Healthy Food Recipes - Diet Plan To Lose Weight Fast For Winters In Hindi | How I Lost 50 Kg Fast|Fat Loss| Dr.Shikha Singh

March 20, 2023

Mom winters have arrived, will you not give methi prantha this time? Ok please apply some butter and some pickle also Today boss has made so much trouble in office mood is completely off Cauliflower is in good quality at market We'll have Cauliflower pakora with tea this will make my mood Its to cold today Hot chocolate with some cake Its very cold today didn't even get out of the quilt Water is also very cool from the taps I'll not cook food today let's order something from outside my throat is itching today let's have some ginger tea okay Let's order some samosa from the new sweet shop so much tasty samosa they are Hot gulabjamun in winters and ice cream over it have you ever tried its to fun to eat So you all also do the same in winters I also use to do same because of this only I was 110 kgs then what I did to lose 50 kgs ? I'll tell in that is today's video So on everyone's request today I have brought a video of winter diet plan that will give you amazing weight loss and ll boost your immunity you'll enjoy all winter's food you'll not miss any flavour because you already know this that the recipe that I bought for you they are good for weight lose and tasty too so when you'll come out from winter jacket and sweater in summers people will get l shock looking at you Your tranformation should be like this Let's start and follw our diet plan start it from today onward don't miss it for a single day also Follow my diet plan and till the end of winter will you see amazing tranformation you'll surprise people and see you'll have such a amazing tranformation Ok let's start our diet plan When ever you follow my any diet I always use to tell you that there are certain things which you follow along with my diet plan you'll get better results It is not like if you'll not follow then there will be no weight loss but when you'll follow these guidelines your weight loss will be effective and early so if you can all these things then I'll say you to follow all these things very sincerely I give all these guidelines to all my clients which give them an amazing result So guys before starting my any diet plan First thing that you need to be carefull about is that rest is very important for our body thats why 8 hours sleep is must If you have time and you can take sleep of 8 hours do take your 8 hour sleep sleep on time at night wake up at right time is so effective if you are losing weight in other way also good for your health you might have heard a lot of time that you should sleep early at night and wake up at right time it is good for your health and your body and this same is good for weight loss also Sleep at around 10-10.30pm and wake up at 6-6.30 am and properly follow diet plan whole day Second thing you need to be carefull about is water not only in summers but winters also is very important because in winters atmosphere is very dry and our body also is very dry in winters and there is lot of requirement of water in our body but as weather is cool we don't feel much to drink water but still you have to keep your intake of water proper around 3 litre should needed to consume in winters also Not only for wieght loss but it is good for your health also So if you don't remember to have water you can set alarms in your phones or set hourly reminders So that your remember after every hour to drink water So like this only keep your intake of water around 3-3.5 litres in a day Third thing is that you should not take stress if you take so much stress so first thing it is not even good good for health and second it'll not even let your weight loss happens because whenever you're in stress your body produce such hormones such negative hormones which'll not let your weight loss happens and not even good for your health So you try to distract yourself when you are doing overthinking or taking stress divert your mind so your health also remains good and your weight loss also Next thing we'll talk about is that you should check your weight daily because if you are following any diet you should know about your daily progress if you'll check your weight daily you'll get to know that which things are your including in your diet that is giving you weight gain and you should avoid it and which food is helping you to achieve good wieght loss so you can include it more in your diet when you'll start my diet plan sleep at right time and wake up early in morning use your washroom just after waking and then check your weight after checking your wieght first thing to get in your body that is water and it is our morning drink so morning drink pthat is very amazing for winters is turmeric tea turmeric is a miraculous thing it contain many medicinal qualities and this also give you amazing weight loss inch loss and if you have problem of water retention will help you to get relief from that also apart from this there are many benefits of it So fisrt of all will move to my kitchen and see how I make my turmeric tea guys for making turmeric tea I have taken water in pan and kept it on gas it is turmeric root which is easily available in market at vegetable shops if you don't get this you can use powder also.I have grated it I am adding 1 spoon in water 1 spoon grated ginger I am adding this also in water 1/4 teaspoon black pepper powder I have taken will add this also.

These 2 cinnamon sticks will add this also in water Mix it well thats simple it cover it with lid and let it boil when it get boiled will remove the lid and thats it will of the gas strain in out and you have to consume it hot only 1 glass. If you're using powder use 1-2 pinch only as it has hot effect so will not much quantity so our turmeric tea is ready so guys this is our turmeric tea very good for weight loss and inch loss will give you many benefits in winters for sore throat if there is any body pain or swelling so it is very beneficial to you you must try it in winter You have taken your morning drink somewhere around 7-7.30am After that here comes Breakfast Breakfast should be around 8-8.30am It should not be late than that and don't ever skip your breakfast as it is winter season and If I tell you that in early mornings in winters I'm giving you Makki ki roti and saroon ka saag will you feel like you are on diet.

Definitely No So First of all will move to my kitchen and will see how I'm making my Makki ki Roti For making makki roti we have taken corn flour and now I am adding grated raddish in it which is coming fresh in this season you can use any seasonal vegetable in it adding chopped green chilly and mix it well radish already has lots of water in it so you don't need to add much water in it gradually add water in it here I am adding lukewarm water because of which our corn flour gets properly bind up as it is to much grainy as it is gluten free now our dough is ready now we'll make our corn roti or prantha Little dry corn flour is spread over rolling board and made a small dough and will apply some dry flour and start rolling it It doesn't bind as it is gluten free so you have to roll it very slowly and carefully you can round it by using your hands also I'm using pin for rolling I have applied more dry flour in it we'll roll it gradually and will not make big roti we'll make small roti so that it doesn't break Now cracks in between you can use water to join it use a little water and It'll join now our roti is rolled properly now we'll cook it on frying pan cook it from both sides Now it's cooked from one side will cook it from other side also it is cooked from both the sides now it is ready to be served you can have 1-2 roti like this easily apply some desi ghee over it and then see its taste You'll enjoy for sure as if it is winters morning and you are having saroon ka saag and corn roti you can enjoy it for sure and with this also you'll get weight loss superb weight loss SO guys this was our superb delicious Corn roti You can have 1-2 corn roti is your breakfast with sarsoon ka saag or you can apply 1 spoon 1 butter on it or 1 spoon desi ghee don't forget that with this you can have your makki ki roti or along with this you can have your favourite tea, coffee or 1 cup milk guys you can take tea or coffee but keep it mind that you shouldn't use sugar or jaggery in it Guys jaggery is much better than white sugar but they have almost same calories so if we are on weight loss we can't have extra calories So I would suggest you to avoid sugar or jaggery in youe tea oer coffee and yes you can use stevia in your tea or coffee if you don't like sugar free tea so if you don't want to take corn roti then you can have any prantha from seven paratha I already have this amazing video on my channel you can check it out it contain many amazing prathe you can have them by changing daily in your breakfast and you can lose weight with prantha also you can take with prantha with any vegetable any seasonal vegetable or you can have with any chutney I would recommed you to avoid pickle if you are on weight loss as it contain excess salt in it and excess salt is not good for weight loss you can use homemade chutney or small bowl curd or you can have it with 1 bowl vegetable if you don't want to take any prantha you have to leave early SO I'm telling you this quick option these 10 sandwiches you can have any 1 sandwich in your breakfast by changing all are very tasty you can take any sandwich and if you don't want to take sandwich or you don't like then this is my seven breakfast recipe you can choose any one of brekafast them you can use it in your daily routine these all are beneficial for weight loss as I have given you many options you can use it in whole winters you'll not get bore all of them are very tasty and will give you amazing weight loss So this was our breakfast and after breakfast here it comes our mid morning snack which you should never skip because when you take mid morning snack in between breakfast and lunch maximum times I suggest fruits so you don't overeat your lunch because you don't starve much till your lunch you remain full youe metabolism also remains good So in mid morning at winters best thing is gauva because its quality is good in market or oranges which is also available good in market Always try to have sesaonal fruits whether it is fruits of vegetable try to avoid frozen things.All my foreign clients I suggest them also there Indian fruits and vegetables are not available so I always advise them that have locally available things in there area, fresh they should consume that only avoid taking frozen things as it is not beneficial for health So guys you can take this if good berries are available in your country then you can have berries also it is also a good mid morning snack So you can include any one among these 3 as your morning snack try to take you mid morning snack around in between 10-10.30am and after that lunch also done at time somewhere around 1- 1.30 pm Options which I'm giving you in winter diet plan is or spinach corn let's move to my kitchen and learn how to make it First of all I have taken spinach and washed it properly now here I'm have kept a pan on heat and adding water in it as we have to blanch spinach so lets add water in pan and boil it when water is about to boil p then will add spinach in this we don't have to over cook it we have to blanch for around 2 minutes that is it and it gets cook soon it is high in fibre, vitamin C rich best source of magnesium and it contain many vitamins and minerals now it is blanched here I have taken ice water added ice in water so that when we dip spinach in it it temperature will get down all of the sudden and spinach cooking will stop there only if you'll blanch spinach like this in ice water its color will remain maintained ans spinach corn that we'll make will be bright and green in color so lets dip it so its cooking stops here only and spinach cools down now after this we squeeze this and add in mixer grinder and we have to grind it and make a smooth paste of it don't over squeezed it as we want some water in it when we'll grind it then now I have added whole spinach in blender and will blend it now here I'll heat pan and add little oil around 1 spoon of cooking oil adding little cumin seeds little chopped ginger little chopped garlic you can skip garlic from this recipe if you don't eat it little chopped green chillies rich source of vitamin C and cook all of it so that it get brown here I'm adding red chilli powder finely chopped onions.I have finely chopped the onions saute it a little and cook till it gets transparent and mix well with each other now here I have taken corn we'll not use much corn only around 2 tablespoon corns have used we have to use more spinach in this and less quantity of corn now little salt in it mix it well and will cook corns for sometime corns that I have used are already boiled corns and puree of spinach that we made will put it in pan Are you looking how beautiful bright green color is maintained of spinach as after blanching we immediately tranfer it into icewater mix properly everything and our spinach corn is ready in 2 minutes it is very tasty and very nutritious too it is fibre rich good source of iron, magnesium Vit C is present in good quantity spinach is low in calories and will give you excellent weight loss be carefully not to use corns more than 2 tablespoons you can have this dish in a big bowl and will give you amazing weight loss So guys this is our tasty spinach corn It is my favourite.I eat it alot in winters fresh spinach comes for short period of time in market it is rich in iron fibre rich you must use it in your diet you can have a big bowl of this in your lunch include salad with this you must have a bowl of salad in lunch and dinner as it is good for your gut health and prevent constipation and keep you full for longer but remember to avoid salt over salad you can have lemon and pepper and it salad you can use any vegetable that is available to you tomato,onion,carrot,beetroot,lettuce, anything which is available you can use all so if you don't want to have spinach corn so on my channel Matar chaat recipe is also there.This matar chaat recipe.You can go and checkout this you can have 1 full bowl of this it is to much spicy chaat recipe you can take it as lunch In winters we like to eat spicy and crunchy you can have this.

This will satisfy your craving and it is good and protein rich option for you and if you don't want to take this also then on my channel there is protien salad you can check it.This is also very amazing you can include 1 full bowl of this in your lunch and if you don't want to have this than on my channel seven dal recipe is there You can include any dal from these dal recipe 1 bowl of hot dal in chilled winters for your lunch you can have all of them on alternate days all are very all use to tell me in comments that you found all these things very tasty and give you amazing weight loss also so you can have any 1 thing among all these options I have given you so many options which you can use in whole winters so guys take your lunch on time around 1-1.30pmp and after that comes our evening tea or evening snack you can take your evening snack around 4-4.30pm same as mid morning snack is important is it also important if you have any snack in evening that will help you not to over eat at dinner as till dinner we feel more hungrier and we overeat and if we keep long gaps in between meals it can leads to acidity problem of gas and our metabolism also drops down so you must include a snack at evening at this time you can take green tea or you can have black coffee as we use to work till this time our energy drops down so you can have black coffee which helps many to boost the energy and also help you in weight loss so either you can take green tea or black coffee with that you can take 1 small bowl roasted makhane or 1 small bowl roasted channe this will full you and will boost your metabolsim after this lets talk about dinner Dinner is very important crucial part of any diet plan firstly you don't have to skip any meal and if you'll take your meal on time it will give you amazing weight loss My all clients who take dinner aroud 6-6.30 they get amazing results so you also try to sit on your table with your dinner till 6.30pm and finish it till 7.00 pm because if you follow like this you'll get amazing weight loss So in dinner that I have brought for you in winters in your diet plan is our tasty oats soup lets move to kitchen and learn how to make it we are making protein rich oats soup firstly I heat up the pan now I'm adding around 1 teaspoon cooking oil.

We'll not use much oil in this now I add adding finely chopped ginfer which is an amazing anti inflammatory and good for digestion Now I'll add finely chopped garlic you can skip it from recipe if you don't want to have garlic now here I'm adding finely chopped green chillies which are rich in Vit C and will saute all of it when it get sauteed then I'm adding finely chopped onions you can skip this also from recipe if you don't want to have onions now we'll saute it a little will cook it till our onions get transparent now I'm adding 1/4 cup oats these are instant oats you can use rolled oats also now we'll mix it altogether, saute it and coo k for sometime so now oats are little brown and sauteed now I'm adding finely chopped carrots which are rich in Beta carotene and vitamin A now I'm adding french beans which is rich in vit A,C,K and folate is also is in good quantity and I'm adding peas which is also rich in A, C ,K is in good quantity rich in vitamin B and iron rich I'm adding yellow bell pepper which is rich in vitamin A and C Finely chopped tomato in which lycopene is in good quantity now here I'm adding finely chopped red bell pepper you can use any vegetable here which is easily available at your home pinch of salt we'll not add much salt in it.Properly mix everthing and have to saute a little so here vegetalbes are cooked a bit now now I'm adding water in it and will mix it properly now all these are mixed properly now we'll add little black pepper powder which will enhance the flavour of our soup and rich in antioxidants now here I'm adding corainder leaves because of which our soup flavour will enhance properly mix all things and now we have to let it boil so will cover it with lid so that it gets boil properly now after 5-10 minutes remove the lid and check our soup is boiling properly all veggies are properly cooked off the heat and will add lemon in it so our soup become more tasty adding little chilli flakes and thats it our soup is now ready our smoking hot soup is ready which is so filing and excellent for weight loss protien rich vitamins rich as it have many veggies in it fibre rich will give you good weight loss and keep you full for long and will give you amazing weightloss and it healthy and nutritious so guys in winters if someone give us smokey hot soup which is very tasty and delicious oats soup.

It is so filling and satisfying I myself use it a lot in winter and if recommend it to my clients so you must include this.It'll give you good weight loss and will keep you full for longer and you will find it very tasty als o you must try it and along with this 1 bowl salad is must Take salad in lunch and dinner It'll prevent you from constipation and your weight loss will faster and your whole system will remain clean so guys if yoy don't want to take oats soup then on my channel there are more soups you can take any soup from them by changing there are many tasty and delicious options if you want you are take one soup daily in your dinner all of them will give you amazing weight loss if you don't want to take this also then on my channel there is chicken recipe if you are non vegetarian you can check this chicken recipe this is also very amazing for weight loss and protein rich also and amazing option for winters it taste very tasty if you eat fish then by using same recipe you can include fish also in your diet On my channel these eggs recipe is also there you can check it out and have them.

It is also very tasty recipes if you don't want to take this also then you can take this quick option which is amazing for winters that is this turmeric milk and it gets ready very easily if you don't have much time to prepare dinner and you want to finish your dinner on time than this is a great option and if you are very tired and don't want to make anything then you can include this turmeric milk if you don't want to take this also than on my channel there are seven dinner options you can choose any one of the option so entire winter is sorted guys I have given you many breakfast,lunch, dinner options and you'll use it throughtout winters and still won't get bore and winters will pass smoothly while dieting after winter you'll have great tranformation that everyone will get surprise looking at you so start it from today only and follow it properly so you can transform during winters so this was your dinner which you have to take before 7 pm and include salad with this after this will talk about night drink night drink plays a very important role in any diet plan because when you take night drink it'll prevent you from constipation and keep your metabolism faster so you have finished your dinner around 7pm then you can take night drink around 8.30-9 pm night tea which I'm giving to you in winter diet plan is Ajwain tea lets move to my kitchen and learn how to make it Firstly I have taken a pan I have kept that on gas and added a glass of water 1/4 tea spoon ajwain (carrom seeds) I'm taking it in this and cover it with lid and boil it now I'm removing lid.

Water is boiled will off the gas,very simple and our ajwain tea is ready in just 2 minutes we'll keep it covered for 2 minutes and after that we'll strain in and serve hot. So so simple it is ready guys so guys this was our night drink you have to take 1 glass of this lukewarm or hot as per your choice and after that around 10-10.30pm you sleep because this is so important when you are doing weight loss when you follow my diet and follow all my guidelines then you'll get great weight loss and amazing transformation and no one will recognize you after winters so follow my diet plan and keep intimating me like you always do that how much amazing result you got how much weight you lost and what changes came in your health So guys if you find my today's video helpful and liked it then please like my video share it with your friends and family who need diet plan who want to lose weight or even maintain weight share my video with them if will be very beneficial for them also if you're on instagram do follow me there If you haven't subscribed my channel then please subcribe my channel as I'll always bring amazing diet plan and videos for you that helps you a lot in weight loss and to maintain good health so guys will meet you in my next video till then stay tuned to my channel bye for now.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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