Healthy Food Recipes - Daniel Fast Meals || Daniel Fast Rules || Daniel Diet Food List

March 13, 2023

can i eat peanut butter on the daniel fast can i eat fish on the daniel fast can i eat eggs on the daniel fast what can i eat on the daniel fast welcome to rhoades24eva i'm Terri and if those are some of the questions that you've been asking then in today's video i'm going to answer those questions and more about what are the foods that you can eat on the daniel fast and these are the most commonly asked questions and if you haven't seen any of my daniel fast videos before that's okay i have an entire playlist which i'll link above in the cards and i'll also put them in the description box down below with a free daniel fast food list pdf so that way you can know exactly how to do the daniel fast so if you've been wondering how do you start the daniel fast that pdf is going to go through all of the things that you need to be successful on the daniel fast in terms of preparation you know where in the bible do you actually find information about the daniel fast because that's one of the questions that people generally ask is is the daniel fass biblical and so in that free food list pdf what you'll notice i'll show you the two verses in daniel that alludes specifically to the daniel fast itself and so like i said i'll make sure that is in the description box down below as well now if you're looking for ideas for daniel fast meals don't worry i got you i've made tons of videos with daniel fast recipes and these daniel fast recipes that i've made are all budget friendly so what happens is that you use the same ingredients and you make several different meals that are delicious and that you will be able to eat for those 21 days and i really believe that the daniel fast recipes that i've made are ones that you will incorporate into your diet even after you finish the daniel fast so let's jump in and take a look at some of these questions that you've been asking about the daniel fast and what you'll notice is that if i answer the question also give you an alternative so that way if you're like well i really like for instance you know i really like to use sweeteners in my tea and can i have honey on the daniel fast and i'm gonna tell you honestly the answer is no honey is not allowed on the daniel fast but if you're someone who needs a sweetener the alternative is to use dates because dates are obviously a fruit and they are sweet so that's something that you can put in your food to add as a sweetener to the daniel fast but in the daniel fast the only sweetener you can really use um are sweeteners that come in the form of fruits and so you know if you're someone who likes smoothies and you've been wondering can you have smoothies on the daniel fast yes you absolutely can and so i'm going to talk to you specifically about like well what are some items that you could you know put in your smoothies and i've definitely done videos before with daniel fast breakfast recipes and so i'll make sure that's also linked in the description box i have an entire video where i show you how to make these delicious daniel fast breakfast recipes and i've made two videos with some of my favorite items seen on the daniel fast because i don't know about you but i don't want to eat oatmeal every single day and i don't want to eat smoothies every single day so i've gone through and i've shown you how to make an alternative to oatmeal and i've also shown you how to make uh pancakes that are daniel fast friendly so i give you tons and tons of options for how you can have um you know some delicious meals as you're going through your daniel fast because honestly when you're going through daniel fast you really just want to concentrate on developing your relationship with god and so you don't want you know your concerns about food to be a deterrent to you spending time working on your relationship with god so let's take a look at these questions one by one um about what foods can you have on the daniel fass so one of the questions that i normally get is can you have almond milk on the daniel fast absolutely yes you can have almond milk on the daniel fast but there is a warning with that if you're going to be buying the almond milk from the store you have to be extremely careful because they have all of these additives that are not daniel fast friendly so what i generally do on the daniel fast is that i make my own almond milk at home and i will insert a clip for you to show you exactly how you make almond milk at home so just stay tuned that's coming right up for you so to make homemade almond milk all you will need is a cup because you need to measure one cup of your almonds you will need a nut milk bag and you'll need some raw almonds and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to turn this over so that you can see that the only ingredient in this particular package is almonds which means that it is daniel fast friendly so you can see here it says ingredient almonds and that's it so these are some raw options that i picked up as you can tell at costco you'll also need a mason jar you'll need some water and a high speed blender and if you watch any of my other daniel fast videos you know that i use a ninja but if you have a vitamix or just a regular blender as long as it's powerful that will work as well so all you're going to do is you're going to take one cup of your raw almonds and you're just going to pour it directly into your mason jar so really simple then all you're going to do is then take your water and you're going to pour your water right on top so obviously you can see i have this in my sink guys because i don't want to make a mess so all you're going to do is just pour your water right on top of your almonds and just fill it all the way up and then all you're going to do is you're going to cover this and leave it in the refrigerator overnight and then the next day i'll show you what you do next so the next day all you're going to do is just take your almonds and you're going to pour all of the water off so basically you're just going to pour that into a fine mesh strainer or colander and then what you'll do next is that you'll just rinse this off once you rinse this off you will pour these rinsed off almonds right into your ninja or your vitamix or any other high speed blender and then you will add about three cups of cold water once you add your three cups of cold water then you're gonna blend that on high for a minute once you're done blending that on high all you're going to do is then you're going to pour it right into your nut milk bag and you're going to strain that out if you don't like almond milk and you're allergic to almonds make cashew milk it's also very easy just like how you would make almond milk just slight differences um you can also make hemp milk which is another alternative and i've made a video before on how to make hemp milk and i'll put that in the description box if you're interested and it's so delicious so easy you can make it right at home you can also make coconut milk at home also extremely easy so again you can have all of these milk alternatives if you make them yourself at home because you know that there are no added preservatives or any chemicals that are not daniel fast friendly so that's the first question that i normally get related to beverages another question i get all the time is can i have coffee on the daniel fast and coffee is not allowed on the daniel fast because it's heavily processed and so with the daniel fast obviously we're avoiding things that are processed and also it's filled with caffeine so if you're someone who loves your coffee every single day one of the things i would suggest especially if you're going to do the daniel fast is that you start a few days before with weaning yourself off of the coffee and making sure you're drinking lots of water because that way it will help you if you're going to deal with some of those withdrawal symptoms that come with drinking coffee can you have tea on the daniel fast the answer to that simply is no and the reason for that is because of what it says in daniel 1 verses 12 where it said specifically they had vegetables and water so truthfully the only beverage on the daniel tea the daniel tea the only beverage on the daniel fast is water i understand that some people are going to make smoothies you know with fruits and vegetables and so that's the area that's a little bit different because you're going to be using those as a meal so that doesn't constitute something that you're having as a beverage so while tea isn't necessarily allowed on the daniel fast if you were to say make you know smoothie with fruits and different vegetables and you're like well that's also a beverage that's a little bit different because you're having that as a meal so tea is not allowed on the daniel fast and again that's because when you read daniel 1 verses 12 it says specifically they asked to be tested only with vegetables and water and so what they've looked at is in the old translation you know where you see vegetables it normally says pulse and so pulse when they talk about pulse means plant-based items and so this is why the daniel fast as i've described it is not just all vegetables but it includes plant-based food items so it's really almost like you would say a vegan uh diet now let's jump in and answer some more questions related to the daniel fast another question is can i eat boiled eggs on the daniel fast so as i've said before the daniel fast is plant-based so no no boiled eggs on the daniel fast similarly for the question about whether or not you can eat fish on the daniel fast no fish is allowed on the daniel fast so strictly a plant-based diet now in terms of if you're someone like me who you know you maybe are going to make pancakes or breakfast the alternative to that is you could use unsweetened applesauce or you could use um you know flaxseed ground meal as an alternative and so that will serve as like a thickener where you would have eggs and one of the things you'll notice when i make my daniel fast pancake is that i actually use flaxseed um as part of that recipe so if you're someone who likes pancakes and you're like well how are you gonna make pancakes and you're not gonna have any eggs well when you check out that recipe you'll see that i use flax seeds as an alternative for eggs so that's something to keep in mind so completely plant-based diet and plant-based way of eating so there is no fish there is no um eggs or any meat at all so i hope that answers your question about you know whether or not you could have eggs whether it's boiled eggs fried eggs or what have you so you know if you're someone who loves to eat eggs every day or as part of your weekly breakfast regimen now you're probably asking well what can i have for breakfast and so as i've said before i've made several uh videos about what you can have for breakfast besides just oatmeal and so you know you can have smoothies and there are different ways that you can put different fruits and vegetables together to create delicious smoothies that are also filling and are going to keep you feeling full throughout the day and in those videos i explained specifically different items that i added in those smoothies to make sure that you would stay full throughout the day as you're consuming them now also when you're thinking about you know what you can eat for breakfast another question that normally comes with that is is peanut butter allowed on the daniel fast and yes again peanut butter is allowed but there is uh some exceptions so if you're having natural peanut butter that is fine so when you look at the ingredient label the only ingredient should say peanuts but if it has any other additives you know because you'll see that often like sugar or anything on the label that's not daniel fast friendly so you want to make sure that if you're having any type of nut butter whether it's peanut butter cashew butter or almond butter that if the only ingredient on the list is that particular item so whether it's just all peanuts or all almonds anything you know of that nature and also sometimes you'll see that certain oils are added to your peanut butter so if it's not a daniel fast approved oil then again it's something that you shouldn't be purchasing so um in my free daniel fast guide i've listed all of the different items that you can eat on the daniel fast and so again that's a free pdf and it will be in the description box down below so you can check that out and so you'll see that i use almond butter often in a lot of my recipes because it's something i prefer to peanut butter but you know what you like so you just um make changes based on what you know you enjoy eating on a daily basis all right let's get to our next question so another question i get all the time is what snacks are allowed on the daniel fast and you know people always ask me can i eat popcorn on the daniel fast you know can i eat trail mix on the daniel fast and the answer to these questions again are yes but there's always a butt right so if you're making popcorn at home absolutely you can definitely have that on the daniel fast or if you're buying some type of popcorn where there's no processing um in the store then absolutely you can do that and i've made a video with daniel fast snack showing you how i make you know something i call daniel fast cookies and also how i made popcorn at home and believe me once you make your own homemade popcorn you're probably not going to want to buy it at the store anymore because it's so easy and it's delicious and you can season it to your liking so i've definitely made a video before on how you can make daniel fast popcorn there are also lots of other options in terms of daniel fast snack ideas that you can make you know whether it's using nut butter with apples and cinnamon or using celery with some type of nut butter or even carrots and homemade hummus so there are tons of options in terms of daniel fast snacks that you can incorporate now as we are talking about you know daniel fast snacks another thing that i want to make sure that i point out with this is that when you are thinking about you know buying things at the store like trail mix the problem with that is they may have a ton of sugar right so you can easily make your own trail mix at home and one of the things that i love to do is i like to go to trader joe's and i'll buy all of the different single ingredient items so for instance i'll buy a bag of sunflower seeds i'll buy a bag of the dried strawberries and then i'll buy you know raisins and i make sure i look at the ingredient label and that the only ingredient is you know whether it's just raisins or whether it's you know cashews or almonds or macadamias whatever it is and there's no added salt there's no added sugar there's no added preservatives and so when i come home all i do is i just portion them out and then i make my own you know delicious trail mix and there's a video where i talk about how should you end your daniel fast and i show you how i actually make trail mix when i'm on the daniel fast and so like i said i'll inc include all of those videos of recipes and different daniel fast questions that you may have in the description box down below the next question i want to answer is can i eat chips or potatoes on the daniel fast so let's start with chips right so again remember your chips are deep fried and they're processed so french fries and chips are not daniel fast friendly now if you enjoy chips one of the things that you could actually do and that i actually enjoy doing is you could make your homemade chips right so it's different from the heavily processed deep fried chips that you're buying in the store but you could cut up for instance you could cut some apple slices very thin and you could bake those in the oven until they dry out and crisp up a little bit you could make zucchini just like that in the oven at home if you have an air fryer where you're not adding any of these oils that's another alternative to how you can make your own like chips or you know french fries or zucchini fries or carrot fries at home and that way you are able to have that as part of your daniel fast so if you have an air fryer that's a great alternative to getting these deep fried foods and i'll link my favorite airfryer in the description box down below as well and none of this is sponsored guys so anything that i link in the description box or suggest these are items that i have purchased with my own money and that i use at home and that i think are you know great and i've used for however many years so again not sponsored at all now in terms of potatoes absolutely potatoes are plant-based so you can have them on the daniel fast and so whether it's a baked potato you know or it's roasted potatoes and whether it's white potato or sweet potato they're both daniel fast friendly and i've you know i know that there is a video that i've done about daniel fass potato recipes where i've shown you different ways of how you can make potatoes for the daniel fast i'm someone who also loves sushi and there was a video where i showed you how you could make a daniel fast friendly sushi and no there's no fish involved it was just a vegetarian version another question i get is can i eat rice on the daniel fast you absolutely can have brown rice on the daniel fast you can also have quinoa you can also have buckwheat you can also have amaranth so there are lots of different options that are available to you in terms of grains that you can incorporate on your daniel fast and all of these things i have taken the time to make an entire list of all of the food items that you can eat while you're dealing while you're going through your daniel fast and i've linked that in the description box down below and on that food guide i've also added some of my favorite daniel fast recipes so that you can make them at home another question i get believe it or not is can i have onions on the daniel fast and again of course you can it's plant-based so whether it's onions or it's bell peppers those things you can definitely have on the daniel fast so a great recipe idea when you're thinking about you know daniel fast meals is to for instance you can you know roast up some bell peppers you can cook some quinoa and then you can saute some onions and some you know uh beans and what you can do is you can actually you know then put that inside of the roasted peppers and that's a great meal that you can have at home and it's gonna keep you feeling full long and you know it's delicious so you have so many different ways that you can get creative with the daniel fast and you know one of the things that i've shown you before is how i made my uh stir-fry quinoa recipe and so that's something that you could also use to make stuffed peppers as well is just take that stir fried quinoa put in your stuffed peppers and bake it but in this example of stuffed peppers there's no cheese allowed because cheese is not allowed on the daniel fast because this dairy it's from an animal based product so obviously no cheese allowed on the daniel fast all right now let's jump in and look at our next question which is do people lose weight on the daniel fast and i cannot guarantee that yes you will lose weight many people yes they often lose weight on the daniel fast that is not the reason why you would go on a daniel fast obviously because you're going on the daniel fast to strengthen your relationship with god but some people as a result of changing from eating an animal-based diet and eating lots of junk food to eating more plant-based item as a result they generally lose a few pounds on the daniel fast especially depending on if you're doing it for 10 days or 21 days so it all really depends on your body some people may or may not lose weight at all because you know if you're someone who maybe you already ate plant-based before and now you know maybe you're just focusing on not eating processed foods but you're replacing those plant-based items with lots and lots of like rice and lots of you know like whole wheat tortillas or lots of quinoa you may still be consuming an excess of calories and so if you're consuming an excess of calories then you're not going to lose weight but many people for the most part generally lose weight while going through the daniel fast so that is one of the results of being on the daniel fast but i hope for you that at the end of your daniel fast what happens is that you get clarity about god's purpose and his will for your life and that if there was something that you were praying for and asking god for breakthrough that through this process of the daniel fast that will be revealed to you i've gone through the daniel fast several times and i can tell you every time i've gone through the daniel fast it's been a blessing and so you know i think it's something to you know continue it's a practice to just continue to go to god in prayer to develop your relationship with him get stronger in your walk with him and the daniel fast is something i generally completed at the beginning of every year and then throughout the year you know whenever something is going on and i need direction from god i think the most important thing i can do is go to him in prayer and to seek him daily and fasting sometimes is part of that process and so i hope that as you are looking at developing your relationship with god and getting stronger in your walk with him that fasting is something you would consider and i just want to also remind you that you know before you make any changes to your diet or your lifestyle it's always a really good idea to consult with your healthcare provider because if you're dealing with diabetes if you're pregnant if you're taking any medications then you know changing your diet drastically can have some adverse effects and so you really want to make sure that you're consulting with your health care provider before you say you know what i'm just going to do this danielle fast and that's it well if you enjoyed this video i hope that you'll give it a thumbs up share with your friends and subscribe for more awesome content just like this but before you leave i want to remind you you're only one prayer away thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next one bye take care you

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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