Healthy Food Recipes - 5 Lunch Meals To Get Shredded + Muscle

July 23, 2023

- What's up? It's Chris Heria. Today, I'm gonna be showing you five delicious healthy lunch options that you can make right from home to build some solid muscle and
get shredded simultaneously. You're gonna notice all the
meals I'll be showing you today are high in protein and low in calories, which are the main ingredients for burning fat while building muscle. And I've also included different meals with either higher carbs or
higher fats that will cater to a variety of macro
requirements for different people. And these are meals that I've been eating for the past couple years, but
no matter which meal you try, it's definitely gonna be delicious, high in protein and low in calories to have you building
some lean, solid muscle, while simultaneously getting shredded.

So with that said, let's get
right into the first meal. One of my absolute favorites,
steak with a Greek salad. This meal consists of a
six-ounce cut of sirloin steak, half a cup of onions,
one fourth cup tomatoes, one cup of cucumbers, one
tablespoon of red wine vinegar, one tablespoon of a squeezed lemon, half an ounce of feta
cheese and five olives. All right, so first things first, we're gonna start preparing
our six ounces of steak. All right, let's check that. Whoo, 6.2. All right, let's start
preheating the stove, about halfway heat. Pop out our avocado spray. This is zero calories. All right, let's chop up some onions. Get the flavor going. If you guys saw my last nutrition video on five healthy meals for weight loss, you would see that I
love cooking with onions and it's the best way to naturally enhance and bring out the flavor of
any protein that you're making.

All right, we got our
one fourth cup of onions. Go ahead, throw them in there. Flip that glaze. Make sure the heat's not too high. I'm gonna save the next
one fourth for the steak. All right, let's get into this steak. We're gonna lightly season this with some Complete Seasoning. This is also zero calories. It's very important to be conscious of exactly what you're cooking with. A lot of condiments and different things that you can use to enhance the flavor can also add a bunch of unwanted calories. Now we're gonna be using
Himalayan pink salt. This is also zero calories. Flip it over. Last but not least, some black pepper. Again, zero calories. Give it a nice crack. Now you see, I put some on the side. All right, here we have
our piece of steak. Drop that in. All right. We're gonna let that cook on
low for about three minutes.

And in the meantime, we're
gonna start preparing our salad. So we're gonna be using
two cups of spinach. Definitely wanna make sure that all your vegetables
are already washed. All right, next up, we're
gonna cut up up one fourth cup of these small cherry tomatoes. All right, next up, we're
gonna add one cup of cucumbers. Cucumbers are super low in calories, but they have a lot of
nutrients and vitamins as well. All right, there we have
our one cup of cucumbers. All right, and just like that, we're almost done preparing our salad. And we're just about ready
to flip, whoo, this steak. Really quick, I'm just gonna cut up the last one fourth cup of onions. Drop those in there and take
the flavor to the next level. Turn down to a simmer. (pan sizzling) And we are almost done with this steak. All right, getting back to our salad and place in our cherry
tomatoes, place in our cucumbers. All right, I have my olives,
drop in five of them. Drop in one tablespoon red wine vinegar. Make that go a long way.

And then we're gonna
squeeze in half a lemon. And lastly, for this salad, we're gonna add in the feta cheese. Just crumble it right on top. This salad looks delicious already. But we're missing the main ingredient, six-ounce steak with our grilled onions. And there you have it, one of
my absolute favorite combos, six-ounce sirloin steak
with a Greek salad. Totalling only 416
calories, 18 grams of carbs, 40 grams of protein and
only 19 grams of fat. It's hard to believe that
this much amount of food and something that looks so
delicious can be so healthy. There's only one thing left to do and that's to give it a solid taste test.

You know what? I can't do my own taste test. I have to have the camera guys
give me their honest opinion. What do you think, one out of 10? - A 10.
- Whoo, let's go, baby. Stefan, give it a try, man. Let's go, don't gas me up. Let me know what it's like. - 10 out of 10. - All right, you heard what it is.

Let's move on to the next meal. Again, another one of my favorites. In fact, something that I've been eating since I was a little kid, that's gonna be the good
old-fashioned tuna sandwich. Now for one tuna sandwich, we're gonna be using two cans of tuna, two slices of Dave's Killer Bread, one fourth cup of onions,
one tablespoon of mustard, one tablespoon of chives,
one fourth cup of cilantro, one tablespoon of light mayo, one tablespoon of a squeezed lemon and one fourth cup of celery, totaling 379 calories for
just one tuna sandwich. And the calories are so low, you can technically make
two or even one and a half. Now, first things first, let's
open up our two cans of tuna.

Now, tuna is very cost effective. It's really not expensive at all and you definitely make
some serious gains. Whenever I eat tuna, I'm
always getting shredded. Let's get our tuna into a bowl. All right, next up, we're gonna cut one fourth cup of onions. Then we have our one
fourth cup chopped onions. Go ahead and throw those in there. All right, next, we're gonna
add a quarter cup cilantro. Chop this nice and fine. All right, then we have our
one fourth cup of cilantro. Throw that in there. We're gonna add a quarter cup of celery. This is also optional as well. All right, there goes our
quarter cup of celery. Last but not least, we're gonna add one tablespoon of chives. All right, there we have our
one tablespoon of chives. Mix it all together. Now, before adding the last
finishing touches to our tuna, let's go ahead and toast two
slices of Dave's Killer Bread. This is some of the best
bread that you could be eating if you're really trying
to make some gains. All right, we're gonna
get back to our tuna.

Now it's time to add in one
tablespoon of some light mayo, one tablespoon of mustard. I love the taste of tuna with mustard. Also, zero calories. And last but not least, one tablespoon of a fresh squeezed lemon. All right, there we have
the toast just in time. Let's go ahead and put that down. Finish mixing this up.

So here, we have our gourmet tuna. We're gonna go ahead and start
placing that onto our bread. All right, there we have it. Chris Heria's gourmet tuna
sandwich for absolute gains. And the macros for this
delicious toasted tuna sandwich is gonna be only 379 calories, 46 grams of protein, 36 grams of carbs and six grams of fat for
just one tuna sandwich. This is a super light meal
that's packed with protein that will get you absolutely shredded. If that's your goal, you
definitely wanna try it. And that's actually what I'm gonna have one of the guys do right now. Who wants to try it first? What you think? - You made that super
fast, tastes really good, I would eat that. - [Chris] All right, Paz,
let me know what you think. - [Paz] 10 out of 10. - [Chris] Really, another 10 out of 10? - Yeah, I don't like fish, but it's good. - Okay, okay, so there you go. Another 10 out of 10. Even Paz is not a fan
of fish and he loved it. Let's move into the next meal. Coming up next, we have protein pasta with six ounces of grilled
chicken and sauteed spinach.

For this meal, we're gonna be using two ounces of dry protein pasta, six ounces of chicken breast, two tablespoons of Parmesan cheese, avocado spray, one tablespoon of basil, one cup of spinach and
one clove of garlic. All right, first things first,
fill up a pot with water. We're gonna add a couple grinds
of salt and set it to boil. All right, while we wait
for the water to boil, we're gonna start preparing
our grilled chicken. First, we're gonna crush
up one clove of garlic. Throw it into the pan to start bringing out
the flavor in the pan. Now, you don't wanna put it too hot. We're gonna put it just under a quarter. All right, now we can start
preparing our chicken. I'm gonna be cutting up our
chicken into small pieces. It's gonna cook a whole
lot faster this way. You can also just cook the entire piece and then cut it up after.

Now, we're just gonna
add some black pepper, Himalayan pink salt, a bit of zero-calorie Complete Seasoning. I can already hear the water,
it's just about boiling. Let's go ahead and drop the
pasta into this boiling water. We're gonna let it boil for seven minutes. This is gonna be about one cup
of pasta after it's cooked. All right, we have our
chicken pot sizzling. Let's make sure it's not too hot. Let's go ahead and roll that in there. All right, we're gonna be
cooking this chicken here for about three and a half to six minutes. All right, this is coming along well. Let's start chopping up our basil. We're gonna be chopping up
one tablespoon of basil. Let's go ahead and check
back on the chicken. All right, chicken's coming along. Our noodles are just about ready to go. Let's go ahead and strain them. I don't always eat pasta, but
when I do, it's protein pasta.

We're gonna go ahead and throw it into the pan of our chicken. So as this is just about ready to finish, we're gonna go ahead and get started on our last piece to finish off this meal. We're gonna be sauteing
one cup of spinach. Sauteed spinach is not
only super delicious, but also very nutritious. And if you don't like eating spinach, this is probably the best and fastest way to eat a whole bunch of it. You're gonna see this whole cup is gonna turn into a really small portion. So I add the avocado spray,
then I add my spinach leaves. Zero-calorie Himalayan pink
salt, zero-calorie black pepper. Oh, my goodness. I wish you guys can
smell through the camera. This smells insane. I'm gonna go ahead and throw
in our chopped up basil. You don't wanna cook
up the basil too much, then you'll really lose the flavor. You wanna put it in at the very end.

All right, now let's take
our last bit of basil, sprinkle it on top. Fresh basil right on top. Yes, sir. This is what I call chicken pasta. I'm just gonna add a bit more garlic. There we have our sauteed garlic spinach. Now, as you can see, this was a whole cup of spinach before. Now, it is just a couple bites. Super green, slam-packed
with nutrients and vitamins for you to get absolutely shredded. Last but not least, we're gonna add on two
tablespoons of Parmesan cheese. That's only 20 calories.

And really, I only use one tablespoon. And there you have it,
Chris Heria's protein pasta with chicken and sauteed spinach. Now this plate of food
is only 495 calories, but a whole 60 grams of protein, 39 grams of carbs and
only six grams of fat. Let's go ahead and give it a taste. - Pasta's amazing. Chicken is perfect. - [Chris] Whoo, how about
that spinach you're eating? - 10 out of 10. . Damn it, everything
is 10 out of 10 today. I don't know if these
guys are gassing me up.

There's only one way to find out, you guys definitely need to
try it and make it yourself. Let me know your honest
opinion down below. Paz, let's go ahead and give this a taste. Be a harsh critic. - That's probably the best one yet. - Damn, for real?
- Yeah. - What's the number, what's the rating? - Another 10. - (chuckles) Sheesh. All right, let's hope the next meals are also a 10 out of 10. Moving on, we have another
one of my favorites, Chris Heria's healthy baked chicken wings. For this meal, we're gonna
need five chicken wings, six ounces of celery, one
tablespoon of light ranch and lemon and pepper seasoning salt. First things first, we're gonna preheat our
oven to 400 degrees. And while we're waiting for our oven, we're gonna go ahead and
start preparing our chicken.

And we're gonna be seasoning our chicken with zero-calorie lemon
and pepper seasoning and a little bit of Himalayan salt. Rub that in. Now, this dish is gonna
take a while to cook, but it's worth the wait. And it's very simple. Just pop these in the oven at
400 degrees for 15 minutes, then flip them over and
cook for another 15 minutes. And they're ready to go. (oven door clangs) All right, we're gonna go ahead and check on our chicken wings. Whoo, these things are looking good. Let's go ahead and flip them over. Let's pop 'em back in there
for another 15 minutes and lunch will be served. Now, you can't have chicken wings without some celery and some
ranch, one tablespoon of ranch. All right, the moment
we've all been waiting for. Look at that. Oh, my goodness gracious. The other day, somebody was asking me what my favorite food was. And then my answer was chicken wings. I freaking love chicken wings. There you have it. It was long worth the wait.

Five grilled chicken wings with some celery and light ranch dressing, totaling 475 calories,
40 grams of protein, four grams of carbs and 31 grams of fat. A perfect and delicious meal for those of you on the ketogenic diet. Let's go ahead and give it a taste. - You can really taste the lemon. Yeah, and it's crunchy, cooked perfectly. - Whoo, he is not lying. This is cooked to perfection. This is exactly how I
love chicken to taste. Every time you take a bite,
it is juicing with flavor and it has the perfect texture to chicken. And with the lemon pepper seasoning, this flavor is absolutely busing. I think Rick Ross would
really be impressed with this. Now let's move on to the next meal. That's gonna be a baked sweet
potato stuffed with chicken.

For this meal, you're gonna need an eight-ounce sweet potato, six ounces of chicken breasts,
two tablespoons of Parmesan, one tablespoon of chives and
one tablespoon of sour cream. First things first, we're gonna preheat our
oven to 400 degrees. And once it's close to 400 degrees, we're gonna wrap our sweet
potato in aluminum foil and pop it in there for 30 minutes. And while we're waiting for
our sweet potato to bake, we're gonna go ahead and
start preparing our chicken. First, we're gonna cut it
up into small, tiny pieces so that it can fit inside
the sweet baked potato. All right, now that we
got our chicken cut up, go ahead and drop in a little
bit of Complete Seasoning, some Himalayan pink
salt, some black pepper. Now, this is optional and you can also just chop
up some onions instead, throw that in there.

But to conserve time and
a tiny bit of calories, I'm gonna be using some onion powder. Let's go ahead and turn on the stove. Now, in about 15 minutes, we're gonna start cooking the chicken. That's gonna give us some time for the sweet potato to
be ready at the same time. All right, one of the last
ingredients to prepare, one tablespoon of chopped chives. All right, the sweet
potato has been baking for a little over 20 minutes. It's time to start cooking our chicken. Let's go ahead and drop
in our seasoned chicken. Hopefully, by the time
this is fully cooked, our baked sweet potato
is gonna be 100% ready.

All right, now every single piece is starting to look glazed. This only took about four
and a half, four minutes. Let's go ahead and drop
it down onto a plate. I'm actually gonna cut
this up a little more so that it fits nicer and neater into the sweet baked potato. Time to take out that sweet potato. All right. Dunanuna, nunanuna, nunanuna,
nunanuna, nunanuna, nunanuna. Dudadada. All right, I just split
this sweet baked potato right down the middle. I'm gonna go ahead and
just drop the chicken. Ugh, I broke the sweet
potato, but that's okay. It's not all about presentation. It's really all about the macros and how delicious this is going to be. All right, there we have it. Let's just add our toppers,
one tablespoon of sour cream.

Next, sprinkle on the chives. And lastly, two tablespoons
of some Parmesan cheese. And there we have it, the baked sweet potato
stuffed with chicken. Now this whole entire
dish is only 455 calories, but it's slam-packed
with 53 grams of protein, 40 grams of carbs and
only five grams of fat. So this is gonna be the
last taste test of the day. I'm trying to get all tens today. All right, give me your honest opinion. - 10 out of 10. - No way, really? Hey, you heard the man. These dishes are super simple to make and they taste absolutely delicious. And best of all, they're high in protein and low in calories, which
are the main ingredients for building some solid, lean muscle and simultaneously getting shredded. So there you have, ladies and gentlemen, five delicious lunch options that you can make right from home to get absolutely
shredded and build muscle.

Let me know down in the comment section which one was your favorite or which one you're dying to try. And if you do happen to make one, please tag us in your video, whether on YouTube or on Instagram. Let us know what you think and we'll definitely be
reposting the best content. And if you enjoyed the video
or learned anything new at all, please smash that like button. We really appreciate it and it helps YouTube share our videos to more people out there. And to show my appreciation, if you comment down below
within 30 minutes of any upload, you're always gonna have a
chance to win some Heria apparel.

So make sure you hit the subscribe button with the bell notifications on right now so that you never miss out on a video. I post every single Thursday,
2:00 p.m. USA Eastern Time. And now you have the nutrition down to build some solid, lean
muscle and get shredded, but that's only half of it. You'll also need to
incorporate these meals with the right training and
the right workout programming. And to get full access to all
my personal workout routines that I do and workout programs that I've created with
specific goals in mind, like building solid, lean muscle while simultaneously getting shredded, then download the Heria Pro app in the App Store or Google Play Store. Take all my personal
routines with you on the go. It's like having me as a personal trainer
right in your pocket. Lastly, for more of my
content during the week, make sure you're following
me on Instagram and TikTok. Every single post, I always
do some type of giveaway. So if you wanna chance
to be a part of that, make sure you're subscribed,
liking and commenting.

And with that said, thank you
guys so much for watching. I'll see you next Thursday,
2:00 p.m. USA Eastern Time. Mad love and peace out. (upbeat bass music) Smash that like button, guys. (logo clanging).

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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