Healthy Food Recipes - Clean Keto Meal Plan for Beginners [Get Healthy and Lose Weight with Keto]

July 22, 2023

in todays video, I will talk about Clean Keto
Meal Plan for Beginners. I will explain what clean keto is, some does
and don’ts when starting a keto diet, explain you how should you formulate healthy clean
keto meals, and give you a 3-day clean keto meal plan example that will help you to get
started. I will share a simple keto meal plan that
will help you to Get Healthy and Lose Weight with Keto. By the way, if you’re new to my YouTube
channel, my name is Greta, and I’m an online nutritionist and a holistic health coach. If you haven’t yet, consider subscribing
to my YouTube channel for weekly videos about insulin resistance, detox, diabetes, all the
other chronic health conditions, and improving your overall health. So, if you want to be healthy, you should
definitely subscribe. Now, what is clean keto? If someone tells you – I follow keto, I
only eat processed meat, processed cheese, and drink diet coke, that’s not the keto
diet that you want to follow.

Something might sound like keto, because it
matches the definition of keto from the macronutrient perspective. But, it doesn’t mean it’s healthy. When people say, I followed keto, it gave
me a heart attack, or some other health problem, that’s only because this person didn’t
eat high quality nutrient dense foods, and ate keto garbage instead. Clean Keto has nothing to do with it. I created this image, to show you what are
the different types of keto. And hopefully this will motivate you to pick
the right type. The main keto types are clean keto, lazy keto,
and dirty keto. Now, what are they? That’s clean keto: you Stay under 50g of
carbs, or net carbs a day if you’re in the US.

You Eat only clean foods, meaning no processed
foods. You Eat enough veggies, which is 5 -10 servings/day. You Eat high-quality animal products, and
Health is a top priority for you. Whereas, someone following dirty keto, would
have very different goals. You stay under 50g of carbs or net carbs a
day. But you Eat low carb junk food. You don’t eat enough veggies, Mostly protein
and fat. And you eat poor quality animal protein, all
the GMO grain fed meat, tons of additives in the meat. Deep fried meat, fast food. You don’t care about health and only want
to lose weight. I hope you get the picture, the first type,
clean keto is a lot better. That’s your sustainable long term health
solution, that doesn’t require you to count calories or track macros.

You simply eat natural whole keto foods, lose
excess weight, and get a lot healthier. If you choose dirty keto, there’s a high
chance that you might get cancer, heart disease, kidney failure, fatty liver, dementia, and
other health problems in the long run. And I’m not being dramatic. Now as you know why is it a better idea to
follow clean keto, Let’s look at the clean keto do’s and don’ts. If you want to follow healthy keto, that helps
you to get healthy, lose excess weight, and feel so much better, instead of giving you
a heart attack, you should eat natural whole keto foods, instead of processed keto junk

Easy as that. What do I mean by that? When it comes to your fats, you should eat
organic grass-fed butter, extra virgin olive oil, and extra virgin coconut oil, instead
of rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, margarine, low fat spreads, and other ultra-processed
inflammatory oil products. When it comes to animal products, you should
eat grass-fed, wild, or organic animal products such as meat, fish, eggs, and cheese. And the least processed, the better. Your meat should ideally have only one ingredient,
which is meat. Maybe some salt and pepper, or herbs. But certainly, no dextrose, maltodextrin,
E621, monosodium glutamate, or anything that doesn’t sound like food. The more ingredients you see on the package,
the more garbage they put in there. And then they say, meat causes cancer. No, it’s the garbage that they put in the
meat, and the garbage, that they feed to the animals. There are zero studies linking organic grass-fed
meat with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or any other health problem.

If you don’t eat meat for religious reasons,
or because you’re against killing animals, fine, but meat itself is not a health threat. Even the red meat, like beef, that has such
a bad reputation, it’s actually loaded with nutrients. And no, beef is not bad for the planet. Conventional animal farming is. That’s another reason to buy organic, grass-fed. But of course, you should eat a reasonable
amount of meat. 1 serving, once a day. Too much of meat can be unhealthy. And when it comes to a general picture of
clean keto diet, what should be the basis of your diet? it should be mostly non-starchy vegetables. Like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, greens,
peppers, and so on. Not low carb breads, and pastas, and muffins. Your diet should be as natural as possible.

You can’t go wrong with broccoli. So that’s your clean keto diet basics. Now, what exactly should you eat on a clean
keto diet? You might know what to do in theory, but when
it comes to putting your knowledge into practice, you might struggle, and even give up. Meal planning is not that easy. You might get the macros wrong, you might
overcomplicate it, you might not get enough fat or calories to keep you full, you might
struggle to make meals that taste good. So Let’s go through a 3-day clean keto meal
plan together. I’m a low carb keto nutritionist, I create
meal plans all the time. I’ll show you how to keep it simple. And you can download it from the description
section, or the comment section, after watching this video. So, you start your day with light keto breakfast. Either black coffee, coffee with organic cream,
or keto coffee, with grass-fed butter, and extra virgin coconut oil.

And you can have a piece of dark chocolate,
with 85 or 90% cacao, ideally, organic chocolate. If you don’t drink coffee, you would have
tea instead. Coffee and chocolate are loaded with antioxidants. If you choose to have keto coffee, it is very
filling, and healthy. I’ve been having it every morning for the
past few years. And to keep it simple, you would always have
the same breakfast. Now, that’s the first meal, 100 grams of
organic meat, with asparagus and tomatoes. Only 6-7 ingredients, takes around 25 minutes
to prepare, nothing crazy. Is it nutritious? Absolutely. Is it tasty? Yes. And then, after each of your meals you can
have a simple, and healthy dessert, a chia pudding. That’s chia seeds with organic full fat
kefir, stevia, and raspberries. Then the next meal, wild salmon with broccoli,
cooked in the oven. Then, day two, lunch, 100 grams of meat with
greens, and tomato, I made this meal in like 6-7 minutes. And for dinner, meat, mushrooms, and cheese
stuffed peppers. Again, nothing too complicated, you mix the
ingredients, stuff peppers, and cook it in the oven. It takes around 25 minutes to prepare, but
the actual active preparation is only 5 minutes, the rest of the time you can do whatever you

And the 3 -rd day. For lunch, prawn, pecan and rocket salad. It takes only 7 minutes to prepare. That’s quicker than any pasta, rice, or
potatoes. That’s as fast as fast food. But a lot healthier. You only cook prawns for a few minutes, and
drop them on rocket, that’s it. And that’s dinner. Veggies with beef, backed in the oven. You cut veggies, break beef mince into smaller
chunks, add some olive oil, and cook it in the oven for 20 minutes. Easy. So, that’s how I make following clean keto
diet easy. Now If you found this video useful, like it
and subscribe to my YouTube channel, and share it with someone who doesn’t know what clean
keto is. You can download my 3-day clean keto meal
plan from the description of this video. I will also leave the link in the comments
below. And if you feel that you would like to get
a longer meal plan to give you more clean keto meal ideas, you can purchase my 14-day
keto meal plan with keto education. That’s a keto health and weight loss program
with many different recipes.

It has all you need for starting clean keto
correctly and making it your new lifestyle. I have a regular version, and a vegetarian
version. You can find the Link to join in the description
of this video, and in the comments section below. Thanks so much for watching, and I hope to
see you in the next video..

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