Healthy Food Recipes - VEGAN KETO RECIPES no2 | What I Eat In A Day (+ results!)

February 25, 2023

hello friends and not yet friends welcome 
back to another day of indulgent delicious   vegan recipes that happen to be keto friendly 
whether you're here for the keto part or the   vegan part i think we can pretty much agree on 
creamy noodles and crispy spicy fried things   if you do please give this video a thumbs up and 
in the meantime it's time to make coffee. today i'm   trying a new way in the mocha pot but with the 
same ground coffee as my last what i ate video   the difference is using cold 
water instead of preheated   i saw someone do it on youtube and i thought 
i'd try it out so i put the pot on the stove   adjust the gas so it's just under the pot and 
wait for the water to heat up.

Obviously it takes   a little longer than usual however i like how this 
is flowing slowly and steadily. oh the anticipation how will it be different? good different, bad 
different? overly bitter from the longer extraction   time or more acidic? time will tell. it is too hot 
to taste right this second which makes this the   perfect time to get a nutritious start to my 
day with the help of ag1 of course thank you   to athletic greens for sponsoring today's video 
if you didn't already know because you've been   living under a rock or something ag1 is a greens powder that you just pop into some water shake   up and have it every single day but it's not any 
kind of greens powder it actually has 75 different   vitamins minerals probiotics prebiotics and 
adaptogens it's trusted by professional athletes   and professional me a professional non-athlete 
honestly it's the single most helpful most useful   habit i have started this year and i started 
back in like february i think well i'll tell   you one thing it doesn't help you tell time the 
reason why it's so easy to stick to is it actually   tastes good it's just super refreshing and i 
actually crave it in the morning if you've been   watching me for a while you probably already 
know i started taking this every single day to   hopefully improve some gut health things 
and issues related and now that stuff   in that area is pretty much perfect i keep 
taking the ag one every single day in fact   i signed up for a subscription so that i never 
ever miss it they deliver it according to your   schedule actually the website makes it really 
really easy to adjust anything if you want to and   so yeah i get it delivered every single month so 
i never have to miss a day which i never want to   further than the gut health reasons and the 
nutritional reasons it is formulated to help   with your recovery energy focus and healthy 
aging which i much appreciate i also trust it   because it is a very high quality product it's 
third party tested made in new zealand and nsf   certified for sport which means that what 
is on the label is actually what's in the   product there are no artificial colors flavors 
preservatives no herbicides pesticides gmos   sugar or artificial sweeteners and of course it 
is vegan friendly so there's no eggs no dairy   it's also keto friendly as well plus it does 
contain b12 which um most of you probably need   to take on a regular basis so why take a bunch of 
different supplements just have it all in one in   a really high quality product and if you want to 
try it make sure you click my special link below   in the description box or up here in the card 
section and you will get with your first purchase   five free travel packs to take your ag1 on the go 
with you keep this healthy habit even when you're   traveling plus you'll get up to a year's supply of 
vitamin d three drops vitamin d of course you know   by now is very important for the immune system 
and it's a fat soluble vitamin so it's actually in   this pure olive oil format so it's really easy for 
the body to absorb and it also has k2 in that as   well and you'll just need one drop and we're good 
you know what else is good this moka pot brewed   coffee i'm actually really surprised at how nice 
it is it's like very smooth it's not bitter at all   it's slightly kind of fruity so i'm using 
the same beans as the last time but there's   two different coffees the other one was more like 
full bodied caramel chocolate notes this one is   more like a fruity medium i'm not a coffee expert 
but like they're two different things and just   because of the difference in how you brew them 
and you can see that it's kind of more convenient   because you're starting with cold water but i 
have to say i do prefer the older method with   the hot water uh this is missing the chocolate 
and caramel notes and i just feel like i like to   start my day with chocolate and caramel notes it's 
just a nicer way of starting your day don't you   think speaking of nice it was nice to find keto 
friendly vegan tortillas at my local grocery store   kind of pricey for tortillas at eight dollars 
a pack so i might see if i can reverse engineer   these and make my own if you are interested in 
that well then that's extra motivation for me   so leave that in the comments um if that's you 
for breakfast today i'm just doing something   quick because my boyfriend is on like a little 
staycation and i'm trying to do both my work for   the day and also spend time with him having fun 
so we're doing quick things uh luckily i've got   left over for making korean corn dogs the other 
day with these ready to go let's get a pan on also half a block of soft tofu to make a scramble 
silken tofu will also work by the way usually i   do use medium firm but this is just what i 
had in the fridge and actually i think it's   quite good as a scramble too you just want to let 
the excess water cook out so it's not overly wet   but i also don't want it super 
dry so now i will add seasonings   a touch of turmeric pepper garlic powder 
and onion powder lastly a touch of black   salt for that sulfury, eggy flavor then i 
don't need the heat on just a bit of a mix   push it over to one side and i'll get the heat 
back on just to lightly fry the vegan meat and we're good to go then on go some avocado   not as prettily as our previous avocado 
breakfast together but it will get the job done top everything with a little bit 
of vegan mayo and a bit of salsa plus the rest of the scramble 
that didn't quite fit in the wrap   and chester likes it when we spend this time 
on the balcony together isn't he the cutest this is one of the best tasting lazy breakfasts then it's time to suit up does anyone remember 
these things when i first got them i used to wear   these wrist braces to reduce my tendonitis pain 
during flare-ups with their light compression   and also as a physical reminder to prevent me 
from scrolling on my phone or working at my desk   which i'm not supposed to do when they're in pain 
because it just makes things worse but i don't   need them for that anymore so i use them as wrist 
guards gotta protect these money makers and today   while my boyfriend is practicing taking corners 
really fast which i think he's getting pretty good   at i am practicing what i'm pretty bad at just 
lifting the nose so i can navigate sidewalk cracks whatever the heck this is and practicing how to stop safely because i can 
go down a hill but i am not good at stopping a   dangerous combination like you guys know i love 
to live dangerously but like in a very safe way   practicing what i'm really bad at is 
not my idea of fun so i always try to   end the session with a reward doing 
something for a reliably good time   speaking of reliably good times how about 
tofu puffs for lunch you can get these at   asian supermarkets in the tofu area i actually got 
these at a normal supermarket that happens to have   an extremely good tofu section i'm going to 
have half this pack and just so you know i'm   not usually this fussy if you are but no no 
judgment but i don't usually weigh my food   like this it's just to record everything so the 
curious among you can see my chronometer later   if you miss the last vegan keto video you might 
not know i don't do keto all the time or at least   i didn't more on that later originally i kind of 
stumbled upon it i was slowly eliminating food   triggers for my chronic tendinitis and eventually 
i figured out ketosis was really useful for   treating flare-ups so i would use it for a week at 
a time mainly for that purpose but since i posted   that last video i thought well why not see what a 
longer period of ketosis will do anyways this goes   in the airfryer press the steak button and away 
we go at 400 degrees fahrenheit for six minutes   i really should have started this cauliflower 
rice before the tofu puffs but uh i blame you   for distracting me how dare you but no seriously 
it will take about 10 or 15 minutes so if you are   going to make this dish i suggest starting on the 
cauliflower first when the cauliflower is almost   as tender as i want it it's time to make a hole 
and fill it with some lovely olive oil and minced   garlic and ginger about three parts garlic and one 
part ginger while that is getting all aromatic add   seasonings like black pepper onion powder like 
whatever you want i'm adding also green onions   sprinkle soy sauce to finish and that's it for 
our highly nutritious and delicious cruciferous   save that five times fast plate it with something 
refreshing like cucumber slices and the air fried   crispy seasoned tofu puffs they are so wonderful 
then just to be extra fancy some green onion   threads if i had a cafe i would definitely 
have this on the menu the flavor gives like   hyannis chicken type vibes but crispy and just 
the whisper of something spicy from the gochugaru   aka korean red pepper powder would you order it 
let me know you know what i would definitely order   this next dish which i had for dinner this day and 
many days before this it's my korean hot chicken   flavor noodles but adjusted ever so slightly 
to be more keto friendly starting on the heat   with a little bit of nice olive oil and a bunch 
of very spicy looking korean red pepper powder   but don't be alarmed it's not that 
spicy if you haven't had it before   think sweet paprika but with some smokiness and 
a bit of sneaky heat like not that smack you in   the face heat but like a subtle heat that sort of 
builds up but not that much i just wanted to bloom   a little before adding the water to create the 
start of a sauce now i'm adding korean soybean   paste which is kind of my alternative to using 
gochujang in this keto friendly version it   adds a fermented savoriness which if i had to 
compare the flavor to anything it's similar to   miso paste not the same but kind of and half of 
a vegan chicken broth cube with the heat off now   i'm adding my favorite one to one sugar 
alternative next we want onion powder a   touch of curry powder and actual spicy heat this 
time in the form of hot chili powder finally i   did decide on using garlic powder instead of 
using fresh garlic and add some more water   get the heat back on and once it gets bubbly you 
can add your cooked noodles or in this case rinsed   and drained shiitake noodles which contain no 
carbs and don't technically need to be cooked i   like to simmer them in the sauce for a few minutes 
and i find this helps them get really flavorful   and improves the texture then i also want to 
add some coconut yogurt for extra creaminess   and also because i've had this tub for a while 
and i'm afraid of it going bad before i use it up   then are we even making vegan noodles without 
a little bit of nutritional yeast i think not   it's going to add a little bit more umami 
slightly cheesy and kind of chicken-ish flavor   now with the extra liquid in there i might 
need another minute or two of simmering   in fact keep going until most of the liquid is 
gone and the sauce really clings to the noodles   and then at this point you can add some toasted 
sesame oil which i'm pretty sure i did add but   i can't find the footage it doesn't matter what 
matters is you get this on a plate and use the   same pan again to cook the rest of your meal 
i'll use leftover soft tofu from this morning   just heating it through on both sides the noodles 
have more than enough flavor so the contrast of a   much milder tofu will be nice lastly add a 
little bit of olive oil and chopped garlic   heat it just enough to release the 
fragrance and then in goes some greens with soy sauce and then in less than 
a minute it's ready to go in the bowl finish with toasted sesame seeds and of course 
fresh chopped green onion and that my friends   is the dinner i've been addicted to for the past 
week it is so delicious you've got that savory   like kind of chicken-ish flavor the fermented 
deep umami flavor from the soybean paste   and the korean red pepper flavor without being 
overly overly hot spicy i mean that is a matter of   opinion i suppose but i feel like 
this is kind of on the mild side so   you can add extra chili oil if you really want 
to but lately i have kind of preferred a little   bit milder tasting stuff don't know what that is 
about that was my food day how was yours let me   know in the comments below also also below 
don't forget to check out my special link   to get your ag1 immunity bundle which comes with 
up to a year's supply of vitamin d3 drops and   five individual travel packs for free with your 
first purchase if you were on the fence about   it i say go for it because it's been such a game 
changer for me it's available in the uk us europe   canada so check out that link below thanks again 
to athletic greens for sponsoring this video   while you're checking that out on another tab 
i will get into some of the unexpected results   from my longer term keto experiment and actually 
it's been a few days since i originally recorded   this vlog so i will add what happened after i 
added pasta last night and um i was a little bit   just an interesting result anyways i will get into 
that and afterwards i'll get into the numbers the   macros things like that so this last round 
of ketosis has been going on for just about   three weeks now after my last tendonitis 
flare-up which i totally caused by myself   with poor choices anyways uh so i used i used 
these test strips what was really surprising   is that i actually they actually detected ketones 
before i actually felt like i was in ketosis so   the symptoms of clear-headedness and the all-day 
steady energy and for me personally the colder   hands um that didn't actually kick in until i 
was already a few days in so that was really   interesting to notice but i think it makes 
sense because as the body adapts to using fat   as energy source you just it gets better at it 
more efficient at creating those ketones and   using those ketones so the next really surprising 
thing though that happened and i hadn't noticed   this ever before well actually my boyfriend is 
the one who noticed the other day he told me uh   you have been working a lot like morning to 
night for like days in a row and i was like what   wait that's actually true he hasn't actually been 
working from home for a while so he hasn't really   been here noticing me because usually i take 
a lot of breaks when i work i i try to take a   break every hour or two to help prevent 
the tendonitis flare-ups to really just   treat my body right i guess and so for me to go 
eight to ten hours without a break and not really   noticing it and just being in the zone that is 
unheard of last month there's no freaking way so   that's interesting however it's not like i'm 
trying to uh keep that up i am not trying to   have the keto diet help me get better and then 
ruin it by overworking so i am like implementing   reminders and things like that so that i actually 
do take breaks and i still take care of my body   even though it seems like like i'm just not having 
any tendinitis symptoms at all so that's cool and   then the third thing i noticed um finally after a 
lot of people have said that this is a symptom for   them but for me it didn't really seem to be but 
my appetite has changed completely i am satisfied   with my meals and i don't crave dessert afterwards 
which is very unusual for me also the other thing   is i'm not i'm finding myself not wanting to snack 
or not needing snacks or not thinking about snacks   and i think that i and i i realize that in 
hindsight really because well i think about   food a lot usually that's why i have this youtube 
channel and so yeah that's interesting and kind   of cool i guess uh one extra thing just before 
we get into the numbers well this has to kind   of do with macros so if this kind of discussion 
is not helpful or health healthy for you please   take care of yourself and i will catch you next 
time alright so you know if you watched the last   vegan keto video that i did that i typically 
keep my net carbs a little bit higher than   the guidelines so 40 to 60 net carbs whenever 
i've tracked it's really fallen into that um   spectrum i guess and i still find myself in 
ketosis i can test my urine or use a ketone breath   meter and i still find myself in ketosis it's 
not a problem for me to go to 60 grams i haven't   tracked that i've done higher but i feel like i've 
definitely done higher before but anyways last   night when i was cooking boy when i was cooking 
boyfriend when i was cooking for both me and my   boyfriend and actually i lately we eat different 
things so i don't usually cook him dinner i just   was feeling like a generous god this night and 
i was cooking him pasta and i had my own sheer   tacky noodles but i just decided as an experiment 
because my net carbs for the day were like pretty   low i decided just to put a little bit of his 
pasta noodles into my shirtaki noodles and see   how it went so i was still keeping things under 
50 net carbs later that night um so i probably   had dinner around 7ish so 20 minutes later i 
tested my breath ketones still in ketosis about   an hour later i tested my breath ketones again 
still in ketosis still i think like relatively   high but this morning i woke up and i could tell 
you right away that i was not in ketosis anymore   because i woke up hungry i woke up ravenous so i 
knew definitely also was confirmed with a urine   test strip and confirmed with the ketone breath meter it was on a zero uh the urine test strip   came back as trace amounts which is like a delayed 
read because it's it's reading leftover ketones in   your urine that your body hasn't burned up as far 
as i understand anyways that's interesting it's   interesting because it was under 50 net carbs i usually 
do around 50 40 50.

This time it was including   wheat pasta usually it's just like vegetables 
so anyways interesting i guess for some people   if you're still interested and i am going to 
be discussing the actual calories and macros   now for this what i eat in a day vlog so if that 
is not healthy or helpful for you bye for now and   i will see you next time hopefully you enjoyed and 
please leave this video a thumbs up if you liked   it and subscribe if you haven't already um but yes 
i will be going into the chronometer chart now so   let us look uh this is actually very similar to 
the other week eating as naturally as possible   uh just following my appetite and i didn't plan to 
stay at all really i just ate out of my fridge so   what we did end up was just under 2 000 calories 
which is about maintenance for me i did this time   include my activities which put me at a small 
deficit uh the fats are at 60 which again is much   less than a lot of keto guidelines say to have 
it and it's totally different from medical keto   which can be up to four grams of fat for every one 
gram of everything else but i personally carry a   higher body fat percentage so i feel like i have 
lots of fuel stored in my body i don't necessarily   need to add extra fats in order to keep up 
my energy for the day uh carbs are at 16 and   20 it's not 20.

47 net carbs all from vegetable 
sources except for the one gram from the tortilla   which is so interesting because i tested high 
ketone levels the day after this and it was about   you know about 50 and then last night still about 
50 but today i'm totally knocked out of ketosis so   anyways i think that it kind of goes to show that 
like a carb is not just a carb let's look at the   protein 24 which works out to be 118 grams looks 
good to me uh looking at the micro nutrients the   vitamins are looking good the ag one really helps 
me out here as for the minerals it looks like i   could use a lot more green leafies or edamame 
but honestly i don't worry about it this day was   filmed at the closer to grocery day so obviously 
i'm gonna run out of stuff and i'm not gonna   have as much produce available it's just bound to 
happen but i think it all evens out at the end so   i should say i'm just sharing my experience 
because frankly i wish i had known about this as a   possible thing that i could use for the tendonitis 
because if i had learned this information years   ago it might have saved me years of disability and 
not earning like a income basically but maybe i   had to learn all the lessons the pain lessons the 
broke lessons the humility lessons i don't know in   any case thank you so much for watching my friends 
i hope you found this interesting useful i found   i hope you found some meal inspiration maybe 
and uh if you do and try anything that i make   please let me know by taking a photo and tagging 
me on instagram i just love to see your photos   and also don't forget to check out ag1 
link in the description uh bye for now

Info: Post images on Social media for $200 per day

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