Healthy Food Recipes - Chicken Liver BENEFITS! (+ 2 Easy and Delicious Chicken Liver Recipes)

March 19, 2023

in today's video we are going to be talking about 
the benefits of chicken liver and how you can add   it into your diet if you have watched some of my 
other videos you've probably heard me talk about   how nutrition organ meats are and the numerous 
ways they can be beneficial for your health   because of this i am often asked how to go about 
starting to incorporate organ meats into your diet   because let's be honest they can sometimes 
look less than appealing and my recommendation   is to start with chicken liver in my 
opinion it's pretty beginner friendly   in terms of taste and ease to cook while 
still packing a huge nutritional punch   so in today's video we're going to be talking 
about the top six benefits of chicken liver   and some recipes for how you can 
incorporate it into your diet hey guys welcome back to my channel if you're new 
here my name is kait i'm a health coach and i post   videos on a high fat nutrient dense way of eating 
if you like this video please give it a thumbs up   feel free to share and make sure to subscribe 
and make sure to follow me on instagram twitter   and facebook where i share new posts every single 
day today's video is sponsored by butcher craft   butcher crowd is a meat delivery service that 
brings 100 grass-fed beef pasture-raised pork   and pasture-raised chicken straight to your door 
across australia they have a wide range of boxes   to choose from and they also offer an option 
to build your own and one of the products you   can add onto your box is pasture raised chicken 
liver i will tell you a little bit more about   them later in the video but if you want to check 
them out you can head to   forward slash butcher crowd okay so let's talk 
chicken liver as i mentioned at the start of   this video organ meats are super nutrient 
dense beef liver being the king of them all   but chicken liver is actually pretty great as 
well and one quick fun fact before we get started   did you know the chicken liver is actually a 
really good source of vitamin c 100 grams of   chicken liver provides almost one-third of the rda 
for vitamin c which seems crazy because we often   think fruits and vegetables are the only foods 
we can get it from but anyways let's get into   the benefits and make sure to stick around until 
the end because i'm going to be giving you two   super easy super delicious recipes that you can 
make to incorporate chicken liver into your diet   number one it supports a healthy metabolism the 
first benefit of chicken liver is that it can   support your metabolism chicken liver is rich in 
biotin which is a nutrient that plays a role in   the conversion of food into energy for the body it 
helps to metabolize both carbohydrates and protein   and it also helps to break down fat so basically 
everything that you eat biotin is needed to   process it and chicken liver is one of the best 
sources of biotin and egg yolks are another great   source number two it supports heart health the 
next reason that chicken liver is great is that   it can help to support the health of your heart 
chicken liver is an amazing source of vitamin k2   vitamin k breaks down calcium in our bodies and 
prevents it from being deposited in our arteries   one study done over 10 years found that those 
who consumed the most vitamin k2 were 52 less   likely to develop artery calcification and had 
a 57 lower risk of dying from heart disease   chicken liver is also one of the best sources of 
iron and without iron our hearts couldn't function   low iron can result in an irregular heartbeat 
number three it prevents anemia chicken liver   can also help to prevent anemia again because it 
is rich in iron when you are anemic your body is   not producing adequate red blood cells and this 
can leave you feeling tired and fatigued iron is   needed to form red blood cells so getting enough 
is critical now before we get into the final three   benefits of chicken liver i'm going to take a 
quick moment to tell you about how you can get   free range pasture raised chicken liver from 
today's sponsor butcher crowd butcher crowd is a   meat delivery service that delivers 100 grass-fed 
beef pastures pork and pasture-raised chicken   all across australia they have a wide range of 
boxes to choose from and also the option to build   your own i have been subscribed to butcher crowd 
since the start of the year and i cannot recommend   their products and service enough everything 
comes flash frozen i put it in my chest freezer   and take out what i need to defrost the night 
before one of the reasons i really like butcher   crowd aside from the convenience is that it can 
be really difficult to buy high quality chicken   chicken that has been fed its natural diet will 
be lower in inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids   and higher in other vital nutrients but with 
butcher crowd i can feel confident knowing that   i'm getting the best quality meat from ethically 
raised animals as i mentioned before they offer   free shipping australia-wide and all of their 
packaging is certified carbon neutral and 100   recyclable if you want to check out butchercrad 
you can head to forward slash   butcher crowd and use code kait15 to save 15 off 
your first order thank you again to butcher crowd   for sponsoring this video number four it supports 
eye health chicken liver is also a great source   of vitamin a which is important for our eyes i'm 
sure you've heard that carrots are good for your   eyesight or even that they can help you to see 
in the dark and this is because of the vitamin a   content but with carrots there's actually a catch 
the form of vitamin a they contain is actually   the precursor to the final form and what i mean 
by this is that carrots contain beta-carotene   which has to be converted by the body into the 
final form of the vitamin it takes roughly 10   to 20 molecules of beta-carotene to create one 
vitamin a molecule one carrot stick has over   3000 micrograms of beta-carotene well over the 
rda but when we consider how much beta-carotene   it takes to make one vitamin a molecule we are 
left with 300 to 600 micrograms at most for   some people the conversion rate is much lower 
whereas one ounce of chicken liver has over 3   700 micrograms of vitamin a in its final form so 
in reality carrots aren't actually that good for   your eyes chicken liver is much better number 
five it helps to maintain muscle mass chicken   liver can also help you to maintain lean muscle 
mass it is an amazing source of bioavailable   easily digestible protein it is considered to 
be a complete protein source meaning it contains   all nine essential amino acids in balanced amounts 
not getting enough protein especially as we age   increases our risk of sarcopenia a condition 
associated with low muscle mass we need to make   sure we are getting enough protein every day in 
order to maintain muscle mass in general we should   be aiming for one gram of protein per pound of our 
goal body weight including chicken liver in your   diet is one way to boost your protein intake 
and protect your physical health as you age   number six it supports brain function and the 
final benefit that we are going to talk about   today is that chicken liver can help to support 
the health of your brain this is because it is   extremely rich in choline choline is used by the 
body to produce important neurotransmitters the   brain and the nervous system need which supports 
functions including memory muscle control   and mood the body cannot produce enough choline 
on its own so we need to get it from our diet   some other sources of choline include eggs 
and seafood and those are the top six benefits   of eating chicken liver now let's get into the 
two easy recipes you can use to add chicken liver   into your diet the first recipe is to add it to 
burgers so for every 100 grams of ground beef   or other type of meat that you choose you want to 
be adding 20 grams of liver this is roughly the   ratio i've found that works best you can either 
grind up the chicken liver or use a food processor   and basically the liver will turn into a mush you 
can then i know it sounds appealing but trust me   it doesn't taste as bad as it looks from there 
you can mix the liver in with your choice of meat   maybe add some diced red onion and some spices 
and any other ingredients you usually add into   your burger mix from there you can form it into 
burger patties and then cook until your preferred   doneness now my regular viewers will know that 
i eat and promote a low carb diet so when i make   these i skip the bun and either make a burger bowl 
or use a lettuce wrap instead the second recipe   is to make a pate for this recipe you will need 
250 grams of chicken liver half a red onion 2   garlic cloves 200 grams of grass-fed butter half a 
cup of water and salt and pepper you want to start   by adding the liver onion and garlic to a pot and 
let it cook for around a minute before adding the   water bring the water to a simmer and then reduce 
the heat and leave it covered for 5 minutes   the chicken liver should be just slightly pink 
inside at this point and then you want to allow   it to cool for 10 minutes before transferring 
everything but the water to the food processor   add the butter salt and pepper and 
pulse until the mixture is smooth   you then want to refrigerate the 
mixture until it is cooled completely   and you will serve the pate cold low carb options 
for eating pate include putting it on your eggs   serving it on a cheese platter or topping it on 
cucumber slices anyways guys that's all i have   for you today before we wrap up i'm just going 
to quickly recap the benefits of chicken liver   number one it supports a healthy metabolism 
number two it supports your heart health   number three it can help to prevent anemia number 
four it supports your eye health number five it   maintains muscle mass and number six it supports 
brain function let me know in the comment section   down below if you have ever cooked chicken liver 
before or if you're going to try it after watching   this video if you did enjoy this video remember 
to give it a thumbs up and click that subscribe   button if you're not already for two videos 
a week relating to nutrition health sleep   all the good stuff and if you are in australia 
remember to check out butcher crowd and also   remember to add chicken liver to your order i will 
put the link to check them out along with my promo   code in the description box down below thank you 
guys for watching if you did enjoy this video you   might also enjoy my video on the top benefits 
of lamb you can check it out here if you want   to catch up on my most recent upload you can find 
it here and if you want to check out my keto diet   and carnivore diet coaching programs you can find 
them here thanks guys i'll see you next time bye

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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