Healthy Food Recipes - CAULIFLOWER RICE RECIPES | healthy recipes for weight loss and life!

February 02, 2023

Hello my friends it's Dani and today I am sharing 
one of my personal favorite Healthy Home Cooking   hacks and that is to use cauliflower rice as a way 
to sneak some extra veggies and fiber into your   meal plus if you're anything like me and you like 
to sit down to a nice big volume-esque meal using   cauliflower rice to bulk up your meals is also 
a really great tool so today I'm going to share   three cauliflower rice recipes that are simple 
to make nutrient dense and absolutely delicious   now you can certainly make your cauliflower 
rice from scratch and I've shown you how to   do that before and I'll link to that video down 
in the description box below but I find it much   easier to just buy it Frozen not only is it 
more convenient but it's also budget friendly   okay so cauliflower rice recipe number one is my 
berry banana cauliflower protein smoothie this   recipe is so easy to make and it is delicious 
so into my blender I'm going to combine a half   a cup of Frozen cauliflower and yes you want 
it to be frozen because this is what's going   to help the Smoothie become really light and 
fluffy and creamy and then I have a half a cup   of frozen blueberries you can use any Berry 
you prefer here one half of a frozen banana   and then a serving of vanilla protein powder 
personally I'm a fan of whey protein powders   I find the flavor and the texture to be like 
super delicious and creamy but you could also   do a plant-based protein powder and I will link to 
some of my favorites down in the description box   below and then I'm going to finish this off with 
a cup to a cup and a quarter of unsweetened almond   milk again you could use any milk you prefer 
and you can play with the quantity depending   on how thick or thin you like your smoothie pop 
on a lid and blend it up this has become one of   my go-to smoothie recipes my son loves this 
recipe as well really it just tastes like a   banana blueberry smoothie you would never know 
but cauliflower was in there okay moving along   to cauliflower rice recipe number two I'm sharing 
my cheesy cauliflower morning Scramble now I love   this recipe it's super easy to make and there's 
just something about snaking a vegetable in at   breakfast time that feels so good so I start with 
an eight inch non-stick saute pan and I'm going to   coat that with a little bit of non-aerosol cooking 
spray in my opinion every household should have an   8 inch non-stick pan specifically for making eggs 
it is my go-to egg pan I'm going to heat that over   a medium to low heat and I'm going to add in three 
quarters of a cup of cauliflower rice now the   cauliflower rice can still be frozen or it can be 
defrosted if it's frozen it'll just take a couple   extra minutes to soften up but both options work 
and I'm going to season this with a little bit   of salt a little bit of black pepper some garlic 
powder and a little bit of turmeric turmeric is   a powerful anti-inflammatory spice that helps 
to support our digestive and our immune system   so I'm always trying to find really easy ways to 
sneak it into the kitchen I'm going to toss this   all together and I'm just going to let it cook for 
a few minutes again this time will vary depending   on whether or not your cauliflower was already 
defrosted or if it was frozen but once it is all   warmed through and the cauliflower is nice and 
tender you're ready for your eggs so what I like   to do is combine one whole egg with a half a cup 
of egg whites I buy my egg whites pre-separated   at the grocery store and then I just whisk this 
all together if you want a higher protein lower   fat option skip the egg do all egg whites if you 
want higher fat with your protein you can skip the   egg whites and do all eggs it all works so as 
always do what works for you I'm going to pour   this right over the seasoned cauliflower give 
it a few seconds to set up a bit and then just   like you're making scrambled eggs you're just 
gonna carefully give it a stir let it reset a   bit give it a stir let it reset a bit until your 
eggs are all cooked through now from here I like   to top it with a little bit of shredded cheese 
so I'm going to sprinkle some shredded cheddar   cheese over the top shut off my heat and pop on 
a lid and then I just let it sit in the pan for   a minute or two and that cheese will melt Over 
the Top If you didn't want to do the dairy you   can skip the cheese and serve this with some 
fresh avocado that would also be delicious   this is a really easy and delicious way to have 
a veggie and protein packed breakfast that does   not take a lot of time personally I love to 
serve it with a little bit of sourdough toast   and some fresh berries and then last but not 
least cauliflower rice recipe number three is   my cauliflower and beef taco meat this is a 
great dish to make for meal prep and if you   are one of my plant-based friends you could 
Sub in some lentils or some black beans and   do the same general concept that I'm about to 
show you this is barely even a recipe but it's   so good and it's such a convenient Head Start 
ingredient to have in the fridge for a busy week   so into a large saute pan I'm using my beloved 
cast iron skillet I'm going to add one pound   of grass-fed ground beef now this could also be 
ground chicken ground turkey ground bison ground   venison whatever you have whatever's available 
whatever you love right make it work for you and   I'm just going to start to break this up into 
crumble so you just want to get it so it's nice   and broken down and the idea is just to Brown the 
meat I'm until you no longer see any pink once my   meat is ready to go I'm going to add in three 
cups of the cauliflower rice mine is partially   defrosted like I said before it can be frozen it 
can be defrosted it could be partially defrosted   they will all work it'll just affect how long it 
takes to actually cook you want that cauliflower   rice to become nice and tender and warmed through 
I'm going to season that with a little bit of salt   and a little bit of black pepper and just as a 
reminder you're not going to taste this it's just   a really great way to sneak in an extra veggie 
add some more fiber while also bulking up the   meal so you're going to add some volume and nobody 
is ever going to know that it's in there okay once   the cauliflower rice is tender and cooked through 
we are ready for our seasoning now you're going   to need about five tablespoons of taco seasoning 
which is about one packet like I have here I'm a   big fan of this siete brand taco seasoning it's 
so flavorful and it's very convenient you can   also make your taco seasoning from scratch and I 
will link a recipe for you down in the description   box below so we'll sprinkle that into the pan add 
about a third of a cup to a half of a cup of water   stir that all together and just let it simmer for 
a couple of minutes so that all of those flavors   can come together and then once it's cooled down I 
just transfer it into an airtight container and I   leave this in my fridge as a head start ingredient 
for busy weeks and then we will pull it out to   either put on top of the salad to build a burrito 
bowl or to make these extremely simple tacos which   is just a combination of the ground meat with 
some onions tomatoes lettuce and maybe a little   dollop of Greek yogurt so simple so delicious and 
extremely satisfying so as you can see cauliflower   rice is a fantastic ingredient to keep on hand 
for any Healthy Home cook and if you're feeling   excited and inspired about cauliflower rice 
and you want even more recipe ideas make sure   to check out my cauliflower oatmeal and my fried 
cauliflower rice I'll see you over there cheers

Drink this before breakfast, burns 1lb a day

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