Healthy Food Recipes - The Healthiest Bread in the World!

February 26, 2023

hey guys I'm here with my lovely wife
Karen and we are going to make the most incredible recipe for bread you've been
waiting for this this is the ultimate bread and there's no flour no gluten no
bad stuff so how do you do this Karen it's so easy you're gonna love it so
it's 1 cup of almond flour in my Santa cup measuring cups it is one cup of
arrowroot flour you use a little arrowroot here arrowroot is a low
glycemic flour it's made from a root so it's its small amounts it's okay
arrowroot that's why they call it root that weren't exactly this doesn't come
out as quickly and then 1/3 cup of coconut flour and these combined give it
a really neat texture most of the natural breads out there kind of tastes
terrible like they're calm and it's like a sponge cake like bark yeah then we're
going to just do 1 teaspoon of salt and that's it for the dry ingredients mix it
up very very so smells really good already
and then you go on to beast which is also very simple so now we're going to
do the yeast portion we're going to pour in wanted a quarter cup of warm water
between 105 and 110 degrees and the temperature really is important if it's
too cold or too hot the yeast will not do its thing we're going to add two
teaspoons of what sort of maple syrup that's for the that's the food for the
yeast so it's not going to be a plug because they're yeast of anything though
and produce carbon dioxide now we're going to take two teaspoons of instant
dry yeast and this equals one packet one packets usually two teaspoons if you're
using the smaller packages now is this delicate I mean like is it could you
actually mess this up you can mess it up and I have messed it up I used water
that was way too hot and what's supposed to happen now is the yeast is going to
eat this the maple syrup what any of the true is the water well like I said 105
210 okay and then the yeast is going to eat the maple syrup and it's gonna push
out a little gases but that's gonna foam up and that's actually what's going to
make your so you basically keep it there and then you're waiting ten minutes okay
alright I just don't want to give you any opinions because you have the
opinion wasn't in the rest your opinion wasn't in the recipe right is that a
subtle hint it's subtle is it subtle is it subtle enough right okay for ten
minutes there okay this is wait okay really if you stand and look at it
you'll see little bubbles coming up it's like little yeast fireworks it is alive
that's the really cool thing it is totally alive and
they're so what's happening is the yeast is eating the maple syrup and literally
pushing out little excreting little gases and that's what helps your bread
rise yeah that's amazing mm-hmm and this is exactly what's supposed to happen so
that's what's good uh-huh we're doing good the key is the
temperature oh yeah but also your yeast if your yeast isn't any good anymore you
can have the perfect temperature water and it won't do that okay so after about
10 minutes your yeast is going to be beautiful and foamy it's done it's
eating of all that maple syrup isn't it yeah so now what we're going to do is
we're going to add two tablespoons of psyllium and one-and-a-half tablespoons
of ground chia psyllium is kind of like a fiber yeah and you know we get whole
Chia and then we have one little coffee grinder that we use just for spices and
seeds and stuff like that so you're going to let it sit in there for two or
three minutes and it's going to get really gelatinous and thick and then
you're going to whisk it so now you're going to cut this because we have to
wait all right so this has been sitting for just two or three minutes in it it
got gelatinous lucious so now we're just going to stir it all in
make sure it's all whisked in quisque alright good now just going to put this
in our dry ingredients and mix it up and you are going to see
this become it's amazing you know this is one of those things that people been
trying to figure this out for yours you can't really find a good bread
recipe without the wheat so we found I was so surprised how well this turned
out I did find this online I'm not sure what we've changed but I appreciate
people who have done all the research to figure out especially the chant and the
psyllium because that's amazing now it's going to look gloopy like this and
you're literally going to need it just for one minute yeah I think what happens
is that you have them you don't have the gluten so gluten is like glue and so you
have that I think probably combination chia seed some of the fiber tends to act
like glue which is perfect because we can do that all day long
yep now you can take this out of the bowl I'm just leaving it in the bowl can
you make a pizza crust with that like I can I used to do that I used to do it
okay so now look we'll have this beautiful beautiful Bowl
I mean pool ball of dough okay so now I'm going to put it in a slightly
smaller bowl rinse my hands really quick and I have a damp towel I'm going to put
it over my bread and excuse me dr.

Berg now I'm going to put it in my warm space which is just not a cold space oops
and for an hour we're going to let it rise okay so after you've had your yeast
rising in some warm place for an hour you're going to take it out now I don't
have my oven on my ovens off but it's the warmest place so I just put the bowl
in there take it out damp cloths is no longer down that's what it looks like it
did rise it should double and there you go that's just like it is dough it's
beautiful as a matter of fact now what you're going to do is cut it in half
because you can make it too you want a big one you can leave it but then you're gonna make it into a round
rule what is a bull anyway bull it's just round bread I had to look it up
myself okay so now that's that alright now to get it golden brown the new trick
do this squares that's second yeah so an egg wash it's just an egg yolk with a
tiny little bit of water a teaspoon of water and you're just gonna wash your
little boo that's going to make it nice and brown and crispy on the outside like
a sourdough and then another thing just to give it a
little bit of a touch is you can do a little crisscross pattern with a knife you could so little it's going to give it a little
something now the original recipe said use a stone I
don't have a stone what I do is I like to put it on hot pan I use parchment
bring this over here normally I would just carry the loaves over to the oven
but for this literally put this on hot parchment and on the pan and that's it
it's going to go into the oven unfortunately our oven light isn't
working right now so you'll see that when it comes out okay it's time to take
the bread out of the oven let's take a look Wow now we've made a few loaves
this is why it didn't turn into one loaf in the oven come look that's serious
bread we can't touch that until it's cool inside because it'll be chewy nope
so check the services this is a great way to eat butter it is a great way to
eat butter mmm it toasts beautifully it's better than bread better than well it is bread

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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