Healthy Food Recipes - Chris Heria's DIET | SHREDDED YEAR ROUND

March 19, 2023

- What's up, it's Chris Heria, welcome to another vlog. Today, I'm gonna be getting
into my personal diet, what I eat and why I'm eating it. But before we get into what I'm doing, it's important to know, everyone has their own
personal combination of a different starting point, different goals and
different genetic makeup. So what I'm doing may not
necessarily work the same for you, and the same goes with following anyone's personal diet plan. You could be following what
I'm currently eating today, when in fact you should
be cutting calories or even increasing calories. All depending on your
current physical state and future goals. So knowing how to assess
where you are currently and where you want to go, will determine what you should eat and what you shouldn't eat. Someone may have different goals such as wanting to put on a lot of weight fast and may not care about
gaining additional fat, water retention, and lose
athleticism in the process, as it's a more important goal for them to build size and power.

If you're constantly
bulking and in a surplus, you're gonna put on size and more size is always gonna give you more strength and power, but that's always gonna be at the cost of losing athleticism. Now, if you're building lean muscle, it will take longer to put on size, but you're gonna be building
quality, dense muscle, developing your strength and
simultaneously getting shredded by burning fat, as well as
improving your athleticism, as you won't have excess fat,
water retention, and weight slowing you down and
decreasing your repetitions. Now, with that said, it's
important to keep in mind that regardless of the best case scenario for a novice trainer or beginner athlete is gonna be gaining up to two
pounds of muscle per month or up to 20 pounds of
muscle for that first year. After that, an intermediate
athlete will be lucky to put on one pound of muscle per month or up to 12 pounds of muscle per year.

And finally, for an experienced lifter, the best case scenario
would be able to put on up to half a pound of muscle per month, or up to six pounds of muscle per year. You may gain more weight than that, but that's gonna be
water retention and fat, as opposed to actual muscle mass. Now, factors can change
depending on your genetics, but the longer you've been training and the more muscle you've already built, the less you'll be able
to build as you get closer to your max genetic potential, for your total muscle mass. Now, if you follow someone's
diet because they're huge and you wanna be huge, but they're currently cutting, you're not gonna get the results you want, as their current plan is
not what got them there. Also, whether you're
into bodyweight training, bodybuilding, power
lifting, or any other sport, what you eat will vary as
you need to fuel specifically to what your goals are.

Which will allow you to
build the best body possible for what you're trying to do, or for a specific skill. So now that we know that
everyone has their own personal combination of
their own starting point, their own goals and their
own genetic makeups, we can now get into what
I'm specifically eating for my goals and you
can be able to determine if these goals align with yours as well. So my goals are to stay lean and strong, so I can build muscle and
strength simultaneously while improving athleticism. And by increasing my weight
and muscle mass more gradually, I'm allowing my ligaments
and tendons more time to grow stronger to support
the added weight and muscle.

Tendon strength assists when doing a lot of my body weight
skills like the full plunge, but it also aids in heavy
lifts, like the dead lift, allowing you to lift greater weight and be more powerful. Currently I'm at 176 pounds,
but there's been many times where I've quickly jumped to 180, and I wonder if that's even worth it, as my hardest skills drastically decreased like my one arm pull-ups
and my full plunge, as compared to when I'm
at a more athletic weight.

That's why I prefer to
gradually increase my weight, then go up in my weight too fast. Now what I eat and when I
eat will vary from day to day due to many factors, like, when
I'm working out for the day or whether I'm trying to
build muscle or burn fat. On days where I know I'll
be doing a heavier lifts like squats or dead lifts, I do like to increase my carb intake.

Whereas other days when I may just do abs, I like to decrease my carb intake. On average, I do eat one
to two main meals per day, with protein being the
center point for each meal. Now whether I'm trying to
build muscle or burn fat, my protein intake never really changes. It's always gonna stay around 170 grams. And for carbs, depending on my activity, it can range anywhere from
70 to 170 grams per day.

Now for fat, I stick to healthy fats and I have about 40 to 70 grams per day. But I never eliminate them completely, as hormones are produced from fats, and without fats, your hormone
production will suffer, which could alter your
testosterone levels. The testosterone hormone
plays many important roles in your body, one being,
building strength and muscle. And for this reason, I never
eliminate fats completely and prefer to increase or
decrease my carbs instead. So now that you know what
I'm doing, why I'm doing it, and how it all works for me, I'm gonna take you into my kitchen, show you every single
meal I'm eating today, how to cook it step-by-step, and I'm gonna give you the breakdown of all the nutritional facts, how many carbs, fats, proteins,
all the macros for each meal and for the entire day.

Now the the last thing
I'll say about my diet is that I'm always drinking water and I'm always staying hydrated. Water is necessary for metabolizing stored fat and carbohydrates. Water is also gonna help
you in your workouts, keeping your body hydrated. It also acts as a natural
appetite suppressant if that's something that you need help in. So if you're trying to
cut and you feel hungry, you can always drink a glass of cold water to help suppress your appetite. All right, first up on the
menu is gonna be breakfast, and today we're having scrambled
eggs mixed in with peppers, onions, and kale.

Am gonna show you guys how
I make my scrambled eggs. All right, so the first thing
we're gonna turn our stove on. We're gonna get our pan,
put some olive oil in it, and try to get that
simmering at a nice heat. I have three different
peppers, wash my vegetables, then I'm gonna get into
dicing my vegetables. I normally cut them from
the top, take out the stem, cut it in half, cut out
the amount I'm gonna use, and I'll cut them into slices
and then I'll chop them up. And then I'll do the same thing
with all the other peppers. So I have three different peppers today, gonna be slicing these
and chopping them up. So, about one half cup
of peppers is gonna be about 30 calories, .2 grams
of fat, seven grams of carbs, and 1.5 grams of protein. So once I have all my peppers chopped up, I'm gonna move on to my onions.

I always start off by
cutting off the stem area, and then cutting it into slices. So for the onions,
we'll be using 38 grams. And that normally comes with
15 calories, zero grams of fat, 3.5 grams of carbs and
.4 grams of protein. So now I just mix the
peppers in with the onions and it's time to open up the eggs. I'm gonna be using four eggs today, with the egg yolk as well. Now four eggs is gonna be 312
calories with 20 grams of fat, 2.4 grams of carbs and
24 grams of protein. Next I'll be putting in
some pink Himalayan salt, which is a healthier alternative salt. I'll be mixing that in with
some black pepper into the eggs and whisking that up. All right, when it comes to olive oil, if we're using half a tablespoon, that's gonna be 60 calories,
seven grams of fat, zero carbs, and zero protein.

Now it's time to throw in the vegetables, and I wanna get them to a glaze. So once they're looking
a little bit brown, the onions are looking a little bit brown, I could go ahead and throw in my eggs. Now I'm just gonna start moving
them around a little bit, making sure that it all starts
to cook evenly on all sides. And once you're almost done, I'll start to throw in my kale.

Mix the kale in there and have
it get some of the flavor. Now for kale, if we're using one cup, that's gonna be 36
calories, .1 gram of fat, 7.3 grams of carbs and
2.5 grams of protein. So once the kale is soft, you know you're ready to go. We can go ahead and plate this. And there we have breakfast,
first meal of the day. We have four eggs, kale,
onions, peppers, and olive oil. And in total, that's
gonna be 453 calories, 27.3 grams of fat, 20.2 grams of carbs and 28.4 grams of protein. If you wanna add more flavor to this meal without adding more calories, you can always use hot sauce instead of any other high
calorie condiments like ketchup, or mayonnaise or dressing. Hot sauce has zero calories
and tastes great with eggs.

All right, moving into the
second meal of the day, lunch. That's gonna be ground
turkey, peppers, onions, pasta, olive oil and Parmesan. We have peppers and onions
left over from the first meal, so we're gonna be using
that again for our lunch. All right, so let's get started. For this meal, we're gonna
need a pan and a pot.

So let's go ahead and turn
on the stove all the way. We're gonna put down our pan,
we're gonna put down our pot and boil some water in our pot. So while the pot of water is boiling, we're gonna put some
olive oil into our pan and get ready to start
cooking our ground turkey, peppers, and onions. So right here, I have
some lean ground turkey. I'm gonna take out half of it. This is gonna be about eight ounces, and eight ounces of ground
turkey is 334 calories, 18 grams of fat, zero carbs and 44 grams of protein. So first we're gonna drop
in some onions into our pan, let them glaze, and then we're gonna drop in our ground turkey. And once we drop in our ground turkey, we're gonna bring the heat back down. At that point, we can just go ahead and start cutting up our peppers. Then once we chop them up, we can go ahead and throw them in the pan, and then we can start putting our pasta in the boiling water once our
water has started to boil.

You can also drop some pink
Himalayan salt in there as well. Add some pepper. All right, now it's
time to mix them all up. You sometimes have to break it up. So go ahead and move them around, make sure it's all getting cooked evenly. You can always drop in a little
bit of Himalayan pink salt and some pepper into your
ground turkey as well. So once the pasta has been boiling for about 11 to 12 minutes, you can go ahead and drain out the water and then put them into a bowl. That's gonna be our pasta. And three ounces of pasta is
gonna be around 300 calories, 1.5 grams of fat, 61 grams of carbs and 10.5 grams of protein. Now I'm also dropping some
Parmesan on top for some flavor. One tablespoon of Parmesan is
gonna be about 22 calories, 1.4 grams of fat, .2
carbs, and 1.9 of protein.

All right, now you can see my onions, and my ground turkey is starting to glaze. This is exactly what you wanna see. And the peppers are starting
to get nice and soft. I'm gonna go ahead, mix
this up a little more. And when it looks really
glazed, it's time to plate. This is gonna be the
second meal of the day. So for lunch, we have ground
turkey, peppers, onions, pasta, olive oil, and Parmesan.

In total, that's gonna be 797
calories, 28.2 grams of fat, 79 grams of carbs and
60.8 grams of protein. And because we're using
natural ingredients, and because we cook the onions right, we can still cook very clean and still have your
food tasting super good. All right, so we're gonna move in to the last meal of the day.

That's gonna be dinner. And for dinner, we're gonna be having chicken and broccoli with quinoa. I'm gonna be throwing in some lemon and some olive oil as well. So let's go ahead and get started. All right, so like always, to start off, we wanna bring out the flavor. So I'm gonna start glazing some onions. And in the meantime, I'm gonna
start cutting up my chicken. Now, I believe I'm using
about eight ounces of chicken, and in eight ounces of chicken, that's gonna be 336
calories, eight grams of fat, zero carbs and 72 grams of protein. All right, so once my
chicken is all chopped up, my onions should be just about glazed. I'm gonna go ahead and
drop that into the pan. And it's time to start
bringing out the flavor, and start cooking it
evenly, mixing it around. But now that I've put the chicken back in, I'm gonna raise the heat
again to about eight, and it's time to start cooking this up.

So now I'm gonna drop in
some pink Himalayan salt, add some pepper as well,
bring out the flavor. And the really the secret
to making this taste good, is really about getting the
flavor out of the onions, as well as the chicken and
using natural ingredients. So now I'm gonna add in some broccoli. This is about one cup of broccoli, and that's gonna be 20 calories, zero grams of fat, three grams of carbs, and three grams of protein.

And broccoli is super healthy
for you, rich in iron, a lot of fibre and a
lot of great nutrients, helping you to reach your goals. And then it's time to just
mix this all together, get it nice and glazed. You wanna start looking at the broccoli, and until the broccoli starts
looking a little bit softer, getting to a darker greener color. Now, once we're almost done, I'll go ahead and cut a lemon and drop some lemon juice inside. This is really gonna bring
out the flavor as well. Lemon is also a natural
fat burner as well. And adding a wedge of lemon
is only gonna be two calories, zero grams of fat .7 carbs
and .1 grams of protein. So now that we can see the
onions are nice and glazed, the chicken is nice and glazed, the broccoli has a nice dark green color, we're ready to plate.

Now on cooking this chicken, I put quinoa in the rice cooker, that should take about as long as it takes to cook the chicken. So if you put it in at the beginning, the quinoa should be done
as soon as you're done with the chicken and the broccoli. Now I'm eating about a
cup and a half of quinoa, that's gonna be 333
calories, 5.4 grams of fat, 59 grams of carbs and 12 grams of protein. And when cooking your quinoa, you can always put in a little
bit of salt or garlic powder. And that's gonna be dinner, the last meal of the day. Chicken and broccoli with
quinoa, lemon and olive oil. And this was delicious. So the total macros for dinner
is gonna be 751 calories, 20.4 grams of fat, 62.7 grams of carbs and 87.1 grams of protein. And that's gonna be the
last meal of the day. Now in total for the entire
day, eating just breakfast lunch, and dinner, that's
gonna be 2,001 calories, 75.9 grams of fat, 161.9 grams of carbs and 176.3 grams of protein, making sure that I have enough fuel to promote muscle growth. Sometimes I may feel like having a snack.

And for a snack, I'll have
something like Greek yogurt. Has casein in it, it's high in protein, and it's a great go-to and helps me stay on my goals instead of choosing something
unhealthy to snack on. All right, so now you know what
I'm doing, why I'm doing it and how I'm doing it when it
comes to my personal nutrition.

And hopefully you learnt
something and it can help you too. If you notice the new apparel, these are pieces to my very
first Heria collection, dropping for the first time in November. We'll be heading out very soon, filming all the commercials
in preparation for the drop. Make sure you get it as soon as it drops at
the end of November. They definitely will sell out fast. We're gonna have everything
in the collection from the track pants that you've seen here on the YouTube channel, as well as workout shorts,
windbreaker jackets, whole outfits, and a whole lot more. Make sure you don't miss the
drop at the end of November. And don't forget for full access
to all my personal workouts and workout programs that I
created with specific goals in mind, like burning
fat while simultaneously building solid, shredded muscle, make sure you sign up to and become a member.

Then download the Heria
Pro app in the App Store. Take my workouts with you everywhere. It's like having me as a personal trainer right in your pocket. If you wanna test out the app
before you become a member, you can always download the Heria Pro app, and there's a bunch of free programs and workouts in there as well.

So make sure you smash that like button (guns blazing)
if you haven't already. Leave a comment down below, let me know what you want to see next. Share this video with a friend that's trying to get
their nutrition on point and subscribe right now, hit that subscribe button. I post every single Thursday,
2:00 PM USA Eastern Time. And if you comment within
the first 30 minutes you always have a chance to
win some free Heria gear. As soon as the new apparel drops, I'll be gifting them as
well in the comment section. And for more of my
content during the week, make sure to follow me on IG. Every single post from now on, I'm always doing a giveaway.

So if you want a chance
to be a part of that, make sure you're
following me on Instagram. With that said, I'll
see you next Thursday, 2:00 PM USA Eastern Time. Mad love, peace out. (air whooshing) (upbeat music) Smash that like button guys.
(rapid beat).

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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