Healthy Food Recipes - Drink Lemon Water The Right Way To Lose Weight | How to make Perfect Weight Loss Drink

March 19, 2023

Lemon is one of the significant fruits , which
is commonly used for weight loss. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and citric
acid , which is why it is very beneficial for our skin, improves our digestive health,
reduces the risk of heart disease and also prevents kidney stones and other kidney related
diseases. Not only this , but lemon also helps in reducing
or in some cases getting rid of bloating.

People who majorly eat junk or too spicy food
or even food with excessive salt for that matter, must definitely consume lemon water
on a daily basis. Lemon not only boost the metabolism of our
body but the citric acid present in it, also helps to get rid of accumulated fat in the
body. In some cases drinking lemon water on a daily
basis also, doesn't actually work when it comes losing weight. Some people add honey to the lemon water or
some just add lemon juice in lukewarm water, which isn't enough. you must know that lemon water will do, no
good to your body if it is not prepared in the correct manner.

So let’s have a look over the most appropriate
and correct way to get complete benefit from lemon in order to get rid of the body fat
and get the best possible result . But before that let us discuss some common
mistakes that many of us may be making while preparing lemon water. There are a couple of things you must never
do. A chilled glass of lemonade can set nearly
everything right, and is considered one of the best drinks for summers. People are very fond of refreshing lemonade
made out of sugar, which no doubt is very tasty but is just not a good option when you're
trying to lose weight.

Sugar not only affects the properties of lemon
but instead of weight loss , it results in weight gain in one's body. That is why you must Avoid sugar and opt for
honey as an alternate source. . Secondly , If you are using honey instead
of sugar make sure you don't add honey into hot boiling water , because That will reverse
the effect of honey on your body. Let the water cool down for a bit and then
add honey to luke warm water . Also once lemon and honey are mixed together
, never reheat the water even if it cools down.

Reheating the water diminishes the nutritional
value of both lemon and honey and you fail to get complete benefit out of it. Now let's have a look over how to use a lemon
optimally. Most people are unaware of the fact that
Lemon zest is far more useful than lemon juice. The zest/peel of one single lemon contains
more nutritional value than the juice made out of 10 lemons. But, it has been seen that most of the people
squeeze out the lemon juice and throw the zest in the garbage. This very peel of lemon not only helps to
reduce weight and Cholesterol but also helps in curing dire disease like cancer. To use the zest one should only take the lemons
with thicker peel. To make this drink you should grate or peel
the top yellow layer of the lemon. The top layer of lemon contains oil, this
very oil works miraculously when it comes to losing weight. Keep in mind that you should only peel or
grate the yellow layer and not the inner white layer of lemon.

Because the inner white layer doesn't taste
good at all, in fact it tastes sour. Once you are done peeling, boil 250ml of water, pour it in a glass . Now
add 1 spoon of the lemon zest or peel to it, and cover it. let it sit for 2-3 minutes. When it cools down a bit, add half a lemon
juice . your drink is now ready . You may also add honey to enhance the taste. This lemon drink or elixir is far more useful
than your ordinary lemonade when it comes to reducing weight. Have this drink empty stomach in the morning
everyday and within 7 days you will see its effect on your body. This not only helps in losing weight but aids
in reducing Cholesterol, helps in reducing acne, blemishes, wrinkles and also promotes
a healthy liver.

Lastly , On a special note we suggest ,people
who often have acidity , should not consume this empty stomach. subscribe to rediscover wellness. Don't forget to press the bell icon to keep
yourself updated for more such health related video. IF THIS VIDEO WAS OF ANY HELP TO YOU, PLEASE

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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