eat them
right away as you can see it's not hard to
do but when you can do it instead
I make about 10-12 of them eat a cup of them right away and then put
the rest in the freezer if you plan on eating them in a couple of days or Next three days
just wrap them in cling film or a food bag
and then keep them in the fridge or if you want to keep them longer you can
put them in a freezer bag and then put them in the freezer you can probably get
away with not separating them but I will advise maybe Keep a piece
of cling film in between the cake just in case and those
are with the flour we're using in this recipe again this is
very good and that's a lot of the cheapest flour you can get I got this bag where
one kilo here is about 13 pounds so You can solve it with
dollar currency or other currencies but considering she got one kilo with
this recipe with four flat priyas we only use about 1/2 cup so I live
this is a quick math I know I can count but I got my calculator So
with a kilo of flour you can make up to 64 flatbreads so that's not too bad
as a treat if you think about it you know 14 pounds
for 64 flatbreads I think it's worth the investment so go for it and it
will give the best results So let me know if you have any questions so I
look forward to showing you another recipe next time I mean I have a few
in the making I still plan to show my cupboard as well and also
my shopping trips in terms of what
I've done to adapt kind of the Akito way of eating and a few
Other things so I'm looking forward to sharing that with you next time so I can see you next time

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