Healthy Food Recipes - 10 Best Foods Diabetes Type 2 Patients Should Eat Daily | Diabetes Diet Food List

March 12, 2023

10 Foods People With Type 2 Diabetes Should
Eat Daily Diabetes is a chronic disorder that affects
the way the body metabolizes sugar. It is caused by two problems: 1) The pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin,
or the insulin it produces doesn't work correctly. 2) The cells in the body don't respond properly
to insulin. Diabetics are at higher risk of developing
heart disease, blindness, and nerve damage. Therefore, it is essential to make sure they
are eating the right foods to keep their blood sugar in check. A healthy diet for diabetics should consist
of good carbs, fats, and healthy proteins but in small portions. People with type 2 diabetes are generally
recommended to consume no more than 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. Diabetics also need to make sure not to overeat
since it can raise their blood sugar levels. The following are some of the healthy food
options that diabetics should eat daily: 1.

Olive oil There is a big misconception that if you have
type 2 diabetes, you cannot have any fats in your diet. This is false because unsaturated fats are
essential for a person with type 2 diabetes. Trans and saturated fats are the ones to stay
away from because they can promote weight gain and increase heart disease risks. Extra virgin olive oil is known for being
one of the “good fats,” but it also contains other healthy nutrients important to the body.

It is rich in monounsaturated fats, which
studies have shown can help lower “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. Extra virgin olive oil also contains antioxidants,
which can help reduce oxidative stress in the body. This means that it can act as an anti-aging
agent by fighting free radicals and reducing oxidative stress. It can also prevent cardiovascular disease
and cancer. 2. Nuts & Seeds Frequent nut and seed consumption can reduce
the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is because they are high in fiber, protein,
and healthy fats, which can help control blood sugar levels. Nuts and seeds, when eaten in moderation,
can protect people with diabetes from developing serious complications. However, it is important to note that people
with diabetes should limit the portion size because they are high in calories.

3. Eggs Eggs and other protein-rich foods can be an
important part of a diet for people with diabetes. They can help regulate blood sugar levels
and prevent severe spikes in the short term. Eggs are also rich in vitamins and minerals,
including antioxidants lutein & zeaxanthin, which can help prevent diseases related to
the eye. Each egg only contains 80 calories. 4. Peanut Butter To help control blood sugar levels, experts
recommend adding some healthy carbs to your diet.

Some people find that peanut butter is an
excellent substitute for refined carbohydrates like white bread and sugar. These people find that the energy from the
peanut butter lasts longer than the quick burst of energy from refined carbs. However, it would help to watch how much peanut
butter you eat and your salt intake because too much salt can cause high blood pressure
and other health problems. 5. Green Vegetables People with diabetes should increase their
intake of green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, or kale, to reduce their risk of developing
complications associated with diabetes.

Furthermore, studies have shown that people
who eat green vegetables regularly are less likely to get type 2 diabetes or develop complications
from it. 6. Cinnamon Cinnamon can be used in various dishes for
flavor, but it also has some health benefits. Some research has found that cinnamon can
improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels in people who have type 2 diabetes. If you're interested in taking cinnamon supplements
or adding it to your food, be sure to use Ceylon cinnamon instead of Cassia cinnamon. Ceylon has more health benefits and fewer
unpleasant side effects. 7. Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate has many health benefits that
can help people with diabetes. Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants, which
can help to reduce free radicals in the body and combat inflammation. This means it may help to reduce the risk
of cardiovascular disease and protect against stroke or heart attack. It also has a higher cocoa content than milk
chocolate, which studies have shown to improve blood sugar control for people with type 2
diabetes after eating.

8. Beans and lentils Beans and lentils have a low glycemic index,
meaning they release their sugars into the bloodstream slower than most other foods. They also have a high fiber content with both
soluble and insoluble fiber, which can help lower blood sugar levels by slowing down digestion,
reducing the absorption of sugar from the gut, and increasing feelings of fullness. In addition to lowering blood sugar levels,
beans and lentils are also packed with protein that can help those who suffer from insulin
resistance or those on diabetic 9. Brown rice Brown rice is a whole grain that provides
fiber and some vitamins and minerals. White rice is a refined grain that has fiber
and many minerals removed, making it softer. Brown rice is healthier in many ways, but
people should still keep their carbohydrate intake in moderation to avoid weight gain.

10. Avocado Avocado contains monounsaturated fatty acids,
which are good for managing blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. It's also full of fiber and antioxidants that
help keep your body healthy and fit. A research study shows that people who eat
half an avocado with lunch or dinner for 12 weeks can lose more weight than those who
don't add avocados to their meal plan. That's a roundup of some foods for diabetics
to eat daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of their diabetes.

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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