Healthy Food Recipes - What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101

February 03, 2023

Hi, I'm Dr. Mike Evans, and today I'm going to talk about healthy eating, and it's a huge topic. Although it sounds easy, it's actually very complex . I thought it was best to focus on what I'm going to say. If you decide to sit with me in the clinic, how about we start asking what Want to achieve weight loss? Reduce overeating? healthy food? Longer healthy life? So, what you care about is the general picture, and I would like to point out that eating is just a single behavior in the health chain.

Regular physical exercise leads to better control of psychological stress and better sleep, which leads to better food choices, and thus to more energy and less possibility of developing chronic diseases, and so on . to lose weight? In theory, this is easy, "don't eat too much, and move more than usual." But the problem lies in keeping the balance of happiness balanced on the ground. In developed countries, we are surrounded by countless cheap foods with high calories, varied tastes, and huge sizes . The balance of energy , high activity, has also changed as our current generation suffers a lot from the sickness of sitting watching TV at night, commuting to and from work, crazy video games, moving sidewalks and many of us now work in cognitive jobs our culture pushes us to easy buttons instead of making our day difficult On the other side of the equation, I think it is necessary not to lose sight of the magnificence of food. Food brings families together, builds relationships, and provides us with health.

Well, let's start with the most frequently asked question about eating. What is the best diet for weight loss? I am not surprised by people's confusion, as while you are watching this clip, there is probably a pop-up window that talks about the diet industry, such as the detox diet or the superfood diet, not to mention that Hollywood celebrities have begun to follow a certain system, and there is no research indicating that there is a commercial diet that is the best and the thing The only thing that can guarantee the success of the system is the extent of commitment to all the consequences of the system you choose. In order to rephrase what we mentioned , our society is still swinging between diet and diet in search of a magic formula, but the secret does not lie in the formula, but rather in the system instead of following a specific diet.

Ultimately, science tells us to choose the diets we like the most so that we will actually stick to them. In 2015, Cochrane Medical Research was looking at the factors that would cause commercial diets to succeed, and it wasn't the reduction in carbohydrates or fats, but rather the regulation and personal morale support of the diets. They are just rules in eating and do not affect our diet. As economists call it, the commitment device, with people realizing that what they are doing to improve their ability to control their future is illogical and is only impulsive. Instead of staying on autopilot , the diet alerts you through the diet towards specific eating choices and often reduces overeating. All commercial diets have their magic formula, which is what we call macronutrients, for example less carbohydrates, more protein, less fat and less sugar.

And so they usually have reasons to justify their method, for example, you can eat like a caveman, or use the recording system, or canned foods, or even follow famous doctors in this field, or even other things, and the two messages that I would like to send regarding nutrients are one... Time and effort, and we focus on them and two... The issue remains a matter of quality, not less quantity of carbohydrates... Well, carbohydrates can be healthy in their complex forms, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, and not very healthy in their simple forms such as refined sugar and processed starch, but We must be fair to carbs that taste great and our society tends to eat them a lot so people who reduce how much they eat daily tend to lose some weight, but when we study the results of losing Relative weight in a systematic research in 2014 by Dr.

Celeste Naud and his colleagues, in which they noticed the relationship between weight and cardiovascular indicators on people who follow a low-carbohydrate diet, and it lasted for two years, and the result was that there was no difference compared to the moderate weight reduction diet, but what about the diet Reducing sugars Well, if I were to describe the word sugar in one word only, it would be “deceptive.” More and more sugars have found their way into our daily diets, as many drinks contain no less than 8 tablespoons of sugar, so the average American person eats 20 grams of sugar.

A teaspoon, and most of these people are teenagers, and less in Canada, and these foods are really sweet, but the situation is similar with foods that we think are healthy, such as breakfast cereals, granola bars (sweetened oats) and fruit juices. When the increase in sugar contributes to the increase in calories, here we can say that there is a problem, which is A real warning. When I examine a patient who has prediabetes and symptoms, the first thing they do is eliminate sugar from their diet. However, if we look at diabetes prevention trials, Few of them refer to the importance of reducing sugar, while most stress the importance of a healthy diet and that the individual be active for half an hour a day, let's say that 5-7% of the weight decreases when reducing the intake of saturated fats and increasing the food that contains fiber , which reduces the incidence of infection. Diabetes by 58% What about low-fat foods? Well... I think the old story about fats has changed from that all fats are harmful to that the issue is related to continuity.

You have examples of foods that contain unsaturated fats, fried fast food and a lot of canned food, but they are not useful and we must reduce our consumption of them, and then we have fats Saturated and often found in dairy, red meat, and oily plants such as coconut or palm. It can be said that it is not good when it is in excess, but it is good when in moderation. Then there is the monounsaturated fat or (MOFA) Mediterranean diet, which I will explain in a few seconds. It depends largely on MOFA. Avocados, nuts, olive oil, dark chocolate, which gives health benefits, and finally we have (PUFA), or polyunsaturated fats, which is the largest part of the chain of fats and is found in oily fish, and past experiments show that there is a decline in indicators related to the heart while experiments The latest is not very optimistic, as the analyzes indicate that there are still no harms and there are minor benefits. Therefore, what I suggest is eating two meals a week of PUFA. It seems that people perform It is better when they replace saturated fats with mufa and pufa fats.

Well, what about high-protein diets again... The issue depends on quality more than quantity. Protein comes in different packages with different effects on health. Comparing high-salt meat with a salmon steak, lentils, or even A handful of almonds Most of the information indicates that if you eat healthy protein, white meat, types of nuts and fish, your giving will be more, especially if it is distributed over the whole day, especially at breakfast. There are also some diets whose results are good for people who suffer from diseases . For example, the DASH diet reduces Between 5-11 mm Hg or a low glycemic index of the diet lowers the INC (a measure of blood sugar) over time in people with diabetes by 0.5%. Many patients have high cholesterol. Recently, Dr. David Jenkins and his colleagues at the University of Toronto showed that they could reduce cholesterol by 35% by following a Portfolio diet (low in saturated fat and high in fiber) .

There are cohort or so-called exposure studies, too, and now there are randomized sessions that indicate that they do better with it. It's hard not to conclude that a diet based on plants and unprocessed foods is a smart diet. The more vegans there are, there is a way to think about all of this , and that is by commenting on the Brazilian Dietary Guidelines, in which they have shifted their approach from a more nutrient-dense diversity to a more accepting diet.

If we look at the issue from a distance, we prefer to buy processed and packaged foods that can be eaten anywhere and can be Food is healthier and strengthens relationships between individuals by preparing meals between family and friends Well, then there is no magic formula or absolutely effective diet? The answer is yes, because I see that the diet is more related to culture than others, as well as simple habits. The diet does not focus on losing weight, but rather on health outcomes such as reducing the incidence of cancer , heart disease, mental illness, and increasing life expectancy. Based on the evidence, the best diet is the sea diet. Mediterranean, instead of following rules in eating, and adhering to constants in food , it is more about moderation in eating less meat, more vegetables, and fruits in desalination . But in fact, it is a way of life. In that region, individuals are very active, their meals are moderate, and they have good social support among themselves. So let's continue our conversation about switching from diets to healthy behaviors , given the National Center for Weight Control (NWCR) that affects the way We ate, as the center distributes an annual questionnaire to more than 10,000 people, so that the number of women is more than men for people who have lost some weight and maintained it for a while.

By one year, it is not surprising that 98% have made some changes to what they eat, while 94% have increased activity and movement in their schedules, but there was no single combination, so most of them restricted the food they ate by calculating calories, while the rest continued their usual eating, but reduced Quantities only, 70% of them eat breakfast, the majority watch TV for less than 10 hours, and eat only three times from outside the house per week. Almost everyone who participated in the questionnaire agreed that weight loss raises energy levels, body movement, improves mood, increases self-confidence, and physical health. Periodic observation is a very important step. Losing weight is important, but the difficult part is maintaining the new weight for at least 80 % of the people among us weigh yourself and use this method as an alert for your choices in eating your daily food. An example of this is that 75% of the people who were a sample in the Weight Control Center study measure their weight weekly While 36% of them on a daily basis view the issue of standing on the scale as a trial to stop weight gain, as standing on the scale daily reduces the possibility of gaining weight by an average of 2.3 kg or 5 pounds.

And it has become easier today with the presence of applications. Patients usually ignore blogging in them because they think the subject is simple, but watching what you ate may double your weight loss. Therefore, I believe that awareness of these matters is within reach . It may be what you eat and it may be your weight measurement, but we must know that life Chaotic too, and to enjoy it, we need flexibility. Simply put, you feel good if you eat well, and that's why I like the idea of ​​starting with small changes, or what I call pinches, or perhaps changing something you do a lot , for example eating breakfast, snacks, or drinks. You can, for example, replace your usual cereal. Some oatmeal or wheat flakes or a handful of almonds instead of a bag of potato chips, or maybe drink water instead of your colored drinks. I know it doesn't sound tempting, but Dr.

Mike is a nutritionist. And from another perspective, adding instead of decreasing. So Dr. Sherry Pagotto and her colleagues randomly selected a sample of individuals at risk of developing metabolic syndrome and distributed either to the American Heart Association diet plan. Or, on the other hand, by following an easy advice, which is to increase the fiber per day by 30 grams, for example, riding the wheat bran cart, then visiting the city of beans and taking some berries. Well, it can be said that I prefer the idea of ​​including healthy food instead of encircling or excluding other foods. There are also sources indicating that the feeling of satiation or the feeling of fullness is not limited only to the calories gained. The calories gained from proteins and fibers make us feel more full. On the other hand, social support can help us with our eating habits in another study to evaluate eating habits either alone or with 3 or more friends or with family members to support them in their Correcting habits in 10 months. In conclusion, the percentage was 24% for individuals, then it became 66% after obtaining the support of friends and family.

On the issue of support , your communication with a nutritionist, even if it was via the Internet, would help because they have what is known as a Guinness bar to eat you and vitality is The other is an important point in the context of eating and nutrition, as research indicates that active people, even if they suffer from obesity, live longer than lean people who sit a lot, so my patients tell me that they are active, but this was not successful in losing weight. Withdrawing calories through a specific diet, but I think it is important to know that the study shows that people who exercise are more successful than others, have a greater ability to stabilize their weight. It is difficult to adhere to harsh diets, as many shift their focus from the individual himself to what surrounds the individual, so changing the environment around us would make our choices correct day after day, and we call this act the engineering of taking Decisions, and it includes two types of what I call the awareness nudge.

First, we must realize the fact that our world is full of polarizers of unhealthy food and excessive eating . Brian Wansink Most of us don't overeat out of hunger. Secondly, what are the things that alert you personally? We are routine beings, as we tend to do the same habits every week, and each of us has certain habits and specific eating, for example, the sufferings at the checkout table in coffee shops, or perhaps a certain time, such as 11, 3, or 10. Expected stress, and as Winkinson mentioned, the option here is to restructure Small actions that change a person's mentality from indifference to overeating to indifference that his food has become better, perhaps by redesigning your kitchen. When you leave a biscuit on the shelf, it often will not last long. The same is true if you put fruits or some vegetables on the shelf, as well as the acquisition of smaller cups and utensils than before. Reducing the number of large utensils and also not eating directly from the bag is a simple stimulus to indifference in eating.

Restructuring verbs assumes knowledge of oneself. I have to cut the fruits myself, but the indifference to healthy food is present when I buy pre-cut fruits . Wii gelatin at home because I can't stop eating it. The last method is the 80:20 behavior. Well, this behavior assumes that 80% of your eating choices are healthy and the rest of the 20% are not high in calories, because you should enjoy yourself, like eating a piece of dark chocolate or A meal on the outside or even a piece of cake, we've been in this for a long time, so we shouldn't be looking for perfection, but for continuity, and in the end I hope I've made you think a little differently about how we're supposed to eat.

Instead of large and simple food in its components instead of a lot of variety and processor and dinner at home, and the same is the case with self-awareness and reduce your dependence on your will and let the weekly stimuli be what drives indifference and brings you closer to more healthy nutrition and finally I would like to draw attention to being healthy whatever Our size, I often encounter people who want to lose some of their weight , because obesity is an important factor for many diseases, but in fact, I hope that my patients will be aware of the nature of their bodies , so that they are more attentive to their food so that they move More and to love themselves more and to start focusing more on what is healthy food to eat instead of thinking about what not to eat and they will be happy with that.

Maybe now is the time to start your experience of a healthier life. Thanks for following up..

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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