Healthy Food Recipes - OMAD DIet: Zero Hunger Water Recipe for Electrolytes

February 26, 2023

- So, Jorge, for you, this question. You know, I understand that
you advise your clients to consume more electrolytes
and things like that. And varied things as far
as nutritional status when they're on the OMAD. Why do you do that? - You know, we gotta
keep our body hydrated because when you're on
this kind of a diet, you can lose minerals. And, in particularly,
you can turn off hunger if you can replenish them. And we're usually very low in
sodium and certain minerals.

So I recommend for people to get control of their sugar and carbs, because what I've noticed too, over the 20 years I've
been working with clients, that mostly when we're hungry, we're not craving eggs and steak, we're craving sugar, carbs,
maybe salty snack foods but it's the potato chips and all that. So what I recommend to
my clients is drinking a very special type of water that gives you zero hunger, and it's made with three key ingredients. 32 ounces of water which you
drink every two to three hours. And it solves the biggest issue
of OMAD for those 23 hours. If you're hungry, most likely you just
aren't getting minerals. And, like what Dr. Fung
said, a lot of our ancestors ate in a way that was
high protein, high fat, they eat animals, which
were rich in sodium. But, let me show you
how to make this guys, because, here's 32 ounces
of water, check this out. And so the first ingredient
is just pink salt.

And it's preferred pink salt. You wanna get a clean source. Half a teaspoon of pink salt. Voila, right? The next ingredient is potassium. So this is potassium. This should do two pinches, or if you're using a
little measuring stick, This is one 32nd of potassium chloride. That's this one here in there. And then the last one is magnesium. Magnesium glycinate, specifically, if you're gonna look for this online. And this is just one pinch or one 64th and you put that in there. And then if you want a sweetness in there a lot of my clients will do this. They'll add lemon. A little lemon is fine.

Monkfruit is something a
lot of my clients are using. It's a natural plant-based sweetener. I prefer it plain. But you can add to taste that because it doesn't add any calories. There are no carbs in it. You just cap it and shake it. And you drink this. I tell most of my clients
to do it in 20 minutes. It turns off your hunger and
it gives you incredible energy. It allows you to stay in autophagy. And remember, guys, I hope we
can talk about this, possibly. Because autophagy is why I do this. It goes way beyond weight loss. I'm 50 now, you know, and I've been in this business
for 20 years as an author.

And I can tell you, at 50, and I haven't written a book on this. It's just my podcast, but I can tell you, this has given people huge results where they can drop up
to two pounds in a day. (silence) - We're living in uncertain times. It's tough to keep up with
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It's time to take back your power. The Doctors, now more than
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Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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