Healthy Food Recipes - Pregnancy Diet, in Hindi, Chart, First, Second Trimester, Pregnancy Food, Indian Pregnancy Diet plan

March 22, 2023

Scientific do that Hello audience, the topic we are going to discuss today is diet and dieting in pregnancy, many questions, we ask this question that mam is pregnant, what should I eat, what should I not eat, I do not understand anything, my family members are different from me. I give pressure from you that you should eat this, the child inside you will not protest and also live in a lot of worry and I have seen that in many houses there is a lot of controversy for this thing , the family members forbid it, don't eat it.

It is hot, it is cold and the ladies are very sad and tell us that in this, explain to the family that I like to eat this food , so I thought that but let's make a video in detail, one that is hot and The fundamental of cold is unscientific, means science does not accept it in a way, and the hot this mango is hot and the almonds that are hot like this, but if they are put in those water and their skin is removed, then it will be cold. It is known that all these things are beyond our understanding of what we study, so who we are, patients have a different style.

Let me explain about the diet, the first thing is that what is pregnancy , divide it into three parts of three months, first semester, second semester, enter tomato, so instead of filling the stomach of some people in the first trimester , it gets reduced. There is nothing to worry about and there is no need to make some drastic dietary changes in the first 3 months, so some patients come to us very excitedly after that meeting, you will find it very romantic, if we have a bad situation then it is the same. There is a meeting , due to which the weight of some patients is reduced, they should treat the meeting wisely and anyone who takes the traditional style has to eat roti in the morning, have three or four roti in the afternoon, have to eat roti at night if someone comment in that time.

Not able to eat food, there is no harm in it, you can eat what you do , you have to fulfill your whole day's salary requirement, do not forcefully push that now the bread is made, then you have to eat it even if the heart is not doing it. So there are patients who have more problem of Vomiting because they are some If you eat food in a conventional style under pressure to some extent, then in the first three months, our advice is that in the first 3 months, the requirement of salary does not increase so much, you can eat as much as you can before you can eat what suits you. You are not even eating roti and if you are taking fruit salad juicer water and such things, then what is your pregnancy which is the meeting going on, if once the kilo weight increases then it is ok even if it does not increase a little bit less Even if it is, there is no problem in it, musically there should not be depression in the first 3 months, the amount of water that is there will go well in the body and after that in the second and third semester , the requirement of calcium iron ore gallery increases.

If so, the extra requirement increases up to 300 kilo calories, in the second semester, third semester, according to that, there is hunger in the depots accordingly, meaning the ladies who are not able to eat properly in the first 3 months, they also feel hungry and that You are able to improve what you have and what you have, now there are some things which are taboo which are not. I should eat first is coffee, we refuse to drink coffee, we say that if you drink only one cup throughout the day, then it is okay to award then very good any thing that has the contact of caffeine in it, it should not be eaten and non-veg and then Whatever it is, then we say that you should not eat preferentially because there is contamination in freshwater fish these days and whatever you eat non-veg should be well sourced, there should not be any kind of hormones in it that apart from that we should drink two to three liters of water.

We give suggestions that you should drink more water by drinking water, what is there, you keep moving and what is in it and there is no problem of tuition, apart from that we talk to increase the quantity of milk, 1 liter of milk contains 1 gram of calcium and 1 Gram itself is the requirement of tension , so those ladies who can't have 1 liter of milk in their diet, even if they do n't eat calcium tablets, some patients don't like calcium tablets, they are fat, they are not seen, then we are the same. Would like to say that what is the child's A's will become, but with your time the bones become weak. There is a possibility that calcium tablets must be taken during pregnancy, apart from that, we also say that there is a requirement of iron that there is a requirement of iron, iron tablets must be eaten and such things should be eaten in the diet, in this we feel that the contacts of the end come to him.

Apart from this, many questions are asked that we drink juice, we speak, do not give juice, you come to the roots because fruit repeats itself, it is beneficial in felt, it does not cause motivation, address that we do not give advice, but those who do more battery, they are constipated. If the problem keeps going on and on, then water and judgment does not cause the problem of a conception, apart from this, according to the fund of hot and cold , many patients ask questions about dry fruits whether we are pregnant during pregnancy. You can eat dry fruit during pregnancy, you can eat dry fruit, but anything is fried, oily, outside is dry fruit, there are some things that I have more contact with the gallery, that we say that you get moderation, whatever you have done transfer anything if you If taken accessively then she did pregnancy will not suit even a normal person, then like if you want to take dry fruits for what you get their limited quantity but dry fruits are good in ad pregnancy there are some dry fruits like this makhana and Which is like the fourth, the amount of calcium in it is very good and it is very good, it should be taken in tight, apart from the good which is the patient who is diabetic, it is their pregnancy, to those who are obese , we say that you should control the diet of sweets.

Do not exaggerate the quantity, but those patients who are a little thin or those who do not have the risk of diabetes, we also increase the Guddu which is there because jaggery contains iron and it is very good, some patients who are they give very big intake of their dates. It should not be done like this during pregnancy, pregnancy in itself is a state like diabetes and every lady has the possibility of having sugar in it, whether someone is thin or fat and whatever fat in your body you will be playing at this time. it will be difficult to use later So, the food that is to be eaten should have good choices, that is, like lentils, roti, vegetable, chapati, salad, fruits, all these are good , but ice cream, chocolate and all these things should be avoided in this vegetable, then it should be avoided. All are gallery items or fried food, its quantity should be straight , according to the normal rate during pregnancy, if you do it up to 10 kg, then it is quite a lot if it is less than a kilo with pregnancy, then it is a little bit a matter of concern and Take more than a kilo, then it fills the whole life, can not do it during pregnancy, as there is no need to increase too much under pressure, which is normal for only three to four people, there is a need to increase their height whether what The problem is, she will not do anything for the whole day and then when she comes home after finishing all the work, then she has gastritis and such thing problem to eat on time, then we select this working dish that you got the small request there.

But if you can not take it, then you keep drinking a glass of water with a glass of fruit in between. Will then have to be fixed patterns reduce the amount of water they kidneys, etc. are there more problem of the kidneys of this swirl of having or her depression when Stone therefore should have a good intake of water Finally, I would like to say that You are the one who is showing your pregnancy to the doctor, you should ask your questions very well about the diet, yet you can also do research at your level like many people get a lot of information by watching YouTube videos and They know what we should eat, what not to eat and they also know others that we had done this in our pregnancy, if you do this, then in the end I would like to say that pregnancy is a physiologically divided i.e.

a normal home. can all work everything spin-rev with all the outside work of pregnancy if there is no one else we have no Comorbidity had Naturally a normal turmeric pregnancy can not do anything there you have it You can do all kinds of work normally in routine You can do your pregnancy turmeric method till full term therapy, only you have to take care of your diet and your health a little, if you ask some more questions in this topic , then you can comment in the comment section Thank you very much..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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